~ Chapter 12: The Legendary White Tiger ~

For a non-practitioner of the Art of Soul and Divine Energy Control to reach this cave hidden so deep within this dangerous forest was nearly impossible. Only through dumb luck and a blessing from the gods could a normal human stand a chance to do so, but once they reached it, the pressure of the beast that made it its den was going to stop their advancements.

Inside this dangerous and remote cave was a Soul Beast with enough strength to bring a city like Waving Night to its knees in less than a day.

Its glistening fur had a pattern of pure black stripes on an impeccable white background. His eyes were of a piercing clear-blue, which reflected a human-like intelligence grown and developed by the passing of time. Around this large beast, which was at least four meters tall standing on all fours and over twelve meters long from the tip of its tail to the tip of its snout, was a patch of grass that grew by feeding off the Soul Beast's Divine Energy.

In terms of pure strength, Alutras was outmatched and outclassed from many points of view. In fact, he didn't doubt that in this beast's eyes, he was only a snack, yet the boy was confident he wasn't a man-eater.

Soul Beasts who fed on human flesh were by no means few or rare. They were among the most dangerous ones out there, but what guaranteed Alutras that this White Tiger wasn't one of them was the state of the human remains he had found so far. Rather than having their meat stripped clean from their bones, they were left to rot and have Mother Nature claim them back little by little. On the other hand, the bones of the deer in the previous room had been clawed and gnawed until there was nothing left to pick off them.

The Legendary White Tiger definitely didn't shy away from the chance of eating meat, but he had his preferences, and humans were off the menu.

Now that Alutras understood this much, he had to be careful on how he proceeded with his talk. Man-eater or not, this beast wasn't called Legendary for nothing, and the human bones back there proved that others had tried to capture him and failed miserably.

Thinking back, Alutras did remove a ring and sword that he found on his way here. While he didn't know how the big feline would react, it would have been in his best interest to clear up any possible misunderstandings from the start. Being confused with a common thief and then dying like one would have hurt old Shengo's Ego like a poisonous spear.

As such, he raised his hand and politely greeted the imposing beast.

“Hello! How's it going?” said the boy with a big grin on his face.

Unfortunately, polite speech wasn't one of the things the young child had mastered in this lifetime, while in his past one, Shengo wasn't one known to exchange pleasantries with nobles. This, however, didn't mean he was unaware of how to behave with a noble or someone from the high class in general.

The reply he received from the Legendary White Tiger was a good one, if one could call it that. Instead of jumping on him to gobble him up in one go, or kill him by squashing him with his paw, the Soul Beast puffed a breath of hot air towards him.

Like being struck by a foul smelling hurricane, Alutras was pushed back a little and forced to hold his breath.

Blowing off someone who reached the Ninth Breakthrough isn't that easy, just please don't step on me! the boy prayed in his mind.

Once the wind had stopped, Alutras straightened his clothes and looked right back into the eyes of the Soul Beast.

Now let's see if I remember how to do this trick. he thought.

The trick in question was actually a skill he had come to master in his previous life as Shengo. It was part of his unique method of capturing a Soul Beast, which was safe and usually led to an astounding success. If mastered properly, it could easily lead him to being able to control as many Soul Beasts as he desired. It was also the main reason behind Shengo's unrestrained growth in the past.

Taking a deep breath, Alutras let the Divine Energy pour around his throat. He thought of the words he wished to speak, yet he didn't open his mouth. The energy was then sent to his soul and allowed to pass freely towards his target, the Legendary Soul Beast.

(Can you understand me now?) he asked.

The White Tiger was surprised to hear the young human's words echoing in his mind and was stumped as to how this was possible. Up until now, no practitioner, big or small, ever tried to communicate with him in any way or manner.

(Yes... but why?) the White Tiger asked.

(I will answer your question in a bit, but first allow me to introduce myself. My name is Alutras Zerun, and I am four years old!) he bowed and then showed him four fingers.

(You are but a mere cub. What are you doing here, little one?) he asked and stomped his right paw on the ground, lifting dust in the air all around him.

(Actually, I came from a city located at about 1000 kilometers away from here. And the reason for that is because I wanted to meet you, Great One!) he showed him a smile (But first allow me to remove from my person the items I collected within your den, as I do not wish to be confused with a mere thief.)

As he said this, he lined up on the ground the Enchanted Sword and the [Purse Ring]. He then made a respectful bow and pulled back from them.

The White Tiger cast a glance at them and then puffed a breath of hot air.

(Useless trinkets once owned by the foolish practitioners who tried to capture me. I thought all of them had been plundered by thieves and rats? I'm surprised to see that they missed a few.)

Listening to him, Alutras realized that he was talking about the items on the corpses gathered in the room near the entrance.

(They did actually... or they were destroyed by the passing of time.) he replied.

(Is that so?) the tiger said and then got up on all fours.

Like an overgrown cat, he began to stretch his body as if preparing to go on a hunt.

Seeing this, Alutras got a bad feeling. A chill ran down his spine, and he knew he had to say something quickly or the tiger would get the wrong idea.

(I showed you these items to prove that by no means I came here to plunder your den or to fight with you.)

(What? You're not here to fight?) the tiger asked tilting his head to the left (Then why are you here?)

(To ask you to be my friend and also my very first Soul Beast. I am in need of your power.) Alutras replied in an honest tone of voice.

(So you ARE here to fight me!) the tiger declared swaying his tail in the air.

(No! No! No! I would die before I could even have the chance to try! I'm not here to fight against you, honestly!) he quickly retorted.

(What? But I don't get it... You wish to make me your Soul Beast, but you don't wish to fight me? Do you think I would just willingly submit myself to be imprisoned and chained up like a slave inside you? Ha! I'm not a fool human cub! I know what you humans do to those like me!) he rebuked and got up on all fours.

With his front right paw, he struck the ground hard and let out a threatening growl.

(Of course not, Great One! Trying to subdue you or chain you up is definitely not something I wish for even if you did agree to it.) Alkelios said, trying to calm him down.

(I don't believe you. But here's a question for you, human cub. What reason do I have NOT to kill you right here where you stand?) the White Tiger released another menacing growl and showed his sharp white teeth.

(You are neither an Evil Soul Beast or a Chaotic one. I made sure to check before I came here. I may be in a young body, but this doesn't mean I am foolish and naive as one.) Alutras replied in a confident tone of voice while looking at the powerful creature before him right in the eyes.

A whole five minutes passed by without either of them breaking the silence. The White Tiger's aura was menacing and released a pressure through his presence which would have forced half of Waving Night's practitioners to fall on their knees trembling in fear, yet the 4 years old child before him had the courage and strength to stand tall, fully confident in his choice.

The one to break this stand off was the one who started it.

The White Tiger let out a loud laughter and then said (You have guts, cub! I'll give you that, but still, I have no intention of being your Soul Beast!) he scoffed and then returned to his sitting position.

(Well, I wasn't expecting to convince you right away, although that would have been a most welcomed outcome! Ohohoho!) Alutras laughed like an old man, which was rather unfitting for his current form.

The White Tiger puffed and then lowered his head on his paws, closing his eyes. He wasn't worried about the child attacking him by surprise. His power was vastly superior to his. If Alutras were to try anything like that, the mighty Soul Beast would have killed him in the blink of an eye.

Yet what the old creature couldn't understand was why did this child try so hard to get him?

Other practitioners wouldn't even bother to think that the White Tiger was an entity capable of intelligent thought. The simple fact that Alutras tried to talk with him first, to convince him with words, already meant a lot for the Soul Beast. This was why he believed he was trying too hard. After all, what self-respecting practitioner as powerful as the young boy would try to talk with a beast instead of conquering it through brute strength?

It might be because of the strength and courage I showed him, but I don't think he's seeing me as a mere child anymore. Yet, I don't think he'll ask me how I grew up to be so different from all those other practitioners he had met until now unless... unless I tell him myself... Alutras thought. “Fumu! That's what I'm going to do then!” he declared to himself, but the Soul Beast simply ignored him.

During his past life, Shengo had to deal with a lot of practitioners from the kind senile types to the vengeful bigots who cared nothing about who they hurt or killed. Just as he had to deal with so many of those fools, he also had to deal with many types of Soul Beasts. They each had their own personality and story as well as a reason to join him or not. Although many of their tales were similar, not all of them had a happy end.

Losing a friend, one's family, a lover, or being betrayed, all of these were traumas and wounds his Soul Beast carried with them, and Shengo did his best with helping them heal and recover. All of them received his attention, well... almost all of them, the dragoness was the only exception, but if he didn't do it, he would have never made that wish to the gods above.

Yet, in all of these stories, the law of trust was applied without fail.

In order for one to trust you, you had to first offer a sign of unconditional trust.

Thus, Alutras began to tell the White Tiger all sorts of stories about Waving Night City and even about Ryuciel. He was never asked to do something like this, but in his opinion, this was the best card he could play right now.

When he spoke about his family, he had a cheerful tone in his voice. When he spoke about the lovely redhead, he often fell silent. The White Tiger said nothing, he merely listened while pretending to sleep.

At the end of the day, Alutras asked him one more time to become his friend and help him out. He was rejected, but he didn't give up.

That night, the young child was finally able to take a moment of rest. He slept like a rock, peacefully and undisturbed on the patch of grass right next to the big feline.

On the second day, he went to hunt in the nearby forest and returned with the White Tiger's meal as well. They ate together, and as thanks, the big feline finally told him something about himself.

(When I was but a cub, my mother took me down the creak to hunt some deer. She was a beautiful golden tigress, but she told me that I was lucky I got my father's fur. As a cub, I often admired her gentle nature and elegant demeanour. Maybe it was just me, but I like to think that she was the type of tigress any female should aspire to be like... For some reason, the deer she hunted always felt like it was the most delicious in the world.)

(Sounds like a wonderful mother. What happened to her?) Alutras asked as he laid cross-legged on the grass next to him.

(After a tiger cub reaches a certain age, the mother will chase them away from her territory so that they would find their own place out there. I never saw her after that, and I don't know what happened to her. Maybe she became a Soul Beast like me or maybe she died of a natural death many many years ago...) he spoke in a sad tone of voice.

(Do you often think about what might have happened to her?) Alutras asked.

(No, I just like to remember the good moments. It relaxes me.) he replied shaking his huge head.

Afterwards, they spoke mostly about how it felt to run free through valleys, over hills, and on top of mountains; how it was to let the wind blow through one's hair or fur; or how it was to take in a breath of fresh air from atop a cliff.

From all of their talks, Alutras understood that the White Tiger was a Soul Beast who loved nature very much, but more than anything, he loved to stay free and unchained. This led the boy to believe that the tiger might not have understood him or he simply didn't trust that he spoke the truth when he claimed that he would neither chain or enslave him.

Trust had yet to be gained from either side.

Alutras forgot that during his past life as the old Master Shengo, his fame and reputation, his very presence and the countless Soul Beasts he harbored within his soul were the solid proof to back up his claims when others held doubt towards him. It was only when the 4 years-old boy went to sleep at the end of the day that he remembered how he caught his first ever Soul Beast.

Just like the other practitioners of this world did, he too at first chained up his Soul Beasts. Many years later, he came to realize the foolishness of his deeds and set them all free. The first one he caught fled, refusing to stay with him, and so did the second one. Only the third one remained because the new Shengo intrigued him and made him curious as to what he planned to do next. If he wanted to, now he could flee at any time, but why do so when this human could entertain him oh so much?

From then on, Shengo simply pointed at his Soul Beast to prove his words, but now he couldn't do such a thing. He had to befriend and gain the trust of the Legendary White Tiger the hard way, by proving and showing that he held no ill intentions towards him.

I have no choice but to try... Alutras thought before falling asleep.

The following day, after he ate his breakfast, the White Tiger asked him about his ability to communicate with him.

(So? How do you do it, cub?)

(To be honest, it's not something I would consider to be particularly difficult to do. While it takes some practice to learn, a practitioner blinded by his own Ego and pride will definitely be unable to do so.) he began to explain as he scratched the back of his head.

(Why so?) the tiger tilted his head to the left.

He was intrigued by his words because all the practitioners he encountered up until now matched perfectly that description.

(Most practitioners are taught to see the soul as a blob of energy that grants them access to what we call Divine Energy. In their belief, it's merely a generator without a sense of self, but I know that's not true. Not only does the soul have a sense of self, it can also freely communicate with other souls around it. Above all, it holds all of our potential as practitioners and evolves according to what we come to experience in this physical plane of existence.) he explained using a calm tone of voice.

(So the soul can speak... Is this how you are able to communicate with me?) the tiger inquired.

Alutras nodded once (Using Divine Energy, I record my voice or rather my intent to speak because as you can see, I'm not really moving my lips. This intent is then sent to the soul, who analyzes it and then sends it towards you. That's basically the theory behind it. Use Divine Energy to send your voice to the soul and allow it to send it to your target. As for receiving the voice of others, it's done by first allowing your soul to receive it, then you allow yourself to listen to it.) Alutras showed him a smile as he finished his explanation.

(It sounds rather complicated to me, but I can see it work.) the White Tiger nodded.

(It's not that hard once you get used to it. It's simpler than math.) he told him.

(What I don't understand is how you know all of this? You are just a human cub, but your strength surpasses that of many adults. How can that be?) he asked while ignoring the comparison to mathematics.

Alutras looked back into the tiger's eyes, but he remained silent for a moment.

(It's no big deal if you don't want to tell me. Everyone has their secrets.) the tiger told him and then rested his head on his paws.

(No, it's not that...) Alutras shook his head and closed his eyes.

Hearing this, the tiger perked his ears up and lifted his head to look at the child.

(Then what is it?) he asked.

(Well, it's just that besides Ryuciel, I haven't told anyone about this, and she guessed it for the most part.) he showed him a wry smile and scratched the back of his head.

(I see...)

(Not even my parents know about this...) he added.

The tiger remained quiet for a moment and then said (You can trust me, it's not like I get to chat like this everyday.) he showed him a smirk.

Alutras nodded.

Taking a deep breath, the boy then told him his secret (This isn't my first life. I lived up to the age of 258 as a Master of the Art of Soul and Divine Energy Control. My name during that life was Shengo, no family name... I know there's another way to capture Soul Beasts without chaining my own soul to them because I actually used this method a lot in that life.)

He stopped for a moment, but the tiger remained quiet, letting him finish.

(The trick behind it is to become friends with the Soul Beast. If you become my friend and enter my soul, there is no need for me to chain you up. As a friend, you won't try to take over me, and I won't try to use your power without your permission. Like a friend who lends me his help when I needed it, so would you offer me your strength and by no means would this gift lead to me restraining your freedom. In fact, using this method, I can even help you train as well.) Alutras told him the truth as he knew it.

Revealing the secret behind a technique was always tricky in the world of the practitioners of the Art of Soul and Divine Energy Control. It could lead to others copying it or even find ways of using it against its creator.

It was a risky move, but not one without its benefits. It worked based on the fundamental laws of trust: to be given trust, you first had to offer it.

The Legendary White Tiger was no fool. He understood what was explained to him and how dangerous it could be for the young child in front of him. At the same time, he was aware that this matter wasn't going to be divulged just to anyone out there. This showed him a sign of trust, something the so-called masters who tried to chain him up never even thought about before, yet because of them... he still felt reluctant about becoming the boy's Soul Beast.

But was it so bad in the end if they were truly friends?

That night, Alutras asked him again, but the tiger this time didn't say no, but he didn't say yes either. He simply asked the boy to let him think about it.

The White Tiger had the freedom of choice, so whatever he chose, he wanted to make sure he wouldn't regret it.

That was why, on the following morning, while Alutras was preparing his breakfast, the Legendary Soul Beast asked him (Young cub, can you tell me why you need my power?)

The boy stopped stirring the meat in the cooking pan and looked at the sizzling flame. He was half surprised and half expecting this question. After the talk the other day, it was natural for the tiger to wonder about something like this. Depending on how he answered him now, his fate would be sealed.

(Well, where to start? I told you yesterday that I was once a great master named Shengo, right?) he let out a sigh and continued to stir the meat on the plate, keeping it from getting burnt.

(Yes.) the tiger nodded.

(In that life, I managed to capture a Legendary Dragon. For many many years afterwards, for some reason that's eluding me even now, I thought of her as an old man... a male.) he let out another sigh.

(You what now?) the tiger blinked surprised.

Even HE did not expect to hear something like this from the child.

(Yes... I thought SHE, who was apparently quite the attractive beauty in her human form, was actually a HE and not just a normal HE, but an OLD MAN HE...) the boy let out a sad sigh.

(That poor dragoness...) the tiger pitied her.

(And apparently, she was also the Sacred Beast of a certain village... I challenged her to a battle and won. As a result, she agreed to join me, but...)


(There was a legend there you see... one which even now I can't seem to remember.)

(What about it?)

(It had something to do with her and not only this, apparently she believed I challenged her in order to ask for her hand in marriage.)


(Well... that dragoness reincarnated as Ryuciel...)


(And because I often called her 'old man' instead of her name, I sort of forgot what her real name was.) Alutras lowered his head in shame.

The Legendary White Tiger, for the first time in his life, was left speechless.

After a long moment had passed, Alutras asked (Well? Aren't you going to say something?)

(You're an idiot aren't you? And just for the record, I'm a MALE. Don't go calling me 'honey'; 'cutie pie'; or any other sickening nicknames you hairless monkeys go and call yourselves by or I'll bite your head off.) he squinted his eyes at him too show him that this was no joke.

(I won't... That was a one of a kind blunder. I have no intention of ever repeating it!)

(Good.) the tiger nodded and waved his long tail.

(But this is the reason why I require your power. I need to be strong enough to defeat her in combat and then settle this blunder. In this life, if she still wants to, I will make her my wife!) he declared in a firm tone of voice.

The White Tiger squinted his eyes at him again and then asked (So, let me get this straight. You want power to beat up the woman you mistook for an old man in your previous life so you can marry her in your current one?)

(Yes.) Alutras nodded.

After another long moment passed, the Legendary White Tiger tilted his head to the left and asked (No seriously, are you an idiot?)


~ Prologue: In the arms of an angel ~


~ Chapter 11: The secrets within the cave ~