The Sylthorian

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~ Chapter 61: A chat with the gods ~

[Leonidas' point of view]

 When I opened my eyes, I could see nothing but endless pure white wherever I looked. Yet, I had the strange feeling that I was in some sort of room and not outside. The space simply felt limited yet at the same time stretched towards infinity. It was an odd sensation to say the least.

“I'm floating?” I said when I realized I couldn't touch the floor.

Normally, I should have panicked, but I already experienced something similar before. Yes, it was earlier today when I first met Ezimuth. The only difference between then and now was the color of this place and the degree of awareness I had within it. Rather than feeling like I was in some sort of trance that made me numb to raging emotions, this time it was as if I was fully awake and nothing interfered with my current mental state.

“So here you are, at last!” someone called out from behind.

I recognized the voice, but it had been a very long time since I last heard it.

When I turned around to look at him, I saw in that spot where there was nothing there just a moment ago three floating people. If memory served me right, then they were not mortals but gods.

The one who spoke was none other than the god covered in a full-body plate armor I met back when I was selecting the world for my reincarnation. Next to him was a beautiful elf goddess who wore an elegant long dress completely made out of vines and leafs. Her chestnut hair was tied up in a ponytail. As for the third god, he was none other than the God of Darkness Ezimuth.

Although I was a bit stumped by what just happened, I didn't forget my manners.

I bowed my head before them and then said “Hello... It's nice to meet you again.”

“Ah, yes! Likewise, we are pleased to see you again, Leonidas.” said the big fellow wearing armor plate and then laughed.

Because his helmet was covering his face, I couldn't tell how he looked like. For all I knew, this armor could have been his actual body.

“Indeed, it's good to see you, young soul.” said the elf goddess.

Ezimuth nodded.

“So, what happened to me now?” I asked.

“Nothing, young one! Believe it or not, this is a simple conjugal visit.” giggled the elf goddess.

“So, how was my Blessing?” asked Ezimuth with a smile.

“Amazing actually... If I didn't have it, Sapherya's 'help' would have definitely killed me... well it did... over 100 times.” I said and narrowed my eyes.

“Oh, my!” the elf goddess acted surprised.

“Well, maybe she wouldn't have offered it in the first place if she didn't think I could handle it.” I continued and let out a sigh.

This much was obvious even for me, but it still was a rather unpleasant experience to go through. Who in their right mind would enjoy dying over and over again?

“True. She may look like a cute klutz, but in the end, she is a goddess with five names.” the armor-plated god pointed out.

“Are your names of that big of an importance?” I asked tilting my head to the left.

“Yes, quite so. They are given by our followers and strengthened by them as well. Usually, it's one per each planet we evolve.” Ezimuth replied.

“Indeed. By the way, my first name is Druzan. I am currently a God of War.” he nodded.

“And I am called Shakra. I am a Goddess of Nature.” the elf goddess bowed her head politely.

“You already know mine, Ezimuth.” he raised his hand.

“A pleasure to meet you three and thank you for your Blessings. But speaking of which, is this why Sapherya reacted like she did when I called her S.A.R.G.E?” I asked.

“Yup!” Druzan nodded.

“Imagine if she were to get two more names, one that started with N and another with T.” Ezimuth smirked mischievously.

“Sargent S.A.R.G.E.N.T.?” I asked and then imagined a bunch of pious people praying to her.

We all burst out into a loud laughter.

“I'll be more careful, I promise.” I said as I wiped away a tear.

“I don't mind. I would have something else to tease her about. Although, frankly speaking the order of the initials can be rearranged, so she could end up with just S.A.R.G.E.N.T.S.” Shakra giggled.

“But do gods really receive new names just because one individual uses it when talking to or about them?” I asked.

“It highly depends on the believer. In the case of Sapherya, however, I highly doubt she will receive this name even if you call her out in the middle of busy market.” Shakra remarked and shook her head.

“It would take centuries or the majority of the population to end up believing that's her actual name. The mortals down there are barely aware of her other names though, so I don't believe she has anything to worry about.” Druzan nodded.

“So, in the end, it all comes down to whether or not I actually call her that and even ask others to do the same? Then why did she react like she did back then?” I wondered.

“Boy, don't you know that women are rather sensitive when it comes to these sorts of things?” Shakra asked raising an eyebrow and resting her hands on her hips.

“Don't worry about it, child! That Sapherya is just acting foolish!” Druzan laughed.

Given the importance of names, I would rather think it mattered greatly if one misused them. Then again, was it possible that me calling her S.A.R.G.E. had a different effect on her, or was there something these gods weren't telling me?

“Leaving this silly matter aside, do you understand now what this power by the name of Blessing does or what it is?” Ezimuth asked, skillfully changing the subject.

“Sort of... It's something like a cheat ability?” I replied scratching the back of my head.

“Yes. Long ago, few were those who had Blessings from the gods, but as time passed and the civilizations grew, Sapherya didn't mind for most of them to have at least one Blessing, while heroes and other similarly important and powerful individuals had at least two.” he explained.

This meant that the reason why my little sister got three Blessings was because the gods deemed she would have an important role to play in the history of this world?

Because we shared similar mutations, I could see why they thought it was necessary to do so.

Does this mean that if she didn't share these powers with me, she could have lived a normal life? I thought, but right as I started to feel like it was all my fault, Druzan placed his hand on my shoulder.

I looked up at him. He shook his head.

“It's not your fault, little one.” said Shakra the Goddess of Nature.

“You shouldn't see yourself as the one responsible for what she will became or how her fate will twist and turn. That soul accepted to become your sibling just like you wished to become hers.” Ezimuth told me.

“In fact, I would dare say you are the equivalent of a Blessing for her, while the two of you are a Blessing for your parents!” declared Druzan.

“But... if I didn't have this power or she those Blessings, then Damascus would have never tried to kidnap her.” I told them.

This was the truth even the gods couldn't deny. If Cassandra didn't have those three Blessings of hers, then that monster wouldn't have had a reason to mark her as his prey. For this, I was the one to blame.

The three gods looked at each other for a long moment and then they turned their gazes back at me.

“Leonidas, what do you think about this world?” Druzan asked.

“Huh? What I think about it? Well... it's vast, it's beautiful. I have good parents...” I replied a bit confused.

I couldn't say I previously went on some grand adventure around the world with a servant whose name was the translation of the words: passed by everywhere. At most, I went to Briston and the Chedelle Forest, which were just two tiny dots on the whole world map.

“What of the dark side of it?” Shakra asked.

I blinked surprised.

“I don't understand...” I told her.

“What do you think of the evil you don't get to see because you are being sheltered by the benevolence of Sapherya?” she asked again.

The question baffled me.

The idea that this silly goddess sheltered me all this time came as a surprise, but I honestly couldn't see the world without her protection. The evil the gods spoke about seemed unreal, a fable or a myth that rarely popped out its ugly head. I felt like the case with Alexandre Damascus was a very unique and secluded one.

But... was it possible that this world was filled with such individuals?

Like a child, confused and unable to gather my own thoughts, I told the gods “I don't understand...”

Once more they looked at each other, and I could see pity in their eyes.

“Boy...” Druzan said “There is no such thing as a perfect world. As Primary Gods, we have to rule over both the light and the dark side. Thus, we are completely aware of both the good and the evil that happens on our worlds, and we allow it to some degree.” he continued.

“There is a balance which shifts constantly from one side to the other, but never tipping the scale too much. Like a two-man handcar used on the railways, this shift in balance propels the world forward. It brings about revolution where there would otherwise only be stagnation. It also shapes the world as we desire in the limits that the Universe itself granted us.” Shakra explained.

“After war comes peace and then war again...” said Druzan.

To me, their words sounded like some sort of fable an old man would say in front of the campfire. It left room for interpretation, but also explained what needed to be explained.

Just by listening to them, I came to understand that maybe Sapherya's world wasn't as peaceful as I thought it would be.

The first thing that came to my mind were the possible rape and murder scenarios. This world wasn't as high tech as Earth, after all. The laws here weren't so well reinforced, and more than often brute force played an important role in how they were respected. To me, Briston looked like a quiet and peaceful town, but what if it wasn't so? What if that was how I was made to see it?

While I was happily traveling with my parents, some of the people there might not have had the best intentions when looking at my mother or my sister. Other horrifying things could have taken place just a few steps away from us, and I wouldn't have been aware of it... All of this just to keep me believing that I was safe and protected.

I'm afraid now to even ask if all of these scenarios are true or not... I thought.

“Earth has many stories like yours, Leonidas, a privileged child born in a blissful world. Yet, the stories never reveal the pain, the cruelty, and the savagery of those unseen by his gaze; of those living in the corners of the world far away from him. Unlike the privileged boy, us gods can see it all, and we understand its purpose in our creation.” Shakra spoke in a compassionate tone of voice, but her words only made my previously imagined scenarios seem more plausible than ever before.

She was saying that the Primary Gods were entities capable of accepting, understanding, and allowing evil to exist. For me, this was something outrageous. How could they allow evil to be?

“Leonidas, you desired to be the same as such privileged children because you feared to pain and suffering the world might pour down into your soul. Yet, through wishing for those mutations and our Blessings, you contradicted your desire for a peaceful uneventful life. For you see, the most privileged of children are also the weakest, but the world moves in such a way around them that it seems like they are the strongest.” Ezimuth said, but for all that was dear to me, his words sounded like nonsense.

“You are a soul far too young now to properly understand our words, Leonidas, but do know that in our desire to keep the world from needing your strength, we chose to lock your Blessings behind certain conditions, which in most cases are a bit harder to achieve. Normally, you could have been born with all of them ready to be used as well as with the knowledge of how to use them perfectly!” Druzan explained.

“So, in the end, what? You're telling me that the reason why Damascus appeared in my life, why I had such a hard time trying to activate my Blessing was all because I wanted to be strong and still live a normal life? You're saying all of this! My sister's kidnapping, my death, that battle, all of it was my fault?!” I shouted.

What more could I say? The world turned out to be not as peaceful as I had expected. Reality was different from the fantasy I was led to believe I lived in. It felt like it was my fault... that I was the one to blame for my sister's pain.

“Leonidas, because you wanted to be strong, we gave you those mutations of yours. Because we understood the consequences better than you, we sealed away your Blessings so you may unlock them through trial and only when they were needed. The world is a living being, and no matter if you are a transmigrating hero or a peasant on the field, she will weave you into her fate and set loose upon you events worthy of your strength.” Shakra said with a gentle smile on her lips.

“None of what you went through was your fault, Leonidas, but we, the gods, had full faith that you would prevail in the end. If you remember, Leonidas, back when you met us, you said you wished that from time to time to experience the life of a hero, to save damsels in distress, or to help out kingdoms in need.” Ezimuth said.

“I did?” I blinked surprised.

“Yes. But child, how do you expect these events to take place in your life if you are not Blessed, strong, and have a role to play in this world?” Druzan asked with a loud laughter at the end.

“To kidnap a pretty and influential woman means that your foe was powerful enough to defeat her escorts or that he was stealthy enough to slip past them. And do you really think a hero would just go by unnoticed by the various political and military powers of a country and even those of its neighbors?” Shakra asked, but this time with her normal tone of voice not the one overflowing with care and kindness.

“If you wish for amazing world-changing events to be a part of your life, or even more to be the one to solve them, then you wish for the role capable of doing so. To put it in your words, if you are a simple uneducated peasant from the Medieval Europe, we the gods can't ask of you to solve for us a problem of quantum physics that baffles the minds of the 25th century. But if you were a brilliant physicist from the 26th century, then maybe there is a chance.” explained Ezimuth.

When putting it that way, it did make sense.

“As I said before, Sapherya may look like klutz, but she's a goddess with five names. This means that she has experienced fully evolving a world from nothing four times before this one. Unlike us, she's a veteran worthy of praise, so expect this world to be far more complex than it seems.” Druzan reminded me.

“Right now... I don't know if I was tricked or tested or everything went according to my wishes... As you said, it's not simple at all, and I have neither the knowledge nor the experience to judge this.” I let out a long sigh.

“Don't fret about it. That's why we came in person now, to make things clear for you. It's the least we could do, after all!” Druzan said this as he patted my back.

“Yeah... thank you. But what of your worlds? Was I really needed there?” I asked.

The gods looked at each other with a wry smile but said nothing in reply.

“It's getting late now, Leonidas. It's time for you to return to your family, but do remember that no matter what you choose, we will always be there to support you through our Blessings!” Ezimuth told me.

“Also, don't forget that everything you choose in this life has consequences that may or may not shake the entire world. It doesn't mean you are to blame yourself if something bad or painful happens, especially if you made sure to choose without regret. Stand proud and live with your choice!” Shakra encouraged me.

“Goodbye, child! May we see each other again!” Druzan laughed with his hands on his hips.

This was the last thing I saw and heard before I woke up in my bed surrounded by my family. The words of the gods remained on my mind and made me wonder about many various things.

Still, before I tried to make heads or tails of this matter, it was best to first talk with my family and see what they had to say about it. After what just happened, I couldn't continue to declare that I was just your average kid with one Blessing.