Support the Author!
Together we make can make a difference!
Thank you for showing your support!
Currently, there are two big ways you can help support the author financially.
First Method: Buying the Books
This would be the best way to show your support to the author as this way not only will you help improve his outreach towards other potential curious readers but also help the stats of the books, keeping them up on that bestselling list for a longer period of time.
Reviews are most welcomed! A review helps with showing the quality of that respective book as well as the overall interest in it. The more the better, the higher the rating the better!
Second Method: Patreon
Through a one-time pay or a monthly subscription, you are directly helping the author. Rewards may vary and change over time.
The good part about this is that it helps to support the author directly financially, keeping this website up and for the most part free of advertisements.
The other good part is that it helps morally to see just how many of you are there to help.
- DragomirCM: “Honestly speaking, it really did help to get my moral up and remind myself that there are a lot of kind and good people out there willing to stay with you through thick and thin in their own way.”
The bad part about this is that it does not help overall with improving the recognition of his books.
How will the money from Patreon be used?
The most important payments made with Patreon will be towards the maintenance of the website, paying for covers and other art pieces, as well as anything that will help the writer develop himself better or reduce his stress levels.
How was the money up till now used?
Up till now, the money was used towards the maintenance of the website (paying the host), buying plugins and upgrades for the website, at times paying for the opinions of professionals to help make it work better. It was also used to pay for several covers, Microsoft Word subscription, and anything that the author believed would help with his creative flow and mental health.
Do I really need the money?
Yes, no doubt about it. Even $1 counts not only from a financial point of view but also a moral one. Whenever the author receives that notification about a new Patron, it becomes a moment of joy and happiness. Of course, the more you can offer the better, it will always be appreciated!
Other ways to support the Author:
- If you enjoy his work as an entertainer on Twitch, you can always drop a Follow and a Subscription. If you have Twitch Prime, then you can always support him for free for one month (Do remember, you can only choose one creator every month!). You can also gift Subscriptions to others if you want. If you have no subs to give, then lurking around in his chat to increase that magic viewer number is also exceptionally helpful!
- Review the books on Amazon if you bought them.
- Vote for his books on the topwebfiction website.
- Join his Discord server and become an active member.