~ Chapter 149: The foolish Demios of Akardia ~

[Nanya’s point of view] 

 Akardia was the name of the capital of the Demonarkiar Empire that spanned across the entire Demon Continent, but also the name of my own mother. It was located within a place called the Mirror Forest. The reason why it carried this name was because it was populated by a lot of sneaky monsters who took the shape and form of those who travelled through it. In a way, they were the best sparring partner for a demon who wished to go up in ranks, but when it came to someone as powerful as myself, these monsters preferred to stay away rather than try to mimic my form. 

I was not a prey for them, I was a most fierce predator which they had no hope of ever defeating, just like mother was. 

Last time I took a step within the Mirror Forest was when I had decided to flee from my family and this continent but traveling through this place as weak as I was back then, the monsters could not help but see me as a most delicious juicy morsel they could wait to get a bite out of. I ran from one monster and bumped into another. They kept playing with me like that until I bumped into some adventurers or braves as they were called here. They protected me for the price of a few gligger coins. 

Back then, the forest was filled with hisses and growls, creatures that lurked in the darkness, looking at me from afar, snickering and laughing at my weak self, but now... it was no different from one of the peaceful forests on Illsyorea, where the most dangerous thing you could encounter was a nasty fall on your bottom. Tamara loved that place because it offered a lot of hiding spots and lots of trees which she could climb and jump around from. 

With a sigh escaping my lips, I looked up through the foliage of the trees and thought back at how much my life had changed. This whole continent was nothing more than a big package of memories, and most of them weren’t so pleasant. Coming back here was more of a way to prove myself that I had changed. 

Actually, if I think about it, none of us really had any reason to reject Illsy from coming with us. At the very least he could keep us company in bed at night, but this whole journey was nothing more than a trial for me... a test or rather... a way to show everyone here that I wasn’t the same weak lil’ Nanya they once knew. I was not an Impure who could never dream of being a match for a true Pure. I thought and then looked down at the ground. 

The armor I was wearing right now was my own. 

Not long after I split ways with Eventel, I decided to switch outfits. After all that I had seen so far, only if I ended up meeting an incredibly powerful demon or monster would I find myself in need of them. That gear was one of my trump cards, and I had no need to use it now, well... other from the fact that it was also wonderfully comfortable to wear. Illsyore did think of everything when he made a special armor. 

This armor of mine was a full plate armor with spikes and complete coverage. There was no need to flaunt my sexiness here since I did not have any intention of either luring or messing around with the perception of my opponent. Besides, with my powerful Magic Armor, there were very few attacks that could get through to me and reach my physical armor. If anything did pass with ease through it, then my own armor would be nothing more than scrap metal in front of it. 

Thus, what I was wearing could be said that it was more akin to a fashion dress. 

Initially, I was thinking about heading to Akardia only after I managed to secure a good political backup on the continent. This meant some important demios and maybe a couple of merchants, but meeting with Eventel and having him take my side changed everything. There was no need to run around the continent to do this. He was more than enough for me to take a stance at the court. Not to mention the fact that I have defeated Solstark, which not only would lead to a rise in my reputation but also support from various factions. 

With this much political support I would have no worries regarding my return to Illsyorea or the safety of those living there. There was nothing stopping a demon or demoness from harassing those under my protection if all they were aware about was the fact that I was once a very weak princess. If I desired to change their mind, I would have to make it clear that I was not the same as before and that there were influential individuals who backed me up on this. 

Long ago, I would not have even bothered to go through all of this trouble, but Ayuseya taught me that there were more kinds of strength out there. The one I knew of could only stop those who wished to attack me directly, but there were numerous other ways they could harass me. As a member of the Deus family, when I subjected myself to danger, I also subjected everyone else around me to the possibility of becoming a revenge target. Those with whom we did business or were on friendly terms could also end up in danger. 

Well, it was not as though I was the only Over Supreme on Illsyorea, so I held no such worries for now. That was why what I wanted to see right now were the expressions of shock and awe on those demons who looked down on me once they came to realize just how vastly more powerful than them I had become. That moment alone would certainly feel very gratifying for me. 

I arrived at Akardia’s gates early in the evening the day after I rescued Eventel’s wife. Since I did not take the normal route via a commonly used road, I didn’t have the chance to observe just how much traffic was coming and going from this big city. There were at least ten carriages in line at the gates and around thirty travelers on foot. Among them, I spotted a few who appeared to be braves. All of them were wearing armors and weapons made from animal parts that were further enhanced by their own magic-created armors. 

From the point of view of those living on the three sealed continents, they were all anywhere between a lower Emperor Rank and a higher Supreme Rank. On this continent, even children were far more powerful than the Beginner Rank ones. 

The number of demons and demonesses who were traveling towards Akardia was impressive, but there were also a lot who were leaving. It was a constant flow of traffic coming and going from the capital, so before it got too busy, I hoped in line and waited for my turn to come. 

When it was finally time, the guard, a big demon with a big horn sprouting from his forehead and another from the ridge of his nose, looked at me with a glare and then asked in a gruff voice: “Name yourself and the reason why you wish to enter Akardia.” 

A little farther in the back was another demon, who was skinny-looking and entirely focused on writing something on a bunch of scrolls. He was probably some sort of scribe who recorded everything everyone declared. 

Looking back at the guard, I replied “Nanya Demonarkiar the 2nd Deus. I have important business at the palace.” 

“Nanya? Where have I heard that name before?” the guard wondered while he noted down something. 

Turning back, he saw the scribe to have stopped midway writing my name. 

“Huh? Is something the matter?” the demon asked. 

“Nanya... Demonarkiar, that’s the name of the princess who vanished a century ago. She’s the weakling of the royal family.” he said and then looked up at me. “Are you? Her, I mean?” 

“I am indeed her, but a weakling I am not.” I replied with a soft smile. 

The scribe nodded at me and then looked at the others. No one seemed to have reacted to my name, which meant that either they were not that well informed on the Royal Family’s matters or that they were far too young to have learned of it. Even I did not know the names of some of the demons of the past and many of those who were recently born but who may have held very important roles within the empire. 

“Will she be a problem?” the guard asked the scribe this instead of me directly. 

“No... she shouldn’t be. Are you?” he replied shaking his head but then stopped and looked at me with worry in his eyes. 

“As long as no one will trouble me, then I won’t cause any trouble. Besides, I doubt there’s anyone here who can stop me even if I did.” I said with a smile and the guards narrowed their eyes at me. 

The tension was growing, but I remained relaxed. 

“You are mighty confident in yourself aren’t you, Impure?” someone called out to me using a very annoying and distinct insult. 

Turning around, I saw a demon climbing out of a carriage, hair gold as the thread that decorated his silk robe, white teeth without even a single spot of imperfection on them, a straight nose that gave him a manly charm, a smug smile on his lips as though he owned everything he looked at. This demon wore clothes that expressed a sense of elegance and extravagance, the soft silk of dark purple and gold colors was like an insult tossed in the face of those poorer than himself. 

He did not step on the ground but rather he floated up in the air with the help of magic. When I traced where the energy was coming for, I saw that the caster was actually the guard in the back, a black-hooded demon who had most of his body hidden behind his long cloak. The other demon next to him was bulkier in size and carried himself with an imposing presence. Both of these demons stepped out of the carriage after the one who was most likely a demio of some sort. 

“Who are you?” I asked as I turned to look at him. 

The gate guards took a step back and made a quick bow before him, which meant that not only did they recognize who he was, but he was also powerful enough to install respect in them. 

“My name, you insignificant one, is Astorvar Glamorada of the great and powerful Glamorada family!” he declared with a smile as though it was supposed to mean something great. 

Certainly, the demons and demonesses around me reacted with awe and surprise when they heard him, but I was not impressed in the slightest. This idiot just so happened to put his family’s greatness over his own as an individual, which was a sign of disrespect and lack of courtesy towards my own family. 

Raising an eyebrow, I asked him “And? You are a demio, right?” I asked him, hoping that he picked up on his mistake. 

“But of course, you Impure. The Glamorada known by all those high and below!” he declared with a smug look on his face. 

Forcing a smile on my lips, I looked into his eyes and then, in the next fraction of a second, I had shattered his Magic Armor and held my hand around his neck. His guards, as smug and confidant as they tried to make themselves appear were not even able to react. How could they, to grab this dolt, I used the same skill I used whenever I wanted to catch Tamara before she ran off somewhere. That busty feline was not to be underestimated when it came to speed. 

“Listen here, Astorvar Glamorada. My name is Nanya Demonarkiar the 2nd Deus. That means I am part of the Demonarkiar Imperial Family and also of the Deus family, which outrank whatever Demio family you may come from by a lot. But even if we put our families aside, I am not someone you should anger easily. True, I was once weak, but right now, if I want to, I can turn you and your entire family’s estate into nothing but rubble! I can kill your right here and right now just for the simple fact that you angered me and there will be nothing either your guards or anyone else can do to stop me. Do you understand, Astorvar Glamorada, or do I need to teach what proper manners among demios are? Anger me again, and I promise you that I will rip out your nose and ears and then feed them to you with a fork made from your own bones, do you understand?”

There was no need for me to show either mercy or humbleness to this demon. His intention and desires were clear just from the way he behaved and introduced himself. His words were tossed as if he were standing at the top of Akardia, which in itself could be considered an offense addressed to my mother. But above all, this demio just made things far easier for me to assert myself in the capital. Scaring him off and showing him my imposing and dominant side was going to reach the ears of all those found in this place be them young or small. 

When I released my grasp, the demon fell on his bottom in the mud, trembling like a twig and trying hard to hide his soiled pants. The guards in the back did not even dare make a move, the pressure of my presence told them that I was not someone they could mess with unless they had a death wish. If I wanted to make things a bit more theatrical, I could have always expanded my Dungeon Territory a little and then released the dark fog of killing intent from it. 

“I-I do...” Astorvar replied with a quick nod. 

“Good. Next time, make sure to address me with the proper respect, and I won’t even think about ripping your arms off! Both my lineage and status are not something you can toss mud at, least you wish to test your strength against me or worse… publicly spill dirt on her Majesty’s name.” I glared at him. 

If I said the same thing in a human kingdom, I would have been accused of using my mother’s status to solve my own disputes, but for demons it was quite clear when one insulted the family and when they insulted the individual. To be clear, the first had no problems with the latter. Each demon to their own, but it became a problem when they hid behind their family’s power. After all, if things here worked the same as they did in the human nations, it would not have been that difficult for Eventel to ask mother for help or his other siblings. I also would not have had any reason to run away from home. 

“Y-Yes! P-Princess Nanya!” he nodded his head as fast as he could. 

This should be enough. I thought and then turned around. 

As soon as I did that, his escorts rushed over to help him out. Meanwhile, I walked up to the gate guard and with a calm tone of voice, I asked him if there was anything else I was supposed to do to get inside. 

“No, m’lady!” he shook his head and then stepped aside. 

Akardia was unlike any other city out there. The magic was strong in the air and the buildings were tall and durable enough to resist the might of the demons. Just like the buildings on Illsyorea, these two were made with the intent of surviving powerful attacks but at the same time, they were given the personal style and touch of demon and demonesses over the course of decades and centuries. 

We had an exceptionally long lifespan, which for the most part was a problem for us, while at the same time it could be considered a blessing. Seeing our grandchildren and grand grand children was something that was considered normal among our kind. Thus, it was no surprise to find some families living in the same house for decades or even centuries. During such long periods of time, we sometimes got bored with the same style, so we tended to decorate our homes in the way that made us feel most comfortable and at peace. 

This was why a lot of the buildings here appeared to be almost... chaotic in nature, but which in fact were carriers of memories from countless generations ago. Unlike them, however, mother’s sense of style and decoration was a bit weird. If she did not like a part of the building, she would just blow it up and order her subjects to rebuild it in a more pleasing manner. The problem was that she never did tell them HOW she liked things built, so during the day, the palace would often suffer from her wrath. 

By now, the only thing still standing in that place that wasn’t destroyed by mother was probably the main column. If she blew up that thing to smithereens, then forget about repairing a wall or two, they would all be forced to rebuild the entire palace from scratch. 

Seeing the strange buildings of Akardia made me wonder if my room back at the palace was still the same. Usually, she didn’t interfere with our personal space, but I wasn’t the type of daughter that could have been considered close or her favorite in any way or manner. To be fair, I sometimes wondered if she even remembered that she had me as a daughter. After I left like that, I wouldn’t even be surprised if she hated me. 

There were many such thoughts that crossed my mind the closer I got to the Demonarkiar Palace. That place was as big as I remembered it from childhood. The many imposing towers with lots of spike ornaments and the big flags waving from their tips seemed to have remained unchanged in all this time. None of the castles and palaces I had seen so far could match either its size or glory. It was gigantic just like the entirety of Akardia. 

Although I entered through a gate where I had to stay in line for a little while, the truth was that this city had a lot of other entrances. The walls that surrounded it from outside went on and on. The entire city covered an area of at least 300 km2 with the slums and common areas included. The palace was at the very center of it all and it had a total surface of almost 3 km2. The sheer size of it could make any wealthy demio pale in comparison as for the strength of the guards and soldiers placed here, it was high enough to make all the other cities seem as though they hired mere children to guard them. When compared to Illsy’s guards, however, they were all just a bunch of weaklings still. Well, these guys at least weren’t easy to bribe with boots. 

When I thought about how I wanted to meet mother and get an audience with her, I was reminded of the fact that I was most likely not going to receive a warm entrance. There was a high chance she would even make me wait hours upon hours at the entrance just to have the chance of a chance of an audience with her. That could take days or even weeks, and I did not want to spend this time outside going back and forth from the Palace. 

“Yup, I need to find a good inn!” I told myself. 

The streets of Akardia were incredibly busy, and deep inside, I wished that one day Illsyorea would see this much traffic as well. The merchants were coming and going, taking their goods from their shops or outside of the city towards other settlements. The braves looked strong and fierce, and there were very few among them who didn’t have a humanoid shape. The children were playing out in the streets and weren’t afraid of the monsters that lurked outside the city’s walls. After all, among all the settlements on the Demon Continent, the prestigious capital was the safest of them all. 

Father once talked about the prosperity of this place as being possible only thanks to mother’s existence. A powerful demoness like her called other powerful demons and demonesses who wished to challenge her for the throne. Each one of them had to brave the dangers of the Mirror Forest and then fight among themselves before they could even be granted the right for an audience. This constant battle, at first, may have been bad for the locals as it caused a lot of destruction and sent the weaker demons fleeing away, but over the course of time, those with the desire to fight learned to abide by the rules while the weak prospered under their protection. 

To put it in other words, this was a place where the strongest of monsters fought against one another while the weakest among them lived on and prospered by staying clear of their mighty jaws and picking up at the scraps that fell from their tables. As long as the strong ones were here, they had nothing to fear from the wild beasts outside, after all, no one liked a mangy mutt barking at their door for no good reason. 

There were plenty of inns I could choose from in Akardia. All of them were quite impressive in their own way and differed from the services they provided to the very theme and aspect they used for their place. Demons tended to live exceptionally long lives, which in turn meant a lot of chances for them to get bored, so the idea of a tradition was rare and seen for the most parts with wary eyes. If it wasn’t something that was very good or nailed to some mountain, there was very low chance that it would persist for more than a century or two. 

This being said, the inn I decided to stay at for tonight was one which wasn’t that far away from the main entrance to the Palace Grounds. It was a tall building with four walls, a slanted rooftop, spiraled towers that worked as VIP rooms, and an outer decor that reminded me of the extravagance of some human nobles. There were several areas that had carved in rivers, while others had small statues stuck to them like a reverse carving. It was weird to look at from the perspective of a human, but it was remarkably interesting, unique, and different from a demon’s perspective. 

The recently built inns were usually the ones without any sort of decorations or changes added to them, so the fact that this one had so many of them was like a stamp of approval from time itself. 

Upon entering this Inn, I was greeted with a refreshing scent of mint and lemongrass. A small bubbling pot to the far right was the source of the pleasant scent, and there was a young maid with six arms and two tails stoking the flames and dusting the area. To my far left was the reception, and to the very back of this ground floor was a pair of spiraling stairs going to the next floor. 

There were no tables here, and the floor was made from an expensive marble cut into pieces and arranged into the form of a giant image of a blooming flower. 

“Welcome to the Rasiette’s Flower Inn, how may we help you?” the receptionist called out to me. 

“Ah, yes. I would like to...” before I could even finish my sentence, someone walked past me. 

“Out of my way, peasant!” he declared in a strong and dominating tone of voice. 

It was a demon demio with a long mane instead of hair, hooves instead of legs, and a pair of bat wings on his back. He was quite human in rest, and the clothes he wore were the type that screamed out that he was rich and important. The attitude he displayed and the way he carried himself also suggested that he was a demon who would never look at someone weaker or poorer than himself. 

Seven other guards ran after him, carrying his bags, which seemed pretty heavy. 

Why didn’t he use a Storage Crystal? I wondered as I watched them all stopping behind that demon. 

Since I didn’t want to be bothered with him, I ignored him and approached the other free receptionist here. There were two of them, the demoness who first called out to me had wolf ears and four mandibles, while her chest was as big as Ayuseya’s. The other one had no chest at all, she was flat as board, but the way she carried herself reminded me of a dignified noble lady, a cold stoic woman who could make you bow with a single glare. She looked human at first view, but on her back were a pair of feathery wings. 

What I liked about these two were the vastly different personalities they had. One was playful while the other was serious. 

It didn’t matter to me who chose to serve me, so I moved over to the serious-looking demoness, leaving the other to the hurried customer. 

“How may Rasiette be of service?” she asked in an emotionless manner. 

She didn’t say Rasiette’s Flower Inn, did she? I thought as I narrowed my eyes and then looked to my left at the demon who cut in line. 

“I want the biggest room! There must be flowers on the bed, and the food must be of excellent quality for one such as myself...” the demon kept on saying one ridiculous thing after another, causing the receptionist lady to feel a bit pressured while holding on to her weakly smile. 

Turning my gaze to the woman in front of me, I then replied “I desire a room for one person, please.” 

“Certainly. Any view in specific?” she asked as she opened the ledger. 

“No.” I shook my head. 

“That will be six gligger coins.” 

“Of course, here you go.” I said and reached for my purse to take out the money, but just then one of the guards stumbled and his bags fell towards me. 

Without hesitation, I slapped them out of my way. They fell to side, opening up and scattering the clothes and items inside all over the inn’s floor. 

“Watch it.” I told the guard, who was now as pale as a sheet of paper. 

After taking out the coins from my purse, I placed them on the table, but at the same time, the demio next to me shouted at the top of his lungs while pointing at me ”HOW DARE YOU!” 

“Huh?” I raised an eyebrow as I looked back at him. 

The receptionist took my coins and walked over to the key hanger to pick up my room key. 

“I am Demio Elmakar Valtas! How dare you show such disrespect towards me, you peasant demoness!” he growled. 

There was actual anger and fury in his eyes, so much that I felt at bit at a loss in regard to why he was acting or looking at me like that. Honestly speaking, I didn’t know what I did to anger him, but then when I saw from the corner of my eyes his scattered things, it clicked with me. 

“There was no sign of disrespect here, but if you don’t stop now, you’ll have to suffer.” I warned calmly as I took the key from the receptionist. 

“You even dare stay at the same inn as the great I?! Prostrate yourself on the ground, NOW, before I order my guards to beat you up! They are ALL former powerful BRAVES!” he declared. 

Letting out a sigh, I looked over at the receptionist who gave me the key, and I politely asked her “Is this a common thing around these parts or am I just unlucky?” 

“Unfortunately, you will see similar individuals as this respective customer from time to time. However, I assure you, that as a paying customer of our inn, we will make sure that you will be completely safe on our property.” she replied with a business smile. 

“Preposterous! If I want to teach this demoness a lesson, I am free to do so! It is my right as a demio and one as wonderful as I!” he declared triumphantly. 

“Has he paid yet?” I asked her. 

“No.” the other receptionist replied with a weak tone of voice. 

“I see. Then, if I am to defend myself against this rowdy individual, would it cause problems for this lovely establishment?” 

“I would prefer it if you would take the fight outside, if possible.” she told me. 

“Understood.” I nodded and then looked at the noble. “You heard her, demio Valtas, there will be no fighting here.” 

“SILENCE! I do as I please!” he declared, but I honestly felt like I was going to get a headache if I continued to listen to his nonsense. 

Letting out a sigh, I looked at his group of meager braves and then back at him. 

“No fighting, huh?” I said and then did what any other Demonarkiar would, I announced my presence. 

“SILENCE!” I shouted loud while I release the pressure of my presence, which was nothing to joke about. Everyone in this building and as well as those in the nearby surroundings immediately felt that someone immensely powerful and dangerous was here. 

“Y-You... How dare you! W-Who do you think you are to...” Valtas still had the guts to point at me, although his legs were shaking. 

“I said SILENCE, you worthless bug! I am Nanya Demonarkiar the 2nd Deus, daughter of Queen Akardia Demonarkiar!” I declared with an intimidating tone of voice. 

“N-Nanya? That Impure?” he said. 

“I dare you to call me like that again.” I narrowed my eyes at him. 

Demons, unlike humans, could be a very stupid bunch who for the most parts didn’t learn their lesson until you smacked it right into their face. We were proud, we were strong, but most importantly we were arrogant. 

“The great family of Valtas has no need to show fear to an Impure like you! We can toss you out of the city whenever we want!” he declared with a smile. 

“Esteemed owner of this inn, please excuse me while I go and have a chat with this demio outside.” I said and then took a step forward. 

Because of my speed, the guards and everyone else here didn’t even had time to react. All they could see was that I vanished and then reappeared behind the demio. With a single movement, I grabbed the demon by the back of his clothes and then dragged him outside. 

“L-Let me go, you Impure! Let me go! I order you! I command you!” he shouted, but garbage like him was the type that would sooner or let get himself killed in this world. 

“You are a sheltered brat, aren’t you?” I asked and then tossed him out in the street when I reached the door. 

“Ugh! You!” he shouted and pointed at me. 

“What is the name of this?” a demoness asked when he saw the demon flying past her. 

“Ah, High Demio Oshamia Kollesia! I pay my respects!” he said and bowed his head before her. 

I stepped out of the inn and looked over at the demoness in question. She had the upper body of a woman in her forties and the legs of a giant octopus. There was a pair of long spines on her back, and somehow, she managed to make that look of hers appear graceful and noble. If a human from the sealed continents saw her, he would have first screamed and then ran away in fear. 

But if Illsy saw her, he would have just compared her chest with mine... Hmph! I win! I thought to myself and then showed her a victorious smile. 

A demoness intuition was nothing to laugh at, she immediately felt as though I was attacking her feminine appeal. Since I competed at home with women like Shanteya, Ayuseya, Zoreya, and Tamara, I had quite of bit of confidence in myself. There was no way I could lose to a demoness like her! 

“Demio Elmakar Valtas, I ask again. What are you doing over there on the ground and who is this demoness? I have never seen her before.” she asked him in a tone of voice that showed her authority, calm, and strength. 

“My apologies, High Demio!” Valtas bowed his head to her and then got up on his feet. Tossing me a glare, he then said “This one is a scoundrel who took up the name of the deceased Princess Nanya!” he said and pointed at me. 

“Hm? Is that so? Then she should be executed at once. Guards!” she ordered without a second thought. 

Valtas was smiling all the way to the tip of his ears when he heard her, while I remained calm, unwavering like a pillar of stone in the middle of a raging ocean. 

The ones who stepped forward to answer her call were a bunch of a black hooded demons as well as Valtas’ own guards who rushed out of the inn after me. I cast a glance at the demoness who gave the order and then at her entourage, then I looked over at the petty demon who caused this entire commotion. 

With a single step, I was in front of him, then with a single punch, I shattered his Magic Armor and launched him the air far above the ground. Before the others could even react, I was up there with him, ready to give him a slap that sent him crashing into the ground right in front of the High Demio Oshamia Kollesia. I allowed myself to land gracefully in front of her and then looked straight into her eyes while between us the demon was groaning in pain. 

“I would be careful with such impulsive orders, High Demio. I am not one to lie nor am I one to be trifled with.” I told her as I glared into her eyes, but she didn’t even flinch “I am indeed Nanya Demonarkiar the 2nd Deus, but if you still wish to dare lay the order of execution, I will smash your guards and then you into the ground, just as the laws ‘The dignity of the soul.’ and ‘The strong above all.’ dictates.” 

There was a moment of tension when no one dared to even so much as make a sound. The demoness continued to look straight into my eyes, trying to see whether or not I was bluffing, but I had every intention of keeping my words. If these guards dared to approach me like that, then they would feel what it meant to be beaten up to a pulp and have their armors shatters or ripped apart from them. 

Fortunately, this High Demio was far smarter than the Lower Demio who tried to appear as someone dignified and powerful but only gave off the feeling of a complete and utter fool. 

She lifted her right hand up. This was the sign that told them to hold their ground. Everyone was nervous now, they were looking at me with an intense gaze, trying to figure out what my weakness was or to aim for a possible opening. Even if I gave them a million of them, there wasn’t even a single demon around me who could even so much as put a dent in my Magic Armor. At least, that was how it felt. 

“I sense that you are speaking the truth.” she said. 

“I am.” 

“Hm, in that case, the Queen shall be the judge of you. If you turn out to be an impersonator, then your punishment will be crueler than that of simple death at the hands of my guards.” she declared. 

“Oh? You really think your guards could have done anything against me? Sorry to say this, but I am not one to fall by the sword of such weaklings.” I smirked. 

“Yes, I do believe so.” she replied with a strong confidence. 

“Hmph. You have a good head on your shoulders, little demoness, but I fear that if you don’t learn to tell the difference between the strong and the weak, you may end up losing it a bit... prematurely.” I told her. 

“Is that a threat?” she asked. 

“More like... a fact.” 

I stared into her eyes for another moment and then, seeing as she wasn’t saying anything else, I returned to the inn. Once I was inside, from the corner of my eyes, I saw the High Demio leaning forward to take fast deep breaths of air. The pressure I released was too much for her, but I had to give her points for being able to withstand it that much. Maybe this way, she would not think about giving orders like that so recklessly. Only the gods know whom you might end up angering by chance. 

If it were the old me right now, I probably would have killed her and that demio. Just beating him up and maybe ripping her dress off to leave her completely naked on the street wouldn’t have sufficed. Maybe I would have turned their skin purple too or make them eat bugs. The old me, as much as I hated to say it, was a bit more vicious than I was right now. 

After Kormian and Natrasku were born, something inside me changed... maybe this was the reason why I also thought that now I could talk with my parents better than I could before. There was a sort of understanding between mothers, or so I wanted to believe. As far as I knew, I wasn’t the most liked of my siblings and father even went so far as to give me a sword that made it incredibly difficult for me to find a possible suitor. Well, Illsy was the one who found the ‘not not joke’ loophole around it. 

Sigh... and to think that silly event led to what were the biggest changes in my life. I thought as I walked to my room on the first floor. 

Once inside, I let out a heavy sigh and then leaned on the bed. It wasn’t as comfortable as the one I had in my Inner Mind, which was made by Illsy, but it was good enough for me to rest my tired bones in. 

“I wonder how everyone’s doing?” I said as I closed my eyes for a moment. 

Later today, I planned on heading to the Palace, where no doubt I would find a lot of demons who would simply love to pick a fight with me. Right now, however, I had no intention of backing down or letting myself to be belittled by others. My plan was to let my parents know of the fact that they were now grandparents and that was it. 


~ Chapter 150: The hidden secret of an ancient’s curse ~


~ Chapter 148: Facing the Devil from her Past ~