The Sylthorian

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~ Chapter 73: The God-like’s Truth ~

[Kronius’ point of view]

 I did it... I thought as I was falling from the sky.

With that last burst of Magic Energy, I was completely depleted and wasn’t able to sustain my flight. The ground was approaching fast, and my only chance of survival if I didn’t want to end up a simple red splat on the ground was to drink a potion that would restore my Magic Energy.

“Come on!” I struggled against the wind as I took out a small blue bottle, but in my weakened state, I wasn’t able to hold on to it, and it flew out of my grasp “NO!” I screamed as I tried to catch it again, but it was to no avail.

Not giving up, I took out another potion, but this time, I held it better. After popping the cork, I drank it with haste. The moment the sour liquid touched my lips, I could feel the energy coursing through me again.

I had no time to lose. I cast a barrier around me and then invoked the winds to slow down my fall.

The moment I made contact with the ground, my barrier broke, but only a small part of the shock reached me, which meant that minus a few bruises here and there I survived.

“Cough! Cough! I did it!” I said with a smile as I pushed myself up and flipped myself over on my back while looking up at the sky.

Alkelios is now dead, and I am alive! I won! I thought as I smiled.




A surge of pain washed over me from my left leg, and I let out a loud shout “AAARGH!”

It hurts! It hurts! I screamed in my mind, but when I looked at the source of pain, I saw... her.

That red-scaled dragoness, Seryanna Draketerus, was looking at me with a cold gaze, and I could feel her bloodlust washing over me. Three others landed next to her: the silver-scaled dragoness Kataryna Greorg, the black-scaled dragoness Thraherkleyoseya Draketerus, and the white-scaled dragon whose name I had forgotten.

They were looking at me with the same cold piercing eyes. In their half-beast forms they were no different than monsters, man-eating monsters. I felt a shiver of fear rushing down my spine because I knew there was no way to reason with these... things.

The God-like was right, this continent was filled with nothing but monsters.

“Where is he?” Seryanna asked with a threatening guttural growl.

I smirked.

“Dead.” I told her.

She twisted her foot on my broken leg, sending another surge of pain through my body. I screamed, but she closed my mouth by slapping my jaw with her tail.

“Where is he, human?” she asked again.

“I told you, he’s dead.” I spat some blood.

“What do you mean? Explain.” Kataryna demanded.

I showed her a smirk “That last attack, it was my most powerful yet, and even I don’t have full control over it. You see, what it does is uses all of my Magic Energy in order to send my target to a random place in the solar system. By random, I mean it could be another planet, the cold void between the stars, an asteroid, or even within the crust or mantle of a planet.” I smiled triumphantly “There’s also another catch to it. Not only is he sent in a random place in this solar system, but he is also sent either to the past or to the future.”

“What?” the dragoness was showing me a confused expression.

“Let me put it this way, my spell could have sent him 100 years into the future right in the middle of the Sun. Or it could have sent him 100 years into the past right in the middle of this planet, thousands of kilometers beneath the surface. Do you really think anyone or anything can survive that?” I asked with a smile. “Face it, he’s dead.” I told her.

“How do we know you aren’t lying?” the black-scaled dragoness asked as she let out a growl.

“Why should I? Besides, I give up. You can take me to jail or put another slave collar on me, I don’t care.” I said as I raised my hands up in a sign of submission.

The dragonesses looked at each other for a moment and then back at me with a cold gaze.

What’s going on? I wondered.

“You seem to be mistaken about something.” Seryanna said and then, before I could do anything, she stabbed her sword into my gut.

“Gah!” I spat blood and winced from the pain.

It hurts! I’ve been stabbed! I’m bleeding! I thought in shock.

“Alkelios told us about your little teleportation trick. As long as I keep my foot on your leg, you can’t run away. Besides, you are deeply mistaken about the fact that he’s dead. I’m his wife, his mate, I would know if he died or not. No matter where you sent him, be it the past or the future, he will come back to me, and I will see him again. That man, unlike you, has 100 points in Luck. He has it maxed out. Which means that even if he has a chance of a chance of a chance to survive, he will. Not only this, but we, his friends and family, also deeply wish for him to return to us safe and sound.” she told me with her cold gaze as she slowly pushed the blade of her sword deeper into me.

“You are mad! I said I gave up!” I shouted back, trying to stop the blade from going deeper.

I could still be saved if I drank a healing potion or if someone cast a healing magic on me. Magic in this world could do what no modern tech could. There was still time. There was still a way for me to survive!

“You are also mistaken about something else, little human. Do you really think that I, Alkelios Yatagai’s wife, would calmly just let you walk away after attempting to murder my husband?” she asked as she got close to me with her scaly reptilian head.

“W-What?” I asked horrified of what her words implied.

“You’re not going to jail, and you are definitely not going to be wearing a slave collar. I saw what you did back there, how you easily took it off. Do you think I’m stupid? No, what awaits you is nothing but death.” she told me this, and I could tell... I could tell... she was enjoying this.

S-She wants to kill me? No! I can’t die! I thought, and I struggled in vain to free myself of her.

There was no way of getting out. I didn’t have enough Magic Energy left to cast a spell, not even a simple barrier let alone to use my ability to teleport out of here. I was trapped.

I was trapped like a hare in a fox’s den.

There’s no way out... These things really are monsters... Monsters who walk and talk like humans do. I thought horrified.

In the next moment, she pulled out her sword, making me spit blood, and when our eyes met, she slashed horizontally. The world began to lean to the side, and I couldn’t feel my body anymore.

No... I don’t want to die... NOOO!!! I screamed in my mind as the world turned black.


[Seryanna’s point of view]

 I was heaving from the effort and rage that was surging through me. The body of the man who took away my husband laid at my feet chopped up in several pieces. I was not satisfied at all with this, so I unleashed my fire breath on his remains.

I burned him until there was nothing left, not even his bones.

“AAARGH!” I screamed in anger and unleashed another fire breath towards the sky.

With a heaving breath, I fell on my knees, trembling and scared of the possibility that he might never return to me.

“Seryanna...” Kataryna said as she placed her hand on my left shoulder.

Looking up at her, I saw that even she was barely holding back her anger. My sister was crying in Iolaus’ arms, probably thinking that Alkelios was gone.

“If that man’s words were indeed true and Alkelios was sent either to the past or the future in some random place in space, then he is also the only one who can survive it. If anyone can hope to have the luck of getting out of that one, then Alkelios is the one. You said it yourself, didn’t you?” Kataryna told me with a soft smile, but it didn’t seem like she was fully believing those words either.

“Yes, you are right...” I said as I lowered my gaze to the charred ground around us. “If anyone can do it, he can...” I clenched my fists and then got back up on my feet.

“What are you going to do, sister?” Kleo asked me, but she was still crying.

“I’m going to wait for him.” I replied as I looked into her eyes “No matter what, I will wait for him. I know he is alive somewhere... I just have to wait...” I said.

“What if...”

I knew what Kataryna wanted to say, but I sent her a sharp glare to stop her from finishing that sentence.

“I know he’s alive, Kataryna. The moment I killed that trash of a human, I felt his life force entering my body as it usually happens when I kill someone or a monster. It wasn’t like I had once felt it before meeting Alkelios, but it was the same as if the boost he offered us was still there.” I told her.

“So, you are saying that his ability was not canceled? You are using that as a proof? But what if it’s something that isn’t influenced by whether he is alive or dead?” she asked.

“I refuse to believe that. He is alive, I know it, and as his wife, I’ll wait for him!” I told her and narrowed my eyes a little.

There was no way I was going to just give up on Alkelios. There was no way he was dead. The gods wouldn’t let it...

“To be honest, I also want to believe this, but I can’t help it if there’s a small part of me that wonders if maybe just maybe he isn’t going to come back anymore... However, giving up on him just like that would be a shame for all of us who love him as either a friend or lover. I won’t give up on him either, but in the case he takes a while to come back to us, we better be ready. Seryanna, you need to reach a Breakthrough.” Kataryna told me.

“I will. I will become stronger than I am. I will show everyone the true power of the Superior Draconian of the High Flame, and next time, I will stand by his side when he goes to face off his enemies! I swear I will become someone he can lean on not someone he needs to worry about!” I declared as I clenched my fist.

“All of us will!” Kleo declared as well.

No matter what that trash human said, Alkelios Yatagai wasn’t gone, he wasn’t dead. We would declare him as missing, but not dead.

That’s why... my love, come back to me quickly. I already miss you. I thought as I looked up at the sky.


[Alkelios’ point of view]

 When I came through, I could not hear the sounds of the battlefield around me or feel the cold touch of the wind up in the sky. All I could see wherever I looked was only darkness, a pitch-black darkness with no sound or light.

What’s happening? Did I die? I wondered, but as I closed my fist and opened it again, I could hear my heart beating, and I knew I was very much alive.

I tried to fly around, hoping that maybe I was just temporarily blinded or something, but no matter where I moved, up or down, left or right, I couldn’t feel the touch of the wind. It was both strange and creepy.

What’s going on? I wondered.

Then, I saw a beam of light coming from behind me. I turned around, and what I saw were a pair of... curtains.

In the middle of nowhere, there was a pair of purple velvet curtains from behind which I could see a white light piercing through.

Carefully and wary of any traps or sneak attacks, I approached the curtains and stepped through.

In that moment, when I passed through, instead of the darkness, I found myself inside a white room, and there... in front of me, I saw the God-like entity who brought me to this world.

“Are you playing games?” were the first words that came out of my mouth.

“What?” he turned around, but in that split second, his character died and the message ‘GAME OVER’ appeared on the screen. “WHAT?! NO! That was the final boss!” he cried out.

I recognized the game; it was the one I was playing back on Earth before all of this happened. It brought back such a nostalgic feeling.

‘Dragon Hunt’ was a game where you played as a ‘Hero’ who traveled the world hunting evil dragons. Most species in the game were a dragon of some kind. There was even a complaint at one point that reptiles far outnumbered the mammals, which brought to question of how humans and other warm blooded sapient species came to be.

Well, some said it was just a game, but once you thought about it, it broke the immersion.

 “Is that Bloodheart Dungeon?” I asked.

“Yeah...” the God-like said as he respawned his character at the checkpoint area.

He was playing on what appeared to be a huge plasma TV connected to a desktop computer. The system was installed in front of a comfortable white couch, and in front of it was a table at just the right height to use the mouse and keyboard comfortably. The tools he was using looked expensive and more aimed at pro players. Still, I found it rather weird that he was playing this game just as I walked in.

“So where exactly am I? Am I dead?” I asked as I walked up to him.

“Hm? No.” he shook his head.

He got up from his seat and turned around to look at me.

“So where am I?” I asked.

“You are in a place where normally mortals shouldn’t be able to get in. I knew there was a very very small chance that Kronius’ ability would send you here, but without your Luck it was literally impossible for this to happen.” he said as he let out a sigh.

“Kronius, the guy I was just fighting, what happened to him?” I asked a bit worried.

“Your wife killed him after you vanished from that place.” he said and then showed me through a portal of some sorts the moment when Seryanna decapitated him in one clean swipe.

This magic of his was the same as watching through the clear window of a room.

“Good. He’s not going to be a problem anymore.” I said as I let out a sigh of relief.

The God-like made the window vanish and then looked into my eyes.

“Yeah... well, you know he was supposed to be your counter in case you became too powerful and evil, right?” he said.

“What? I don’t understand. What do you mean by that?” I asked a bit confused.

“Alright, since you already are here and we have some time to spare, let me ask you this. Why do you think I sent you to this world?”

“To save it and by doing that save our world, Earth?” I asked.

“Ultimately, yes. But you have to admit that can’t be the only reason. I could have just granted you these powers and then left you to train them on Earth or just make it so you came back to fight the invaders, right?” he told me raising an eyebrow.

“Wait, I don’t understand what this has to do with Kronius being my counter?” I asked him a bit confused.

“Just go with me on this one, you’ll understand in the end.” he replied.

“Alright... not like I have a choice.” I nodded.

“So, about what I said a moment ago, what do you think?” he asked.

“Sounds plausible, right. Then again, given your powers, you could have just granted us random powers like the superheroes in the comics.” I replied.

“Yes, but the acceptance rate and development would have been tremendously different from how it is here, on my world. Just think about what two or three superheroes did in your comics when they suddenly showed up and then imagine their number at 10 million strong ones that suddenly popped up all over the planet. Crime rate would go way up, and the Earthlings would be fighting among each other rather than focusing on a common enemy.” he explained.

“What do you mean? Shouldn’t the crime rate go down?” I asked confused.

“The soul of a hero isn’t something everyone has, kid. Most people, under normal circumstances, wouldn’t use their abilities for good or to save others. True, maybe some would do it at the beginning, but then they would try to see how they could use their abilities to make some quick money. A lot of them would be more inclined towards robbing and murdering others rather than helping them because the surge of power was enough to intoxicate them and twist their morals.” he explained.

“How can you be sure of this?” I asked.

“Let’s just say your Earth isn’t the only Earth out there, as in Universe. Also, it’s a psychological thing. For most humans in general, the majority actually, it’s incredibly difficult to stop themselves from abusing their powers. You know the saying? It is not hard to kill, it is hard to stop yourself from killing once you have a motive and way to do so. Or the saying: It easy to be evil, but difficult to be good, however, reward wise, the evil path takes more and gives you less, while the good path takes little but gives you a lot.” he said.

“I think I get it. So basically, what you are saying is that humans are their own worst enemy, right?” I asked.

“Precisely, but this law doesn’t apply only to humans. The weakness to being corrupted by a vast power that was given to you is an intrinsic characteristic of all sapient species who have yet to reach a certain point of biological and social evolution. Humans, like many others, find it easier at this point to abuse their power and feed their egomaniac sides than to abstain from the abuse and think about how to use it for the benefit of society.” the God-like explained.

“What if someone wants to use their powers only to have fun?” I asked.

“As I said earlier, a certain level of social evolution is required for those individuals around someone with power can accept the simple fact that he only wants to use his abilities to have fun. At this moment, humans mostly perceive the idea of power as being one mandatory connected to either heroism or villainism.” he said.

“I think I more or less get it. So, you sent us to a world where almost everyone has some power, the spells and skills and such, so that we wouldn’t end up corrupted by our own abilities?” I asked.

“That is one reason, yes, but I had other plans as well. You are aware that only Heroes can see their Status, right?” he asked.

“Yes.” I nodded.

“Well, that ability, not [Hero] just the ability to see the Status Screen, is something that can be passed down to one’s own offspring.” he smiled.

“So, you’re saying my kids will be able to see the status of others?”

“Yes. Now, here’s another question. What’s the minimum population required to repopulate an entire planet from scratch?” he asked.

“I don’t know... a few millions?” I replied with a shrug.

“You couldn’t be more wrong. Just a few thousands for monogamous couples, but if they have certain genetic knowledge and don’t mind polygamy, they can be as little as a few hundreds and still offer enough genetic diversity to repopulate the planet.” he explained calmly.

“Wait, doesn’t this mean that if Earth were to suffer a cataclysm...” I said but I didn’t finish my words, the God-like did.

“Given Earth’s current technology and knowledge, I would say that even in the event of a nuclear Armageddon, your kind will have sufficient individuals left to repopulate the planet. The big countries of Earth like USA, Russia, Germany, UK, Japan, China, Korea and a few others already have bunkers and underground shelters capable of housing at least a few hundred select individuals. They can survive there a few centuries if needed be given recycling and mining and other stuff, but yes, there is no worry from any government that the human species won’t be able to survive.” he said with a smile.

“What about everyone else?” I asked.

“Their mentality and way of thinking goes like this: what’s the point in wasting so many resources in saving billions when you can have a few select to survive and recreate the world as you please from scratch? Just imagine a world without world hunger, epidemics, and more languages and cultural diversities than you can count. Nuke the current world, hide in a shelter for a few centuries, and when you come out, you can literally create that world.” he explained.

I could only gulp because there was no way to refute this logic. Even I was aware that many big countries began the construction of such projects as soon as the idea of a nuclear war became more and more real.

“So, the ten million that were sent here are meant to repopulate this world?” I asked.

“No, just give it a new genetic boost. Humans of Earth are a bit more genetically evolved than those of this world, be it their life expectancy or natural thought processing ability. It doesn’t mean that the indigenous population is made of morons, but they won’t be thinking of the Theory of Relativity any time too soon on their own. Actually, I would even say that they were heading towards extinction if you humans of Earth never showed up.” he said.

“Alright, but I’m not 100% human anymore and as far as I know, without Kronius, there are no more humans left on the continent. Shouldn’t this be a problem?” I asked.

“Do you really think you are the only human who was meant to arrive on the Dragon Continent or who was sent there? Also, do you really think that because you are now half draconian is a bad thing? That’s actually a brilliant good bonus from my point of view!” he asked with a smirk.

“What?” I blinked surprised.

“Every human that was sent down on this world was sent there according to their abilities. There were many who died as soon as they landed because of various reasons, but rest assured, they will not be missed. I had planned on sending out powerful individuals to all the corners of the planet to mingle with the local population and give birth to many hybrids. The humans that were chosen weren’t randomly chosen either, you had to pass a certain personality test and also a fertility one. If an indigenous human has a 25% maybe 30% chance of impregnating a dragoness, you have an over 60% chance of doing so. And the draconians have the lowest chances out of all of them.” he said with a smile.

I gulped.

“However, rest assured, becoming breeding samples wasn’t my intent. This came as a beautiful bonus. Your original goal and mission are, as I had initially stated, to change this world for the better. You will do so not only through mating with the indigenous population and giving rise to people who can read the Status, but also through your actions, principles, and even technological ideas which your people will implement all around the world. Someone already made beer, so that is a beautiful start!” he laughed.

“But not all of us will do this, right?” I asked.

“Of course not. Ten million people means ten million free wills, ten million personalities, and ten million different views about how the world should be. In most things you might come to agree, but the details are what matter here.” he pointed out.

“Some will be good... and some bad.” I said.

“Yes. The weakness of drowning in your power and being corrupted by it hasn’t left ANY of you, yet. There are many who already succumbed to it even though they were initially good individuals.” he said with a smile.

“What happened?” I asked in a bit of trembling tone of voice as I was starting to realize what a modern human could do to a primitive society like this one.

“You have the Neo Nazi rising in the Eastern Human Continent, the Neo Communists in the Western Human Continent, the Imperialists who stand by the side of the current monarchs, and even what I would call and Extremist Democracy starting to rise in a certain place, of course, through the deaths of the previous leaders. If this wasn’t enough, you have the Pure Bloods who think themselves superior to the others. About them, let’s just say there’s no Black Hunt anymore, but rather a White Hunt. Although, I am going to point out that a Neo KKK member managed to infiltrate a certain kingdom and give rise to the Human Supremacy Movement rather than a White Supremacy one. Why kill other humans when you have continents of non-humans out there?” he said as he showed me through portals the current images of those movements.

Considering how much bloodshed, sadness, and death all those movements brought to Earth, I never thought there would be someone willing to restart them here. I never in my wildest dreams even considered this a possibility, but maybe I was too naive, too young, too foolish? However, I was certain that all of those movements were run by humans from Earth and definitely didn’t see the Dragon Continent with good eyes.

“W-Why did you bring such monsters to this world? Do you realize what you have done?” I asked in a trembling tone of voice.

The God-like showed me a smile and then replied “I brought a diversity that was never meant to exist in this world. Now, all those movements have another chance at proving themselves ‘right’, but I never said that they were alone. There are heroes out there who will stop at nothing to bring them down. This is just a play of good versus evil. It’s a mandatory step to bring out this world from its stagnant evolution. After all, history never changed or advanced from its medieval state for the past several thousand years now. At this rate, all species were going to be faced with extinction by some means or another.” he then created another portal and showed me a ruined landscape.

“This place...” I said as I recognized it.

“Drakaria some time in the future, over a thousand years to be exact.” he explained.

“What... how did this happen?” I asked.

“The Demon Kings first rose from the malice of the world and brought all civilizations to their knees. Then came the plagues, new viruses and bacteria born from the flow of Magic Energy and cosmic radiation. Then came the natural cataclysms, eruption of volcanoes, super volcanoes, and worst of all, meteorite impacts. Every world is meant to suffer from such things, it’s nature and physics, after all... The thing is, only a sapient species that is technologically advanced enough can put a stop to them, but you see... this world was never going to have one despite the huge diversity in them. That was why I brought you humans from Earth here. You are the only chance this world has.” he explained to me.

“So, you are saying that if we... the good guys, defeat these movements and bring about a good change to the world, we will change the future?” I asked.

“It already has, but you are all bound to your own free wills. I can’t dictate your choices for you, so I am betting my all in you. But what I can say is that I was well aware of the fact that with great power comes the danger of being corrupted by it, so I made sure that heroes with powerful abilities had a counter, a rival there as well.” he told me.

“So, mine was that guy with the teleporting ability.” I said.

[Pika Boo Blink] is not very powerful when compared to other abilities, but when it’s advanced to the maximum level, it’s ultimate ability teleports you randomly within the current solar system and also in a different time period. If you did not have your luck, you would have appeared in the center of the currently unnamed Gas Giant 1458 years into the future. You would have died instantly because of the pressure alone.” he explained.

I gulped when I heard what could have happened to me.

“Why... why did you give him such a frightening ability?” I asked.

“Although, I admit, it is a bit overpowered, but it was also the only one that can stop you at that time. You see... depending on your choices, your path would have been a different one. You could have never met Seryanna and instead met that one dragon from the Twin Daggers she defeated. You would have met Kataryna instead, but by that time, you would have lost all trust in dragons and saw them as nothing but monsters. In this timeline, Kronius is the one who befriends the dragons after he meets with Seryanna at the capital. There’s another timeline where you never come forward with your true feelings for Seryanna, and she ends up marrying Draejan. While you still remain around them, you end up marrying Kataryna instead. There’s also a timeline where you marry Kleo and kill Seryanna, and one where you start your own harem of a thousand dragonesses. All of these are possible futures starting from the very moment you set foot on this planet.” he explained.

Hearing all of those possibilities was surprising, but I couldn’t see nor understand how I would come to make them happen, especially the harem one. I could barely handle a single dragoness let alone a thousand. Although, for some reason, I was relieved to hear that marrying Kataryna was also a possibility. Maybe my relationship with her will change in the future?

“So, in the event that I became evil, Kronius became the good guy, and so on?” I asked.

“Yes. That was why I said he was your counter. Not only ability wise but also destiny wise.” he explained.

“Does every human have such a counter?” I asked.

“No. You alone are the counter for a lot of humans. The strong in general are like that.” he said.

“So then, why tell me all of this?” I asked that one question I wasn’t able to utter until now.

“Because now you are willing to listen and accept it as a truth. Can you imagine what you would have said or thought if I did this from the start?” he asked raising an eyebrow.

“I wouldn’t have believed you... or I would have rejected everything as a way of rebelling.” I replied after I thought for a moment.

“Exactly. And you wouldn’t have been the only one. Some people would have gone on killing sprees thinking that it was going to make me send them back to Earth.” he said.

“Speaking of which, we can never go back, can we?” I asked.

“No.” he shook his head “The moment you stepped here, I already made sure to help Earth get past its... ordeal. So, at the very least, you can rest assured that your family over there is safe.” he showed me a small smile.

“That’s good to hear, but aren’t you worried I will tell of this to other humans?” I asked.

“You can, and I think it’s about time the truth was spread to them... After all, some time already passed by since you first landed on the planet.” he told me.

“Time? How long have I been away from the battle?” I asked immediately, since I remembered what Kronius’ ability did.

I feared I was stuck somewhere in the future, like a few hundred years or something.

“From the moment you were sent to this world until now, exactly five years have passed. As I said, you were lucky it wasn’t more.” he told me with a smile.

“Does this mean I’ve been away from Seryanna for three years?” I asked as I stumbled back.

“Yes. But as I said, you are lucky it wasn’t 10 or 100 or 1000.” he nodded.

“I see... Thank you... So, what now?” I asked.

“I will send you back to that world, but... I won’t take you to the Dragon Continent. Your presence is needed somewhere else, in the Human Continent.” he told me with a smile.

“Human Continent, but I want to see Seryanna... Being away from her for three years...” I said as I worried that she might have given up on me.

“No need to worry about her, she’ll know when you return. As a favor, I’ll let her know of this through a dream or something. Meanwhile, I want you take your time in the human kingdom and see for yourself how the humans of this world are. The kingdom you will arrive in will be one that faced the least amount of influence from the earthlings.” he said.

“What? Dream? Kingdom? What?” I said blinking surprised.

“Sigh... Just take it slow. Goodbye and see you around Alkelios. Oh! And before I forget, I’ll give you the nerfed version of [Pika Boo Blink]. You’ll understand why later.” he winked and then the world around me changed once more.

Instead of the white room, I was now surrounded by clouds.

Huh? Clouds?! I blinked surprised and when I turned around, I saw myself plummeting towards the ground.

“OH! FIDDLESTICKS!” I shouted and immediately flapped my wings to slow down my descent.

I was a few hundred meters up in the air and plummeting towards the ground at an insane speed.

It took me a bit of effort, but I managed to land safely.

With a heavy breath, I looked up at the sky and remembered what the God-like told me.

Three years in the future... Talk about a major time skip, but it’s better than 1000. I thought and then let out a sigh, but just then, a slime appeared before me.

Wiggling its body, it targeted me and then jumped for a body slam attack. Because I was too confused from everything that happened, I didn’t even dodge, however, the moment the slime touched me, it exploded...

“What the...” I said surprised as I wiped off the slime’s remains off my face.

Looking around, I could definitely see that the critter self-destructed or something.

Maybe it was marking me as a target? I wondered.

Then another blue, watery slime popped out of a bush.

[Identificus Processus Juridicus]!” I activated my ability on the targeted monster.

The basic information I got from it was this:


[Name]: None

[Species]: Slime

[Level]: 1


“Huh? Level 1? Where did that God-like sent me?!” I thought when I looked in surprise at the wiggly little slime which I only needed to touch in order to kill.