The Sylthorian

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~ Chapter 61: Illsyore’s rage ~

[Shanteya’s point of view]

 We were dragged off to the palace’s dungeon and locked inside a big cell meant for draconians. The floor was made out of hard stone so the prisoners couldn’t dig their way out. The walls and bars were enchanted, so they couldn’t break them. For good measure, both me and Tamara were forced to wear shackles that reduced our power to half of what it was if not less. Ten Godlike Ranked Guards were placed here to watch over us.

When we arrived, I quickly noticed the countless Godlike and Emperor Ranked soldiers stationed here. Some of the Royal Guards maybe even had the strength of Supremes, but none of them had the skills to match. In other words, there was no way for me to escape this place alive. I was strong, but I lacked the skills and strength needed to overpower countless opponents of their level. To make matters worse, I wouldn’t have only myself to worry about.

“Nya… What did we do to get locked up in here?” Tamara asked in Kalish.

“Nothing young one, nothing.” I patted her head and pulled her close in my embrace.

Ever since she woke up, she had been trembling and looking with worry at the bars. At first, she thought it was her fault, but I managed to calm her down and banish that idea from her mind.

It’s been almost 12 hours since we got locked up in here, and there was no sign of this so-called Prince. The guards changed shifts every six hours, and all of them shot glares of disgust and superiority at us. We were weak, and they were strong. We were slaves, and they were guards at the palace, there were absolutely no other reasons for them to act like this.


That self-important laughter came from the left. I slowly lifted my eyes up and saw the Prince for the first time.

He was a human with milky skin, a bit smaller than me in height, fat like a pig, and although he had the looks of royalty, his aura was similar to that of the fat and corrupted nobles I was often sent to kill. With one glance, I could tell he wasn’t even looking at us as living beings. We were ‘items’, something he could destroy and toss away without a care or worry of a repercussion. Still, who could punish someone in his position? Just raising a hand at him could send you to the gallows and then onto the execution platform.

Next to the Prince stood a tall man wearing a steel plate armor. He had no helmet on, so I could see he was a human with tanned skin, around 40 years of age, with short cut black hair, and a stern look in his dark-brown eyes. Countless years of combat weighed down on his shoulders, experience now offered willingly to the human Prince standing next to him. As weapons, he carried with him two short swords, their scabbards hanging left and right from his belt.

“Did you really think you were strong enough to defeat my men?” the Prince asked with a confident look on his face.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I replied in a calm tone of voice.

“I merely sent them to extend a ‘friendly’ invitation to you. Who would have thought you were going to attack them? By right in power, I should have you executed!” he declared raising a finger in the air.

Those words were nothing but lies spat out by a pig.

“I wouldn’t recommend it.” I retorted.

“Hm?” he blinked surprised. “Hahaha! Hey! Hey! Dragnov, she thinks I won’t do it!” the Prince laughed and patted the shoulder of the man next to him.

“El’doraw, it would be wise not to take my master’s words lightly.” he narrowed his eyes at me.

“I’m not. I’m just stating the truth.” I replied.

“Keh! Do you think your master will come and save you?” he asked.

I looked down and then at Tamara. She was scared and trembling like a child. Looking back at the Prince, I wondered about that myself. Master had every right to abandon us here, but at the same time, after everything he did, I couldn’t bring myself to see him as willing to do so.

Master can run away. He can flee, but he won’t do that. Master is a stubborn Dungeon who will save us. I thought, but I wasn’t willing to let these thoughts be heard.

“I thought so.” the Dragnov fellow said, taking my silence as a ‘no’.

“Why have you captured us?” I asked.

“Isn’t it obvious?” the Prince puffed.

“I apologize for my inability to see matters as one such as you.” I spoke politely, but my words were nothing but lies coated in honey.

“With you in my hands, I can send your master a message and warn him of what will happen if he’s not willing to give me that blonde woman!” he showed me a victorious grin.

“So, you kidnapped me and Tamara in order to get to Master so that he will give you Nanya?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

“So, her name is Nanya? Cute! And yes! Pretty clever, isn’t it?” he laughed.

I blinked surprised and looked at Dragnov, he avoided my gaze.

So even his followers think it’s a stupid idea. I thought.

The logical plan would have been to get Nanya directly, not through this complicated scheme that had more chances of failing than succeeding. Even so, maybe the Prince chose this ridiculous plan because he wished to gain something else, something yet unknown? Otherwise, going through all of this trouble just to get his hands on Nanya didn’t make any sense to me.

What is it that he wants to gain? What would he have to gain besides a display of power? No, maybe that’s exactly what he wants… to show everyone who is in charge and that he can do absolutely what he wants as he wants it just because he is the Prince. A royal’s mind can easily be understood when looked at it this way, I guess? such thoughts flowed through my mind.

If it was like this, then this man was more dangerous than I feared. Out of the stupid and overzealous behavior of a royal, only death and suffering could result. I gulped when I remembered the horrors individuals such as him were capable of doing when unleashed upon the innocent. Yet, even then, nobody would dare to complain about them because they were born as royals. By right of blood, they were different from those beneath their rank, even more so when it came to us foreigners, who were not a part of his kingdom.

A royal had right of life and death over his subjects. This was the law.

“Hm, now let’s see… What to take? Ah! Get the ear of the nekatar!” he ordered and pointed at us.

A chill ran down my spine as I realized just how he intended to coerce Master into giving up on Nanya.

“NO! I won’t let you harm her!” I shouted and stepped in front of Tamara.

“Silence! Restrain her!” Dragnov took out his sword and entered our cell.

“If you don’t sit still, I’ll take more than just her ear.” he warned me.

“I won’t let you touch this child!” I glared at him.

“Nyu… Shanteya…” Tamara hid behind me, trembling, and coiling her tail around her waist.

“Give me that!” the Prince shouted and took the sword from Dragnov’s hand. “Restrain her!” he ordered.

The man grabbed me by the hand and pulled me away.

“NO!” I shouted, struggling to get free from his grasp.

“Come here!” the Prince pulled Tamara by the neck and pushed her on the ground.

The nekatar tried to struggle and scratch her way out, but the Prince’s Magic Armor or maybe enchanted clothes were too strong.

“NYA! Let go! HISS!” she struggled and hissed, but the Prince was just enjoying himself overpowering the poor girl.

“Ugh! Let go!” I knew I was weakened but getting out of a tight bind like this without my dagger was impossible.

I have to stop him! I thought just as he was about to cut Tamara.

“STOP IT, YOU PIG FACED SHIKAK!” I shouted at the top of my lungs one of the most terrible insults I could think of at that moment.

The Prince’s sword stopped before he hurt Tamara, and his anger was directed towards me.

“What did you call me?” he looked back in anger.

“A pig faced shikak, but now that I took a better look at you, I fear that would be an insult to them.” I smirked.

“Do you have a death wish, woman?” asked Dragnov as his face paled.

“I’ve faced worse.” I replied.

The Prince remained quiet and approached me. He was angry, furious.

Did I go too far? I wondered.

“Hold out her hand.” he ordered calmly.

Dragnov pulled my left hand and then the Prince looked right into my eyes.

“I’m still a Prince, and I know when I’m being taunted. Initially, I wanted only to take your finger, but for your insult, I’ll take your arm and send it to your pathetic master… alongside the nekatar’s ear.” he told me calmly and then raised his sword up.

The slash was crude. In the hands of an expert, I wouldn’t have felt a thing, but in the hands of this Prince, the blade sunk into my flesh like a rusty, jagged saw. I clenched my jaw and refused to scream. It hurt, it hurt really bad, but my mouth was sealed shut.

“Pretty brave for a woman.” snorted the fat royal as he walked over to Tamara after he was done with me.

“You will regret this…” I muttered as I trembled from the pain.

“Regret? Hah! I would like to see how your Master is going to make me regret!” he laughed.

I could only smirk.

Master… I thought as I listened to Tamara’s screams.


[Illsyore’s point of view]

 “Hm, they should be in here…” I said as I entered the inn.

After leaving Deusur behind, it took me about an hour or so to get here. It was an hour or so past noon, so the sun was still up, and nothing looked out of the ordinary as far as I could tell. The smell of good food was in the air, and the adventurers were having their meals alongside a big tankard of mead.

“Illsyore! Where have you been?” asked Tannaor as soon as I passed by the bar on my way to the stairs.

“Huh? Oh? Erm… around?” I replied foolishly.

I wasn’t going to tell him that I just came from a dungeon I secretly built while everyone was asleep.

“Is that so? You’ve been gone for two days now. Your companions were all worried about you.” he said pointing up.

“Thank you.” I nodded.

Two days? I’ve been out for two days? I thought it was more giving the size of the dungeon, or less giving the overpowered skills I have. The Darkness sure did a good job at finishing things fast. Was it because of the lack of complexity and simple, low-magic traps? I wondered as I made my way up.

I wonder if they are mad? Well, I’ll just give Tamara a good petting and a big fish. I’ll embrace Shanteya and give her a kiss, as for the other two, they can choose which one will have me all to themselves! I snickered and opened the door.

“I’m home!” I said with a bright smile.

Instead of being greeted by four, I was greeted only by my wives. They both had a look of worry and concern on their face, but the moment they saw me, they teared up and jumped into my arms.

“Illsy! You idiot! Where were you? Where were you?” they kept saying.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry… I sort of sleepwalked myself into making a dungeon?” I replied foolishly.

They were snuggling up to me and almost breaking my spine with their monstrous strength. I could barely wrap my arms around them, but I still tried. They really were worried about me, and their tears were genuine. I could feel deep inside how glad they were to see me even though I wasn’t gone for such a long time.

“It’s alright, I’m back.” I whispered to them and kept them in my embrace.

A few moments later, after they calmed down, we were inside, sitting on the side of the bed.

“I’m sorry for having worried you so much. Where’s Tamara and Shanteya, by the way?” I asked with a foolish smile.

They are probably out looking for me or buying some food. I thought to myself.

“You left in the middle of the night without saying anything to us. If you wanted to go build something, you could have just told us.” Nanya said clenching her fists and looking down at the floor.

“I’m sorry… I honestly don’t remember when I left.” I said and placed my hand on her left shoulder.

Looking back at Ayuseya, I saw her parting her lips as if wanting to ask me something, but no sound came out. The draconian princess was the only one who knew about the Darkness inside me, and her question most likely had something to do with it. I would tell her what happened later, when it was going to be only the two of us. For now, I showed her a smile and a nod.

Or maybe I should come clean to all of them? No… I don’t want to… but why? Yes… keep quiet. I thought, but it felt like there was something strange keeping me from telling the truth.

Maybe there were still some fears in there about my past? I was a reincarnated human, not a perfect god without any flaws in either thinking or behavior. Even I had my fears, my worries, and my hidden thoughts I could never tell anyone. It was part of my nature as a human, but maybe that in itself was the problem?

Letting out a sigh, I held their hands and said “I’m sorry… I truly am.”

“We know, Illsy…” Ayuseya spoke softly and then kissed my cheek “But this means that Tamara and Shanteya aren’t with you, right?” she asked.

Her words made me furrow my brow.

“What do you mean?” I asked confused.

“Last night, we went out to search for you. We thought you drank too much and fell in a ditch somewhere, but then… when it was time to return to this inn, the two of them never showed up. I think it had something to do with the explosion near the market. I went there to check it out as soon as it happened, but there were no signs of them or you… I returned, and we waited, but they never showed up. I went to look for them this morning, but I couldn’t find them…” Nanya explained everything that happened.

I gulped.

“What are you saying? Did someone attack them?” I asked.

She shook her head “I don’t know, but there’s a high possibility that’s the case.” she let out a sigh.

“They are not dead… I’m certain of this at least. I would have known if it was otherwise.” I said and then wrapped my arm around Nanya’s shoulders and pulled her into my embrace.

It wasn’t her fault they were gone, and I wasn’t going to put the blame on her or Ayuseya. Even so, if someone did attack them, I wasn’t going to show them any mercy.

“Then where could they be?” she asked.

“I don’t know, but we’re going to go out there and find out. I know a few things about playing detective.” I smiled and gently brushed away from her beautiful face a rebel strand of hair.

“Det… What’s that?” she asked confused.

“Erm…” I looked up as I tried to think of a good way to explain it “Erm, someone hired by the guards to search for criminals?” I smiled.

“You mean a bounty hunter?” she furrowed her brow.

“Not exactly, less violent.” I smiled.


Knock! Knock!


“Mister Illsyore, there are two soldiers here looking for you. I told them to wait outside. I don’t want any trouble in here.” Tannaor said from the other side of the door.

“Thank you! I’ll be right there!” I replied.

“I’ll let them know.” he walked away.

Blinking surprised, I looked at Nanya and then at Ayuseya.

“Do you two know anything about this?” I asked.

They shrugged.

With Nanya and Ayuseya behind me, I walked out of he inn to meet these two soldiers. They wore the typical chainmail armors with leather padding. Their heads were protected by an iron helmet and were both armed with a short sword and a shield. Nothing dangerous about them, seeing how those armors and weapons weren’t even enchanted.

“Yes?” I showed them a polite smile.

“Are you Illsyore, the owner of Nanya?” the one holding a big box asked.

“Erm, I am Illsyore, but Nanya is my wife not my slave.” I replied, feeling a bit offended by his choice of words.

“Not anymore. The Prince sends you a gift. If you don’t want to end up like them, you’ll hand her over to us.” the other declared with a smug look on his face while his comrade handed me the box.

The scent of blood came from inside.

With a gulp, I opened the lid. Inside, I saw a woman’s arm cut at the elbow and a furry ear.

I couldn’t breathe.

These are… I thought as I looked at the severed parts.

How couldn’t I recognize the right ear that twitched every time I petted her furry head or waved a small fish in front of her cute little nose? How couldn’t I recognize the left arm that embraced me each night?

“Illsy?” Nanya asked worried.

She couldn’t see what I was holding because she was standing behind me, but she could feel something was wrong, my Dungeon Territory was trembling and expanding at a fast rate.

“What the?!” one of the adventurers shouted inside the inn.

“A Dungeon! A Dungeon appeared!” shouted another at the other side of the street as he looked at his Dungeon Level Detection Stone.

“What’s going on?” wondered one of the soldiers.

“Illsy? What are you doing?” asked Nanya again.

She walked over and placed a hand on my shoulder. I was still in shock, but then she saw what I was holding.

“By the gods!” she placed a hand over her mouth.

“Like we said, give us the blonde now, and the Prince promises that your draconian and you won’t end up the same.” he said.

“What?” Nanya replied with a growl.

“Stand back…” I told her.

I took a deep breath and absorbed the cut off parts.

“Well?” the cocky soldier persisted with his nonsense.

I looked into his eyes.

Why bother? the Darkness whispered.

The crystals on my arms turned from green to red, the same was for the one on my chest. It represented my fury, my anger… my rage.

I grabbed the soldier’s face.

“Hey! What do you think you’re…” he tried to struggle and free himself, but I released a laser beam from my palm.

It went straight through his head and struck the ground behind him, vaporizing the flesh and bones it touched.

The lifeless body was then stripped of all of its Magic Energy and turned into dust.

I killed him.

The other one looked in fear at me and took out his sword. I grabbed it and tossed it to the side, but since I was insanely strong, it smashed right through a building and went flying out of the city.

“NO! STOP!” he shouted, but I grabbed him the same way I did his friend.

The look in my eyes was probably an emotionless or a cold one. I acted almost mechanically, by instinct, while inside, I felt like ripping the ground apart in both rage and fury.

How dare they do this to Shanteya? To Tamara? How dare they claim what’s mine? I thought, and for a moment, I wanted to split this soldier’s head apart with my beam, but I did something else, something far worse.

“AAARGH!” the man screamed in pain as I began to absorb his Magic Energy… and memories.

It was a mystery even to me how I did this, but it most likely had something to do with me directly touching him and also having him inside my Dungeon Territory because that was where the energy was going to. The soldier’s screams were heard all around us until his body turned into a wrinkled prune and died. Just like the other one, he turned into dust the moment I absorbed the last drop of his Magic Energy.

“Huh? Guess now I know Kalish…” I spoke, but my voice felt empty, lacking its usual energy.

“Illsy?” Nanya asked.

“Defend me.” I told her as I took a step away from the entrance of the inn and raised my right hand up.

In front of me, I summoned one of my latest creations. It was inspired from the games I once played and the ideas for advanced military technology I saw on the net. Using the Power Crystals and my abilities to shape matter as I desired, I created a very dangerous and powerful weapon.

“What’s that?” Nanya asked.

“Oh, it needs a name, right? Let’s see… Gatling Laser Turret. Yup, that will do!” I smirked and jump on it.

This ‘beast’ was categorized as a trap, but it was basically a chair with two, big AGLMC gatling lasers strapped on rigid metal supports; one to my left and the other to my right. After I made myself comfortable in the chair, I raised the ground under me until I was at about 100 meters in the air.

With a smirk on my lips, I grabbed the controls, two joysticks connected to a network of Power Crystal pistons, and aimed the lasers at the big palace at the center of this city. Thanks to the dead soldier, I knew where the dungeon was placed. I knew where not to shoot, everything else was game. As for the soldier’s other memories and thoughts I absorbed, they were destroyed because I didn’t need them.

To be honest, it was a big mystery to me how I managed to absorb his memories alongside his Magic Energy in the first place. I felt like I was missing a big part of the puzzle. Was this the influence of the Darkness? Or an ability I always had but was never made aware of? I was determined to find out later because now I had other matters to attend to.

“I don’t want to kill, but I’ll make an exception this time.” I said and pulled the trigger.


[Shanteya’s point of view]

 The palace was shaking, the Prince had no idea what was going on, nobody did.

“Hahaha!” I started to laugh.

“Wh-What’s going on?” the fat royal asked from the other side of the bars.

“You! Do you know something?” Dragnov glared at me.

When they cauterized my wound with the heated blade of a sword, it wasn’t either pleasant or pretty. Tamara, the poor child, fainted after the bastard cut off her ear.

“Me? Well… I might…” I was a bit delirious on account of the pain and blood loss. I looked at the armored fellow and showed him a grin. “You two have no idea who my Master is, do you?” I laughed.

“I do not worry myself with those I deem as insignificant!” shouted the fat Prince in his ignorance.

“You should… because he’s coming here to kill you… Even if you send a Supreme against him, he will defeat him! Kukaka!”

I felt like laughing as I realized how furious Master must have been when he saw my arm and Tamara’s ear.

I guess… he really does love me? Or is he just furious somebody touched his stuff? Well… I’m a bit more damaged now than I was before… I’m sorry, Illsy. I thought as I looked up at the ceiling.

“Who is your master? ANSWER ME!” shouted Dragnov.

“Illsyore… the one and only…” I looked into his eyes and showed him a smirk “Godlike Dungeon Lord who defeated the draconian Supreme Dankyun.”

“You’re lying.” Dragnov sneered.

“Then what’s destroying your palace right now? Merions?” I tilted my head to the left. “You know, I’m technically a Supreme if I were to go by strength alone, but Nanya, Ayuseya, and Master are at least three times more powerful than I am. If you beg for their mercy… who knows?” I smirked and then laughed one last time before I felt the darkness pulling me in.

I was tired and in pain… I knew Master was coming, so I closed my eyes and allowed myself to faint.