~ Chapter 58: Celebration of change ~

[Alkelios’ point of view]

 Draejan was left knocked out on the ground with his armor and weapon shattered to bits. It was a humiliating defeat for him because he wasn’t able to do anything to me, not even lay a single scratch on my armor. Two of his soldiers took him away after the King announced my victory.

Stretching my wings a bit, I returned Chaos to its individual components: Heaven and Hell. With my weapons sheathed and a smirk on my scaly face, I walked up to where the King and the others were.

“I guess there’s no problem now with me taking Seryanna as my wife?” I asked as I placed my hands on my hips.

“You are a dragon, so no...” Feryumstark replied but judging by the gaze in his eyes there was something bothering him.

“Even if you weren’t, I still would have taken you for a husband, Alkelios.” the dragoness replied with a smile as she came forth and stopped in front of me.

When I looked into her captivating red eyes, I could feel her boundless love for me. Seryanna had turned over the course of these past several months into a woman who was far more attractive than before. I felt my cheeks turning red, well... sort of, it couldn’t be seen on account of the scales, but the idea was that I felt flushed, and my heart was pounding in my chest faster than it normally did. My tail was wagging as well, but that was a minor detail I didn’t notice. Maybe it was my draconic side reacting to her new Awakened self?

“And I agree of this union as well!” declared Brekkar.

The old dragon’s words pulled me out of my daze.

“Technically speaking, I’m a human-draconian hybrid, that’s why I will never be able to take the full-beast form. What you see is the best I can do.” I pointed at myself.

“Bah! Details!” Feryumstark waved it off and then laughed.

While we talked like this, the nobles who were watching the duel from the sidelines approached me and congratulated me on my win and what I had accomplished today. This gesture of theirs took me by surprise and their polite words held no mean intention behind them. One after another approached me like this and then bowed to the King so they may take their leave.

“It was a splendid duel, Alkelios Yatagai! I congratulate you on your win and hope to see great achievements from you now that you have officially declared your allegiance to our proud Kingdom!” a dragon with a slim build said as he held his chin up high and showed me a smile.

“I will try and do my best... erm...” I said, but I stopped here since I didn’t know his name.

“Marquise Eonstrak.” he introduced himself.

“Yes, a pleasure to meet you, Marquise Eonstrak.” I replied with a nod.

He then turned towards the King and made a deep bow.

“Your Majesty, if you have no more need of me, I shall be retreating to my room. I must inform my wife immediately of what transpired today and see to it that we do a thorough search in our fief for any such traitors as those discovered today.” he told him in a polite and respectful manner.

“Please do so, Marquise Eonstrak. If you hear of anything suspicious, do not hesitate to send news to the palace.” he replied.

“As you wish, your Majesty!” he declared.

Afterwards, he gave a short bow to me and those around me before taking his leave from the stage.

These words had more or less been repeated by all the nobles who came to congratulate us. Not even one of them spoke about exchanging further pleasantries or inviting us to some sort of celebratory event as I initially thought they would. After all, with everything that happened today, I wouldn’t have been surprised if they called for a grand feast at the very least.

What I wasn’t thinking about at that time was the fact that they might have felt worried or troubled by the fact that they were put to the same test as the traitors. This meant that the King suspected them of being one of them. Today, they proved their loyalty, but their pride took a terrible hit.

What I didn’t get was why it was so important to mention this news to their wives? It sounded as though ALL of those dragonesses thought their husbands were cheating on them or lying to them, which in my opinion was a bit sad.

Once all the nobles were gone, we guided the King back to the throne room. I was walking with Seryanna on my left and Kataryna on my right. In front of me, Brekkar was walking next to the King, both of them were talking about the situation with the Brekkar Army, and behind us were Kleo and Iolaus walking side by side. As for Elovius, he went to visit the dungeons to interrogate the traitors. There was a lot of paperwork waiting for the Prime Minister as a result of today’s events.

After taking a seat on his throne, Feryumstark looked at all of us standing in front of him and then took a deep breath.

“I wish to commend you all for a job well done today! We rooted out some traitors that had been plotting right under my nose, and we even manage to reinstate Brekkar in his position as a General. Least to be said that none of these things could have been possible if not for the efforts of one Alkelios Yatagai. As such, I see it only right to offer you a Noble Rank and a spot at my Court. With you having pledged your allegiance already to my daughter, Elleyzabelle, there is no problem with this and if any dare to complain, I’ll make sure to shorten their tails with a rusted dagger!” he declared and showed us a smirk at the end.

“Thank you, your Majesty. I appreciate it!” I bowed my head respectfully in front of him.

Because I was still in my half-beast form, my stature was rather imposing as the tallest among all the dragons and dragonesses present here.

Regarding this nobility reward I was offered, I didn’t really know what to say. It didn’t hold that much of an impact on me, and I felt neither flattered nor insulted by it. If I were to compare it with something, it was the same as receiving a gift on a random day from a random friend. I accepted it and took it, but I didn’t make a big deal out of it. Maybe this nonchalant attitude was the fault of my Breakthrough.

“As for the rest of you, I came to understand that you played a vital role not only in bringing Alkelios here but also in helping him take the side of dragons. For this, I will see to it that you are all properly rewarded as well.”

“Thank you, your Majesty!” they all said and bowed their head at the same time.

“Now then, Alkelios, I will discuss this nobility matter in more detail with you after I had spoken with my wife and son about it. And speaking of which, my wife, the Queen of Albeyater wishes to speak with you in person when you have the time.” he smiled.

“Of course! I’m guessing she is feeling much better now?” I asked.

“Thanks to you, yes.” he nodded.

“Good to hear!” I smiled.

“Your Majesty, I apologize, but I will hand over Alkelios tomorrow or maybe the day after.” Seryanna said all of a sudden.

“Huh? Hand over?” I blinked surprised.

Did she just say ‘no’ to the King? AND QUEEN?! I thought, and I felt my heart beating a bit faster because I had no idea how his Majesty was going to react.

I mean, this was pretty serious and considering the whole matter with the Queen’s current poisoning situation and all...

“I see. Very well.” the King nodded while rubbing his chin.

“Huh?!” I turned and looked at the dragon surprised.

“Hm? Anything the matter?” he asked.

“Well... Erm...” I didn’t know what to say, but all of a sudden, I lost my balance and fell face first on the ground. “OMPH!” I groaned.

“Then, we will take our leave! Have a good day, your Majesty!” Seryanna said while literally dragging me away by my right foot.

“WAIT A SECOND! What’s with all this?!” I complained.

“What do you mean?” asked Feryumstark, and Seryanna showed me a puzzled look as well.

“How is this normal? Shouldn’t royalty take priority in this?!” I asked.

“Well...” the King was looking away, avoiding my gaze.

“This is a matter between dragonesses. Besides, I am your fiancée, and I have not seen you for almost an entire year. It is quite natural that you will be handed over to me immediately, no questioned asked.” Seryanna declared with a nod.

“What am I? A dragon for lend?” I retorted.

“No, but I take priority.” she declared.

“Huh?” I blinked surprised.

“Did no one tell him?” Feryumstark asked around.

“Tell me what?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

All of my ‘friends’ were looking away.

“I may have forgotten this tiny detail... or was randomly mentioned at one point but wasn’t given any attention.” said Brekkar.

“Tell me WHAT?!” I retorted.

“Ahem. Dragons have a matriarchal society.” said the King.

“A what now?! Then why did the whole thing with Draejan happened?!” I retorted.

If this was true, then Seryanna’s vote and opinion in the matter was far more important than that dragon’s.

“Well, first of all, she wasn’t Awakened yet at that time. Secondly, my wife was ill and couldn’t be bothered with such things. You of all dragons should know quite well what her condition was at that time. Third of all, because I had assumed the role of the dominant figure in the Kingdom, many dragons started to grow a second tail, believing they had the right gain more political authority. We ended up as a semi-patriarchal society for a small period of time, but the truth was that most power remained in the hands of the wives. Fourth of all, there was a noticeable difference in the ranks and titles the two held. Seryanna was a Royal Knight and a Noble, true, but she held no title. After the battle 39 years ago, the Draketerus Dukedom was reduced to ashes and so was their title, which remained only in name, but only for Brekkar. Overall... it’s complicated, and I am certain my wife would sympathize with Seryanna right now. I don’t see it as a problem either, so you have my blessing miss Draketerus to... take him away and lock him up in your room for now.” he showed me a wry smile.

“Say what now?!” I retorted.

“See? No problem!” and then she continued to drag me.

“At least let me walk on my own! Don’t drag me like I’m some washed up drunkard!” I retorted.

“Fine.” she let out a sigh and let go of my leg.

“Good.” I said, but before I could get up, she lifted me up by the waist and tossed me over her shoulder.

“Greeeat! I have been upgraded to a ‘sack of potatoes’.” I squinted my eyes at my ‘friends’ who weren’t even attempting to help, they were just trying VERY hard not to burst into a loud laughter.

“Well, you are MY ‘sack of potatoes’, and I’m not sharing!” she declared as she walked away with me, waving her tail like the happy dragoness she was.

“Shouldn’t we... help him?” Iolaus asked.

“Nah! He’ll be fine! You, on the other hand, we need to resume last night’s ‘play’.” Kleo showed him a devious smirk.

Iolaus froze and looked around for help with a desperate look on his face.

“Ehehe, my erm... ‘wife sense’ is tingling. I think she’s calling me!” said Feryumstark as he fled the scene.

“Yes. Ahem! I need to erm... train this sword! I meant to say train with this sword!” Brekkar ran towards the closest exit.

Kataryna was trying VERY HARD not to laugh right now. As for Elleyzabelle, she had remained quiet all this time.

I let out a sigh and seriously thought about whether or not the male draconians in this kingdom were helpless in front of their wives or if this was a general rule of some kind. It could have also been something else: the old dragons understanding the needs of the younger generation, they simply let them be. Although, Feryumstark was the KING! Why was HE fleeing?! How could an old dragon and royal like him take part of this childish joke?!

Well, this did tell me that he was a very understanding King, but was it necessary... were we really that close to him to answer and participate in these sort of jokes.

Were these jokes normal in the first place?

My mind went swimming in circles around these questions until I finally gave up, letting the smoke fly out of my ears and my brain to cool down. It wasn’t like I was against Seryanna being so assertive, but considering everything that happened with the whole Draejan thing, I felt as though this was a bit rushed.

It was also possible that this was simply their draconic nature?

Honestly, I don’t understand anything anymore... I complained in my mind while I was trying not to look at any dragons we were passing by.

I wasn’t unhappy with it, but being carried like some sort of prize won in a contest was a tad bit embarrassing... I was still in my half-beast form, sooo the size difference was noticeable...


[Draejan’s point of view]


“Ugh... W-What happened?” I groaned and tried to get up, but a terrible pain surged through my whole body. “ARGH!” I screamed.

My muscles felt like they were being ripped apart piece by piece, yet I didn’t remember suffering so much damage. In the duel, yes... the duel... all I remembered was his smirk at the end... when he punched me.

After that... what happened? Did I... Did I lose? ME? Against a dirty human? the very thought of it made me angry, furious, annoyed beyond measure.

I clenched my fists despite my pain and glared at the ceiling. I couldn’t accept it... I didn’t want to.

ME?! A noble dragon with royal blood?! Me?! The one who was about to bring this whole kingdom to its knees and restart the human-dragon war?! No! IT CAN’T BE! It’s not POSSIBLE! I screamed in my mind.

I couldn’t dare let these words of mine be heard for I did not know who might hear me. This reflex was formed over the decades and even when I was completely annoyed, not even a peep came out.

“Master, please calm down, you are injured.” the slave spoke.

Glaring at him, I bared my fangs and asked “What did the King declare?”

“That... you lost.” he replied.

“Tch!” I clicked my tongue and leaned back on my bed.

“The healer said you will need to drink Healing Potions and call for someone with the ability to cast healing magic.” he said as he placed a potion on the nightstand next to me.

“Are my injuries that serious?” I asked in a low growl.

“From the outside... it doesn’t look that way, but you can feel it’s not so. Alkelios’ attacks sent shockwaves of pure force throughout your body, damaging it at all levels... It’s a miracle you’re not dead.” he explained.

“Dead? He was trying to kill me? ME?!” I asked as a smile was formed on my lips.

I knew I looked like a madman, but the thought of someone like him trying to kill me was unpleasant.

“No... just damage you in such a way that you would need weeks of healing.” he replied.

“Ridiculous!” I growled.

“Yet, here we are.” he shrugged and walked to the end of my bed.

Pulling back his hood, I saw the same scaly face he showed to the King when he was ordered to show himself. Even I would have confused him with a pure-blood dragon if I didn’t know any better.

“You know, I was surprised when Alkelios called me out... Somehow, he knew who I was... He’s gotten smarter, stronger too...” he said as he looked at his flexing right hand.

Humans had the tendency to display some rather weird gestures.

The spell he used deactivated, and I could see his true appearance. He had a bushy black beard, tired-looking dark-brown eyes and a shaggy haircut. In the human territories, he would have been confused with a bum, yet this man was someone with a level over 500 as he claimed it to be.

His scheme in gaining Power Levels seemed to have worked splendidly so far, but he didn’t really feel as powerful as a dragon with an equivalent power. Yet, if I were to toss him in battle, his ability to teleport troops wherever he wanted would make him a rather valuable and dangerous asset.

“Or maybe it’s because you stuck to the same clothes you used back when you first met him?” I pointed out.

He looked up at me and then shook his head.

“I doubt it.” he replied.

What an idiot... I thought and then leaned back, closing my eyes.

Several hours later, I woke up again and drank three healing potions. There was no need for a healer to cast his magic on me. As a soldier and knight, I learned a few basic spells in the field, so I applied them on myself.

Two hours later, I could move and stand up, but barely... My whole body was hurting, and my insides felt like they were about to burst.

I can’t stay here... I have to take advantage of the fact that they lowered their guard and prepare for the next step of my plan. There’s no way I will admit defeat like this... Not after I made so many sacrifices... Not after all the plans and schemes I put into motion... I thought and while clenching my jaw, I got up from my bed.

The pain was horrible, and I could barely stand, but I was not going to allow myself to succumb to the pain.

“Kronius! Get in here!” I shouted.

The human teleported in front of me and pulled back his hood.

“Yes, master?” he asked.

“Bring me my [Purse] rings and use your ability to steal as many weapons and armors as you can from the armory. Return to me once you are done.” I ordered him.

“As you wish, master.” he replied with a bow.

After he teleported, I clicked my tongue and went to my dresser. From inside, I picked up an inconspicuous set of clothes and put them on.

These should do... I thought as I looked in the mirror.

I looked no different from a noble of a low rank. The hood was to help me hide my horns and face, while the mantle was needed to keep my tail hidden. There was no reason to hide my white scales, but the gold scales on my face and tail tip were a sign of royalty, or at very least someone related to the Royal Family by blood.

Looking around the room, I let out a sigh. This was going to be the last time I saw this place. My residence in Drakaria was going to be the first one to be searched after I was gone. As such, I was prepared to vanish without leaving any trace behind me. This meant no clothes, no documents, no tools, nothing to even remotely hint that this place was once used by me.

With pain pulsing through my body, I limped all the way to the room I used as an office. I opened the door and took a long look around. There were many things in here that had to be disposed off: documents, books, letters with secret orders and messages, all sort of things.

Once I’m done gathering all of these, I’ll move on to collecting any item of value and tools in this house and finish by collecting my clothes, armors, and weapons. I should make sure to empty the cellars and attic as well... I thought.

Thus, I began to empty my house of everything I saw as important. The only things I left behind were the pieces of unmodified furniture. I only had secret compartments installed in my desk and two of my chairs, which I took with me. The safe in the wall behind the map of the Doesya Dukedom was taken as well.

Kronius returned not long after I was finished. He had more items to store than I did.

“It has been done.” the slave reported.

“Good. Now, teleport us to the Brekkar Army Headquarters tent outside of Drakaria.” I ordered him.

“As you wish.” he bowed and then opened a portal to his left.

This skill of his, the [Pika Boo Blink], was extremely useful in the hands of a capable commander. Acquiring him as a slave was nothing but a stroke of luck. If he had been discovered by the humans before me, he would have been a troublesome enemy to deal with.

As I stepped through the portal, I found myself inside my tent. Everything was where I had left them, including the map with the ‘fake’ strategy on it, which made it look, to any spying eye, as though I was thinking more about defense and supply management within the kingdom than I did of instigating a war between the humans and Albeyater.

“Go and tell Goryan, Talladov, Servorth, Colar, Jormungar, Kossan, Taranvik, Oldessa, and Patrianus to see me here at once. I don’t care what they are doing or what they were planning on doing. If they dare to decline my call, tell them they are not needed anymore.” I ordered him.

“As you wish, master.” Kronius replied and then ran out of the tent.

There was a big difference between telling a slave what to do and ordering him. In case of the latter, he had no choice but to obey my commands, while in case of the first, it remained up to him if he decided to do it or not. To allow a human like him a free reign was absolutely ridiculous, so I ALWAYS ordered him what to do.

As I looked at the map spread on the table, I let out a sigh.

“To think that accursed human pushed me to gamble on this move... Breakthrough-er or not, I am going to make sure to kill him.” I said and moved the King piece from Drakaria all the way to the Eastern Plains at the border with the Embryger Empire. “As long as the King doesn’t come here, the plan is safe... But...” I smirked. “with the Queen suffering from that terrible poison, I wonder if he would dare to leave her side.”

The plan I made when I was but a whelp was coming into fruition only now, after so many years had passed from that one... faithful encounter. My only worry was whether or not I was trying to pluck this fruit before it was ripe or after it had already gone bad. Either way, after losing to Alkelios, there was no way I could show my face again at the court. Therefore, while I still had the chance, I had to make the decisive move and put my plan into action.

In just a few months, the Queen will be no more, the King will die of grief, the economical and military power of this Kingdom would have crumbled, and all that will be left for me to do will be to invade, take over, and set up a new reign... Or rather, put a worthy puppet on the throne while I moved things from the shadows. The idea of peace between humans and dragons will die together with my foolish grandparents! And along them, everyone who dared to support them! I thought and then picked up the King piece “History will remember you and your allies as fools and me as the hero who brought balance to the values of both draconian AND human kind.” I said and then squeezed the piece in my hand until it cracked and turned to dust.

As for Alkelios Yatagai, until I made a Breakthrough or found a way to weaken him, all the battles between us would end up with my loss. He made this all too clear yesterday, and I was no inexperienced fool to deny this fact.

In order for me to win this ‘war’, my strategy had to be perfect, my goals clear, and my allies there. But most importantly, I had to find a way to neutralize, weaken, or incapacitate the enemy’s Breakthrough force. I had to find a way to keep most of their Breakthrough-ers away from my battlefield...

I guess... I will need to ask for help from those humans... again. I thought and looked towards the entrance of my tent.

The draconians I had called for showed up one after another. Wearing a serious expression on their face, these loyal, battle-ready knights were going to obey only MY orders and through them, a big part of this army.

“Tonight, we depart from Drakaria.” I declared and with this, I began to give them specific orders on what to do and how to move.


~ Chapter 59: An audience with the Queen ~


~ Chapter 57: Duel ~