~ Chapter 77: The journey ahead ~

[Two years and seven dragon months ago]

[Seryanna’s point of view]

 On the cold battlefield, I waited and waited for my husband to return. My gaze was focused on the land ahead, often switching to the sky above. Yet, there was no sign of that foolish man no matter where I looked.

My heart, although cold towards others, was burning for him like a bright fire in the middle of the night. For me, there was no other dragon I would rather be with. No matter their fame, no matter their lineage, they all paled in comparison with Alkelios.

In these past three months, I had watched as the landscaped slowly changed and steadily recovered. Only the scorch marks left by me and many others still scarred the land.

During the first week after the defeat of the traitorous army led by the now dead Draejan, the bodies of the dragons had all been recovered and given a proper burial suited for them. Although many were part of our enemy’s force, it was unthinkable to disrespect the dead by abandoning their remains out here. If we did, there was a high chance that they would come back as vengeful undead.

All of them had been stripped of their armors and burnt to a cinder in a great fire. Their ashes were then purified by the priests of Drakartus and then scattered in the wind. No matter what terrible things a dragon may have done when he was alive, upon his death, he was equal to all.

This victory of ours was not met with as many losses at there had initially been foretold. Thanks to the equipment Alkelios gifted to the Albeyater army as well as the armor and weapons he made for his friends the number of losses had been reduced by an astounding amount.

This was a fact to which I bore witness during my battle against the Breakthrough-er of the Earth Element. With Drachenkrieg in my hands and the armor forged by my husband’s hands, I stood in front of his attacks unharmed and shattered his defenses to pieces. I came out victorious and then I slew the wretched human who sent my husband away.

For the likes of him, we dragons had no mercy to spare.

From time to time, Kataryna dropped by and kept me company like a good friend would. She would tell me the latest news from the capital or if anyone heard anything about someone like Alkelios popping up in some other place on the continent. Every time she came over, she insisted that while she did appreciate my devotion towards him, she saw my efforts of waiting for him here as a waste of time.

I usually retorted that it was not so. Although I kept a vigilant watch over this whole battlefield, I did not do it like some cold stone statue. Every day I would practice my control over Magic Energy, circulating it through my body and my sword. I would cast fire spells and focus on controlling them with my will. Thanks to my [Purse] ring, I had enough supplies to last me for a while and water came by easy with a simple spell. I did not allow my wings to get lazy either. I flew every day across the battlefield. Every week or so, I shifted to my full-beast form and practiced shadow-fighting in the sky.

Every time I explained this, Kataryna told me that this was not what she meant by me wasting my time here.

Before she returned to the capital, Kataryna would usually have a small spar with me, in which I got to learn a thing or two, but she always came out victorious.

For the past three months, this was all I did.

My grandfather and sister were worried about me, so they too visited me as often as they could, but not even they could convince me to return.

Today was supposed to be another one of those days when Kataryna came to visit. And as if called, I saw her flying through the sky, approaching my location.

The dragoness landed in front of me and folded her silver wings on her back. After she straightened her hair, she looked into my red eyes and greeted me with a smile.

“Good evening, Kataryna.” I said.

“Good evening, Duchess Yatagai.” she replied with a smile.

Usually, she called me by given name not by my family name.

“What’s the occasion?” I asked.

“Remember all those times when I told you that you are wasting your time waiting for him here? Not that I mind, it is your choice, but even so...” she told me shaking her head.

“Yes.” I nodded.

“Ever wondered why I said that?” she asked me.

I tilted my head to the left.

“I’ll take that as a no.” she let out a sigh and rested her hands on her hips.

“Is there something you’re not telling me?” I asked her.

“First of all, the King requested your presence at the capital. At first, he told me that he is aware of your situation and would understand if you don’t wish to come, but after I explained a certain thing about Alkelios, he told me to tell you that this is an order.” she showed me a smile.

“What thing?” I asked narrowing my eyes at her.

“Well, I understand that Alkelios’ disappearance was a shock to you and that you are going through a difficult time. I miss him as well, but right now, you are just being ridiculous. At first, I thought you knew about it, but you were ignoring it because you wanted to. Then I wondered if maybe you simply forgot about it?” she said scratching the back of her head.

“What do you mean? I don’t understand.”

Kataryna was speaking in riddles.

“Alright, you have definitely forgotten about it. Not like there was a chance to use that thing that often. Anyway, do you remember back when Kleo was kidnapped, and you and Alkelios rushed to save her?” she asked me.

“Of course, that was when we first met you. After that battle, you became one of our friends. He told me that he couldn’t just let you drown in that underground lake, so he pulled you up to the surface and helped you recover.” I told her.

When Alkelios told me about this story, he also mentioned HOW he helped her recover and what she did. Back then, I wasn’t in a relationship with him as I am now, so there was no reason for me to feel jealous. Besides, as long as it was Kataryna and no one else, I could see myself letting it go.

“Yes, good times, but before that. Do you remember HOW you two found me?” she asked and showed me a smile.

“Hm, I think so. I rushed into the forest, slaughtered a bunch of moving meat bags and then I bumped into Alkelios. He told me he could find Kleo and then I followed him.” I explained.

“Exactly. Do you understand now?” she asked me.

“Huh? I’m sorry, but no.” I told her and shook my head.

Kataryna let out a sigh a rubbed her forehead with two fingers.

“Try to remember those moments again but think about HOW Alkelios managed to find Kleo.” she said placing a strong accent on that one word.

“Hm...” I furrowed my brow and tried to focus.

I could still clearly remember everything that happened between me and Alkelios. Right now, I could understand why back then I sneaked up in his bed late at night.

Do I still have that silly nightgown? When we meet again, I should surprise him. I thought.

I then remembered our first night together, right after he left for the Seculiar Forest. That was a night definitely worth remembering. Not only was I taken in the embrace of my lover, but thanks to him, I also became a full-fledged adult. I never felt like that before, it was exhilarating, pleasing, and if not for those potions of healing, short. After he returned, Alkelios made sure to take me into his embrace almost every night and sometimes during the day too. We explored a lot of things together about our bodies, but every time, he would make sure to make a wish to not impregnate me by accident. Considering his luck, it was no wonder I never bared his egg by now.

“You are blushing... What are you think about?” Kataryna asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Of him and me in bed.” I replied.

“I’m a bit envious, but let us not deviate from the subject, shall we? Think of HOW Alkelios was able to find Kleo that night. What did he use?” she asked me again.

I slapped my cheeks to clear my thoughts and then tried to remember that moment again.

I closed my eyes and replayed those scenes in my mind.

It was dark outside. I was afraid of what might happen to Kleo. I was terrified when I thought that I might lose my grandfather because those walking meat bags burnt down the storeroom where the Bloody Mushrooms were being kept.

I had no one to rely on, I was alone... Then he came.

When I saw him, for a moment, I felt like everything was going to be alright somehow. No, I felt happy. Other males would have run away or left it to the guards. Noble dragons would not have even bothered chasing after me, but he came... No matter how dangerous or terrible the path ahead was, he rushed forward trying to help me and my family. Maybe that was the first time when I felt my heart skip a beat for him?

Oh, Alkelios... how I miss you. I thought, but I could not let the feeling of nostalgia and longing take over me. How did he find her? What did he say? I asked myself and then replayed those moments in my head until I finally heard him.

“He said it was thanks to an ability of his... But what was he talking about?” I said and opened my eyes.

“Yes.” Kataryna nodded.

“This ability, I think he told me about it before... What was it?” I wondered.

“It’s connected to his [Dragon Tamer] skill. It allows him to mark one of his friends and lead him to them, but after becoming a half-dragon, the skill evolved as well and allowed him to signal that said friend his current location.” Kataryna nodded.

“Is that so? Why can’t I remember this?” I wondered as I scratched my head.

“Probably because he told you about it during pillow talk or simply because he never used it that often. I guess because it was me, I was able to have a clear head this time, and I wasn’t so focused on finding him as you were. However, I do know that if any of us receives that message, it will be when he returned.” she showed me a soft smile.

“I see... That is indeed true. Whoever he had marked last is going to receive it. That means it could be any one of us.” I nodded.

“I’ve spoken with everyone else already. As soon as any of us receives the message, you will be the first to know. Now, again, I’m telling you that you are wasting your time here. We should return to Drakaria and see what the King wants to tell us. I feel it’s about the Queen.” Kataryna showed me a serious expression.

“Yes, thank you. I guess... I will go now. I don’t know, maybe I will miss this place.” I said with a soft smile as I looked back at the charred battlefield.

“Let’s hope you won’t.” she laughed.

“By the way, why didn’t you tell me about this sooner?” I asked her as we spread our wings and flew over to my campsite to pack my things.

“What sort of friend would I be if I didn’t tease you or prank you from time to time? Although, to be honest, during the first two months I mostly thought that he will simply make his way back to you no matter what, hence why you would be wasting your time waiting here, but then I remembered that incident, and connected the dots. No matter where he will pop up, he will definitely send us a message to let us know that he is alright, or our buff will disappear if he meets his death.” she answered.

“That is if it disappears when he dies.” I pointed out.

“If it disappears, that’s why... honestly, if it’s the other way around, part of me doesn’t want to know that he died.”

As Kataryna said these words, I could see a sad look in her eyes.


[Feryumstark’s point of view]

 My grandson, Draejan struck landed a terrible blow on the economy and safety of my people and if not for Alkelios and his friends, the losses would have been more devastating. A complete loss would not have been out of the question, seeing how we were meant to be struck from multiple directions at the same time. That insectoid army he spoke of at the end really had me worried. I never thought such a species could exist. If they were monsters or something else, I could not tell. The only one who could answer my questions was none other than Alkelios, but he was gone.

In these past few months, things had not been easy for anyone here at the palace. The ambassadors came and went faster than a dragon could count them, all of them trying to find out if we were either weakened by this war or not. Hearing of someone as powerful as Alkelios did not came easy to any of them and before I knew it, Elliessara was already swamped with countless marriage proposal from all the nations on the continent.

If Seryanna had more influence in politics than she did on the battlefield, then maybe this would not have happened. Those foreign dragonesses were more than happy to see that she was thinking of a military career. It was easy to die in battle, therefore, any sane dragon would wish to leave behind as many eggs as possible; either an heir or a disciple to carry his legacy and wealth. The dragonesses were usually the ones to aim for this, but many of them had some sort of hidden agenda.

A Breakthrough-er dragon had less chances of dying in battle than a simple Awakened one, which meant that the best way a dragoness could use the name of her husband was as a threat. Nobody wanted to see a Breakthrough-er leading the attack force in a battle between nobles.

I should know best, during my younger days, my wife often sent me to find something she fancied like a rare flower or a special perfume only to end up in a battle, which obviously resulted in me crushing the no-good noble who dared to unsheathe his sword before me.

When I got back to the palace, she would just guide me to the bedroom and tell me that I did good. By the time I figured out that I had been played it was already too late, and above all I had no reason to get angry at her. Elliessara, like most dragonesses, knew very well how to relieve the tension of her husband before he set something on fire out of anger. Seryanna, on the other hand, made me believe she was not the sort to do something like this. She was the one most like to burn down the house out of anger.

For this reason and a few others, I had called her and all of Alkelios’ friends for an audience.

At noon, when the sun was up in the sky, Seryanna, Kataryna, Thraherkleyoseya, Iolaus, Brekkar, and my wife were all here in the Audience Room waiting to hear what I had to say.

Besides us and a couple of trusted guards, there was no one here. I could speak freely about the matters that troubled me, at least up to a certain point.

“I take it Alkelios has yet to return?” I asked them.

Everyone turned their gaze at Seryanna, his wife.

“No, your Majesty. I have waited for almost three months now and I have yet to see any sign of him. If he did return, I’m certain I would be one of the first he would contact.” she replied.

“That skill of his, right? Well, if that’s the case, then what I am about to tell you is all the more important!” I spoke in a firm tone of voice.

“We are eyes and ears, your Majesty.” said Brekkar as he made a bow.

“With Alkelios’ absence there are several matters that need to be addressed. I will start with the most important one and then proceed with those that are not so urgent and may be discussed later.” I said and then turned to look at my wife.

In that moment, they all could guess what I was about to say. They knew the reason why Alkelios was so important to me and to my Kingdom. It was not because of his outrageous Breakthrough-er power, his Godlike skill as a Blacksmith, or the Buff he could offer to others through his [Dragon Tamer]. The reason why he was so important was far more personal to me.

Looking back at them, I said “Last time Alkelios looked at my wife’s status, the [God’s Demise Poison] had countdown clock was set at 5 years 3 months and 2 days. If it has not changed at all, then now it would show that she has around 5 years left to live.”

“Is the Cure-All Leaf tea working?” Brekkar asked.

“Yes.” I nodded. “That is the main reason for her time increasing.”

“But even with the tea, it’s not guaranteed that we can continue to extend her life like this, right?” Kataryna pointed out.

“Yes. Alkelios mentioned that this tea was the same as a strengthening tonic which would help her on the long run, but it should never be considered a permanent solution. That is why once she gets close to the foretold time of her death, my wife will move away from the capital to a remote location where the spell won’t affect anyone.” I explained.

“But that would be in more than four years from now, right?” Brekkar asked.

“No, that would be in two years from now. I do not wish my wife’s remaining time on this world to be spent arguing with foreign politicians about some nonsensical things. During the following years, she will help the Albeyater Kingdom as much as she can while also making sure to prepare someone to take her place in the political theater.” I explained.

“That person will be my daughter, Elleyzabelle.” Elliessara announced.

“The Princess?” Seryanna asked.

Out of all of them, she was the one who showed the most surprise. The others acted as if it was something obvious.

“I have chosen her for multiple reasons, but until my husband’s death or willing abdication, the crown shall not pass to her.” my wife told them.

“She will gain the temporary title as the most powerful dragoness in the Albeyater Kingdom, but this will be so only if she manages to prove herself. For this reason, a month from now, I plan to send her off on a diplomatic mission as a special ambassador.” she explained.

“Your Majesty, please forgive my rude question, but why do you speak as though Alkelios won’t return, and you will certainly face off death?” Seryanna asked.

This dragoness was worried about the possibility that we might have given up on her husband, but this was far from the truth.

“Seryanna, I understand your concern, but please understand that we are in no position to wait for him. True, he has helped us a lot, and we will always be thankful for that, but our kingdom cannot wait while he is gone. No matter what sort of hero or god he may be, we will need to focus on our lives and continued with the possibility that he may be late for his return, or he may never return at all.” Elliessara told her in a calm and caring tone of voice.

“I... I understand. Please forgive my rudeness.” the dragoness made a bow in front of us.

“It’s alright, we understand that it must be difficult for you not to know the fate of your husband. If I were in your place, I would feel the same.” she said.

And you would also scheme more than an entire battlefield of dragonesses put together on ways to get me back or draw the attention of the gods to force them to bring me back. I fear that if I was the one struck with that poison, this country would have gone through some frightening changes in order to save me... What did Alkelios say about that sort of governing form? They were fearanies? No, tyrannies! I thought and then silently nodded.

“While we do not know what fate has in store for Alkelios, we must do whatever we can in his absence. Just because a dragon has proven himself to be an astoundingly powerful, generous and kind individual does not mean we should become dependent on his strength. Do remember, young dragoness, Albeyater Kingdom did well to survive without him around for centuries, and it will continue to do so until the gods above decide otherwise.” I spoke in a calm tone, but I was firm and strong enough to remind her that she was standing in front of royalty.

No matter how dear of a friend Alkelios was to us, our priorities were clear.

“Our help?” Kleo asked as she tilted her head to the left.

“Yes. My wife mentioned earlier something about sending my daughter on a diplomatic mission as a special ambassador. During this journey, I wish for Sir Seryanna and Sir Kataryna to be her escorts and help her out with the negotiations where it is needed.” I said, but I could see it on their faces that they were a bit confused.

“Duke Yatagai left us with the cure for my condition before he left for the battlefield. Among the many ingredients required to make it, there are some that cannot be procured on the Dragon Continent. Therefore, I will leave this task for the three of you. This way, when Alkelios does return, he will not need to worry about traveling all around the world to obtain them. If fate is on our side, then he will only need to concoct the cure.” Elliessara explained.

“During your travels, you will also be able to learn whether or not he landed on some other part of this world. You will also learn of the movements of the other Earthlings and see whether they resemble Alkelios in mind and personality or if they are similar to the one who plotted against us together with Draejan. At the same time, you will also strengthen our relationship with the foreign nations and if possible, make allies where there were none.” I said in a firm tone of voice, trying to express in words just how important this entire mission was.

As a King, it would have been a simple matter to order them to do it, but these dragons and dragonesses were not like the other nobles and commoners in this country. I had no need to pressure them with a Royal Decree or Royal Order, just asking them nicely was enough. If they were aware of what was at stake here, then they would always try their best to complete it. On the other hand, an ordinary soldier or knight would be more concerned about their reputation and payment rather than making sure they did their job right. As for the very loyal ones, they more than often tended to slip into extremes.

Thus, I judged that these dragons and dragonesses before me had a far higher chance of completing this insane mission than anyone else did.

“I understand, your Majesty. I’ll make sure to watch over both Seryanna and Elleyzabelle.” said Kataryna with a smile.

“We will give you all the funds you may require for your journey.” Elliessara said.

“About that, your Majesty. Where exactly will we need to go?” asked Seryanna.

“First, you will head to the Relliar Continent, where you will meet with King Kragarr, then you will sail to the Dwarf Continent and meet with the elders there. Since we have no intention of stepping on the Human Continent yet, you will need to set sail from the Dwarf Continent North and reach the southern part of the Elf Continent. On that side, you will most likely encounter the El’doraw nations. Travel through them in terms of peace and reach the empire of the elves which can be found at the heart of that continent. Once you will be done there, you will sail back to the Dragon Continent.” I explained.

“Such a journey would take at least a year to make even with our fastest ships.” Seryanna said.

“True, but I estimate at least two years. Some of those kings are rather stubborn and the materials we require from them might not be so easy to acquire.” I nodded.

“Maybe if we send them some gifts?” Elleyzabelle suggested.

“Gifts? What sort of gifts?” I asked.

“About that, I think I may have something for the dwarfs.” Seryanna said as she remembered something.

“You do?” I asked surprised.

“Before my husband and I went to the Pustia Battlefield, he told me that he wanted to visit the other continents, including the Dwarf one because he was curious about how advanced their metalworking was when compared to his. He also was of the opinion that he might discover new ways to improve his work. That was why he prepared a gift for the dwarfs.”

When I heard her, I blinked. It was surprising to hear that Alkelios, who had a Godlike skill as a blacksmith, still had more to learn about the craft. Any of his weapons and armors could be considered at the very least Legendary Artifacts capable of incredible performance. Proof of this was the spare ones he offered to my army during the war. They increased their survivability chances considerably.

“What is this gift you speak of?” I asked out of curiosity.

“A hammer, my King. A Godlike Blacksmith’s Hammer.” she replied.

“Oh! That would be indeed a great gift to offer to those pesky dwarfs! I’m certain they won’t even mind helping you out!” I said with a pleased look on my face.

“Let us hope so, your Majesty. But what about the others?” Brekkar asked.

“We could offer the elves some of the potions Alkelios made? Oh! I could send the Elf Empress a recipe for the Cure-All Tea that Alkelios urged me to drink. Ever since I first tried it, I made small modifications to the way it was prepared to bring out a more pleasant taste.” Elliessara suggested.

“Tea?” I asked confused “Why not a sword?”

When I said this, my wife simply closed her mouth and looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I knew in that moment that I have spoken about something I knew nothing about.

“Really, my dear? You would gift an elegant lady with fine tastes in art and music a sword?” she asked.

“I... erm... I’m sorry.” I said lowering my head.

“Apologies accepted.” Elliessara nodded with a smile.

And this was why the dragonesses were the strongest in our kingdom.

The rest of the audience we talked about the finer details of their journey, and at the end of it, I invited Seryanna and Kataryna to wait for a while so that my wife would discuss with them the matter of the numerous marriage proposals aimed at Alkelios. That was definitely a subject for which the presence of a King was not needed, so I retreated to my quarters.

As for the others, Brekkar, Kleo, and Iolaus, they were left to think on their own about what they would want to do in the following years. Because if they went together with Kataryna and Seryanna, they would not return for more than two maybe three years.


~ Chapter 78: The Political Barrier ~


~ Chapter 76: Total opposites ~