~ Chapter 137: Toddlers toddling. Father hiding. ~

[Illsyore’s point of view]

It has been almost a month since my wives left and let me to care for our children and the whole of Illsyorea Island. Both of which were fairly reasonable, but as a father and a Godlike Dungeon Lord, I tended to find myself in very peculiar circumstances now and then, such as witnessing the Emperor Varakium’s failed attempts at conquering the heart of the beautiful Savannah Azura.

Because I could not be harsh with him, seeing that he was the Emperor of Paramanium and all, and that I could not force Savannah into doing something she did not want to, I was left to watch from the sideline this dance of overpowered birdbrains.

Seriously though, the man was hopeless in his romancing efforts but a genius when it came to ruling an Empire. Thus, every time he happened to drop by Illsyorea, I found myself sitting in front of him, drinking tea from a very expensive tea set he was quite fond of.

“Sigh~” Varakium looked up at the ceiling as if he were contemplating the mysteries of the universe.

If I did not know the real reason why he was sighing like that, I would think that he was quite the astonishing individual.

“Thus, another pink petal falls and burns... in front of the unparalleled white rose.” he said as if reciting poetry.

“You know, pardon me for saying this, but all you had to do was say ‘Care to have dinner with me?’. Hm, good tea.” I said as I took another sip from the cup.

“Yet, those words weigh down like a mountain upon my heart.” he sighed again.

Is Paramanium going to be alright with this sort of Emperor that spits out poetry whenever he stumbles on the path of love? I wondered while not letting such thoughts express on my face.

“Tell me, Illsyore Deus, how did you manage to enchant such beautiful women like your wives and even five at that?” he asked.

“Erm... Let’s see... I guess ‘not not’ jokes and actually saying ‘I love you’ to their face without beating around the bush? Circumstances helped as well.” I shrugged.

“Hm, so in this matter which I pursue, should I try to the same with Savannah?” he asked.

“Huh?” I lowered the cup of tea and as I looked him straight in the eyes, I asked him “You, do you really want to Savannah as your lover? To marry her? To become a family with her?”

“Of course! That’s been a long-cherished dream of mine... That and conquering the world, but the latter is just a foolish child’s ambition.” he shrugged.

Say what now? Conquering the world?! Erm... I’ll just ignore that. Yup! I’ll ignore the fact that the Emperor of the most powerful human nation on this planet just confessed to having a dream of world domination! After deciding this in my mind, I told him “Then being honest to a fault is your best option. Though there is the problem of an age difference and also that of her job here... But I think those two can be solved one way or another.” I told him.

“If she were to become my Empress, then naturally her job here is forfeit.” he nodded.

“Sigh... You don’t know her that well, do you?” I shook my head.

“What do you mean?” he furrowed his brow.

“Your love is genuine. I can see that at least, but you have to understand that letting her do as she pleases, to follow her dreams and supporting her in that matter is also a part of being in love with her. Now, I understand that you have a certain social position, but all in all, when you think about it, it’s quite clear that she wants to be here and teach her students. Illsyorea offers her that unrestrained and boundless freedom she sought.” I took the cup of tea and brought it to my lips.

The aroma reminded me of vanilla, but it had a certain spiciness I never tasted back on Earth. Well, not like I was a big fan of tea drinking back then.

“Hm... Then, would this problem be solved with that project we talked about last time?” he asked.

“Hm?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Illsy! Are you in here?” Tamara suddenly appeared at the window, standing on the frame while waving her tail left and right.

“Hm?” I looked at her and took another sip from the tea.

I should ask Varakium to give me some samples of this plant to see if I can cultivate it here. I thought.

“Illsy. Bachus and Anette went out on a stroll. So, I’m going to watch them from the shadows! This looks fun!” she said with a big cat-like smile and then left.

When I heard this... I spat the tea all over Varakium.

“WHO WENT WHERE NOW?! HEY! GET BACK HERE!” I called out after her, but that cat was already gone with the wind. “Damn it! Erm...” I looked back at the Emperor of the Paramanium Empire.

The most influential man on the three continents was soaking wet in tea.

“That... Erm... One moment.” I said and then quickly went out of my body and flew where Savannah was.

The woman was preparing some cookies in her room.

Perfect! I thought and then spoke to her “Savannah.”

“KYA!” she was startled and threw the butter in the air.

I splendidly caught it in my telekinetic hand.

“I-Illsyore?” she asked.

“Yeah... Here’s your butter back. Anyway, an emergency came up. The Paramanium Emperor is soaking wet in tea. He’s quite troubled by some personal problems. And it would be nice for you to have a chat with him... and well... let him use your bath for a sec. Anyway! I’ll bring him in a bit!”

“Wait what?! The Paramanium Emperor? Personal problems?! What?” Savannah said while looking confused beyond measure.

“That’s the story. That and Anette and Bachus are out on a stroll. I’m worried about them so keep the Emperor busy until I get back. I don’t know, give him a rattle or something!” I told her and then left.

As soon as I return, I saw Varakium using a handkerchief to clean himself up.

“Alright! You go to Savannah’s room. You will be safe there. Ah! Forget it! I do not have time! I’ll take you there myself!” I said and then I grabbed the Emperor in a princess-carry and jumped out the window.

“What?! Wait?! WHAT?!” he shouted back, but I ignored him.

I didn’t had time to be politically polite!

In the blink of an eye, I landed in front of Savannah’s window and tossed the garbage... Ahem! I ‘gently’ dropped the esteemed Paramanium Emperor inside her room.

“Here! Special delivery!” then I turned around and jumped away “Anette! Bachus! Wait up! Daddy’s coming!” I cried out.

Using [Life Signs Detection Map] skill, I was able to find them quickly and noticed that Tamara wasn’t that far away from them. My wife was observing them from afar while sitting on top of a building.

I landed next to her and then I asked her “What’s going on?”

“Munya? Erm...” she tilted her head cutely.

“Well?” I asked.

“Little Anette said she wanted to go out and search for something. Her brother Bachus helped her using the baby carriage.” she replied.

“What?! Why on earth would she? Sigh... I have to get them back inside.” I said, but just as I was about jump over, Tamara jumped on my back.

“Wait!” she said as she pressed her chest on my back and held tight onto me.

“What is it?” I asked while furrowing my brow.

I was dying of worry about those two!

“It’s their first time strolling through the city like this. Anette is a Godlike Dungeon with a level over 100. She’s not that weak, and she’s more mature than you give her credit!” she said.

“Nonsense! She’s daddy’s little girl! I need to protect her!” I declared.

“Nya! What you’re saying is nonsense! Look, let’s just watch them from afar and keep an eye out for danger. We can react faster than anyone can realize too.” she said.

“But... but what if Bachus falls over and has a bobo?” I asked while in a state of constant worry.

“I’m afraid you severely underestimate their personal Magic Barrier.” Tamara narrowed her eyes at me.

“It’s weak!” I retorted.

“FOR US!” she cried out then said “Nya... let’s just watch over them. It’s the first time they wanted to do something like this, and they asked me to make sure you don’t run around like a worrywart.”

“They asked you not to tell me?” I blinked surprised.

“Yes. Anette was quite insistent on it. Nya~!” she said.

“What? But the first time she was supposed to go out should have been with her daddy...” I replied with a devastated look on my face.

“Nya~ You do know that Shanteya took them out before when you were busy dealing with a bunch of documents relating foreign trade, right? This happened about 6 months ago.” she said.

“WHAT?!” I turned pale from the shock.

“Nya... What a hopeless husband you are... Let’s watch them from afar. Have some trust in your children.” she said with a smile.

“I-I see... Well... Alright. But if anything happens!” I declared while looking back at her fiercely.

“Like we would let anything happen, nya! It’s fun for them too! Look!” she said while pointing at the two from afar.

Turning around, I saw little Bachus pushing the big baby carriage I made some time ago when I wanted to take them out on a picnic. It was durable and had its own safety measures, such as an [Impact Barrier] and [Magic Barrier], which acted as an artificial Magic Armor.

From what I could see, Bachus was wearing the same clothes I dressed him up in before I went to listen to the Emperor’s poetic complaints. The tea was good though.

Anette was wrapped up in a pink blanket that went well with her white Crystal Body, but she looked so fragile in that thing, I couldn’t help but want to go down there and make sure she was alright. Tamara was keeping me from doing so though.

“Brother, let’s check out that shop.” Anette said as she used her [Telekinezy] spell to give the carriage a nudge to the left.

“Un!” Bachus nodded cutely, then with his little feet pushed the cart in that direction.

Let alone pushing, I was surprised he could walk that much.

Was Bachus always this energetic? I wondered.

“Excuse me!” Anette called out.

They stopped in front of a shop that sold wood carvings and other things made out of wood like cooking spoons and toys.

“Yes?” a middle-aged lady replied.

She looked around but frowned when she didn’t see anyone.

“Down here.” Bachus called out.

“Huh?” she blinked surprised when she noticed the two.

“Un, sister?” he asked looking at the cart.

“Uhm. Can we look at that thing in the right corner?” she asked.

“Huh? You... are you a Dungeon?” she asked surprised.

“Yes! I’m a Anette Deus! Pleasure to meet you!” she replied in a cheerful tone of voice.

“Oh my! Deus? So you are that Illsyore’s daughter?” she asked.

“Yes! Illsyore Deus is our daddy! Do you know him?”

“Not personally, no. But I did see him a couple of time when making announcements or taking a stroll down the streets.” she said with a soft smile.

“Daddy is busy now. We’re out by our own to buy him a gift. So, keep it a secret, please!” she said.

“Yes, pwese, a secwet! Sshu!” Bachus put his finger on his lips and blew, making an adorable face that melted the old lady’s heart.

“Oh my~ How cute the two of you are! Don’t worry! I’ll keep it a secret!” she giggled.

Meanwhile I was furrowing my brow trying to understand why the two would want to buy me a gift.

“Silly Illsy.” Tamara said and licked my cheek.

“Huh?” I blinked surprised and looked at her.

“It’s a secwet! Nya~!” she imitated Bachus and winked at me.

I narrowed my eyes at her and then turned to check on the kids.

“Ah! They left the shop.” I said.

The shopkeeper was waving at them and telling them to be safe. It didn’t seem like they bought anything from there, but what I couldn’t figure out was why did they need to go through the trouble of buying something from the shops? After all, I could build anything they wanted, and Anette could also create a bunch of things with her powers if she wanted to.

The children moved towards the next shop that caught their attention, a doll shop where a bunch of plush toys were lined up from the cheapest to the most expensive ones.

“Um... That one?” Bachus pointed at a white bunny doll.

“Why?” Anette asked.

“Becawse it looks like sister.” he showed her a bright small.

“Brother is silly.” Anette laughed.

Meanwhile, on top of the roof, there was an idiotic father that was nodding energetically in respect. That idiotic father happened to be me.

The children did not buy anything from there, but after they were gone, I secretly bought the bunny doll Bachus pointed at. It was going to be Anette’s little present from Bachus.

Bachus stopped in front of a fried foods stall. They were selling fried octopus on a stick. I would have preferred something like mititei, but it was quite expensive to make given the spices involved.

“Want one?” Anette asked.

“Un!” Bachus nodded several times and showed her a cute smile.

“Sir, can we have one?” she then asked as she took out a two copper coins from her Inner Mind.

“Huh? Sure.” the man gave Bachus the stick and then he began to happily munch on it.

Meanwhile, Tamara was swaying her tail so hard, it felt like she was trying to whip me.

“What’s wrong?” I asked her.

“Bachus. New food to bait him with.” she answered with a serious look on her face.

“Bait him? What the heck are you thinking?” I raised an eyebrow at her.

While munching on the octopus, he continued to push Anette’s baby carriage, but then two skinny adventurers and a fat one moved in front of them. They were wearing a typical leather armor that had seen its fair share of battles.

“Hey! Hey! Hey! What do we have here Ubub?” the tallest one among them asked.

“I don’t know Igoy, but definitely not a picnic basket!” the smallest one among them replied.

“Fufufu! You children don’t know who we are, do youuuuuuuu!” the fat one wasn’t able to finish his words.

Unable to be patient with them and for disturbing their peaceful walk, Anette opened up a big 4 by 4 hole under them that by my estimates was at least 100 meters deep. The three stooges crashed down with a loud THUD, then she released a bunch of... pans and pots in the air. I had a feeling those were the result of her training with her powers.




There were at least three direct hits to their noggins. If not for Magic Armor, I would have feared she broke their necks and killed them, but she most likely just knocked them out cold.

A moment later, she restored the area to its previous state and then swept the unconscious fellows off the road as she would dust off a carpet with the help of her [Telekinezy] spell.

With a wry smile, I watched as the two continued on their merry way.

She is a level 130 Godlike Dungeon, after all. They should feel lucky that she did not set the guard monsters around here on them. I thought and then looked to my right where a level 1500 boot-loving imp was making his daily patrols. The amount of gear he was sporting would put most high-level adventurers to shame.

That being said, once the children were far away from site. I came down and woke up the three stooges.

With my Dungeon Territory enveloping them and releasing a pitch-black fog of killing intent, I asked them with a kind smile on my lips.

“May I ask what you three gentlemen were intending to do to my precious children? Hm?”

What happened next involved a lot of screaming, begging, and crying from their side. It would be safe to assume that from that point on they promised to live as good citizens of Illsyorea.

After the incident with the three stooges, Anette guided Bachus to three more shops where they looked at various wares. The first one was filled with carpets and wooden ducks, the second one had glassware, and the third one was filled with paintings.

In every shop there was something that caught Anette’s attention, but it didn’t seem like anything clicked with her. I thought that she was going to give up and return home, but then Bachus pointed at something in the back of the shop.

“Sister, wha about that?” he asked cutely.

“Hm? That...” she stopped and took a better look at the painting.

From the other side of the road, I was able to see what the little boy pointed at. The frame was made out of white wood but decorated with gold leaves. The image depicted was none other than me and my family having fun while walking on the streets of Illsyorea. The painted managed to capture the moment when all five of my wives were smiling: Tamara was at the back leaning forward and showing a mischievous smile; Zoreya was at the back, eating fried octopus; Nanya was holding my arm and giggling sweetly; Shanteya was on the other side, showing a sweet smile; and Ayuseya was behind us together with Zoreya, with a dignified gentle smile on her lips. As for me, I appeared to be having fun.

It was quite a beautiful image if I were to say so myself.

Bachus managed to find something good, and it appeared as though Anette agreed with me. She immediately called the clerk working there and asked how much the painting cost.

“This piece? I set the price for it at 100 Gold Coins. It’s a fine masterpiece, don’t you think so too?” he then continued to brag about it, but Anette remained quiet.

“Hm? How much money does she have on her?” I asked Tamara.

“I gave her about 20 Gold Coins. The painting, nya... Expensive.” she said as she lowered her ears and looked a bit saddened by it.

With a sigh escaping my lips, I decided that I could not allow this trip to be wasted, so I took out a big signboard and wrote on it the following message: Illsyore will pay for it, just give the kids an affordable price!

I then waved it in front of the store, making sure that neither Anette nor Bachus saw it.

Alas, the man was able to see my signs and blinked surprised.

When the children turned around to see what he was looking at, I made the sign disappear while me and Tamara ducked for cover and hoped they did not spot us.

“Is something the matter?” Anette asked the clerk.

“No, I was... erm... Contemplating the divine beauty of colors!” he said and then made an awkward laugh.

The man seemed to have caught on to my intention and did not divulge my presence there.

“About the painting... We don’t have that much.” she began to speak with a pinch of sadness in the tone of her voice.

“Hm...” the clerk appeared to be pondering about something and then said “Are you perhaps... related to Illsyore Deus?” he asked.

“Un! Illsyore is our daddy!” Anette replied cutely.

“I see! I see! Then... how about a discount?” he showed her a gentle smile.

“Dis-count?” she asked as if she did not understand the word.

“Yes, it means that I will lower the price just for you! How about it?”

“Erm... why?” she asked.

“Hm? Pardon?”

“Why would you lower the price for us?”

“Hm...” the clerk seemed to be in a bit of a bind.

I quickly wrote a message and then showed it to him. He repeated the exact words written on it.

“Because you are Illsyore’s cute children! Ohohoho!” he laughed.

I face-palmed myself.

“Umn... I can’t accept it.” Anette shook her head.

WHY?! I shouted in my mind.

“Illsy... you are biting on the rooftop.” said Tamara.

“Ish donshnt cware!” I said with a muffled voice.

Meanwhile, back in the store, the clerk tried to think of something else. After a long moment, he appeared to have come to a conclusion.

“You are a Dungeon, right?” he asked.

“Yes.” Anette replied.

“Then, how about helping me out for a bit in the shop?”

“Help? How?”

“Let’s see... Can you make some simple frames for me?”

“Frames? I can’t make them like that.” Anette said, referring to those around her which were exquisitely decorated.

“Oh! No no no! Look, like the one in that corner over there. See?” he asked pointing at a simple wooden frame.

“Hm... That I can do... I think. I can try. Let me see.” she said and then went inside her Inner Mind to work like I had taught her.

Well, while she didn’t match my ability to create items, she did manage to gain a bit of experience in regard to this skill. She could enchant a bit too, although complex mechanisms were way out of her league unless she used a construction skill.

When Anette returned, she took out the wooden frame from her Inner Mind and gave it to the clerk.

“Like this?” she asked.

“Ah! This is perfect!” he nodded as he analyzed it from all possible corners.

“How many?” she asked.

“Hm, how about ten?” he showed her a smile.

“Yes!” she replied cutely.

Meanwhile, Bachus took a seat next to her and was looking around at the paintings there.

It did not take her that long to make the frames once she had all the materials and schematics to work with. They were not of an astronomical difficulty anyway but considering that my precious daughter was the one who made them, that painter would do good to frame masterpieces in them.

As soon as she was done, the clerk placed the frames in the back of the shop and then happily completed the transaction. Anette gave him ten gold coins and she received the painting, which she absorbed inside her Inner Mind.

“Let’s go, brother!” she said.

“Un!” he nodded and pushed the baby carriage out of the store.

When looked at them from the front, it appeared as though the carriage was moving on its not being pushed from the back by a toddler.

The two siblings moved back onto the streets and headed straight for our house, while me and Tamara were following closely from behind, taking great care that they wouldn’t spot us. I decided to have chat with the clerk the following day to see if there was still a need to pay the difference. Having Anette make those frames for him should have been enough, but I didn’t plan on going back on my promise to pay for the difference. Well, that was for tomorrow, right now, I was still in the process of stalk... following my children back to our house.

“Illsy?” my wife poked me in the ribs with her finger.

“Ouch. What?” I asked.

“What are you doing?” she looked at me raising an eyebrow.

“I’m hiding.” I replied.

“On top of a rooftop? Behind two tree branches you are holding in front of your face?” she questioned my brilliant approach at stealth tactics.

“Of course! It’s to ease any suspicion in case we are spotted.” I replied confident in my actions.

“Nya~ You do realize that two branches sticking out like that from a rooftop in the middle of the town is far more suspicious than two random people running on top of them?”

“...” I didn’t comment back.

“Nya... Silly Illsy being silly is so Illsy.” she giggled.

“As long as it works, I don’t care! I’m undetectable!” I declared proudly.

“Good day, Illsyore! Are you out on a jog across the rooftops?” random passer bye asked a random question at a random time that so happened to be perfect in order to make me look like an idiot.

“Yes... A jog across rooftops... that’s exactly what I’m doing.” I said while looking at the two branches in my hands.

“Oh, is that so? Well, keep up the good job!” random person said with a smile as he walked away.

A few seconds later, Tamara purred and hugged me from behind.

“See? Jog across the rooftop or taking a sunbath on rooftop are good cover stories for spying!” she gave me a lick on my neck, which made me shudder.

“I’ll keep that in mind... Let’s go pick up the children...” I said as I absorbed the tree branches.

Anette and Bachus were not far from our home now, and the citizens appeared to be looking out for them too. While I was following them throughout the day, I could see that on more than one occasion they expressed concern on whether or not they should approach them and give them a helping hand. The few townsfolk who spotted me or Tamara even cast a heartwarming smile our way.

Despite all of this, everyone let the two siblings adventure on their own while knowing full well that their dotting and over-worried father was looking out for them.

Tamara and I returned to our home before Anette and Bachus did. I pretended not to have noticed that the two of them had gone out and went to read a book in the living room. Before dinner was ready, the two of them approached me. Bachus was carrying a wrapped-up package in his hands and Anette was floating around him in her energy sphere form invisible to all but a few.

“Daddy? Are you fwee?” Bachus asked.

“Hm? Of course I am. What’s with the package?” I asked as I got up from the couch and put the book down.

“A present for daddy!” Anette giggled.

“A present for me? When did you two...” I furrowed my brow pretending not to know of their little adventure.

Bachus looked up at his sister and then replied “It’s a secwet. Sschuu!” he placed a finger over his lips and blew over it.

How adorably cute! I screamed in my mind.

With a bright smile, I ruffled his hair.

“Don’t go out on your own, next time. Take someone who can keep the secwet.” I winked at the two.

“So, daddy knew?” Anette asked.

“That you went out? Of course! I even skipped on the meeting with the Paramanium Emperor... Ah! Oops... I knew I forgot something. Meh, Savannah is a big girl, she can keep him busy.” I shrugged.

“Then... our pwesent... not a secwet?” Bachus asked with a sad look on his face.

“A present is still a present, Bachus, but whether I knew that you went out or not doesn’t matter. I didn’t stop you and I didn’t walk up to you to help out when you acquired it, right?” I showed him a smile while shooing away the memory with the sign.

“That’s true... You were just somewhere in the background, making sure we wouldn’t get hurt, right?” Anette asked.

“Yup. After all, you two are my important children.” I showed them a tender smile.

“Daddy cheated.” Bachus pouted.

“Hehe, at least I’m honest with you two. So, that present, will you still give it to me?” I asked him.

Bachus looked up at his sister, who nodded in return.

“Here. Pwesent for daddy... Hope you like it. Sister worked hard for it.” the little toddler gave it to me with a smile.

“Thank you!” I said as I took it and then carefully unpacked it.

While I did this, I saw that they were looking at me with big eyes, wondering whether or not I was going to like it. After all, a Dungeon like me could literally make anything I needed or desired. Well, almost anything, I could not make art as beautiful as the true geniuses out there, and some things were worth more just because they didn’t hold the perfectionism us Dungeons employed.

Besides, having a gift like this being offered to me, even if it was something mass-produced was something special. More so when the ones doing the gifting were my precious children.

That was why, when I unpacked the painting of me walking together with my wives, I was completely touched by it. Tears welled up in my eyes, and a few of them soaked my cheeks. A gentle smile floated on my lips as I looked at the well-drawn expressions of the women I loved the most in this whole world.

“It’s beautiful...” I said after a long moment has passed.

“D-Do you like it, Daddy?” Anette asked, showing that she was unsure if she picked the right thing.

“Of course.” I nodded and then placed the painting next to me. “Come here, Bachus.” I said and then hugged my little boy.

“We didn’t know when father’s birthday was, so... we chose a present just in case we missed it.” Anette said.

“My birthday? Hm, I guess I don’t really celebrate it. I wonder when I should consider my birthday to be... My birth can be considered to be... unique.” I showed her a wry smile.

None of my children knew that I was Tuberculus’ own Frankenstein’s monster.

“It doesn’t matter! Your birthday from now one will be... erm... Ah! Yes! When we want to!” Anette declared proudly.

“Alright.” I showed her a smile. “Hey, do you two want to help me find a place where I can hang this painting?” I asked them.

“Un!” Bachus nodded.

“Yes!” Anette agreed as well.

A couple of minutes later, we hanged it on the wall facing the couch in the living room, then we walked to the kitchen where we ate Tamara’s freshly cooked meal. Later that night, I read a story to them and checked up on Natrasku and Kormian. The two of them were sleeping peacefully with Zoreya cuddling them.

I let them sleep peacefully, while I went to work for a little bit on my own projects. If I wasn’t a Dungeon, then taking care of my family, of the Academy, and the entirety of the Illsyorea Island would have been something impossible for me.

I was happy to be blessed with such a beautiful family...


[Somewhere in the darkness of space]

As if hearing Illsyore’s thoughts, a voice filled with a stoic malice whispered “Then, shall I take that away from you? But not now... definitely not now... so take your time, enjoy it, have fun. It will make your suffering all the more enjoyable and painful for me.”


[In the world of the Gods above the world where Illsyore lived]

[Narrator’s point of view]

Melkuth was leaning on his chair looking at a small drop of divine energy encased in a sphere of crystal. He let out a sigh and then turned around. At the entrance to this ‘office’ the Holy God of Big Boobs appeared with a smile on his face.

“Good day, my friend.” the old man said.

“Hmph. Are you here about this?” Melkuth asked pointing at the sphere next to him.

“Hm? So much has gathered already, didn’t it?” he remarked as he rubbed his long beard.

Melkuth leaned back on his chair and looked at the sphere of crystal.

“Do you want to destroy it? If it’s like this, we can erase it with ease.” the god suggested with a smile.

“Hm... No.”

“No?” he raised an eyebrow at him.

“This divine energy doesn’t hold a single drop of malice in it. The humans are praying at Illsyore of their own accord, although, I wonder if they realize that their prayers fall on deaf ears?” he let out a sigh.

“As long as there are big boobs, the Universe is never deaf, my friend.” the old senile fool replied with the smile of a wise man, although the wisdom in his words was questionable.


~ Chapter 138: The den of assassins ~


~ Chapter 136: In the city of Komurva ~