Worlds of Fantasy, Myth, and Romance are waiting for you to explore them~

Cristian Mădălin Dragomir

Published Books and Web Novels

Author of several Best Selling Books, Web Novels, Poems, Articles, and other various stories.

The Entertainer

Bringing you hours of entertainment on Twitch!

The Counsellor/Consilierul

We all have our own personal troubles in our day to day life, and I’m here to offer you guidance to help you solve them.

Cu toții avem probleme personale ce ne apasă de pe o zi pe alta, iar eu sunt aici pentru a te ghida în a le rezolva.


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“Countless times I have expressed my appreciation and gratitude towards those who willingly offered a little bit of their own in order to help nurture both me as a writer and this website as a whole.”

- DraogmirCM