The Sylthorian

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~ Chapter 60: A day like no other ~

[Alkelios’ point of view]

 One week after my meeting with Queen Elliessara Seyendraugher of the Albeyater Kingdom, I found myself once again waiting in front of the large doors that led towards the Throne Room. The dragons managed to fix them up nicely, and no signs of my forced entry could be seen anywhere. Well, given the importance of this room and also the fact that dragons had access to magic, it was highly unlikely that it was going to stay broken for too long. It was unaesthetic first of all, and second of all, the wrath of the Seyendraugher King and that of his Prime Minister wasn’t something a worker would have wanted to bring upon himself.

I was wearing the armor I had used during my battle against Draejan. At my hips, I had Heaven and Hell sheathed in their individual enchanted scabbard. There were too guards in front of me, and both of them were wary of my presence. After all, last time we had the pleasure of crossing paths, they ended up flying across the room and staying unconscious for the most part of the day.

As for why I was standing here like this, the answer laid in the ceremony I was about to take part in. According to the custom, I had to wait here until I was called in. Like all those before me, I had to present myself while wearing my best armor and weapons, to look clean and presentable, and certainly not drunk or under the influence of any narcotics. Apparently, they made this a clear rule after a certain dragon arrived late at this ceremony, half drunk, and also in his casual clothes. He still got the rank, but he was heavily scolded for this by most of the nobles present at his ceremony.

Seryanna, Princess Elleyzabelle, and even the Queen herself made sure to remind me of this... several times. Speaking of which, after my audience with her Majesty, I dropped by more often in order to prepare her the Cure-All tea and to tell them about my adventures in the Seculiar Forest.

Feryumstark spat out his tea when he heard about the army of insect monsters that were marching towards Albeyater. Because it was too meddlesome, I told him that no further rewards or thanks were necessary. I just happened to be at the right time and place, but I was glad to hear they weren’t allies or anything of the sort.

Unfortunately, given the dangers of the Seculiar Forest, there was no way to send a scouting party to the Northern Desert to bring back proof of my claims. I did show him, however, some armor pieces and a half-broken weapon that belonged to those insectoid creatures, which I kept in my [Black Hole] as spare blacksmith materials. Both of their Majesties showed a worried expression when they took a closer look at them, however, they didn’t share their thoughts with me. I came to the conclusion that if there was anything that I had to know about this incident, they would tell me at the right time.

Besides the Queen and King, their two youngest children, the twins, also listened to my tales with great interest. They found themselves pulled in by the many battles I had and the things I managed to build. They always called me Great Hero, Human Hero, Dragon Hero, Brave Hero, but not even once did they use my actual name even though I asked them several time to do it. I had no problem in being called like that, but I didn’t want the young Prince and Princess to grow up with a weird idea about me... or to expect more of me or turn me into some sort of ridiculous supernatural being who was nigh-omnipotent.

This ceremony I was about to attend to was one I was told about by the King himself, and the Queen agreed with it as well. Seeing how she was feeling much better, she wanted to find the perfect moment when she could show herself in public again, and what better opportunity to do so than the Ceremony of Rise to Nobility of the one who saved her life?

The event was publicly announced exactly one week ago, and I heard that countless dragons and dragonesses were going to attend it. I, for one, knew not even a quarter of them, but after today, many of them would certainly try to make my acquaintance.

On the other hand, I had a feeling everyone was buzzing inside with the sudden appearance of the Queen, which in result would also bring MORE attention on me. Hence why I decided to wear my best armor and weapons.

“Now enters Alkelios Yatagai!” shouted someone from the other side of the door, which began to open slowly.

I gulped and stood up straight. Even I wanted to go in looking my best.

Here goes nothing... I thought and then stepped forward.

Murmurs and curious eyes fell on me the moment I entered the room.

Unlike the time when the traitors were gathered up, today the whole room was filled with dragons and dragonesses as well as knights who formed a row to my left and right. The number of women far surpassed that of men, and the clothes they wore were all exquisite and representative of a refined taste. There were countless faces I couldn’t recognize, but I didn’t bother to look around, I kept my head straight and stepped forward with confidence. Until I reached the two thrones, in front of which I had to kneel down, I couldn’t allow myself to be distracted by anything unless I wished to be seen as both disrespectful and rude.

Still, in a way, I understood now why Feryumstark said this country had a matriarchal society where the females of their species dominated the political intrigue and the males flourished on the battlefield. All the dragonesses present in this room stood in front of the dragons, except for the royal couple, whose positions were symbolic. The pressure of presence they gave off was one of titanic political figures. Their gaze was one filled partially with curiosity and intrigue towards my very existence. They were analyzing me, dissecting my character to find points of weakness or strength, to see if I was of more worth as an ally or as a foe. The dragons tried to do the same, but their presence was vastly overshadowed by the dragonesses. There wasn’t even a point to compare the two.

When I stopped in front of their Majesties, I knelt on one knee and bowed my head in front of them. Silence covered the entire room, and everyone’s attention was on us.

The King got up from his chair and took a step forward. His presence was imposing as always, making all those who looked at him understand their place in the food chain. The only one unaffected was the Queen, who just by being present here made the whole ceremony receive a whole new level of importance.

“Alkelios Yatagai, you have shown courage, intelligence, and determination when the fate of the Albeyater Kingdom was at stake. You have shown wisdom and understanding when my wife, Queen Elliessara Seyendraugher, was proven to have been poisoned by the traitors who sought to harm our Kingdom. You have shown strength and might worthy of a Breakthrough-er and an incredible devotion to the dragon kind when you yourself chose to become one of us! As the rightful ruler of the Albeyater Kingdom, I had come to the conclusion that it would be both unwise and unjust not to reward you for your achievements!” he declared in a powerful tone of voice, which echoed throughout the entire room.

While he spoke, everyone here listened to him carefully. No one even dared to make a single sound. I, as well, paid attention to his words.

After he finished, Queen Elliessara got up from her seat and joined her husband’s side.

“Alkelios Yatagai, you have done a great deal for Albeyater Kingdom. You have shown your worth not only to me but also to many important figures in this land. General Brekkar Draketerus, Sir Seryanna Draketerus, Lady Thraherkleyoseya Draketerus, Sir Kataryna Greorg, Prime Minister Elovius Seyendraugher, Princess Elleyzabelle Seyendraugher, and many others. Your desire to protect this kingdom has been shown on more than one occasion, and as my husband declared, they cannot go unrewarded.” she declared in a captivating tone of voice which let you know that she was the ruler here.

When looking at the two of them, you would normally think that the big imposing dragon was the one in charge of everything, but when they spoke, there was a clear difference between the two. Their presence held a different pressure as well.

“We have thought long and hard about what this reward should be. Seeing how you have no title or rank, we have decided to grant you one in accordance with your abilities, relationships, and achievements.” said the Queen.

“But before we announce which one it shall be, Alkelios Yatagai, raise your head and stand up straight!” declared the King.

“As you wish, your Majesty!” I replied and then got up from my kneeling position.

“Good! Now, I ask of you to make an oath here, in front of all the present draconians and our gods above. Do you, Alkelios Yatagai, swear to protect and defend the Albeyater Kingdom from now on as though you would your own family?” Feryumstark asked.

“I swear to protect and defend the Albeyater Kingdom from now on as though it was my own family!” I replied in a firm tone of voice.

“Do you, Alkelios Yatagai, accept me and my wife as your King and Queen from henceforth, whose orders you will obey and whose laws you will reinforce?”

“I swear to accept Feryumstark Seyendraugher and Elliessara Seyendraugher as my King and Queen whose orders I obey and laws will reinforce!” I replied.

“Then from now on, you are not just Alkelios Yatagai, you shall be known as Duke Yatagai of the Albeyater Kingdom! In all you do from now on, may you bring glory to your King and Queen! May you bring glory to the Albeyater Kingdom!” declared King Feryumstark Seyendraugher in a powerful tone of voice which echoed throughout the room for all those present here to hear loud and clear.

“Thank you, your Majesties! I swear I will do everything I can to reinforce your laws and listen to your orders!” I made a bow at the waist.

“Then so be it!” declared the King.

I straightened myself and took a step back from them.

With this, the ceremony was over and everyone in the room began to whisper among themselves. Most of the dragonesses here seemed to have been shocked by the fact that I was made a Duke on the get go. Actually, even I was surprised. I was expecting a Baron, a Marquise, maybe even Viscount, but certainly not a Duke, which was a title one step under that of a Prince.

While the King and Queen returned to their respective thrones, several dragonesses approached me to congratulated me on becoming a Duke. Although I held no land to speak of, I was a Duke in title only and had more of a military role within the Kingdom. It wasn’t like I minded, I wouldn’t have had the time needed to properly administer the land anyway, and I told their Majesties this very fact several times, pointing out that I had my mind set on traveling around the world and visiting other nations. While Albeyater Kingdom was going to be my home country from now on, there was no point in forcing myself to stay within its borders.

As for those who congratulated me, they were formal and openly showed their interest in my armor, weapons, and scale colors. I replied with the words the Queen herself thought me to say:

“A pleasure to meet you as well [Rank] [Family Name of the individual], but I apologize, for at this moment in time, I am unable to answer your questions. Maybe with another occasion perhaps? I would be delighted to chat more then.”

It was only a formal matter as the sheer number of nobles who stood in line to congratulate me wouldn’t have allowed for any small talk to take place. Besides, behind me were two dragonesses with a short fuse, who gave a glare to anyone who tried to get too close or tried to prolong the conversation.

Once the formalities were over, I stepped out of the throne room together with Kataryna and Seryanna and then the three of us went to grab something to eat at Brekkar’s Inn. Collentra and Bayuk were waiting for us with a hot meal, and little Askanti, their child, was taking a small nap in the back room.

“So what title were you given, Alkelios?” asked Collentra when she brought us three bowls of soup, one for each of us.

“I’m a Duke now.” I replied calmly after the food was placed on the table.

“A DUKE?!” she said raising the tone of her voice.

“I told you she would be surprised.” Kataryna showed a mischievous smirk.

“My apologies, but just last year you had no rank in this Kingdom, more so... you were a human, then before I knew it, you became a dragon and now a duke! It’s like you have the luck of the gods, Alkelios!” commented the dragoness as she shook her head.

“You don’t know half of it.” Seryanna replied with small giggle.

“Well, in that case, I’m glad you keep coming to eat here, Alkelios! Having such big names visit our humble inn can only be good for business!” Collentra laughed.

“Of course! The food is good and the atmosphere’s nice!” I said with a nod.

“Glad to hear that! Enjoy your meal then, you’ll need it for this evening’s main event!” she winked at me and then left.

“Well she is right about that. The day had just begun and there’s still that ceremony to go through.” said Kataryna.

“And how do you feel about that?” asked Seryanna as she took a peek at the silver-scaled dragoness.

“Ah, that’s a good question! What do I feel about it?” Kataryna replied and leaned back in her chair. Looking up at the ceiling, she said “I don’t mind it, and I am indeed happy for the two of you... As for myself, I don’t really know what I’m feeling...” she shook her head and showed us a wry smile.

“Weren’t you the one who claimed you wanted to have an egg with me?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

“I did and I still want to.” she nodded.

“Strange words to say in front of his future wife.” Seryanna pointed out.

“Are you against it?” asked Kataryna.

Seryanna looked up at her and then replied “I’m against witnessing the act and if he wants to offer you an egg, I don’t mind it... that much.” she narrowed her eyes “I would honestly like to keep Alkelios all to myself and leave it that way.” she declared and then let out a sigh “But you... you I wouldn’t mind as a sister-wife.” she showed Kataryna a smile.

The silver-scaled dragoness blinked surprised and then showed her a warm smile “I don’t mind you keeping your claws on him all the time just as long as you give him to me from time to time.”

“Of course. We can manage this, but...” Seryanna smiled “We’ll see if you feel the same after I had my first egg with him. Once I have our egg, I can lend him to you if you still want him.” she said.

“Erm... Sorry to butt in on this apparently important conversation, but would you mind not talking about me as though I am some sort of ‘toy’ with no free will which you can pass from one to another with no reservation at all? Especially when the said ‘toy’ is standing right here between the two of you?” I asked them as subtly as I could.

“Oh, don’t worry, Seryanna, I’ll make sure not to break him! I’ll bring him back clean!” Kataryna said with a giggle.

“Make sure to properly feed him too. I don’t want him lacking the energy to please me afterwards.” pointed out Seryanna with a wink.

“Of course!”

The two the giggled.

“You are totally ignoring me and having fun with this, aren’t you?” I asked narrowing my eyes at Seryanna.

“What? Nonsense!” she giggled.

“You are laughing!” I pointed out.

“Relax, Alkelios, this is a matter between dragonesses.” Kataryna patted my shoulder.

“Yeah, about who drags me into bed first!” I retorted.

“Hey, this is a matriarchy, remember?” she winked back.

“Why you... FINE! If you want to play it that way, I have something to say about this as well!” I declared pointing at the ceiling.

“Oh, really?” Seryanna said as she looked at Kataryna and then back at me.

“Yes, really. Erm... If Kataryna still wants to have an egg with me after I had one with Seryanna, then I will gladly make it happen, and I will enjoy it too!” I said hitting the table with my fist.

This resulted in the soup bowls flying up and landing right on top of our heads...




Then the table broke into several pieces...




The two dragonesses slowly turned their furious gaze towards me, and I gulped.

“Erm... My bad?” I showed them a wry smile as a piece of noodles fell off my left cheek.

“Alkelios... You said you reached a Breakthrough, right?” asked Collentra who was standing behind me.

I gulped again and slowly turned to look at the third angry dragoness who was glaring at me with her arms crossed at her chest.

“Erm... Yes?” I replied with a wry smile.

“Good! Then you will survive my Punch of Fury!” she said as she made a fist.

“Wait! But I’m a Duke now, right? Isn’t punching a Duke bad?!” I tried to defend myself.

“Yes, that’s why these two lovely ladies whom you drenched in my soup will punch you as well!” she said.

“Wait what?” I blinked and then looked back at Seryanna and Kataryna who got up and both made a fist. “OK, I know I may deserve a tiny slap, but I think you are exaggerating a bit? Just a tiny bit... Seryanna please don’t make a fist. Erm, Kataryna, why are wrapping your fist in ice armor? Collentra... that’s a frying pan not a fist!” I said as I backed away from the three.

“Nooo~, we’re not exaggerating in the slightest. You drenched us in soup and broke a table. You are a Breakthrough-er, so you should have known better than to do that. Most of all, you should know how to properly control your own strength.” Seryanna showed me a cold smile.

“I don’t really care, but I’m just going with the flow.” Kataryna said with a shrug and a cold smile.

Like HELL you don’t care! I thought in my mind as I backed away until I reached the wall.

“Collentra! Askanti just woke up... Erm, are you busy?” Bayuk asked as he came out with the little baby.

“Abububu!” the little one made a cute baby noise and the three dragonesses melted, completely forgetting about me.

“Awww~! How cute!” times three.

Am I saved? I wondered.

As I was trying to sneak away, Kataryna trapped me in an Ice Cage that reached all the way up to my neck.

“Don’t think we’ve forgotten about you. Just stay there until we’re done playing with the cute baby.” she said before taking some noodles out of her hair.

“Me and my blasted Luck...” I grumbled to myself.

One would think that my stats should have prevented this incident from happening, but the Universe didn’t see it as life-threatening, neither did I, and despite the way the conversation was going, I didn’t really feel like I was in a terrible danger or wished for it not to happen, thus, resulting in the passive ability of granting me 100% chance of something good happening to not activate.

Then again, if you looked at it from another perspective, what were the chances of me actually being able to land three bowls of soup on all three of us at the same time AND break the table in the process, all with one single hit?

Not long afterwards, Seryanna gave me a slap on my left cheek, Kataryna punched me on the right one, and Collentra gave me a pan on the head... all at the same time with perfect timing. After my served punishment of breaking the table and drenching them in soup, Bayuk gave me a broom and told me to clean up the mess I made... I complied... This was probably the first time a Duke had to go through something as embarrassing as this, but I did break the table. I should have controlled my strength better.

Once I was done cleaning, Collentra gave me a bowl of warm soup at a new table, where Kataryna and Seryanna joined me. We talked about something else, like the upcoming tournament and new things I could make for them. Seryanna told me about meeting the Albeyater Kingdom’s best blacksmith and her friend: Dregarya Gorrashy.

Then, after we ate, we borrowed two separate rooms at the inn for us to get washed and changed out of our soup-drenched armors. I thought I was going to take a bath with Seryanna, but Kataryna pulled her away.

Thanks to our spells and good use of magic, the drenched armors were all cleaned up in no time at all. We left the inn and thanked Collentra for the hospitality... and pan strike.

Back at the castle, we all went our separate ways again. I went to a room the King had prepared for me. Here, I met with Brekkar and Feryumstark who were having a Chess Showdown. I introduced the game to them a few days ago on a whim, but apparently it sparked a curious rivalry between the two. They both managed to beat me at it not long after I showed them how you played it.

I tried to take my revenge again today, but I wasn’t able to do it, so I resigned myself to the humble role of an observer. However, as time went by studying their moves, the sense of urgency began to grow inside me.

The reason for this was a rather important and pressing matter I had to deal with. In not even one hour from now, I was to head to the Temple of Drakartus in the capital, where another big ceremony was going to take place.

This time, I wasn’t going to receive a title or rank in the Albeyater Kingdom, but I was going to be recognized as Seryanna’s husband and she as my wife. Indeed, today... was the day I was going to marry my redhead dragoness.

“Alkelios, relax. It’s not that big of a deal, and you memorized everything you have to do.” said Brekkar right before he moved the black pawn on C5.

They were starting a new game.

“You old lizard, what are you scheming?” Feryumstark grumbled as he looked at the table, then moved his left white Knight on F3.

“I’m totally relaxed, Brekkar.” I retorted.

“You are hanging by the ceiling in your half-beast form. You look more like a stressed-out bat than a dragon. Knight on C6.” he said.

“Huh? I didn’t notice.” I said as I got off the ceiling.

I really did take a bat-like position.

At the very least, I didn’t say: Silence! I’m prowling the night, for I am Batdragon! I thought and shook my head.

That would have been... embarrassing.

“Let me tell you something, young dragon. Even I was nervous on the day of my marriage with Elliessara! Pawn G3.” he said.

“You were?” I asked.

“There is no dragon out there who can claim they weren’t nervous on their wedding day. For you, this was also the day when you became a noble, which by all rights makes you even more worthy of my granddaughter’s hand! Pawn E5.” said Brekkar.

“I guess it does... But what if I mess it up?” I asked.

“Then just wish for nothing bad to happen.” suggested the king.

“You know, you are right. I do wish for nothing bad to happen during today’s wedding ceremony!” I declared proudly.

“By the way, you aren’t going to my granddaughter’s wedding wearing THAT!” Brekkar lifted his head off the table and pointed at me.

“What do you mean?” I asked a bit confused.

“You are wearing your own armor BACKWARDS!” he retorted.

“Bishop G2. The boy must be more nervous than we thought he is.” Feryumstark sighed and shook his head.

“Oh! Really... It’s backwards... How did that happen?!” I said as I twisted around.

“You are lucky the enchant makes holes where your wings are, otherwise that armor would have ended up shattered to pieces.” said Brekkar.

“Indeed.” nodded Feryumstark.

“I’m good with enchants...” I pointed out as I changed back to my human form. “By the way, what’s the score so far?” I asked.

“45 to 45” replied Brekkar.

“This old lizard is good.” pointed out Feryumstark.

“I’m not a general just for show!” the dragon laughed.

“And I’m not a King just for show either!” the other laughed.

“You two really like this game, don’t you?” I asked.

“Indeed, it is enjoyable. We have a similar one, but this one has more well-defined laws.” replied Brekkar.

“I see... Well, I’ll go change then go over the rules of today’s ceremony one more time.” I said as I moved to the dresser and changed into my suit for today’s wedding.

It was a silver armor with fine golden decorations added to it. This was Brekkar’s old wedding armor which he kept just for such an occasion. I didn’t have one, but even if I could make it from scratch, it felt more appropriate to accept this one. It had... sentimental value. Apparently, Seryanna was going to wear her grandmother’s wedding dress... erm... armor... thing.

I had yet to see how she would look like wearing it, but when I tried to take a peek when she was testing it out, Kataryna punched me to the other side of the city... I landed in some poor dragon’s fish cart. Of course, I paid for it and the cart, but I didn’t take it with me. I donated it to the not-so-wealthy dragons in the slums. I also gave them a bunch of healing potions to those I found sickly, for which reason I apparently became well-liked by them.

When it was time to head out, Feryumstark and Brekkar stopped their game where it was and walked out with me. The two of them took the Royal Carriage, while I was to head there together with Iolaus. Seryanna, Kataryna and the other women were already there, meaning that us men were the last to arrive as tradition beckoned.

“How are you holding up?” asked Iolaus with a cocky smirk on his face.

“You’ll soon find out as well.” I replied with a smile.

“What? I... Erm... Yeah...” he looked away.

“Is this the carriage we’re riding in?” I asked as I pointed at the decorated silver carriage next to him.

“Of course, you are a Duke now. Traveling on foot is unbecoming of you.” he replied with a stern expression on his face.

“I think I can manage. Can’t be worse than running away from hungry sheep.” I shrugged.

“Ah, that must have been horrible.” he said.

“Oh yeah! You don’t want to know how I escaped, but let’s just say it involves Luck and me falling headfirst in something very gross.” I said with a smile.

“Ew!” he grimaced.

“Hey! It worked! That’s what matters!” I retorted.

“Still gross.” he said.

“Sigh. Let’s just get going... I don’t want to leave Seryanna waiting...”

“You wouldn’t, trust me. The ladies worked very hard to prepare this wedding, especially the celebration party.” he reminded me.

“Indeed, they did their best...” I nodded and then we got on the carriage.

“I for one can’t wait to see the moment when Brekkar punches you in the face at the party!” Iolaus showed me a wide grin as he said that.

“That is one part I’m not looking forward to...” I retorted narrowing my eyes at him.

The carriage driver pulled the reins, and the Khosinni began to trot and slowly move up to a canter. We were heading for the Temple of Drakartus, and no pit-stops were allowed.

During the journey, I was reminded that when the talk about preparations came, me, Iolaus, and Brekkar were literally tossed out of the room by Kataryna and Kleo. Later, the Queen joined them as well, and as a result, the King joined our merry group. These dragons helped me understand the traditions as well as learn my lines for the upcoming ceremony, but although I practiced them very well, I was literally a nervous wreck.

As our carriage arrived in front of the temple, I could see many other guests entering the temple as well. Everyone was a noble here, but there were going to be commoners present as well, like Collentra, Bayuk, and their child. They were not the only ones to bring their little ones to this event, it was seen as a blessing for fertility towards the newlyweds.

The temple of Drakartus was located in the noble area alongside the temples of the other gods. It was like a small religious corner where most nobles went to pray. There were similar ones in the commoner area too, but not as big or well decorated. This one was almost entirely made out of white marble, but it was decorated with red gemstones. The general color theme for the Drakartus temple was White, Red, and Gold. Every temple had its own color theme. As for the decorations themselves, they were representations of dragons in their beast form. Inside, the walls were covered in depictions of scenes of great importance in their religious lore, such as large-scale battles or a blessed marriage.

Iolaus stepped out of the carriage first. I climbed out after him and remained there standing.

“I can’t believe this day finally came...” I said as I looked up at the temple.

“Yeah... Who would have believed the scrawny little human I met back in Pertiko was going to marry the oldest granddaughter of General Brekkar Draketerus?” commented Iolaus.

“I also became a Duke and a Breakthrough-er.” I smirked at him.

“With so many achievements in one year, you will go down in history!”

“I know... but I don’t complain.” I shrugged.

“Just remember what you have to do. I’m going in to announce your arrival.”

“Sure... I’ll just wait here...” I said with a wry smirk.

For dragons, it wasn’t something along the lines of ‘Here comes the bride!’ but rather ‘Here comes the groom!’. Although I never did witness an actual marriage ceremony back in Romania, I did have a rough idea of what happened during one thanks to the wonders of the internet, movies, and TV series. Because of this, I knew that the one in the dragon traditions and the ones in both orthodox and catholic traditions, had quite an interesting resemblance.

The first part went down like this:

After the assembly gathered, the priest came forward and announced the beginning of the ceremony. A song was played in the background, performed by the temple’s own acolytes and priests. It was only an instrumental one, but the sound was calm, soothing, and had a certain happy note to it.

As the priest explained how Drakartus united in the holy matrimony the gods Lumenya and Lumenos, the assembly listened while sitting down. By the end of the first song, the story was over.

Now, Seryanna, who was the bride to be, was going to stand in front of the priest and receive a preaching. Through it, she was advised on how to traditionally take care of the family and always make it a priority, but never above the words of their gods or those of their King and Queen. Because she was also part of the military force of the Albeyater Kingdom, she was also told to remember that her time on the battlefield was one through which she would not only protect the people of this land but also her own family, and she should always remember this when in battle from now on.

At this point, Iolaus, who was the ‘Bringer of the Groom’, announced my arrival and opened the door for me. Up until now, I would have to wait next to the carriage, so I didn’t hear the preach Seryanna received, but I had a good idea of what she might be told. Feryumstark and Brekkar gave me a detailed explanation of the whole thing. Tradition dictated that I should not make a single step forward until called in. If I did, it would be seen as a bad omen and this marriage would be riddled with bad luck. When I first heard this, I inwardly smiled because even if I had 100 Luck, I still wouldn’t dare to take the chance to bring any unfounded omen upon my own marriage.

“The groom has arrived!” Iolaus announced and then opened the big doors of the temple.

That’s my cue. I thought and straightened myself.

With a smile on my face, I approached the entrance of the temple. Here, I made a bow to the left and one to the right. This signified my acceptance of Drakartus’ blessing in the following ceremony.

Afterwards, I entered the temple. I held my back straight and a hand over my chest, with my palm resting over my heart. This signified my willingness to participate in this ceremony and declaration of love towards the one standing in front of the altar. While I approached the bride to be, another song was played out in the background.

Seryanna at this point was with her back at the altar and looking at me. She also held her hand over her chest, with her palm over her heart, a gesture that signified her approval and love of me.

Seeing her for the first time in the wedding... erm... armor made me blush and simply be amazed of how beautiful she was.

Her long lush red hair was wrapped in a golden string with nine pins stabbed in a small bun at the back of her head. Over her shoulders, she wore a transparent white mantle made out of silk. The armor was white and made out of thin plates over a light chainmail. Underneath, she wore a one-piece dress, which extended all the way to the ground, hiding her tail. Around her hips were white plates of armors made out of three parts. The dress had long sleeves which reached all the way to her wrists, where it expanded in a diameter to several sizes. In her left hand she held a bouquet of multiple red flowers and a candle in the middle. Traditionally, it always had to be the same color as the bride’s scales, that was why a marriage was never performed for Unawakened dragons.

When I arrived at the altar, the song ended. I made a bow in front of Seryanna, another in front of the altar, and then I had to turn around and make another bow to the King and Queen who stood on the front row seat.

Lastly, I turned to face Seryanna, and said “I am blessed to be in your presence today, my love.”

“I am blessed to have you in my presence today, my love.” she replied.

These were the ceremony’s lines for greeting each other.

After this, I moved to her right side. Here, Brekkar, who was the dragon representative of her family and also a substitute for her deceased father, gave me a bouquet of flowers similar to hers, but had Red, White, Black, and Yellow flowers instead. Again, this represented the color of my scales.

I made a head bow to Brekkar and held the bouquet in my right hand. I turned to face the priest.

“Blessed be this day, for we have all gathered here to witness as these two willingly and selfishly bind themselves together in marriage and love!” the priest said as he took my left hand and Seryanna’s right hand then joined them together up in the air for everyone to see.

“With love, I declare my willingness to participate in this ceremony!” we each spoke this line one after another, with the first one being Seryanna.

A song was played in the background and the priest lowered our hands.

“Love is a blessed gift offered to us by the gods. And while few cherish it as they do, I still urge you to try to be like Lumenos and Lumenya and hold it high in your hearts! Never let it waver nor let it dry. Love is an act of will and not of need. As long as you hold it within you, so will the gods above bless you. Now, I stand here as a humble substitute for our great god Drakartus to unite these two in the holy ceremony of matrimony! I bless thee, Alkelios Yatagai.” the priest said and then used a small fire spell to light my candle. “I bless thee, Seryanna Draketerus.” he lit her candle “May the two of you cherish the love you hold for one another, and may it never dwindle or waver for as long as you are given days to live on this world!” the priest raised his hands in the air and a chorus sang to accompany the instruments.

The tune lasted for about a minute, then he lowered his hands and walked back to the altar. From on top of it, he took two circlets, one out of gold and one out of silver. He approached us and continued with the second part of the ceremony.

“In the name of Drakartus, the God of Life and guardian of all the dragons in this world, I bless thee, Seryanna Draketerus, to lead a happy life filled with love and treasured moments alongside your husband, Alkelios Yatagai. May this gold crown signify your willingness to accept the role of leading the family and keeping it safe.” he said and then placed the gold crown on top of her head.

Seryanna closed her eyes and bowed her head once, then the priest turned to me.

“In the name of Drakartus, the God of Life and guardian of all the dragons in this world, I bless thee, Alkelios Yatagai, to lead a happy life filled with love and treasured moments alongside your wife, Seryanna Draketerus. May this silver crown signify your willingness to accept the role of protecting your family and keeping it safe.” he said and then placed the silver crown on top of my head.

I too closed my eyes and bowed my head once.

The priest lifted his hands up and another chorus sang for about one minute, then only the instrumental melody remained.

“In front of our god, Drakartus, Alkelios Yatagai, reveal the rings of marriage.” he said.

At this point, I activated my [Black Hole] skill, which brought a bit of a surprise to everyone, seeing as how I wasn’t just taking them out of my pocket. From inside, I pulled out a crystal box.

After the black hole vanished, I turned to face the priest and opened the box. Inside were two special rings I had made myself. They were simple identical rings made out of enchanted Celestium-Dregaryum alloy inscribed underneath with the words: ‘May our love last forever.’. The enchants I placed on them was a morphing one for when she turned into her beast form and a Luck one.

To my surprise, a Grand Godlike Enchanter could add some very interesting enchants on items. The one I found to be rather incredible was the [Add 10 points in Luck] one. Of course, there was a downside to it: the enchanted item couldn’t hold another enchant besides one at the same level as the morphing one; I couldn’t add more than 10 points; and only one such item could be worn by an individual. If someone were to wear two such rings, the effect would activate only on the first one. Also, the enchant had no effect on me and couldn’t be added on common metals like gold, silver, iron, copper, etc.

“These are... some rather remarkable rings.” said the priest, who was quite surprised by them.

“It’s my own work. Celestium-Dregaryum alloy, and they are enchanted as well.” I said.

“Celestium? The same material from which god level artifacts are said to be made out of?” he asked surprised.

“For my special dragoness, I saw it only fit to offer her the best of what I could make.” I said with a smile as I turned my head and looked straight into her charming red eyes.

Hearing me say this, Seryanna smiled and blushed.

“Very well, then we shall proceed!” the priest said and then took out the two rings and lifted them up in the sky.

Murmurs and whispers spread throughout the entire temple as everyone came to know the metals they were made out of.

“Oh, Drakartus, God of Life, bless these rings with your light and let them be the physical proof of the union between Seryanna Draketerus and Alkelios Yatagai!” he said this three times before lowering them down.

“Do you, Seryanna Draketerus, take Alkelios Yatagai to be your lawfully wedded husband in good times and bad, in sickness and in health, to love them and honor them all the days you have left on this world as granted by Drakartus, the God of Life? And do you, Alkelios Yatagai, take Seryanna Draketerus to be your lawfully wedded wife in good times and bad, in sickness and in health, to love them and honor them all the days you have left on this world as granted by Drakartus, the God of Life?” he asked.

We each took one ring from the priest’s hand and looked at each other.

“I, Seryanna Draketerus, take Alkelios Yatagai to be my lawfully wedded husband in good times and bad, in sickness and in health, to love him and honor him all the days I have left on this world as granted by Drakartus, the God of Life.” she declared and then placed the ring on my left hand ring finger.

“I, Alkelios Yatagai, take Seryanna Draketerus to be my lawfully wedded wife in good times and bad, in sickness and in health, to love her and honor her all the days I have left on this world as granted by Drakartus, the God of Life.” I declared and then placed the ring on her left hand ring finger.

“Then in the name of Drakartus, I pronounce you husband and wife! May the two of you lead a happy life together blessed with riches, with love, and with many children! You may now kiss the bride!”

And so I did.

In front of the priest of the Drakartus Temple and the assembly that stood up and applauded, with the background music and chorus singing, I took Seryanna in my arms and kissed her.

This was indeed a one-of-a-kind day I would come to always remember no matter where my destiny would lead me in the future.