The Sylthorian

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~ Chapter 124: Once again, we meet ~

[Illsyore’s point of view]

The upcoming departure of my wives was an event our students did not really seem too eager to welcome. While they understood that they could not do anything about it, they still expressed their disapproval to show how much they would miss them. Constantly asking why I wasn’t going in their stead made me wonder if my popularity among the younger students was rather low. If it were only the male population, maybe I would have understood why they were so against it, but the girls were also making a big deal out of it.

The only ones who were happy were those going through Nanya’s combat lessons. They threw a party when they found out. The following day, Nanya told them that I was going to take them through my dungeons so they would get a bit of combat experience. This news resulted in them becoming gloomy again. While for some reason this ticked me off, I did promise my wives that there will be no more ‘lava on the first floor’ scenarios.

On the third day after we had our little family meeting, I woke being hugged by my draconian wife. She was using me as a hug pillow, her tail was tightly wrapped around my waist as if trying to prevent me from fleeing her embrace.

Last night, she took me for one wild ride. Luckily, Illsyorea was quite the big island, so we were able to find a good spot where we could enjoy some skinny dipping and have a bit of fun on the beach.

When we got back, we undressed and went straight to sleep without doing anything else.

“Mmm~” Ayuseya let out a soft moan when I tried to sneak away from her constrictor embrace.

I looked up at her, but she was still sound asleep.

Seeing how she was not planning on getting up and I was late for work, I proceeded to knead her bottom with both hands. My wife let out some rather erotic moans before she finally opened her eyes.

“Good morning. Are you awake now?” I asked her.

“Mhm~” she replied.

“Can you let go of me?” I asked.

“Mmmno~” she replied and then bit my neck.

“Hey now, we need to get up, no time for marking and foreplay!” I told her as I poked her cheek.

“But~” she looked up at me with begging eyes.


How could I resist against such an attack?

I let nature take its course, but I was late to class by half an hour. When I walked through the door, the students let out a depressed sigh.

“Why are you lot unhappy?” I complained as I sat down at my desk.

Before me were the 30 students from the second year. Most of them were the fourth and fifth children of the nobles. They were sent here mostly as a test drive for my academy. Although Varakium gave me his word and a copy of an official declaration that guaranteed the authenticity of my academy, not all noble families were on his side yet.

The third and fourth child, especially if they were boys, they were disposable for the most part. At least that was how the nobles viewed it. Since they could not take over the family, they were to either marry off in a good family or turn to the life of an Adventurer.

By sending them to my academy, they were expected to either end up dead if I wasn’t the Dungeon I was rumored to be or eventually find a partner to marry. During the first year, the noble children understood that their bloodlines and families meant nothing here and quickly grew used with the idea of not needing to feel on their shoulders the pressure of their parents.

It was around 11:26 AM when I suddenly felt an ‘enemy’ entering my Dungeon Territory.

I stopped from teaching and told the students “I apologize, but there’s something I need to take care of.” I said.

One of the students raised her arm up and asked in a cheerful tone of voice “Are you going to go see one of your wives for a short love session?”

“Huh? Why would I ever go for a short one?” I asked as if that was the most obvious problem with what she said “But no.” I shook my head and then continued “The destroyer of the Fellyore Academy has just entered my Dungeon Territory and is approaching the harbor.”

When I said this, the smiles on their faces vanished and looked at me seriously. Most of them already came of age, so matters of life and death were not new to them, especially given their own political position.

“Will we be safe?” asked one of the weaker students in a timid tone of voice.

“Don’t worry. I’ll never let anything happen to my cute students!” I showed them a smile and they appeared to be relieved.

“We’ll pray for you to win, teacher Illsyore! Show them what a Dungeon can do!” one of the boys shouted.

“Yes! Do that, teacher!”

“Given them a piece of your mind!”

“Don’t let them take Illsyorea from us!”

“You have to win, teacher Illsyore!”

“Thank you. Your encouragements mean a lot to me. Now stay here and do some self-study.”

With this said, I left the class and called my wives over.

“Colly Tos!” I cast the forbidden spell and five pairs of fluttery fabric appeared before my eyes.

I waited for a minute or so, and then I saw them walking up to me. Nanya was holding an anvil in her right hand. Ayuseya had a cold smile on her lips. Tamara was skipping along. Thankfully, she was wearing pants this time. Zoreya was bright red in the cheeks like a ripe tomato ready to be plucked. Shanteya was showing me a calm and gentle smile.

“So?” Nanya asked.

“Dankyun is here.” I told them as I looked in their eyes.

The air around us suddenly changed.

Considering who that draconian was and what he did to us, it was no wonder. The only one who did not know what to think of this situation was Tamara, who never met him, and I was glad she didn’t.

I gave them back their panties and as they changed, I told them “I’m going to go and meet him. Zoreya and Shanteya should come with me. Nanya and Ayuseya should wait for us at the training field.”

“My dear, what are you going to do?” Ayuseya asked me.

Looking into her eyes, I remembered the state she was in after she confronted Dankyun in order to defend me from his wrath. Out of all of them, she had the most to suffer from his madness. She was forced to swallow a concoction that burnt her throat and cursed her to forever keep silent. She was engaged to him for the sole purpose of becoming a steppingstone in his conquest. At the end, he brutally cut off one of her arms and stabbed her in the gut in an attempt to kill her.

The pain she went through, the suffering, and the mental anguish, I never made Dankyun pay for them. Well, if he was a changed man, maybe... just maybe I would be able to resist the urge to kill him and rip his spine right out his body then shove it down his own throat.

“Nothing...” I replied and showed her a smile “You and Nanya will.”

They looked at me with big eyes. Nanya’s past with Dankyun was not a happier one. Betrayed in love, left for dead in a dangerous dungeon and having her father’s sword stolen were all parts of the suffering that draconian laid upon her. Like a plague you could not get rid of, he then followed her to Fellyore Academy and destroyed it right before her eyes, putting both her students and friends in danger.

“We will?” asked Nanya.

“Only if you want to.” I said and then walked up to Nanya and Ayuseya and embraced the two. “I know what he did to both of you. Maybe I should have killed him back then or maybe I did the right thing by letting him live. I do not know, but I promised him that if he ever dared to show his face before me, I would let you two wipe the dust off with him. Honestly, I want to see you two turn him into minced meat if it turns out that after all this time he did not change for the better. I guess... I may have not killed him back then because I thought it would be better if you two did it.” I said.

“Sounds like you are pushing the kill mission on us.” scoffed Nanya as she rubbed her cheek to mine.

“Maybe. As I said, it’s your choice. If you want me to do it, I won’t hesitate.” I told her.

“We’ll see you on the training ground, my dear husband.” said Ayuseya before she pecked me on the neck.

“We won’t be upset with you if you accidentally kill him on the way there.” Nanya told me before giving me a kiss on the lips.

After they left, Tamara approached me. Her tail was swaying in the air, and she was leaning forward, granting me a good view of her enticing cleavage.

With a cat-like smile on her lips, she asked me “Mate, what do you want me to do?”

I patted her head. She let out a soft ‘nya~’ and then looked into my eyes.

“Stalk us from the shadows and if any of our ‘guests’ dare to move, show them your fangs.” I told her.

“Nya~ Very well, mate!” she then jumped in my arms, pressing her big chest on me.

After a small lick of my cheek, she stole my lips in a kiss. I returned her kiss and embraced her. The awakened nekatar loved it.

The moment she was out of my embrace, she vanished from my sight. I turned my head and saw her peeking out from the other room. Her cuteness made me smile.

“Illsy, why don’t you want to fight him?” asked Zoreya in a serious tone of voice.

I looked down and then replied “Because this doesn’t feel like my fight. I had mine back at Fellyore.” I told them.

“What about me and Shanteya?” asked Zoreya.

“You two are also free to make what you see fit of him.” I replied.

Dankyun has done something to all of us except for Tamara.

Zoreya’s past with him was also a tragic one. Instead of being like a brother for her and the other children in the orphanage, the draconian turned his back on them and then killed them in cold blood. He set his own home on fire and watched it being engulfed by flames as he listened to the agonizing screams of the innocent children inside. Be it through luck or fate, Zoreya was able to escape from the tragic fire and set off to become the Apostle of Melkuth.

“I have no quarrel with this draconian. For me, he is nothing more than a waste of space and air. Even his remains would bring no benefit to the world as they would corrupt and rot the soil they were placed under.” Shanteya said with a soft smile on her lips.

“As for me, I do wish to say something to this traitorous fiend, but...” Zoreya stopped and looked into my eyes “If it wasn’t for him, I would not have ever met a wonderful man such as you and would never have gotten to experience the joy of becoming one of Melkuth’s High Apostles. Right now, I feel truly blessed, and being with you is my absolute greatest blessing as of yet.” she showed me a soft smile filled with boundless love.

When she said this, I looked into her eyes and felt like her very words had been ingrained into my soul.

In that very moment... like a ghost’s whisper echoing in the back of my mind, I heard a single thought, one which I wouldn’t be able to remember for a very long time.

I see, so this is why I changed everything... Their love was what pulled me into this reality, and my love simply replied to their call... So simple... yet... enough...

The thought ended, and as soon as it did... I had forgotten it.

Blinking surprised, I wondered What was that?

I looked into Zoreya’s eyes and whatever that was washed away from my mind like a sponge would chalk on the blackboard.

“Thank you, Zoreya.” I said and then gave her a soft kiss on the lips.


[Dankyun’s point of view]

So long I had waited, training and polishing my skills in that rotten cell!

My Magic Armor now was more powerful than that of any other Supreme on the three continents! I was certain of it! Just by looking at these pathetic fools as they dared stand in my presence so calmly, I could tell that I could easily survive countless strikes from their punches, while they would barely be able to last a couple from mine.

My claws, my spells, they were nothing compared to when I was humiliated by that Dungeon! No matter how many lives, how many centuries and millennia would come to pass, no matter what I would have to sacrifice, I would make him pay for the humiliation and torture he put me through!

All those fiends and minions that hid in the shadows, I would kill them all. KILL THEM ALL!

These bunch of idiots that sailed together with me, Brakhian Zarkhol, Varidan Legos, and Ashavar Naska were Teslov’s very own special squad of Supreme Elites. The Draconian Kingdom’s most powerful, and they were all under the Paramanium Empire’s rule. Or at the very least, it appeared to be.

Under the naked eye, we were moving about under the orders of the Emperor or one of his royal siblings, but once in a while, we received special missions from the Teslov King. We were to do this and that, mostly killing and a bit of pillaging. One time we got to rape one of the noble women from the opposing draconian faction. That was pleasant!

For me, there was nothing more satisfying than seeing a woman groveling on her feet licking my boots. Their kind was worth only to satisfy male needs. Their bodies were designed by the gods only for this purpose. Their minds, their wills, their individuality and personality, they were all flaws. Junk that was passed over because of the corruption of morals from the perfect form.

Ah, but once I would get to enact my revenge upon that Dungeon, I was going to kill these three and then the whole royal family of Pleyades. It was going to be easy for me. No, it would have been ridiculously easy for any Supreme. They were nothing but a shame for the name of a draconian. To rule over us was the same as being ordered around and ridiculed by mindless shikaks that were in the middle of serving their ‘clients’.

The very thought of it disgusted me to no end.

Yes... kill... I will kill all those who will oppose me, it’s simple. I thought.

I was no fool though. I could not go in just like that, I had to act in a more... subtle way. I heard that there still was a princess alive or was she just born? It did not matter. If the royal family didn’t work, then I could just start a rebellion from inside. A few nice words and a generous gift to the stupid new emperor was going to make sure I had no troubles on that side. The fourth prince still owed me for what he did to me. I was going to pay him a secret midnight visit and show him what it meant to cross me.

Human bodies, unlike the draconian ones, were as fragile as a dried stick. A bit of force was all you needed to break them, but the real pleasure came from doing so in a more... destructive way. I already thought about how I wanted to make everyone who crossed me suffer.

Speaking of which, what was our mission here again? Investigate the rumors about the power of the Dungeon Illsyore and if possible, eliminate him? No, it wasn’t that... What was it? Rape his wives and kill his children? That sounds better, but no... I thought, but I could not remember.

If it was like this, then this mission was definitely a boring one.

“Hey, boss?” I asked, but I definitely didn’t hold even a single drop of respect for this lizard “What’s our mission again?”

The one with red scales looked at me and glared.

“Didn’t you pay attention? Are you THAT much of an idiot?” he growled.

“Ah, maybe?” I replied and smirked.

He let out a sigh and shook his head. For that remark of his, I was going to make him eat his own innards after I pissed on them.

“We need to investigate the island. Find out what we can about the Dungeon named Illsyore and his wives: Tamara Deus, Nanya Deus, Shanteya Deus, Ayuseya Deus, and Zoreya Deus. Find any possible weaknesses they may hold, be them political, physical, or psychological, then report them immediately to our contact on the island. You are to NOT stray away from us, speak unnecessary words, or conduct yourself in any way that would expose our identities to our targets.” Brakhian replied with a growl, but what he was saying was already impossible, wasn’t it?

Just by seeing me, Nanya and Ayuseya will tremble in fear like little rabbits. Hm, should I still try to use Ayuseya as my bride? Nah, I’ll just use her as my relief hole. I thought and then chuckled to myself.

The boss looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

They all knew I had a screw loose, so they did not pay any attention to me. That was good, it allowed me to work on my plot in peace.

“Are you sure the targets won’t recognize this oaf?” Varidan asked in a mocking tone.

He had some really nice blue scales I was going to enjoy plucking off his body.

“Maybe, but I know them better than either of you, especially Nanya and Ayuseya. My wretched sister is also there, but I can’t believe that Shikak survived my attack. Did the Dungeon heal her? Impressive.” I said and then shrugged.

“Shikak? You better watch your tongue there. I heard the Dungeon isn’t very fond of people insulting his wives. Keep a distance from them and don’t let them spot you. They are all far more powerful than they look.” Brakhian said.

“Oh please! Last time I saw them, they didn’t stand a chance against me! And that was without [Boost]. The Dungeon probably just gave them some nice items, that’s it.” I shrugged.

I wasn’t worried. I learned the disadvantage of relying on items the hard way. They were my downfall in my battle with him, but now I far surpassed that state. If I were to use items now, I would be unbeatable. This was the reason why I was so confident I could win against these imbeciles in a 3v1 battle.

If it was the me from when I was first locked up, I don’t think I could hold a candle to any of them, but now things were far more different than they were back then. With daily training and persistence to get better, I was far more powerful than any of them imagined.

At this time, a knock was heard at our door.

“We’ll arrive in Port Illsyorea in a few minutes.” the captain said.

After he left, Brakhian got up on his feet and went to pick up his cloak. Unlike other passenger on this boat, we only had our cloaks out of our Storage Crystals. Everything else was placed there so as to not accidentally forget it here in the event of the boat sinking or after we docked.

Once the ship dropped anchor at the pier, we came out of our room. Together with Varidan and Ashavar, I followed Brakhian out on the deck, but what awaited us there was something rather... unexpected.

“Ah! Dankyun! It’s been a while!” someone said.

That voice... That face! There is no way I could forget them! I let out a mental growl as I looked at the bastard who humiliated me so much! “Illsyore...” I spat out his name like a piece of moldy bread.


[Brakhian’s point of view]

To meet our target like this, more so to have him immediately identify that fool, Dankyun, this was certainly an unplanned situation.

This Dungeon had jade-green hair and eyes. His clothes were similar to those of a Lord in quality, but they lacked any of the fancy jewelry a noble would otherwise wear on him. He had no weapons on him, but the crystals on his palms made me wonder if he really needed them. Everything about this character was different from what we knew of standard Dungeons, from the way he acted to the way he looked like.

We have two choices here. Either we fight and take him out or attempt to flee. I don’t think he’s here just to talk. I thought.

Of course, I immediately suspected that this creature also became aware of my identity and maybe even our mission here. No Dungeon would stand still and watch as his enemies gather info on him. He would certainly try to kill us before we had a chance to flee.

The thing was that Dungeons weren’t that experienced in fights outside their intricate mazes filled with traps and monsters. Once one gained a humanoid body, they usually fell prey to their own stupidity. They were quite valuable though, so the tendency was to try to capture them alive for experimentation. Having the backing of the Paramanium Empire spared this Dungeon of this sort of hassle though.

That being the case, we could probably win against him as long as he didn’t retreat back to his dungeon.

“I would suggest you take your hands off your sword and don’t try to use any magic, or you will be killed without remorse where you stand.” the el’doraw woman with white hair said as she showed us a calm smile.

It sent shivers down my spine.

This woman... she’s dangerous. I thought and carefully pulled back my hand away from the hilt of my sword.

“Don’t attack.” I ordered my men.

“Boss? Are you serious?” Dankyun asked.

“Yes. Don’t do anything stupid.” I glared at him.

Dankyun spat to the side and then lifted both hands up in the air.

This problem draconian was going to get me killed one of these days with his foolish actions. He barely listened to my words and always tended to act on his own. More than once I found him misusing his status to have fun at brothels. It wouldn’t be a problem if he didn’t leave several of those prostitutes pregnant. My body count only got higher needlessly because of him.

“Good! Now, let me introduce myself, cause I see that my ‘old friend’ Dankyun doesn’t wish to introduce me. Ah! I’m sad.” the Dungeon pretended to wipe a tear away. “Now then, my name is Illsyore Deus. If you are wondering why the family name, rest assured, Melkuth himself named me.” he showed me a smile.

A chill ran down my spine.

The God of War did what? No, it has to be a lie. I thought, but something like that couldn’t be possible. Only heroes would receive a name from a god, or so the legends said.

“Now, this lovely woman is my wife, Shanteya Dowesyl Deus, and this charming woman here is my other wife, Zoreya Eleanor Alttoros Deus. Yes, polygamy is allowed on Illsyorea if it meets certain conditions. Now then, will you four gentlemen follow me. I do wish to remind you that if you dare make any sudden or suspicious movements, your deaths will be faster than any of you could even blink. As proof...” he smiled and then snapped his fingers.

My Magic Armor and those of my men suffered a small crack at the base of our necks. Neither of us could tell who or what attacked us. It was too fast for me too, but looking back at the others, I could see it in Dankyun’s eyes that he caught a glimpse of the attacker. His gaze was aimed the el’doraw woman, she now carried a pair of twin daggers with a strange glowing blade.

“As I said, don’t make any foolish moves or you will die before you know it.” he told us.

We all nodded.

What monstrous speed. I thought as I silently followed him.