~ Chapter 137: Starving Dragonesses ~

[Alkelios’ point of view]

It was during the third week of me becoming the temporary Reagent of Ten Swords when I happened to come across Coshun and Ildea secretly kissing in the garden. I made a quick 180 turn and pretended like I did not see anything.

I did not plan on meddling with their relationship or making it any more awkward than it already was. The two of them would end up coming clean about it sooner or later, and that would eventually lead to me getting rid of this Temporary Reagent title.

No, seriously, ruling a country was more work than I had expected or desired in any way shape or manner. I was praying to Lady Luck every day to finish my work faster, but every time I did that, my work doubled or tripled! Sometimes, I simply felt like I was shedding tears of blood while I was stamping out documents or checking the requests of some far-off nobles.

At the very least, for now, things were going smoothly, and everything felt like it was falling into place. From what I heard, my recent decisions made not only the commoners happy but also the nobles. You couldn’t appease everyone, but you could always stick with the vast majority on the front and the others in the shadows.

Then, two days after I witnessed the secret kiss of Coshun and Ildea, while I was at the court talking with the ministers about some of the recent funding that went into rebuilding the academies, I received a most delightful news.

“Lady Seryanna Draketerus and her companions have arrived at the Palace Gates!” one of the guards told me.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Let them in!” I declared as I hurried to the throne room, where I was supposed to officially welcome them.

It was a pretext, but at the very least it was a good one.

When the doors opened, I honestly didn’t even hear what the courtier said because I was too focused on the dragoness who stepped in first. That red hair, those red lips, and those fiery red eyes belonged to only one dragoness in this entire world, the one who stole my heart and kept it with her all this time, Seryanna...

I stepped forward to greet her, but before I even made a step forward, she spread her wings and flew towards me. Everyone was stunned as she took me into her arms and gave me a deep and passionate kiss.

“Where’s your room?” she asked without even saying hello.

“Erm, second floor, the fourth door on the right.” I replied.

“Good.” she then let out a possessive growl and once again spread her wings, flying off together with me.

“Don’t worry about me! And don’t bother me for one day... two days?” I looked at her and she nodded “Two days! Don’t bother me for two days!” I shouted as I flew off.

There was probably going to be a bit of panic and chaos at the court, but that could wait for another two days, and I was certain everyone was going to take care of my friends properly. Meanwhile, I had other problems at hand, which was to satisfy a very hungry and demanding dragoness who had not touched a male for several years now.

My reunion with my wife was nothing the likes of how others would have imagined it to be, meaning a romantic date night with candles on the table and perfect view of the moons Nocturnia and Nocturnis. It was animalic and rough, filled with passion and lust like the mating of two beasts screaming and clawing at each other. The passion simply drowned both of us to the point where we did not wish to hear, see, or feel anything but each other, and when it was over, we didn’t even realize that two whole days had already passed.

On the second day, while we were both having a bath, to clean up the scent of sweat and sex that enveloped us, we talked for the first time.

“It’s so good to see you again, Seryanna... How is everyone back in Albeyater?” I asked her.

“They are doing good. Grandfather regained most of his strength. Iolaus became his second in command and Kleo is expecting an egg soon.” she said as she wiped her body with a towel. “The Queen is also feeling better, but we need that antidote... we got most of the ingredients except for the Orange Juice and Royal Human Blood.”

“Really? You got so much then! I guess the reason why I never really worried about it that much was because somehow, deep down, I always knew you would come forth and gather those ingredients. Do not worry about the last two, I am sure either Amadeus or Drumora will spare us a drop of their blood, since they belong to the most ancient of human bloodlines. As for the Orange, they have it with them. With the help of a good gardener, we could probably start farming them on the Dragon Continent… I miss the taste of oranges. Oh, I also found Coshun Seyendraugher, the long-lost Prince.” I told her about the good news with a smile.

“You found Coshun? But... how?” she asked surprised.

“Apparently, during the invasion, not all the draconians were killed and most of them were just sent off to the Human Continent as slaves. I encountered him by chance and saved him... and now I think he is in a relationship with the human Princess Ildeanussi.” I told her.

“Princess Ildeanussi is in a relationship with Prince Coshun? Well, that’s a relief...” she said as she let out a sigh.

“A relief?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

“Ah, don’t worry about it.” she showed me a smile, but I had a feeling that something was wrong.

After we dried up, we got dressed and headed out to meet the others. From what she told me, Princess Elleyzabelle also came here with her, so she probably got to meet Coshun already. Kataryna and her squire were also here as well as an escort of humans from some other nation. It seemed that a lot of things had happened over the years, but in the end, they formed some sort of an Alliance with the other species, technically surrounding the Human Continent from all sides.

We arrived in the break room, where everyone was already acquainted and drinking some tea while chatting. All of a sudden, I felt like the awkward host who was late at his own party.

“Welcome back, Duke Draketerus, or should I call you Temporary Reagent?” Princess Elleyzabelle greeted me with a small smile.

“Whatever you desire, you Highness.” I replied and made a respectful bow.

“So how is your back?” Kalderan asked with a grin.

“Hurts like shit.” I replied with a smile and Seryanna blushed.

“Well, considering how long she’s been waiting for you, just two days is a bit too little don’t you think? Besides, Seryanna, don’t ruin Alkelios just yet, I want to have my share of fun too!” Kataryna declared as she winked at her.

“I won’t. He is a strong dragon. He can satisfy both of us.” she replied with a serious nod.

“I can what now?” I blinked surprised at her.

“Don’t worry about it, Alkelios!” Kataryna laughed. “You are mine tonight...” she said with a whisper.

“Erm, why do I feel as if I am in danger?” I wondered as I looked back at Seryanna, but she avoided my gaze.

Something is going on here! I thought as my dragon sense was tingling.

“Princess Elleyzabelle, I believe you should know that thanks to Alkelios we now have all the ingredients for the cure!” Seryanna told her.

“That’s wonderful to hear, then Alkelios, I believe that you can head off to Albeyater right away to cure my mother!” Princess Elleyzabelle declared.

“Of course, I won’t hesitate for a second, but I first need to find someone to take my place while I am gone.” I replied with a nod.

“As your legal wife, I believe I am more than suitable to take care of your political problems while you are gone taking care of your mother-in-law.” Princess Elleyzabelle said with a smile, but my brain kind of came to a halt just then.

“My what now and take care of who now?” I blinked like an idiot.

“Don’t worry, she is technically the third wife, Seryanna takes the first place, and I take the second!” Kataryna declared with a smirk.

“Indeed, so my husband, do not worry, I am also certain that father and mother are most eager to hear about Coshun’s survival. Knowing that he’s alive and seeing him healthy and well has made this journey for me more than worthy!” Princess Elleyzabelle declared with a smile.

“Oh, yeah... Congratulations on your marriage, my husband!” Kataryna said with a mischievous smile.

“Eh?” I just stayed there like an idiot with my mouth opened.

“He’s all yours, sister-wife.” said Seryanna to Kataryna as she walked over to drink a cup of tea.

“With pleasure!” she declared as she grabbed me by the back of my clothes and dragged me off while I was still looking at them like an idiot. ”Don’t worry, Alkelios, I brought some good potions that will heal your back right away!” she added.

Before I even had a chance to realize what was happening, both me and Kataryna were already naked in my room. When I came through, she already jumped on me.

“Wait! What about what you said before?!” I asked her.

With a mischievous smile she gave me a hickey on the chest and then with a seductive growl replied “Alkelios, you were gone for a long time, and we went through a lot as well. I realized that what I wanted was to love again, and you were the man I fell in love with. Don’t forget, we draconians usually have multiple partners... be it one dragoness with multiple dragons or a dragon with multiple dragonesses... Either way, you were bound to one day break your monogamous relationship with Seryanna... it’s the fate of any powerful male and more so of someone who made other dragonesses like me fall so madly for them...” she then got on top of me, letting me take a better look of her dominant side and bare chest “We are also a very possessive species... we don’t just let anyone into our little group.” she smirked.

What happened afterwards was one of my wildest fantasies come true, but even though I was doing it with another dragoness, I didn’t feel like I was cheating on Seryanna at all... After all, how could I feel like that when I was handed over to Kataryna on a silver platter?!

The following day, Kataryna stopped her assault and had pity for my poor back. The potions weren’t enough to calm down a raging Breakthrough-er like her!

While I was getting dressed, I just had to ask her though.

“Wait, how does Princess Elleyzabelle fit into all this?!”

“Political marriage. She is your wife on paper only and doesn’t see you in any way other than a friend. This was, of course, because we realized that your popularity with the opposite sex might extend to the far reaches of the world, and powerful as both me and Seryanna are, there are certain situations where you could easily be forced or coerced into marrying some unknown female just because their daddy has a bigger fleet than ours or something like that.”  she explained.

“So basically, Princess Elleyzabelle volunteered to become my political shield?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

“Yes. It sounds harsh, but trust me, it was better than the alternative.” she giggled.

“What was the alternative?”

“Rejecting the advances of other dragonesses and hoping that either Seryanna or me didn’t kill them eventually in a fit of rage.” she said this with a smile.

“Yeah, mass murder is definitely not a pleasant alternative, dragonesses like you are possessive, after all.” I nodded and then shrugged. “C’est la vie… as some French moose once said or is that just something random I vaguely remember from a cartoon?”

“Alkelios...” she looked at me tenderly as she called out my name.

“Yes?” I replied and turned to look into her tempting eyes.

“Do you want to know what happened to us in all these years?”

“Definitely... I actually can’t wait to hear it all, but... as Princess Elleyzabelle said, we should first hurry back to Albeyater and cure the Queen. We will have enough time to chat on our way there.” I replied with a smile.

“I will hold your word to it.” she smiled and then leaned back in my bed. “I’ll take a nap and come find you latter. Finish off your work here before you go.” she told me.

“Yes... wife.” I replied and let out a sigh.

“Also, lose the honorifics with Elleyzabelle, it feels wrong...”

“Hm? I’ll try, but I’m not promising anything...” I shrugged.

Afterwards, the story could not be any simpler. While Elleyzabelle was taking care of my political troubles in Ten Swords, I headed back to Albeyater in the company of my two wives. They told me everything they experienced starting from the Relliar Continent all the way to the Elf Continent. The Alliance they formed was growing more stronger with each passing day, and now that Ten Swords was going to be included meant that the draconians literally had a way into the Human Continent if a war were to begin.

Least to be said that on the way back, I was accompanied to the bedroom by both of them multiple times, and despite being a Breakthrough-er, they exhausted me each and every time...

As soon as we dropped anchor in one of Albeyater’s ports, we rushed to the Seyendraugher Palace, where the first thing I did after greeting everyone was to concoct the potion that was going to cure Queen Elliessara. Two days later, she made the first appearance in decades in front of the draconians at the capital and everyone rejoiced. King Feryumstark was so happy that he did not stop crying for almost an entire day.

I was also happy to meet my old friends again, but I was more than happy to see that what started off as a mere gamble years ago was now resulting in a happy end with the Queen of Albeyater cured and a newfound peace between humans and draconians.

However, how long this peaceful moment was going to last remained to be seen, for now, I had my priorities straight... and among them was to gift my two precious wives with an egg.


~ Chapter 1: Madness ~


~ Chapter 136: One more step towards their reunion ~