The Sylthorian

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~ Chapter 8: Demon Lord Severus ~

[Syliar’s point of view]

The best way to describe what I was going through when I began to kill all those idiotic and weakling humans would be through a poem, so here it is:


Death and blood sing my song,

A sweet melody that ends with a gong...

I slit the throat of Anarchy

And took her place in this rhapsody!

I care not for flying remains

For the vigil of demons is only mine to tame...

Hence, I kill and kill again...

This Madness of mine constantly feared and blamed!

Yes, I drown in her sweet embrace

For she constantly sings

The song of a savage grace!


The last twinkle of life in the human soldier’s eyes in front me brought a smile to my lips. That sweet idiot claiming to protect his country, yet so easily swayed by darkness and corruption. In his years of service, he killed more than he could have saved and yet he still dared to think that he did great. I laughed at him for he was nothing but a bag of meat. My blades cut deep and rend his flesh. Blood gushed out like a so delicious fountain. I stood in its path and let the delicious liquid cover me.

Looking back, I saw that only one was left standing, only one besides my beloved.

“Who-who are you?” asked the human who shared the same blood as him.

I looked back at him from the corners of my eyes, and with my mind, I pierced into the depths of his soul. There, I could see his hidden secrets, his dark desires, his shadow. What I was looking for in the gentle waves of his soul was not the darkness but the memories of his current self. I pulled around the threads of his mind until I found what I desired and there... I saw it. The way he treated Michael, the way he dared to beat my beloved. The heinous act of selling out his own brother. It was Cain and Abel all over again.

For me, this process should have been like a delicious treat, but I felt nothing of sort. Inside his rotten soul, when looking at the suffering my Soul Mate went through, I did not feel pleasure, just anguishing pain. That pathetic piece of trash dared to harm my beloved and that angered me greatly. So much in fact that I nearly summoned my demonic legions to walk upon the surface of this pathetic planet.

I tilted my sword and then slashed as fast as humanly possible. The attack was smooth, decapitating him in an instant, however, I did not stop here. My demonic energy spread fourth and grabbed his meager soul. I pulled him out of his own body and then let him gaze upon me in my true form, that of the Demon Queen of this Universe.

Still, his soul had no fault for how his mind worked. That glob of Divine Matter and Divine Energy was there for only one reason, and that was to learn certain lessons. Those lessons came to an end when I killed him. Some remained unfinished, while others had been completed. All of those things meant only one thing... I had no divine right to torture or harm his soul.

Annoyed, I let go of him, and his guardian angel passed him on to the next life.

Back in the real world, Michael finally opened his eyes. Surrounded by so much death, with blood splattered on him, he looked so beautiful. I blushed for a moment, but it would soon come to pass. The emotions reigning inside his heart at the moment were those of fear and confusion. They touched me as well, but I ignored their effect. They were not yet so strong so as to cause a visible reaction from me.

“Michael...” I said as I stepped closer to him.

Entranced, mesmerized, captivated by his soul’s call, I dropped my two katanas and approached him. He was the only soul I could not touch in a harmful way, the only one whom I could look upon for hours and hours at an end. I stopped in front of him and leaned over. Looking into his eyes, I found myself unable to control my desire. I could not help it. I could not resist. I had to do it.

“I finally... found you...” I said to him and then leaned closer.

Our lips touched, and once more I could feel that delicious sensation of a kiss. We were connected only by our bodies, but it was enough to feel all of my insides burning with a deep passion for him. It was such a powerful and entrancing reaction that for a moment, I, a Demon Queen, actually thought it would last for an eternity.

“Stop!” shouted a soldier.

While I kept kissing Michael, I opened my eyes and glared straight at that insolent mortal. He froze. The man dared to disturb me in my moment of peace and relaxation, so I clenched my fists and prepared myself to attack him with my magic, but then a demon appeared between us.

From where I stood, I could only see his broad shoulders covered by the black leather trench coat, a rather peculiar garb for one such as him. However, his sudden appearance only led me to believe that he did not possess a physical body like I did. He was there only as a soul and that gave him access to the a-temporal laws. Nevertheless, I could clearly see his demonic wings, claws, and overall appearance. The darkness of his presence was what gave him away more than anything else. Unlike an angel, he was a representative of evil.

The demon nonchalantly raised his hand up and cast a demonic spell on the mortal. He did it so fast I could not even see it, or better to say he cast it outside of time, therefore, I couldn’t have possibly seen it.

Syliar. We need to talk. spoke the demon when he turned around.

I did not need to see the smug look on his face to know who he was. By energy alone, I recognized him as being one of my subordinates, Demon Lord Severus Traghart the Second, a very annoying bastard who usually acted too stuck up for his own good. More than once I killed him to teach him a lesson, unfortunately he was one who learned the hard way. He took the appearance of a handsome Caucasian man in his thirties, but with completely dark eyes, and charcoal hair tied up in a ponytail.

Time slowed down around me and Michael. A single second went by as a thousand years. I looked up at him and allowed my demonic form to leave the body of the mortal I possessed, but not completely, only my head and a little bit of the upper torso.

Severus Traghart... how disgusting to see you here. I told him.

We did not speak by way of spoken words but by thought.

He narrowed his eyes at me and showed me an insolent smile. Oh, how I detested that smile of his.

A pleasure as always, your Majesty! said the demon as he bowed down to me.

His loyalty was only one for show displayed when he felt it would be of an advantage for him. In any other case, he was as loyal as a toothache, more willing to do you harm than good.

Speak, you insect! I barked at him.

He flinched, no doubt as a result of my demonic presence pressure reminding him that he was nothing more than my inferior in both power and anything else.

Of course, your Majesty! I’m only here to present you with the choice of leaving that nasty mortal behind. You are needed back on your throne, and I am certain I can do well to torture his soul. he said with a confident grin.

He had no idea, did he?

I merely looked him in the eyes and unleashed the full extent of my demonic pressure on him, making sure, of course, to avoid my beloved Soul Mate. This demon would have to be reminded that he was not one to either make propositions towards me or even dare to tell me what to do, especially now.

He flinched and shortly after fell on his knees in front of me. He surely felt my attack full on, unable to either run away from it or even do anything to protect himself from it. This was exactly what I wanted to see, him groveling on the ground with a twisted look on his face from the pain and fear he sensed as a result of my presence next to him.

Now, it mattered not what he wished to tell me, I was the one ordering him.

Severus, you will get out of my sight, or I will kill you. I threatened him, but it wasn’t that much of a threat as it was a fact yet to happen.

I understand, my liege... he grumbled and then vanished from my sight.

I let out a sigh and calmed down. If by chance I were to return to the normal time flow with my presence like this, I feared I would kill a couple of thousand humans through heart attack alone. I don’t even want to think about what sort of chaos that would install all over the world. Then again, it would be a lovely thought worth trying, but I wondered if my Soul Mate would be able to appreciate my sincere ‘art’?

Before I resumed normal time flow, I looked around for a bit and checked my host’s memories for her home. Apparently, she was currently staying at a nearby hotel, but I didn’t want to head there with Michael, the place was too fancy for my tastes, that was why I used a little spell to check the nearby area for a suitable... demonic location.

To do this, I had to set free my soul’s hand from the body I possessed, which was the easiest part. Next, I had to cast a search spell with my required parameters. Angelion magic was rather unique. Although it worked in every dimension and Universe ever created by God, it wasn’t something that could be cast instantly. I could instinctively slow time down for myself to the point where it was actually stopped or even do this outside of time, but for an actual spell, I still had to draw all the symbols by hand.

 The required spell for this matter was a simple one. All the programmed magic had to do was find a suitable living space for myself and my beloved. It had to be away from curious gazes and with a bit of demonic touch to it. By demonic, I did not mean for it to actually be summoned from the depths of Hell but to have a Gothic, Noir, or cursed aspect about it.

Once I finished the symbol, I activated it, and a magic pulse was sent throughout the entire city of Tokyo. Like a sound wave reflected off a solid structure, so would my spell reply upon discovering a suitable location. Thus, in just a few moments, I received the information regarding my new ‘home’. Least to be said that this sort of spell wasn’t one any ordinary demon or angel could handle, especially at my speed. Most angelions would find it either hard or time-consuming to do so.

Seeing no further use in staying in that near time stopped existence, I slipped back into the body of the woman and let everything return to normal.

As soon as this was done, I pulled back and felt our lips finally parting from each other, leaving behind only a powerful yearning. His eyes looked back at me filled with desire and need. I wished to reply to it, to embrace him and surround him with my care and love, but this was neither the place nor time for such a thing. Although, truth be told, as a demoness, I rather enjoyed being surrounded by the scene of a bloody carnage.

My eyes caught the soldier behind Michael. The demon lord’s spell activated, and his flesh was ripped from his body, leaving behind a standing skeleton and painting red the walls around him with a small splat. It was just like Severus to try to make a piece of art out of every kill, but the silent factor was probably the only thing I disapproved off. I would have loved to hear the way his body got ripped apart by the insanely violent forces residing within the demon lord’s spell.

I looked back at Michael and saw his smile. He was so cute and handsome like this, but first things first.

“We should go.” I told him calmly as I got up.

Looking back, I saw my two katanas on the ground. I walked over there and picked them up. The blades were drenched in the blood of my recent victims. I couldn’t leave them like this, not as long as there was a chance for me to use them again, so I picked up the severed hand from the elbow of a yakuza, and with its remaining cloth, I cleaned them up.

Turning around, I saw Michael turning green and then relinquishing the contents of his most recent meal on the ground. He did not look too well, but from what I could tell, it was just his human mind reacting naturally to the sight of gore and slaughter I left behind.

And then he looked at Severus’ ‘art’. He hurled again. Couldn’t blame the kid, everyone knew the idiotic demon couldn’t tell art from trash even if it hit him in the face.

I let out a silent sigh and shook my head. I could not leave Michael like this.

“Are you alright?” I asked showing him a kind smile.

“I’m alri...I’m... I...” he stuttered as he tried to lie to me.

The energies of his body were already reacting, and my demonic sense tingled. He tried to lie to me, but there were quite a few factors prohibiting him from doing so. One of them was the fact that he was my Soul Mate, the other was his own angelic origin. No matter how small or big, a lie would be incredibly hard for him to say, yet out of fear or worry, he still tried.

In a way, it saddened me to look at him like this. Instead of a powerful angel or demon, my Soul Mate was nothing but a weakly human shaking in fear from the simple thought of hiding the truth.

“Don’t lie, just say it. This scene... is disgusting. That’s why you hurled, right?” I told him with a calm tone of voice, hoping I would be able to remove some of that fear and worry from his heart.

“Yes... I don’t want to be here... so much death.” he said.

It worked.

“Mhm.” I nodded and then took his hand.

A buzz of joy washed through my heart. Even a simple touch from him felt so pleasant and beautiful. Unfortunately, I did not want to waste my time by dancing around in joy.

“Follow me.” I told him quickly and pulled him after me.

“W-wings...” he suddenly said.

My mind blanked out for a moment, but then I remembered how I flew all the way there. On my back, I still wore the demonic wings made from the flesh of my human host. No doubt they were a gruesome sight to behold for any mortal.

“Oh yes! Oopsie!” I said and proceeded to fold them up.

The bones cracked, and the appendices got pulled back into my body at an incredible speed. Of course, I had to concentrate on what I did with the excess mass and also to make sure I didn’t destroy the body. Technically speaking, they were mutations of my current form, so I couldn’t just chop them off. The solution I preferred was to alter the mutation and allow the body to retract them.

When I was done, he looked at me with quite the curious and stupefied gaze.

“What are you?” he asked me.

A simple question to which I could technically answer with: a Demon Queen. Nonetheless, I did not feel the need to reveal the truth just yet, so I played the mysterious card.

Touching the tip of my chin with my pointing finger, tilting my head slowly back, narrowing my eyes just a little, and looking straight at him, I replied “I wonder what?”