~ Chapter 125: Was it worth it? ~ (Part 2)

[Ayuseya’s point of view]

We stopped at the center of the island and looked at this man who brought us so much harm. The very thought that I could have ended up as his wife and shared the same bed as him disgusted me to no avail.

What happened back then was part of my dark past, of the time when I was still a Pleyades.

This draconian took advantage of me, of the fact that I was weak and couldn’t defend myself for the single purpose of stepping up on his own imaginary hierarchy. It wasn’t like he was the first in our history to try something ridiculous like this, just the first to resort to such disgraceful tools like curses and torture.

Zoreya, his sister, had yet to speak with him, but it made me wonder if there was even a need to do so? She was happy together with us and Illsyore. Her god had given her the role of a High Apostle, so everything was far better than she wanted to.

Maybe she had a bit of her past that she wanted closure to, or maybe she just wanted to see us obliterate this draconian. If she was going to stop us, it was best if she did it before we ended Dankyun’s life.

I for one did not plan on letting him leave this island alive.

“So, are we going to do this or not?” Dankyun asked as he unsheathed his sword and fueled it with Magic Energy.

From a single glance, we could see that he wasn’t the same draconian as the one who defeated us on the Allasn Continent. The current Dankyun could easily fight even against 100 of his former self. It was that sort of feeling he gave off now.

“Anytime you wish to.” I replied with a smile.

“Are you sure? ‘Cause I really can’t see this as a fight, more like the bullying of two ungrateful shikaks!” he laughed.

“Then try it.” I taunted him.

“Tch!” he clicked his tongue and then lifted his hand up.

A spell? No... he’s not focusing his Magic Energy in his hand but in his body? Ah, a melee attack! I thought.

The next moment, I saw Dankyun move at a speed that made everything look in slow motion. He wore that maniac smile on his face as he turned the blade of his sword and aimed for Nanya.

By my guess, his speed was probably one equivalent to Supreme with an Agility attribute of at least 8000 points.

To us, however, he was slow.

We waited patiently for him to reach us. He moved the edge of his blade in Nanya’s direction and performed a slash. Magic Energy flowed from him into the sword, making it a magic attack. The skill he was using most likely hardened and sharpened the blade.

The slash itself was slow, but Nanya did not move. She was probably wondering if she should dodge it or simply let it collide with her strengthened Magic Armor. If she chose the latter, then his sword would have a chance to shatter to bits.

I watched as the slow-motion Dankyun got closer and closer to landing a hit, then... Nanya moved.

Her speed, even to my trained eyes, was fast.

The demoness slapped him. A loud sound of Magic Armor shattering was heard, and Dankyun went flying. He spun in the air and landed almost fifty meters away from us, tumbling several times on the ground until he came to a stop.

“Ah! I needed that!” Nanya said with a smile.

Looking over at the table where Illsy was having tea with the other Supreme draconians, I could see his guests stare at us with dumbfounded expressions on their faces.

Well, I guess they underestimated us quite a lot. I thought.

“Let’s go and see if he’s still alive.” Nanya said and then walked towards the draconian lying on the ground.

When we arrived at the site, Dankyun got back up on his feet and looked at us with an expression of pure anger on his face.

“HOW DARE YOU!” he shouted and then fueled his body with more Magic Energy.

Is that [Boost]? I asked myself as I tilted my head to the left.

Once again, he went for an attack, his speed was a bit faster now, maybe he reached 10000 Agility points?

His target this time was me, he probably thought that I was weaker than Nanya. While this was partially true, it didn’t mean that I was weaker than him.

I wanted to slap him as well, but for draconians, there was an even more insulting action.

Without hesitation, I twisted my hips and slapped him across the face with my tail.

There was nothing more embarrassing for a dragon than to be slapped over the face by the tail of a dragoness. Or so the saying went. In the Teslov society, this gesture was reserved only as an insult of the highest level. Surprisingly though, using the tail for sexual acts conferred an opposite meaning, one of respect, acceptance, and love.

Letting a draconian play with your horns or tail was seen as an intimate gesture that could only be done by lovers. If a stranger did it, then it was thought to be sexual harassment.

Thus, Dankyun’s Magic Armor was shattered to bits again and was sent flying through the air, but this time back to the center of the arena.

“I think I understand what you mean by that. It felt good!” I told Nanya with a smile.

We then intended to walk back to him, but the draconian surprisingly got up and with a roar started shooting several spells at us. We dodged them all with incredible ease, while the homing ones weren’t capable of cracking our Magic Armors.

When the barrage of fireballs, ice spikes, wind scythes, and whatever else he threw at us was over, he made a dash for us while holding his sword with two hands. His aim was me.

I smiled and decided to play with him a little.

Jumping back, I dodged his first slash, then his second, his third, his fourth, and I allowed the fifth to graze my Magic Armor. As expected, nothing happened.

At his sixth attack, I slipped past to his right side and then gave him a light punch to his stomach. His armor cracked, but it did not shatter. I did not hit him that hard, just enough to make him cough and fly back ten meters or so.

“H-How?!” Dankyun asked as he held his stomach.

As expected, the draconian immediately took out a Healing Crystal and used it on himself.

“I will kill you for that!” he said as he looked at me.

“You still haven’t grasped the difference between our strength?” Nanya asked.

“What difference? I’m sure that shield above us has something to do with me getting weaker!” he retorted.

“You are free to think what you wish.” I told him and shrugged.

Dankyun narrowed his eyes at us. He was most likely wondering how we managed to become so powerful in such a short period of time. The weak women he tormented before had changed far too much, especially me, who was once cursed with the inability to gather Magic Energy or even level up properly. If not for Illsyore, I would have certainly met with a cruel fate at the hands of this monster.

It surprises me even now how a single moment of what others may have called recklessness ended up changing my life forever. I met the man of my dreams, the prince charming from all fairy tales, and just like in a story, I lured him in with my song. I couldn’t speak because I was cursed, yet my voice still reached him. I couldn’t dare even ask the help of the gods, yet they somehow heard my cries and brought me before him.

Illsyore changed my life, he made me the dragoness I was today, he gave me his love and took me as his wife. This Godlike Dungeon so many feared and cursed in the back of their minds cherished me more than anyone ever did, and like a true lover, he gave me the freedom of choice I desired. Instead of taking me out of Dankyun’s leash and putting me in his, he gave me free reign to do as I pleased, to follow my dreams, and savor my fleeting moments as I wished.

What man in the Teslov Kingdom’s society could even think about doing something like that let alone actually doing it? Yes, Illsyore Deus was far above all those scaly bastards who knew not how to treasure their own family, and right now, one such piece of garbage was standing right in front of me, trying to think of a way to take me down.

How foolish... I thought and then rushed up to him.

I didn’t punch him, I didn’t kick him, I simply stopped at a breath away from him and the impact between our Magic Armors was enough to send him flying back and have his cracked in multiple places.

“Ugh! H-How did you do that?!” Dankyun demanded.

Like the foolish man he was, he tried to figure out what was oh so obvious to all those who watched this battle.

He may have been a Supreme, but in the midst of a fight, one barely had the time to think of such things.

Even so, like a cockroach, he got up and used another of those pesky crystals to supplement his missing Magic Energy. Unlike before, he was a bit more careful when it came to using them. His body may have recovered from the ordeal Illsy put him through back at Fellyore, but his mind remembered it clearly.

“Is that all? Come on! Attack us with all you have!” Nanya demanded.

“You’ll regret this!” he shouted and then used a powerful [Boost] spell.

His body was reinforced with Magic Energy and his speed went up again. With anger in his eyes, he attempted to cut us down, to make us fall on our knees and submit to him, but such a thing could only be seen as a fool man’s fantasy. No matter what her tried, he would never win against us.

Seeing the ease with which we were both dodging his attacks, Dankyun tried to attack our footing. His hand aimed at the ground and turn it to ice. He thought we would sleep on it, but it was impossible with our reflexes and speed. The advantage me and Nanya had over this terrain was also given by the fact that our feet had some rather long nails and that we could even use our tails for better balance.

Seeing this attempt was a futile one, he melted the ice and turned the ground into mud, but at this speed, it was like skipping over water. To sink in it or slip on it would have been rather ridiculous.

Yet, he kept trying, launching spell after spell that would have been otherwise impossible for most Supremes, all the while moving at speeds that made his past self-look like an amateur. Then again, the Dankyun back then was indeed no different than a pathetic little amateur.

“Huff! Huff! How?!” he asked again.

Although he sounds as if he was asking the same thing over and over, within his mind, he was probably constantly thinking of how to take us down or get a good measure of our strength. What he found out so far was probably the fact that we were a pair of opponents he could not defeat using conventional means.

Dankyun pushed about 40% his total Magic Energy within his sword and then aimed it at us.

Nanya was the target.

He fired, and a powerful red lightning washed over the demoness.

She didn’t move from her place, letting her armor take all the brunt of the attack. What it did was merely cause a small crack in it, which was fixed right away. Behind her, it looked as if a dragon from the old legends came flying down and unleashed his wrath on her. The ground touched by the red lightning was turned black. It was glittering as well because the sand mixed within it fused to form glass.

This was an impressive attack of a Supreme Rank, and it was also focused on a single target rather than multiple ones. Dankyun must have learned it sometime in the past eight years or so.

“Oho? That was a rather good attack. It doesn’t match Ayuseya’s flames or Illsy’s laser though.” Nanya commented with a smile and then turned around “Doesn’t do as much damage either.” she then looked at Dankyun who was huffing from the effort.

The draconian used another crystal and recharged a part of his Magic Energy. He was trying to recover his breath and prepare for another attack. Because the two of us didn’t seem to react too much to what he was doing, he couldn’t devise a proper strategy to use against us. It was the same as attacking a training dummy, one that couldn’t be harmed no matter what he tried.

“Tch! I was hoping to save this...” he said and then took out a big purple crystal.

It was about the same size of his palm and was covered in a white-purple aura. It gave me some creepy vibes, but I didn’t feel as though I was in danger.

“What are you doing?” Nanya asked as she narrowed her eyes at him.

“THIS!” Dankyun shouted and tossed the crystal at our feet.

We jumped back and where we stood a purplish fog spread.

“Hahaha! This thing will make any woman beg for mercy and cry in pain!” the draconian shouted.

The fog began to disperse little by little and from within it, we saw a horrible monstrosity making its appearance. It was impossible to tell what it was exactly. There were countless tentacles squirming around that gave me a very nasty feeling. It was gross and disgusting no matter how you looked at it.

“Tch. A demon?” Nanya said.

“A what? That thing is like you?” I asked surprised.

“Yes, but it’s one of the lower breeds that wasn’t able to take humanoid shape.” she told me.

“Is it dangerous, and why did Dankyun say it was a danger to women?” I asked her.

“Tentacle monsters like this one usually aren’t. The violent ones are killed almost immediately by demons, and depending on its adaptation, the tentacles can be quite deadly.” she explained.

“This thing is like a beast isn’t?” I asked.

“No. It can think, though not much. Well, if you leave it out in the wild, eventually it will go crazy and become a beast. Demons usually use them for their dexterity or for cleaning the streets and the sewers. Other than that, they are like all other below average demons... useless.” Nanya said.

“Again, why would Dankyun say it’s a danger to women?” I pressed the question.

“Because if trained properly, I heard that this type of demons can even become... sexual harassers.” she replied and then spat on the ground.

“So, it’s alright to kill it?” I asked.

“By all means. If it ended up all the way out here, it must have gone crazy already and look” she pointed at the tentacle monster, or rather at a certain part of it near the base of the tentacles “It has a slavery collar.” she said.

“Hey, Nanya, can we prevent our children from becoming like that?” I asked her.

“Yes. Those who become like this are usually with abusive parents who either abandon them or torture them. Their body simply turns into a defensive fortress. It’s either a tentacle monster who will only do as told or a shell monster, which can even look like a moving rock.” she told me.

“So, if the children are loved and cared for... they will become like their parents?” I asked.

“Yes. That’s why I’m not worried about how Natrasku will turn out when he matures.” she showed me a soft smile “He will have the best father and mothers a child could wish for, and so will yours.”

“I know.” I showed her a smile and then we both focused on the horrible and perverted thing before us.

Both of us attacked it at the same time, she with fireballs charged up with electricity, and I unleashed my breath on it. In but a few seconds, the area around it turned black and the monster to ash. It died before it even had the chance to understand what and who attacked it. Maybe, in a way, this poor critter wished for this sort of end.

As for Dankyun, he was stupefied by what just happened.

If this monster was his ace in the sleeve, it was pathetic against us, but if this thing had been thrown in the middle of a random town on any of the three continents, then it would have killed or horribly tortured and possibly raped all the people living there before the military and the adventurers stepped in to destroy it.

To unleash something like this was absolutely horrible, but to be able to capture and enslave it showed that Dankyun had far surpassed the draconian I knew from before. Right now, he was without a doubt one of the most powerful Supremes on the three continents, and this fact, while it was a bit scary, at the same time, a part of me that was happy about it.

Why was I happy? Because I was even more powerful than him, and all of his threats and attacks were nothing more than pathetic jokes to me now? I could finally feel like this dark part of my past was only something I could laugh at.

“Nanya?” I turned to look at demoness.

“Yes?” she asked looking back at me.

“Do you mind if I go all-out against him?” I showed her a smile.

“...” she looked at him and then at me. “Yes, sure. I had my fun. I’m going to go bother Illsy... Erm, should I tell Zoreya to prepare an extra barrier?” she asked before she turned around to leave.

“Yes, please!” I told her and then showed her a bright smile.

“What’s going on? Is one of you quitting?” Dankyun asked.

“Yes. Yes. Oh, I’m so scared of the mighty Dankyun!” Nanya laughed and then ran off to Illsy.

“That blasted shikak!” growled the soon to be dead draconian.

“Now then.” I said with a smile and then ran up to him.

This time... there was no holding back.

For every time he made me cry...

“GYAAAH!” he screamed as I shattered his armor and grabbed his tail.

For every time he looked at me with those eyes filled with disgust...

“N-NO!” he cried as I ripped off half of his tail with pure brute strength.

For every time he made me suffer...

“Guhaaa!” he groaned as I punched him in the chest, smashing his armor to bits and breaking some of his ribs.

For every time he thought of me as nothing but his toy...

“GAAH!” he screamed as I broke his left leg with a kick in the knee and then punched him in the chin.

For every time I felt like wanting to cry out for help but couldn’t because of his curse...

“N-NO!” he trembled in fear as I grabbed his arm in the air and then pulled hard, dislocating his shoulder.

While falling, I place my foot on his shoulder, and pulled again.

“GYAAAH!” he screamed in pain as I ripped his arm off, blood gushing out like a spring, splashing everywhere, yet none passed through my Magic Armor.

For me his blood was akin to poison... a poison of disgust.

I watched him fall to the ground, breaking his left leg.

From above the ground, while keeping myself afloat, I watched him trembling in pain and fear.

“N-no... p-please...”

For every time I too had begged him like that and when I implored him not to pour down that concoction down my throat...

[Ice Disk]” I cast the spell aimed at his pelvis.

A disk made from pure ice with an extremely cold edge was formed above me. It was one of Illsy’s spells. If left like this, it could be shattered with ease, but then I [Infused] it with more Magic Energy, increasing its durability and sharpness.

This thing would have no problem against a Supreme’s Magic Armor.

“N-No...” he begged, but the spell was launched at him.

In a split second it flew from my arm and cut through the air until it reached the target. A dust cloud formed around Dankyun when it crashed into him. A moment later, he could see with horror in his eyes how this disk had sectioned his pelvis in half. Not even the most powerful healing spells could help him restore his manhood now. My husband was the only one who could have pieced him back together, but he would never do it.

“NOOO! AGHAAA!!!” he screamed and groaned in pain as he tried to make sense of what was happening to him.

No doubt, his mind had broken at that moment. One thing was clear to him and that was the fact that the draconian woman whom he once thought to be the weakest of the weak, the most pathetic wench he could get his hands on, was now the most powerful draconian alive.

Seeing him like this, broken, in pain, in agony, suffering for everything he had done to me... made me feel good. I knew it was wrong to seek revenge, but for some reason, just this moment when I completely overwhelmed this draconian who brought me so much pain was enough to bring a smile of relief on my lips.

Maybe I too didn’t know how much I needed to punch this rotten draconian in the face. I thought.

Before he died, I felt like it was the time to show him my true power just as I had promised Nanya.

I lifted my hand up and activated my Over Supreme Rank Skill.

[Wrath of the Ageless Gods]” I said.

In that instant, the sky turned dark and above me a massive fireball had formed. The heat was so powerful that if anyone other than me stood here, they would have suffered terrible burns. The amount of Magic Energy within this thing was ridiculous. Illsy once described it as a mini sun under the pitch-black sky.

At this time, I probably had a maniac grin on my face because I was happy... SO HAPPY THAT I COULD KILL THIS FOUL CREATURE THAT MADE ME SUFFER SO MUCH!!!

“DANKYUN, JUST DIE!” I shouted at the top of my lungs as I sent the huge fireball at him.

At that moment, another barrier covered the first barrier made by Zoreya, and another one appeared around me and Illsy’s group. At this distance, my attack was a bit too powerful... but... I was happy.


[Dankyun’s point of view]

No! No! NO! Why is she so powerful?! What did I do wrong?! How did this happen?! I shouted in my mind as I struggled to get away.

Above me was a sight that couldn’t be explained with words. The sky turned black. Lightnings could be seen surging through it and falling on top of the gigantic fireball. The whole air around me turned hot, and I could tell that if that thing hit me, I was done for.

Yet... where could I run? Where could I go?

My own guts were spilling out and the ground was red with my blood, yet I couldn’t even crack her armor. I trained so much. I fought so much... but for what?

To die like this?

To perish like this?

NO! I DON’T WANT TO! NOOO!!! I shouted in my mind, but my whole body was trembling in fear.

Within my heart, however, there was only room for one feeling though... hate. There was only absolute hate for Illsyore and everything he had done. If I had never met him. If he never existed, my life would never have come to such a pathetic end!

I was supposed to be strongest in the Teslov Kingdom! I was supposed to be most powerful draconian, not those shikaks!

So why? Why...? I thought as I saw the fireball approaching. “NOOO!!!” I shouted as loud as I could.

Hell... has... no room... for you... so you shall fight... again... for me... a cold and frightening voice echoed in the back of my head.

I had no idea who it was... or what it was. All I knew was that the fireball hit me and then I died...


[Illsyore’s point of view]

Nanya came back to me and simply made herself comfortable in my lap. That tight bikini of hers was rather appealing, and I could feel the warmth of her body pressing on me. It was very very difficult for me not to try and make a move on her. This demoness definitely knew she was tempting me and enjoyed me struggling against my desires.

Well, I could just go ahead and grope her chest or massage her tail here, however, I didn’t want these three draconians who could only see her wearing rags see her moan in pleasure. I mean, I didn’t mind if it was one of my other wives, but some stranger? No way!

It was then when we all turned our heads towards Ayuseya.

“S-She’s flying?” Blue said in surprise.

“Oh... crap.” I said when I saw the sky darken.

“ZOREYA!” Shanteya shouted.

“On it!” she replied and then cast a far more powerful shield to reinforce the other one.

This way, none of the radiation or shock of the explosion would reach my town. To make sure our guests and us weren’t going to be harmed, she cast a similar shield around us and another one around Ayuseya, whose Magic Armor was set to accept it.

“W-What in the name of all the gods?!” Red said as he got up from the table and watched with a shocked expression on his face what appeared to be as something cut out from a fantasy novel.

The mini sun fell on the screaming Dankyun and then exploded.

The ground shook as it would during an earthquake on the 9th Richter Scale. First came the supersonic shock wave in the form of a wall of fire that headed towards us like a stampede of genocidal rampaging elephants. The draconians covered their eyes in fear and waited for the inevitable. After the shock wave hit, the sound of the boom soon followed, which was that of an extremely powerful explosion that would have normally shattered the eardrums of a normal human. Thankfully, Zoreya’s shield stopped them both, although, it did suffer a few cracks here and there.

When it was over, what we were left to gaze at was only a field of fire. Wherever we looked, there was nothing but howling flames eating everything around. The ground was scorched and most likely irradiated as well, which meant a lot of work for me afterwards.

Without saying a single word, we watched as this whole field of flames just burned and burned. If left like that, it would have kept burning for another hundred years or so because this fire was fueled by the insane amount of Magic Energy Ayuseya had poured inside her attack, so I did what I did last time. Using my Dungeon Territory, I absorbed the Magic Energy of the fire, forcing it to be put out.

Then, as the skies cleared up, we saw the former draconian princess floating in the sky with a relieved smile on her face, tears flowing down her cheeks, eyes closed, and the rays of the sunbathing her whole body.

Blue, Red, and Green here saw her wearing rags, but I saw her in her bikini swimsuit, which, in a strange way, gave me the feeling as though I was watching a goddess descending upon us mortal beings...

Just to see that smile... it was worth restarting my whole... the thought was caught off, but it was as foreign to me as it was familiar.

Just like the one from before, this one too would be something I would immediately forget and never remember for a long time to follow.

“She finally looks at peace.” said Shanteya.

“Yeah...” I said.


~ Chapter 126: Aftermath ~


~ Chapter 125: Was it worth it? ~ (Part 1)