~ Chapter 55: Nine months ago ~

[Alkelios’ point of view]

 I was currently standing in the middle of the throne room of the king of Albeyater Kingdom, holding a nuclear bomb above my head and threatening to wipe out the entire capital alongside my fiancée and friends.

Was I insane?

That was a mild way of putting it.

This whole charade started back when I met the dragon sitting on the throne in front of me for the first time nine months ago...

Feryumstark Seyendraugher was an imposing man by many standards. He was a just ruler with an iron grip over all those who thought of going against him, but lately, he was a bit out of it. The main reason was his wife, Elliessara, who had been poisoned 38 years ago by a presumed human ambassador.

Normally, one would think that his rage and anger against my species was going to have reached insurmountable heights, but this was not the case as I would come to learn.

Just by sitting in front of him, I came to remember what happened that night...


[Nine months ago]

 I was standing in front of his Majesty Feryumstark Seyendraugher, King of Albeyater Kingdom, and behind him was his beloved ill wife, her Majesty Elliessara Seyendraugher.

The dragon was reading the letters he received from Brekkar and his daughter, Elleyzabelle. Meanwhile, I was waiting at the window, praying in my head to all the known gods and goddesses not to get killed. I was afraid, deadly afraid because this dragon far surpassed anything I had imagined him to be. He wasn’t just powerful looking; he was a real-life monster with unfathomable strength. To be honest, I could not even see Kataryna winning against him, and this dragon had yet to show his medal in battle.

At the same time, I, a human hero, was standing in front of him, waiting...

“These are genuine.” he said as he calmed down a bit.

The blood lust in the air faded away, and I could feel my tensed body starting to relax.

“I know... But that was still scary.” I complained.

“My apologies. The last human I trusted... didn’t end up being too honest about it.” as he said this, he turned around and looked at his sleeping wife.

“To be honest, that’s a wise move to make no matter the species.” I showed him a wry smile.

“True. The letter from Brekkar told me something interesting... You are not of this world it seems?” he asked raising an eyebrow.

“Ah, yes. Do you want to hear my tale? It might take a while.” I smiled.

“I would very much like to. Have a seat. I’ll go tell the maids to bring us some snacks and tea.” he then pointed at a chair next to me.

“I appreciate it, thank you.” I nodded and smiled.

“Honest... I like that.” he smirked.

His words confused me a bit.

After I sat down, the king went to the door and without opening it, he ordered the servant on the other side to bring us tea and snacks. When he heard the confirmation reply, Feryumstark turned around and took a seat in front of me.

“So where should I start? Ah yes! Earth!” I said with a smile.

I then began to tell him of how I got sent to this world, how I met up with Seryanna, Kleo, Brekkar, then Kataryna and Iolaus. I told him how I met the merchant in Toros, and even how I ended up meeting Draejan. I did not forget to tell him about the event in Pertiko and how I met another one of my people, but I left all the intimate and personal details out of the story. Somehow, I doubted he wanted to know how good of a kisser Seryanna was.

Basically, I did not tell him a single lie, only the truth.

Some might say that it was a stupid move to do. Even I would have told myself that. Information in this world could mean the difference between life and death, however, was I really in such a position where I could withhold it? I was in front of the most powerful dragon in Albeyater Kingdom, whose wife had been poisoned by a cunning and lying human. If I wanted to have even a spec of a chance to receive help from him or prove that I was on his side, I had to let him know of the truth, the whole truth.

“And then I finally decided that I spent enough time waiting. I tossed aside all worries and fears, sneaked inside the palace and went to meet with Seryanna. After a bit of talking, I proposed to her. This was several hours ago. Right after I left her room, I came here.” I nodded as I finished my tale.

“So, it’s her scent that’s lingering on you.” he smirked.

“Quite so.” I nodded.

“How do you feel about the prospect of marrying a dragoness?” he asked me.

“I’m feeling quite excited and happy, to be honest. I love Seryanna, that’s why I want to stand by her side for as long as I am still alive.” I nodded.

“What if the human heroes or kings of this world ask you to betray her?” he squinted his eyes at me.

“Then I hope they already reserved a place in the graveyard for themselves because there’s no way in Hell I’m going to do that! I rather be a traitor to mankind and embrace the woman of my life than to lose her and gain some points with some unknown king or human hero.” I clenched my fist and unknowingly released a bit of my killing intent.

When I realized this, I calmed down and apologized.

“I like your reaction, Alkelios. If you had lied just now or showed hesitation, I might have been more wary of you, but I can see that your heart and head are in the right place. Seryanna found a good mate in you.” he smirked.

“Mate is a bit weird of putting it, husband maybe?” I laughed.

“For dragons, it’s the same thing, so don’t take it as an offense, young one.” he told me.

“Alright, I’ll remember that.” I nodded.

“Now, you said you cured Brekkar, and his letter confirms this. Although it is hard for me to believe it... but if that’s so, then you are one of the best alchemists in this kingdom. No, you might be one of the best on this continent.” he crossed his arms at his chest and looked down, pondering about something.

“How about I try and see if I can cure the Queen as well?” I asked with a shrug.

The king raised his head and looked back at me surprised.

“Just like that? What do you want in return?” he asked.

“Nothing really.” I shrugged.

He titled his head confused.

“Hm, but I guess not asking for anything would be rude. Still, it’s the truth that there’s nothing in particular I want as a reward for this. Not now, at least, maybe later or maybe never, but what I do know is that by curing her, I will help both you and this kingdom. This kingdom is loved and protected by Seryanna and Brekkar, who are my family now. If I can help them, I will.” I nodded.

“That’s mighty generous of you.” he smirked.

“What I do want, not connected to this matter, is if you could solve the issue with Draejan.” I told him with a wry smile.

“Hm... I can’t do that.” he returned to his thinking position.

“Why not? Care to explain?” I asked.

“You are a human of Earth, so you don’t know the way things work around here. Legally speaking, he did not go against my word, nor did he abuse his power by dragon standards. On the other hand, you lost a duel against him, broke the promise made during the duel and even took the chastity of his legal fiancée. On top of this, you are a human with no demeaning noble status, while he is the son of a Duke and my grandson, thus of royal blood. In a matter of speaking, he has a right to sit on my throne just as much as Princess Elleyzabelle does. Politically speaking, you are an intruder in this kingdom as well as a human, a species that is currently at war with mine, while HE is a dragon with royal blood flowing through his veins and a respected member of the nobility of this kingdom. Basically speaking, you have absolutely no standpoint on which I can dissolve his engagement with Seryanna, no matter how it came to be. At the same time, if not for your draconic friends, especially Kataryna and Brekkar, I would be forced to take you into custody and drop you in prison for trespassing.” he explained in a calm yet cold tone of voice.

Everything he said was absolutely correct. I had nothing to stand on in this kingdom, and by meeting with Seryanna I broke more rules than I could count. Maybe tossing me behind bars was the most lenient of punishments he could give me.

“Isn’t there any way I can just make all of that... disappear?” I asked.

“If you asked this of me as a reward for saving my wife, maybe. I would come out as having been forced to give it, but you’re standing among the nobles as well as my daughter’s would fall as a result. You would be no different than any other human out there in their eyes.” he said shaking his head.

“That, I would like to avoid.” I let out a heavy sigh.

Hearing this made me feel rather disheartened.

“Usually, in such a situation... to make such matters disappear is rather difficult. There’s also the relationship with our neighboring countries that must be taken into careful consideration. Albeyater receives war support every time we go into battle against the invading human armies. We are the front line, so we take the brunt force. We suffer the most losses, so the other kingdoms compensate through an offering of gold, armors, weapons, food, or dragons. This trade is also heavily dependent on the way their politicians view me.” he explained.

“The way their politicians view you?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

In my mind, I could not see how the two of them were connected. Albeyater’s internal matters were their own, so why did it matter if the king looked good in their eyes or not. Then again, what did that even imply since he had secluded himself in this room ever since his wife got poisoned?

“Dragons are long lived, and some have remarkable memories. In the outside world, even though I have not stepped onto the political stage in a while, I am still viewed as a powerful and dominant dragon King. If a human were to come along and force me into making a deal with him, the other kingdoms would only see it as me giving in after my wife got poisoned. They would use this to point at me as being untrustworthy and hold back on their war support funds. This would in turn deal a heavy blow to my kingdom and make us vulnerable during a future invasion.” he explained with closed eyes.

“And that’s not all, is it?” I asked with a wry smile.

Opening his eyes, he looked at me and replied “No.”

I gulped.

“A kingdom is supported by the commoners, but the nobles are those who lead them, while the king leads the nobles. Any change the king makes must be approved by the nobles first before it reaches the commoners. Failure to follow this process leads to tyranny and rebellion. Of course, this does not work when the king is good, and the nobles are corrupt. At that time, the king and the commoners are part of the rebellion, while the nobles are those who withhold the old ways.” he explained.

“In other words, losing the trust of the neighboring kingdoms means losing the trust of the nobles inside your kingdom?” I asked.

“Precisely. If the outside sees me as weak, it is in their better interest to replace me. Therefore, a rebellion will be supported by the outside through the war support that was supposed to go to my troops. This does not mean that a trustworthy king would step up to do the job. There’s a high chance the whole rebellion will be led by corrupt nobles, leading to the ascension of a tyrant on the throne.” he explained.

“Out of the frying pan and into the fire, huh?” I remarked and let out a heavy sigh.

“Indeed.” he nodded.

“Then... How am I supposed to change things? How can I not make you lose standing with the outside and inside at the same time?” I asked a bit desperately.

“Relax, it’s not something impossible, just rather improbable. At your current level of strength, it’s impossible, but if you were to become a Breakthrough-er, then it could change something.” he nodded.

“So, there’s a chance, right? Wait... Breakthrough-er? How is me getting stronger connected to all of this?” I asked a bit confused, since to me these two things had no connection at all.

“Humans are beings who put more value on one’s ability to be cunning and aware of one’s political surroundings. On the other hand, us dragons value one’s individual and group strength as well as their assertiveness in critical matters.” he replied.

“So, humans lie and cheat while dragons hit their chests with their fists and roar?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

My words caused Feryumstark to burst out in laughter.

“That’s quite so, little human!” he said after he calmed down.

“Hm...” I leaned back and rubbed my chin.

“Hou? Is there something on your mind?” he asked narrowing his eyes.

“You said I need to be assertive and strong, right?” I asked.

“Yes.” he nodded.

“Let’s say I can do that. What I don’t understand is how this is going to get me out of my current predicament.” I said knitting my brow and raising my shoulders.

“It’s simple. You stage a display of strength through which you prove your assertiveness.” he smirked.

“Like a duel?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

“Like challenging me directly to battle.” he smirked.

“Impossible! I’ll die!” I immediately complained shaking my head.

“Come now! If you have fought against Brekkar or Kataryna, then surely you can put up a fight against me! Your Luck should definitely guarantee your survival!” he pushed.

“Not in one piece!” I retorted.

The gaze in the King’s eyes suddenly changed to a serious one and then moved towards the door. He opened it just enough for his servant to pass the tray holding two warm cups of tea and some small snacks. Without saying a word, he took it and then closed the door.

“The tea is here.” he told me.

“Ah... OK.” I nodded.

Feryumstark placed the tray on the table next to the wall and then brought me the cup of tea.

“Thank you!” I nodded and accepted it politely.

“You’re welcome. But I have to say, not many get the chance of being served tea by royalty.” he said as he sat down on his chair.

“Well, I did tell you, didn’t I? I don’t come from a country that holds royalty in such a high regard.” I smirked.

“However, it’s not like you don’t know manners in regard to being around one either. Seryanna must have taught you some.” he pointed out and then took a sip from his cup.

“Yes, she did, but if I were to act while keeping mind of those, how would you be able to judge my true character and more so have a relaxed talk with me? I’m well aware that your words can be the same as orders for me but maintaining a stiff conversation wouldn’t have been very productive for either of us. Plus, it’s annoying.” I shrugged and then I took a sip of tea.

It was delicious, but unfortunately, I was not that much of a tea drinker. I had no idea how to properly appreciate it. For me, it was just warm, calming, and delicious.

“This is my wife’s favorite. Rossenrhode mixed with Blueberries and just a pinch of Mint.” he showed me a gentle smile while looking down at his cup.

I gazed over at the sleeping Queen and asked him “I’ve been meaning to ask, but aren’t we going to wake her up with our conversation?”

“Impossible.” he shook his head. “She can barely stay awake more than a few minutes each day. When she wakes up, I’m usually here, ready to give her the medicine prescribed by the healers. It’s the cup over there, on the nightstand.” he pointed at a teacup similar to ours, but with a black liquid inside.

“May I look at it?” I asked.

“Just don’t spill it or breath in it.” he said and calmly took a sip of his tea.

I nodded and then approached the tea.

“Activate...” I muttered as I thought about using [Identificus Processus Juridicus].

Back then, the process of activating a skill was still a bit of mystery to me. There were times when I used them without saying a word, while other times when instead of saying ‘Activate’, I shouted the skill’s name. All these options came naturally to me, and I never noticed the difference. It was only AFTER I spent a few months in the Seculiar Forest to train that I come to understand the trick behind it.

The system of activating the skills took into account the fact that we, the human heroes, never used Magic Energy back on Earth. It was a new, mysterious sensation to all of us, that was why our brains simply were not wired appropriately for it and had to learn it step by step. There was also a psychological factor involved. If we believed we could activate it without saying a word, we would, if we did not, we had to try and bypass whatever fear or worry made us unable to do so.

The [Identificus Processus Juridicus] was successfully activated and returned the following information to me:


(Poisoned Black Sunder Rossenrhode Tea): Revitalizing Tea flavored with the Rossenrhode plant for a more pleasant taste. It has the properties of calming the nerves and inducing a relaxing sensation to the body. The concoction had been poisoned with Ryumarry roots, an odorless and tasteless substance that weakens the immune system, causes dizziness, heavy sleepiness, and an overall sensation of fatigue. [Bartender]: Ingredients: Rossenrhode leaves. Rossenrhode root. Ryumarry root. Playas leaves. Citrus peel. Adeline root. Water. Sugar. Requires a Trusted Journeyman Alchemist to make.


I gulped after I read this.

“For how long did you say she has been taking this stuff?” I asked him.

“A year after she was poisoned, why?” he replied and furrowed his brow.

“Well…” I scratched my cheek and showed him a wry smile.

Seeing the change in my expression, he placed the tea down and walked up to me.

“Did you find anything suspicious?” he asked me.

“I just need to confirm something. Do you know the ingredients of this... stuff?” I asked him, pointing at the tea.

“Yes.” he nodded “Playas leaves, Rossenrhode leaves, Rossenrhode root, Citrus peel, Adeline root, water, and sugar depending on the taste of the drinker.” he said.

“Are you sure?” I asked him.

“Yes. Definitely! I drank it myself when they started giving it to my wife. It is meant to help her recover and keep her alive in the hope of finding an antidote for the poison. Unfortunately, in the past eight years or so, I noticed a decline in her state of health... Lately she can barely keep her eyes open long enough for me to help her drink the tea.” he looked down with a sad gaze in his eyes.

“I’m not surprised.” I shrugged.

“What do you mean?” he narrowed his eyes at me.

“Well, my skill [Bartender], the one I told you about, allows me to see the ingredients of potions or in what potions I can use the said ingredients. It also tells me what type of Alchemist I need to be in order to be able to brew it.” I explained.

“What did you find?” he asked in a serious tone of voice.

[Identificus Processus Juridicus] told me this is Poisoned Black Sunder Rossenrhode tea. [Bartender] confirmed the poison used. Now I’m going to read you exactly what it says here: Ryumarry roots, an odorless and tasteless substance that weakens the immune system, causes dizziness, heavy sleepiness, and an overall sensation of fatigue.” I replied and looked back at him.

The killing intent of the King was back, but this time it didn’t feel like it was aimed at me. Nonetheless, I could feel the pressure of pure power emanating from his body. He was NOT happy at all with what he heard, then again, it would have been odd if he was.

“You are telling me someone has been poisoning my wife? AGAIN?!” he growled.

“Yes.” I nodded. “And if you think about it, the effects of the poison, although not lethal, they do coincide with what you have witnessed: the heavy sleepiness and weakness of her body.” I pointed out.

He remained quiet, just kept glaring at the cup of tea he had personally made his wife drink. It was impossible for me to understand the hurricane of emotions raging inside his heart at the moment, so I continued to speak.

“The most troubling one is the weakening of the immune system. This one basically guarantees that the previous poison can act faster and better than before. The fact that it took you so long to find out was also because you most likely were led to believe that this was part of the natural process of the other poison. If fed in small quantities, this Ryumarry root will only act as sleeping medicine, but since the Queen kept drinking it for over eight years, it slowly built up in her system. Her body being unable to process and expel it completely led to the current situation where she can barely keep her eyes open for a few minutes a day. Maybe if not for her being a dragoness, she might have died a long time ago.” I nodded.

“What makes you think it was for eight years and not more?” he questioned.

“From what I heard; her health started to decline around eight years ago. Until then, the culprit probably did not mix in the poison. They let you believe that she was taking something good, tested, clean, until they were certain it became a habit, just the usual medicine. Proof of this was the fact that you did not even suspect this tea to be poisoned with something else, especially not something as simple as Ryumarry, which on its own does not have the power to kill a dragon. All this time, you and everyone else believed it was actually the first poison showing its effects.” I explained.

“Is there anything we can do about it right now? Can we cure her?” he asked as his anger slowly started to subside.

Maybe he realized that raging in here would have been bad for all of us. Then again, he would end up making the poisoner wary of him and flee before he got the chance to catch him.

“Right now, if I ask to see her status, I will only see her name and power level. If you can wake her up and get her to accept to be my friend, I can then see both the poison in question, her current ailments and even how to cure them, if I am skilled enough.” I told him.

“This shouldn’t be a problem... She’ll wake up soon, that’s why I had the tea prepared beforehand.” he told me and then walked up to the cup and poured it in the waste bucket, which thankfully was empty.

“I had the feeling that instead of the bucket you were going to pour it in the pot of one of those plants here.”

“And kill an innocent plant? My wife would kill me if she found out.” he smirked.

“I see... Well, I guess we’ll wait until she wakes up, then?” I asked him.

“Indeed, we will... And thank you.” he bowed his head in front of me.

“Huh? What for?” I asked surprised, taken aback by this gesture.

“For finding out about the poison in the tea.” he told me.

“Don’t worry about it. Now, let us talk a bit more about the assertiveness and imposing my strength stuff you mentioned earlier.” I showed him a smile.

“Indeed, let us elaborate more on it. Hm, you could start by telling me your list of combat skills or anything that could be used for intimidation. This [Bartender] of yours should be kept a secret, for now.” he advised.

We returned to our seats, and just for safe measure, I analyzed the tea we were drinking as well, but this one had not been poisoned.

While we waited for the Queen to wake up, we came up with several ways of imposing myself in the court and having the King accept me as a subject of his. Unfortunately, none could be applied at the moment because I lacked the required strength. If it was up to him, we wouldn’t need to go through all of this hassle. Just by having Brekkar and Kataryna accept me was enough for him, the problem was as he said, the rest of the nobility, which had to appeased as well in order to avoid a possible rebellion or acts of betrayal.

However, once I told him about my journey to the Seculiar Forest, we took into account the possibility of me reaching a Breakthrough. With my Luck it was highly possible. I had both the strength and the abilities I needed to survive there as well as boost myself to level 1000 if not past it. My way of thinking and the very perspective I had on the world resembled that of an unchained Breakthrough-er, as far Kataryna told me, so there was no problem there either.

In the end, [Itsy Bitsy BOOM!] turned out to be a remarkably interesting and noteworthy intimidation tool I could use, something like a trump card to make everyone keep quiet and listen to me.

I told him the details of this type of attack, and he shuddered at the thought of detonating it in a populated area. It was an impressive weapon with a fearsome effect on the local area. He warned me to never use it unless circumstances absolutely demanded it and even then, I had to think thrice before doing so. It wouldn’t be funny if I ended up mutating the already powerful monsters of this world. The King’s worse fear was that of a three-headed, fire-breathing sheep that was 60 meters tall.

Imagining that monster going ‘baa~ baa~’ and thrashing the city gave me the impression that I was in some sort of badly written horror movie or maybe a joke cartoon.

“Then all that’s left are the matters of the court. Who exactly should I have present here in order to convince those buffoons that you are not joking around?” the King asked as he rubbed his chin.

He genuinely enjoyed plotting this scheme with me. His tail was swaying up and down while the expression on his face reminded me of an old sage pondering about matters of life and death.

“Brekkar, Seryanna, Elleyzabelle, and Kataryna?” I suggested.

“Indeed, they would truly prove to be worthy witnesses. I will call Brekkar not long before you return. This will give him enough time to increase his strength and get a step closer to his Breakthrough. But should I take this a step further and return to my royal duties?” he wondered.

“No. This would give the perpetrators of this poisoning incident a reason to be wary of you and be on guard for any ‘strange movements’. Hm, if this was a game, I think I would have you appear two times at completely random moments, to give the impression that nothing had changed, but that something might. Then on the third appearance make it appear as though you are about to make a grand announcement, such as retiring or something like that.” I suggested as I scratched my head.

“Retirement is no good, hm... I could use that fellow Draejan. Make it seems as though I’m about to give in and promote him to a general? If I put him on my right side and Brekkar on my left, it could signal the local nobles of my presumed intent to make a change. Naturally, for the change of the Brekkar Army into the Draejan Army to be official, it would require both past and current generals to be present, thus further fueling this idea of a great promotion. It would also give a good plausible reason for me to call out to all the nobles I find... suspicious. I think I can have Elovius investigate it. See who Draejan spends times with and what party alliances are shifting in the following months. Hm, now that I think about it, that is a very sneaky thing to do. However, it all falls down to you being able to achieve a Breakthrough and arriving on time on that day. If you fail, I will be forced to put Draejan in the General position. I do not have to explain now what this would spell for your future with Seryanna Draketerus, do I?” he narrowed his eyes at me.

“Don’t worry, I won’t fail. I’ll bet my whole Luck on it that not only will I arrive on time, but I will also make a grand entrance suitable to shift all attention towards me.” I showed him a confident smirk.

“Wish this right now, in front of me.” he demanded.

“Very well, your Majesty.” I made a polite bow. “I wish with all of my being that when we meet again, I will be a full-fledged Breakthrough-er with the might to easily show both my strength and assertiveness in front of your court. I wish that we will meet again in nine months and 14 days from now, when you will make your third public appearance, and I will arrive at the perfect time to set this last part of our plan into motion. I wish for everything to go just the way we planned it, without any unforeseen incidents. And while I’m at it, I wish to be able to both cure your wife and find the perpetrators who dared to poison her.” I declared my honest wish in a determined tone of voice with not a single drop of hesitation in my heart.

The King smirked when he heard me and nodded in approval.

“That’s the attitude you want to keep!” he said.

It was going to be a very dicey plan, with many unknown variables, but my Luck was certain to make things happen in the way I wished for them to happen. All that was left to do was to actually level up and become just as strong as I promised. Not an easy feat, certainly, but not 100% impossible either. Improbable, yes, but not impossible, and with my Luck, totally doable.

About half an hour later, the Queen woke up. Her pale skin and silver blond hair made her look like a fragile porcelain doll. With a single gaze, I could tell how weakened she was. Her breath was soft, but barley there, it was almost like she was fighting with her last bits of strength to both stay alive and awake at the same time. For all she knew, this could have been the last time she saw her family.

“Elliessara, my love, don’t move too much. You are weakened... I may have found someone who can help you, but... he’s a human.” the King spoke in a gentle tone of voice as he brushed her hair.

“Do you... trust... him?” she asked in a barely audible tone of voice.

Feryumstark closed his eyes and then looked back at me. In this moment, with his words, he could send both his kingdom and his family to certain doom if by chance I was not whom I claimed to be.

From his point of view, this was a terrible risk to take, and at that time, I believed I had yet to prove myself trustworthy enough. However, I was yet unaware of the fact that throughout our conversation, he tested me time and time again. My desire to be honest with him as well as refusing to use his authority as means through which I could gain my immunity in his kingdom at the cost of unrest within the population, were two of the main reasons he could answer his wife as he did. After all, how difficult could it have been for a King of a nation to pardon someone of their sins on account of a simple whim or because they were too young and knew not better?

“Yes.” he said.

When I heard this word, I let out a sigh of relief, it was the guarantee I had waited for, but now, I had to do my part as well.

“Your majesty, my name is Alkelios Yatagai, I’m a friend of Brekkar and Seryanna Draketerus.” I introduced myself with a respectful bow.

“A human... a friend of those two?” she blinked surprised and then looked up at Feryumstark.

He nodded in confirmation.

“In order to find out what ails you, I need to be your friend. I want to be your friend, your Majesty. Will you accept?” I asked her with a soft smile.

“What? S-Something appeared... a question?” she stared in open space a bit confused.

“It’s my skill. This message appears only to those with whom I have an honest desire to become friends with and they in return wish the same.” I told her.

She showed me a smile.


[You have made a new friend: Elliessara Seyendraugher]


“To see... that there are humans like you... who wish to become friends with dragons... makes me happy... It... gives me hope.” she said with her last moment of consciousness before she fell asleep again.

“Elliessara?” the King checked to see if she was still awake.

“She’s asleep?” I asked.

“Yes.” he nodded and then let her rest.

[Dragon Tamer] was activated successfully. I will look at her status right now.” I told him.


[Name]: Elliessara Seyendraugher

[Species]: Superior Draconian of the High Light

[Awakened Status]: 6 of 6 Conditions met.

[Level]: 1206

[Strength]: 12 (6545)+373.2

[Speed]: 2 (7844)+401.5

[Dexterity]: 1 (9328)+359

[Magic]: 1120 (12545)+271.2

[Luck]: 55

[Magic Excellence]: 43%+4.48%

[Current Buffs]: [Dragon Tamer] <5X Life Force and Magic Energy Absorption from kills/Learning Speed. 10% of hero’s overall stats gained while they are within 100 m of him.> 

[Wisdom of the Old One] <Buff acquired through Awakened Breakthrough. It offers the individual a unique view of the world. It raises the intuition of the individual. It grants the aura of a wise individual.>

[Debuffs]: [Ryumarry poisoning]: <Causes heavy fatigue, sleepiness, weakness in the limbs, and weaknesses the immune system. Cure: [Bartak’s Potion], [Adeline Tea], [Healing Potion], [Grayum Weed]>

[God’s Demise Poison]: <Slow acting poison that cripples the victim’s Magic Channels, slowly bringing them to a crippling death. It works especially well on those who achieved a Breakthrough. Upon death, the body is infused with magic absorbed by the poison throughout the years and turns it into a Lich with the sole purpose of eradicating all life within 600 km of its spawning location. It’s the only poison known to affect Immortals with powerful regenerative abilities. It’s said to be the poison used to kill the god that would later become the first Dark God. Remaining time until Lich transformation: 4 years 2 months 9 days 4 hours 20 minutes. Type of Lich based on current absorbed Magic Energy: Supreme Lich. [Bartender]: Requires Grand Godlike Alchemist to prepare. Cure: [Lumenos, Lumenya, and Nocturnia’s tears Potion]: Requires Grand Godlike Alchemist to prepare. Insufficient level in [Bartender] to display ingredients and mode of processing.>


I then explained what I discovered regarding the debuffs. To be honest, I was surprised as well, but what caught my attention were the 6 conditions she was required to attain in order to Awaken. If hers were anything close to as ridiculous as Seryanna’s, then Elliessara had a tough time Awakening. According to Kataryna, every dragon of a High Element was the same. Hers being Light, it was explained why her scales were white.

Feryumstark went pale when he heard the news. He lost strength in his legs and fell on his knees. The expression on his face told me that he believed all hope was lost. However, what was probably most shocking for him was the Lich transformation. If this were to happen, not only would he lose the love of his life, but he would have to be the one to kill her. It was a fate no man should experience.

“This is good though.” I told him with a smile.

“Good? HOW CAN THIS BE GOOD?!” he shouted and grabbed me by the collar of my clothes lifting me up with ease.

The dragon was so fast, I was not even able to see him coming, and his killing intent was making me unconsciously shiver in fear. This was how an enraged King of Dragons looked like. If the other royals on this continent were anything like him, then the human species never stood a chance in winning a war against them. This King alone was enough to wipe the floor with their armies.

“Ugh! Because there’s a cure!” I shouted back, hoping to reach to him.

In that moment, his grip weakened, and I fell on the floor.

“There’s a cure... Remember? [Lumenos, Lumenya, and Nocturnia’s tears Potion].” I told him.

“Yes... but you said you do not know how to make it... your skill is not good enough, and there’s no Grand Godlike Alchemist alive in Albeyater... Actually, I have no idea how the humans even managed to get their hands on the [God’s Demise Poison]...” he said and then stepped back, looking around the room in a daze.

“Your Majesty, please relax... We still have 4 years left before there’s nothing we can do... It should be more than enough time for me to go and find the ingredients. Once I reach [Bartender] level 5, I have a chance to making. I won’t guarantee anything because I don’t know what the future has installed for us, but knowing we have a chance is better than falling to despair!” I told him as I rubbed my neck and got back up on my feet.

“Yes... that is true... and if you reach that level, then all that’s left is procuring the ingredients. That is true... yes... I should go right away and order the troops. NO! The whole army to aid you!” he declared and immediately got up on his feet.

Before he reached the door, I grabbed onto his tail and pulled, stopping him in his tracks.

“Wait a second! IF you do that then everything we planned and work for so far will be for nothing! The dragons who poisoned the queen will be left to roam free, and they might send assassins in an attempt to stop me! It will become a hassle and needless trouble for all of us!” I called out to him.

He listened to me and then thought carefully about it for a moment.

“You are right...” he nodded and stepped back.

I released his tail.

“Phew!” I exhaled relieved.

“Still, I cannot stop worrying about the fact that this might not work...” he said as he knitted his brow and looked at the ground.

“Then in the next nine months come up with plan in case I don’t return, though I highly doubt this because I want to kiss Seryanna again.” I nodded.

“You are right... I know the poison’s name. I know the cure’s name. All I need now is a Grand Godlike Alchemist. A dragon with such mastery won’t hesitate in taking up the challenge to brew this famous cure.”

“And you also know what potions to acquire in order to help your wife recover from the Ryumarry poisoning: [Bartak’s Potion], [Adeline Tea], [Healing Potion], and [Grayum Weed]. Besides these, I would recommend making her drink lots of fresh fruit juice, warm soups and overall healthy and nutritious stuff like this. Of course, given the circumstances, you need to do it carefully. Hm, I know. Call for Kleo, Brekkar’s granddaughter. She is a necromancer black scale, but a very able and skilled individual when it comes to obtaining this sort of stuff. Also, she can act as a trusted bodyguard for you. As for the food, you can always learn to cook it yourself if you fear it will be poisoned as well.” I explained.

“That is true... but a necromancer... Hm, that might not be such a bad idea. No one would expect me to have so much trust in someone like her.” he nodded to himself.

“Just watch out for her pranks...” I showed him a wry smile.

“That I always do... I don’t want my palm to be glued to my face again...” he sighed.

“WOW! She’s good...” I pointed out.

“Ahem! Well, I guess this settles our matters. What will you do now?” he asked me.

“I’ll fly straight to the Seculiar Forest.” I showed him a smirk.

“Then may the gods have you in their care, Alkelios Yatagai!” he declared and then made a deep bow in front of me.

“You as well, your Majesty!” I showed him a smile and likewise gave him a respectful bow.

“One question before you go... Why didn’t you ask me to be your friend?” he narrowed his eyes at me.

“Because I felt like you would decline? Well... it also didn’t really cross my mind.” I shrugged.

He smirked.

“That is indeed true. A King has to stay impartial, after all.”

“And you also don’t want me to peek at your stats, right?” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Ahahaha! I have no idea what you’re talking about!” he looked away.

This was one sneaky old dragon.

Afterwards, I left the same way I came in, and the rest was history.


[Feryumstark’s point of view after Alkelios left his room]

 I was left alone with my wife. My thoughts were in a haze, but thanks to that man, I was able to find out more about my beloved’s conditions. Not only this, but I also found a glimmer of hope when there should have been none. Instead of waiting for her to die by my side, I could now do something to save her.

At this moment, my two children, the youngest ones, Shezelle Eska and Ashernitz Kos entered my room. They were smiling and came up to Elliessara’s bed. The two of them were born twins.

When she found out she was pregnant with their eggs, I begged my wife to give up on them, but she stubbornly refused to do so even if it would have meant to give up her own life. It took her a while, but in the end, she convinced me to accept her way, and I prayed that year every day to the gods to help her in this time of need.

Their birth was a miracle, and luckily for them, they did not have any traces of that despicable poison in their systems. I was relieved when heard this.

If I had lost both her and them, I would have certainly fallen to despair.

Maybe Luck was on my side?

Ashernitz looked up at me and said with a smile “We told you he would come.”

“Of course, we told him to!” Shezelle said with a nod.

“He did not mention you two, though.” I told them.

“No need to. He doesn’t even remember anymore when we appeared before him unless someone jogs his memory.” Shezelle explained.

At this point, the two held hands and their eyes glowed in a bright, golden color. The air around them changed, and the expression on their face turned to a more serious one.

“These are the words of those you do not see but feel and pray to. Trust Alkelios. Trust him well and he shall not disappoint. However, whenever the message appears before you, asking you to be his friend, reject it. Be his friend, but do not be his friend at the same time. This is the best way you can personally help him.”

The voice felt like it echoed in my head and made me feel like I was listening to a being far more powerful than I.

“This is the first time you let me hear such a lengthy message... Why do you interfere in the mortal world?” I asked him or it, whatever spoke through my children.

“You prayed. I answered.” he replied.

“These words you tell me... are they prophecies?” I inquired and narrowed my eyes at the twins, trying to see past the hosts that were my precious children and into the being that took hold of them.

“No.” they shook their head at the same time “They are merely suggestions, so remember them well. In the end, your choice leads you down on your own path.”

The children then closed their eyes and returned to normal.

This channeling act drained them of their energies, so they were both yawing and got up on the bed to sleep beside their mother. I let them do so while I watched over them.

These two were a real mystery on why and how they gained this ability of theirs, however, I could tell that the one who spoke never tried to take control of them. If they felt like this being had something to say, the twins would hold each other’s hand and allow it to speak through them. Without their will and direct contact with each other, they could not channel his words and presence. Simple sentences once in a while was all it said, but so far, they revealed this gift only to me. As for how long they were going to have it, I had no idea, yet something told me it was not going to be forever.

I wonder if it’s true what the priests told me about the two of them having a chance to one day become the Apostles of a god? If this is what they will want to do, I will support them, but I will not force them to become one just because they can do a little channeling. I smiled and then gently patted their little heads.

“Sleep tight, my children.” I whispered.


~ Chapter 56: Insanity at the court ~


~ Chapter 54: Let the games begin! ~