~ Chapter 50: Tears and death ~

[Illsyore's point of view]

 The scent of burning flesh and bone was repulsive, but at the very least our Magic Armors were powerful enough to stop the toxins and fumes from entering our lungs. Nanya used that small crystal of hers to capture most of it, but we didn’t have time to wait for the pile to burn away. We placed the crystal on the ceiling and then moved towards the steel doors in the back. We planned on collecting it on the way back.

No magic enchant or spell could be felt around the doors. No trap was connected to the handles, but they were locked with a key. A single ‘gentle’ nudge was all it took to force them open.

With a silent and careful step, we went inside and tried our best to remain quiet and undetected.

“ACHOO!” someone sneezed.

“Bless you.” I told him.

“Thank you…” the man wearing a black robe next to me replied.

I looked at him for a moment, and he looked back at me.

I looked at his enchanted dagger and then at him.

“You were going to stab me with that, weren’t you?” I pointed.

“Uh-huh.” he replied with a nod and then I punched him the face.

The man died instantly, having his head literally explode from the force of the impact.

“He wasn’t very bright.” I commented.

“Or stealthy.” noted Shanteya.

“Must have been the new guy.” said Nanya.

“The red shirt maybe?” I asked myself and then shrugged.

We tossed his body in the flaming pile of bodies. Shanteya took the lead to make sure no other ‘skilled assassin’ tried to kill us, but we didn’t encounter any of them.

This place was filled with all sort of black magic artifacts. Many of them pulsed with Magic Energy, while others had a strange pull. Nanya was irritated the moment she saw them.

Black magic and Demons weren’t connected at all, the latter actually using Dark Magic, not Black Magic. It was similar, but completely different. After all, in Dark Magic, you used spells and passive skills granted by the Dark Gods, while in Black Magic, you rejected ALL the gods of this world, trying to work with Magic Energy against the laws of this world. Either way, it was clear that we weren’t in a place filled with cultists that worshipped an undead warlock’s bunny.

The rooms here had been turned into dark fiendish laboratories where various experiments took place. In one of them, we saw a bunch of dismembered zombies, in another, we found dissected imps and Minotaurs. The worse of them all was one that held cut up pieces of human bodies, however, we didn’t find a single living soul so far. The question was if these fiends actually had any souls at all left in their bodies.

It would have been something if they actually dissected dead human bodies in order to advance medical knowledge, but the inscriptions and frightening magic coming from various crystals and artifacts told me this wasn’t the case. The creepiest item here, however, was a fan made out of human skin and bones. It also had inscriptions drawn with monster blood on it. What it did wasn’t something I was eager to find out any time too soon.

“What sort of madmen are these people?” asked Ayuseya as she held tight on the hilt of her sword and walked close to us.

“Not the type that like rainbows and ponies, I can assure you of that.” I told her.

“Ponies? Are you talking about those useless, tiny, little horses?” asked Shanteya narrowing her eyes at me.

“Yeah, but if you find a purple talking one with wings, a horn, and a tiara, let me know. I want to get her autograph!” I smirked.

“I do not believe such a fiendish monster could exist.” said the el’doraw a bit worried.

“Yeah… fiendish… it will neigh us to death and cover us in giggles and cute sparkly magic.” I was trying to be sarcastic.

“That really sounds frightening…” said Nanya.

“You are demoness!” I complained.

“I don’t see your point.” she narrowed her eyes at me.

“Let’s just drop this…” I sighed.

With each step we took in that horrible place, we felt as if these black mages weren’t afraid of doing anything morally wrong. It was more like they were actually testing those limits to see where exactly human immorality and depravity could take them. Either a madman or an unscrupulous monster could do those things. What else astonished me was the sheer amount of victims who fell in their fiendish grasp.

All of a sudden, the 23 slaves and the horde of zombies from before seemed to account only for a small portion of the dead. It was absolutely horrible. Back in my world, people were going bananas if only 20 or 100 people died, but here, that was an absolutely normal value for DAILY losses under peaceful conditions.

In the past, humans wished for safety and cures, God gave them through the evolution of medicine and technology, so that even those who didn’t believe in Him had them, but then people forgot about those countless wishes and now believe He is dead just because He doesn’t make them rich over night or cures them miraculously because they don’t want to see a doctor… I thought as I remembered the funny relationship between God and mankind back on Earth.

These words made me wonder if the reason why I was called or rather sent into this world wasn’t actually to be able to raise the consciousness of these people. Bringing technology wasn’t the solution, however, making people change their mind about how they viewed it and strove to pursue further knowledge about the universe that surrounded them? Now that was something I could do!

All of a sudden, the purpose of my Academy changed from a simple idea, to a purpose with which I could help this world. Unfortunately, it increased in difficulty because with my thoughts and moral ideas, I would be practically challenging the reign of kings and tyrants, their religions, and the very world of magic.

Crud… I thought when I measured the immense difficulty of this goal in my mind.

Forget about one Supreme barging in and thrashing the place, now I had to be aware of all sort of mumbo jumbos! Politics, economy, religion, social relationships, inter-species relationships, commodities needed by each species and kingdom, relationship between magic and non-magic users, slavery, racism, xenophobic views, and a whole lot more things just became a MUST NEED TO KNOW for me. Even the idea of placing my academy on a patch of land somewhere with the permission of a king became a bad thing. I had to place the academy outside the political reach of any kingdom, but make it accessible to all of them.

If I stay in a kingdom, I will need to play by their rules, but going outside would mean playing by my rules, however, for this I need to be stronger, literally untouchable by them… And… I need to learn more about my own species… Could young Dungeon Cores be taught like children? as I was pondering about these things, my brow was wrinkled and gaze focused on the ground, ignoring everything else around me.

My three companions said something about some of the things they saw, but it didn’t register, I was too focused on this thing, on planning what to do about my academy. After all, everything just got a whole lot harder. Technically speaking, I could go the simple and non-stressful way and simply ignore the entire ‘help this crappy world’ business, but that didn’t feel right. If I had the knowledge and power to do it, then why not? If the gods of this world didn’t want me to change anything here, then they would have killed me early on or simply removed these memories of a better life. Among all the sentient beings in this world, I was the only one who knew that there was something better than what they had.

“Sigh… this is going to be a nightmare…” I said and rubbed the back of my head.

“What is?” Nanya asked curiously.

“Building my own academy.” I replied calmly.

“It’s not that easy. Even Tuberculus had a tough time obtaining the privileges and land. If it wasn’t for the generosity of an old friend of his and that of the Shoraya king, then Fellyore would have remained a dream.” nodded the demoness.

“Building a school for multiple species is a wonderful dream, but not many agree to it…” said Ayuseya.

“Many are actively working against any communion with other species.” said Shanteya.

I was getting depressed now. Instead of having fun, it would appear that I would be faced with some rather annoying and hard to deal with tasks. It made me shiver just thinking about what sort unforgivable requests the kings and nobles of other lands would have. Then again, I was sort of forgetting about how powerful I was when compared even to some of their best troops.

About ten minutes later, we finally reached the end of our path, but what we found there was absolutely sickening. Ten mages wearing hooded black robes were currently in the middle of some sort of ritual. The body of a slave child was on some sort of stone altar, but he was dead, having his organs carved out of him. Blood leaked down the altar and all around I could see the remains of bodies of all types of humanoid species. On the floor was a pentagram drawn with black blood, countless tiny runes covered it and radiated with a bright dark-red energy. The walls were written with inscriptions, black magic oozing from everything in there, causing me to have a strange feeling in my guts as if something was slithering inside. It was disturbing and also repulsive.

These monsters have to die! I growled in my mind.

“Intruders!” screamed one of them when they saw us.

“Take them alive, we need this fresh blood for our next ritual.” said another one, but in a calm tone of voice.

“Yes, High Priest!” they replied and then looked back at us.

Without chanting, black globes of Magic Energy formed in their hands. I had no idea what that was, but I had a feeling it was dangerous. It sent a chill down my spine, but still… I was far stronger than these guys were, so why would I ever fear any of their attacks?

“Don’t let that thing touch you! Some Black Magic spells go right through Magic Armor!” warned Nanya with a growl.

“Why do I have the feeling black magic is not on par with normal magic?” I said and dodged the first two blasts.

The dark orbs went through any object, but when they touched the flesh of a being, they exploded violently. That was what happened to some body parts behind me. Seeing that, I understood why I was feeling that strange chill. If their attacks could really pass through Magic Armor like Nanya warned, then those attacks were downright dangerous for any flesh and blood organism.

“What manner of magic is this?” asked Ayuseya surprised.

The men grinned seeing our surprised face.

“Emperor Rank Black magic.” growled Nanya as she launched herself towards the first one.

The man thought he was faster than her, but thanks to my boost, she reached him in the blink of an eye and then punched him in the guts. His Magic Armor shattered, and his body was sent into the ceiling, causing a large crack there. The man died instantly and fell on the ground, but just when she thought she had won, magic formed around his body and the man got up as a zombie. It happened so fast, she could hardly believe it, after all… zombies usually take days, maybe even weeks to form, but this guy turned the very moment his heart stopped beating.

“That can’t be right… Cells don’t die that fast!” I said.

“Feel the power of our Black Lord!” shouted the zombie as he sent bolts of black lightning at her.

“Tch!” Nanya clicked her tongue and jumped back, avoiding the attack at the last moment.

[Fireball]!” shouted Ayuseya as she released an attack at the group.

Three of them jumped forward and extended their arms at her, swallowing the magic itself. In my eyes, this was simply an astounding feat! How could these men be so powerful when we were far beyond the level of a Supreme?

In that moment one of them rushed over and attacked me with his daggers. I didn’t let him touch me. Sidestepping, I then used my whole strength to punch him in the back. His Magic Armor couldn’t handle the shock and shattered immediately, but my power was greater than that and the moment my fist touched his body, his flesh simply exploded from the sheer power behind it. My punch could create craters in the ground, so normally, a human’s body touched by it without the protection of a Supreme Rank Magic Armor would simply burst.

Witnessing the sudden death of their friends, their attacks were all pointed at me. I dodged and Shanteya rushed to them. With her dagger, she stabbed the first in the heart, the next in the temple, and the last one in the back of his head. It was a three second attack, in which she basically went for the closest one to her, then turning around, she removed the blade from his chest and while turning, she stabbed it in the head of the second. Moving behind her second victim, she pulled the dagger out of his head and then, with a flowing attack, impaled it in the back of the head of the third. Thus, they were dead before any of them could do anything. Unfortunately, Shanteya couldn’t attack the others because they aimed a few of those black spheres at her, forcing her to retreat.

Normally, their Magic Armors should have shattered, however, the enchant I placed on her weapon allowed it to slip past most of it and reach the soft flesh behind it. Just as it happened to the first one, though, these guys also turned into zombies, but one slash of Ayuseya’s sword cut their heads in half, then the second one turned them into a pile of minced meat.

Only five remained, and we had no losses or heavy injuries on our side. Actually, they didn’t even scratch our Magic Armors.

“Blasted fools! Kill them!” shouted the High Priest as he began to channel his Magic Energy into a new spell.

All and all, these guys were pretty good, but judging from the impact with the one I just killed, they were probably somewhere between Superior Emperor Rank and Lower, maybe Mid Godlike Rank. Nonetheless, a party of Godlike Adventurers would have certainly suffered heavily at their hands. One or two deaths could be considered even acceptable, however, we weren’t a party of Godlike Adventurers.

“ARRGH!” one of them suddenly slashed his wrists and began to chant something.

“Stop him!” I pointed.

Shanteya immediately obeyed my command and moved towards him, her dagger was swift and her movements more agile than theirs. In the blink of an eye, she stood in front of him, and the dagger pierced the man’s heart, however, he didn’t die.

With a wide grin on his face, the man’s spell continued, and Shanteya jumped back. A powerful wave of Magic Energy surged from his body as he underwent some strange transformation. A tail appeared behind him; fur grew on his arms and face; long and sharp claws formed at the end of his enlarged fingers; sharp, black teeth sprouted from his jaws; his ears turned long and pointy, while a dark fire consumed his back; and once the process was over, a strange black fog surrounded him, eating away the surrounding Magic Energy.

“A devil…” Nanya said.

Clenching my teeth, I lifted a nearby table and tossed it at him. A clawed hand repelled it, and two fierce, bloodshot eyes glared at me.

“That’s a devil?” I asked surprised.

“Devils are spiritual entities that normally don’t step into the living world, but if you offer them a body and know the right way to call them, they will possess it. As long as you feed it with Magic Energy, it can keep using the body, but once you stop, both the body and the devil vanish.” Nanya explained.

“Great… more weird spells.” I sighed.

“I’ll take care of it, you kill the other mages.” Nanya told me.

“Sure, but how are you going to do it?” I asked raising an eyebrow, then I dodged the magic attack of one of them.

These guys weren’t really a challenge, we were a far more powerful than them.

“Curses!” he screamed at me.

“With this…” she said and then summoned her black sword.

The red runes on it glowed fiercely, but its energy was different from when Dankyun wielded it. When it was in his hands, it was like a raging storm, in Nanya’s was like an elegant dance of blades, each one deadly and precise like a skilled assassin’s dagger. I gulped when I saw it, but I had to admit that Nanya’s allure also changed, and I immediately remembered how she moaned in my arms that night.

Stupid brain with wrong timing… I’m in the middle of Life and Death battle here! I screamed at myself.

Unfortunately, my subconscious gave me this reply But boobs… and she’s hot!

Still, this really wasn’t the place for such thoughts… I mean, I was surrounded by dismembered body parts and had five angry black mages to worry about! So why was it that my mind only reached out for thoughts of hugging and embracing Nanya, Shanteya, and Ayuseya, then burrowing my face in their bosoms?

I think I screwed up something when I built this body… I thought to myself as I tried to concentrate on the battle in front of me.

Shanteya and Ayuseya were holding off two of them, Nanya was holding off the Devil, and I was left with the fourth, while the High Priest kept mumbling something to himself. It would have been a rather balanced fight if not for my group’s power. With a single slash, Ayuseya cut that man in half, right at the top of his head. He tried to block the strike, but the fierce power of the draconian princess was not to be underestimated. As for Shanteya, she skillfully dodged the attacks of her enemy, then closed the gap between them. Only one attack was needed to kill him. The cold blade pierced through his left ribs, piercing his heart, then another strike, decapitated him.

Because of that one’s sudden death, his body didn’t undergo the hastened zombification process, and neither did Ayuseya’s enemy. As for mine, I grabbed him by the face, shattered his Magic Armor and then crushed his skull between my fingers. Before he changed, I struck him hard to the side and sent his body towards the Devil. Thinking it was an attack, the beast slashed the body with his claws, turning him into minced meat.

Nanya took this chance and jumped at the man. The sword she used pierced the devil’s heart and then was quickly pulled out and used to decapitate him in one fell swoop. Up until then, she only dodged and analyzed his powers, trying to figure out what the beast was capable off, but it didn’t even come close to Nanya’s boosted strength. The Devil never had a chance from the beginning, however, even a lower Supreme would usually have troubles with something like this.

Seeing all of his minions dead, the High Priest stopped chanting and looked at us with dark eyes filled with fury and hatred. I replied with a grin, but now he had no choice but to give up or attack us himself. Least to be said, I wasn’t prepared to let him live.

In that moment, he looked to his left and focused the Magic Energy in his arms. Whatever spell he was about to use was insanely powerful when compared to those used by his minions. It was then when I noticed what he aimed at: a nekatar child. She was unconscious and covered in blood, but still alive.

Why didn’t I see her until now? Is he trying to kill her? No… he’s going to use her for a spell! I thought and immediately reacted, jumping forward and placed myself between the two of them right when the High Priest was prepared to attack.

The spell was cast. Only then did I realize that I should have just attacked the high priest instead of doing this. It was foolish of me, a beginner’s mistake. A stupid mistake.

The attack struck me.

“ILLSY!” shouted Nanya.

“NO!” shouted Ayuseya, frightened by the attack.

The High Priest smirked defiantly and declared “Your soul is not as good, but still better than nothing!” he laughed.

Shanteya jumped at the man, stabbing him in the heart, while the black magic was pouring into my body.

“You shikak!” he screamed and coughed out blood.

“Illsy!” Nanya jumped next to me.

“Stay away!” I warned her, and she stopped.

What’s happening to me? I thought and then began to feel strange.

“There’s nothing you can do now, foolish adventurers! His body will rot, and his soul will leave his body! Then, the Dungeon Core will trap him and send it as food to my Black Lord alongside all the souls we stored in there! There’s nothing you can do now! He will finally be released! Even if you kill me, my death is but a mere sacrifice to his greatness!” he said and then started to laugh.

Furiously, Ayuseya decapitated him with one slash, then cut him in half with another, and lastly tossed his body into a nearby wall, turning him into nothing but a mess of blood and guts. This was the first time I saw her so angry, but I had to admit, I wasn’t feeling too peachy…

“Ugh…” I groaned and grabbed my chest.

Suddenly all strength left me, and I had the same feeling as I did when I died. It was like being sucked into a void where you couldn’t even lift up a single finger. All you could do there was slowly descend deeper and deeper into the darkness until there was nothing left, until the chains holding your soul to your body broke and it was released. In that moment, the soul rushed up to the light… I saw that light… and my consciousness faded…


[Shanteya’s point of view]

 The whole battle didn’t even last five minutes. The black mages went down one after another with lightning speed. Without an area attack spell, we did quite well. Any other group of adventurers would have surely suffered a great number of losses. Unfortunately, we had to leave the High Priest for last, none of us saw him as a potential threat to us given our current strength, but apparently we were wrong. The black mage had time to finish his spell, and the others did everything they could to protect him, even placing themselves between us and him, especially that Devil. They kept a perfect arc in front of him, using their own bodies as a flesh shield. We took them down in mere moments, but that was all the man needed in order to finish his spell, then Master jumped away from me and was struck by it.

We killed the mage, eventually, but it was too late. Something weird was happening to Master. The three of us watched Master with a worried gaze in our eyes. He was staring at the ground, pupils dilated and with his right hand holding his chest. He had a deep ragged breath. The Magic Energy in his body flowed erratically, changing speeds and directions, causing ripples and cracks in the flow of energy around him. I could see darkness seeping in and out of the crystals on his hands. A strange aura was around him, pushing us away, placing a heavy pressure on our shoulders, but we didn’t know what was happening to him or how to help him. We could only stand there and watch his moment of torture.

It hurt to see him like this… to be so helpless… I hated it…

“AAAH!!!” Master suddenly screamed at the top of his lungs.

His eyes turned black, the crystals on his hands red, and the Magic Energy pushed everything around him away. It was then when I noticed the child behind him. I ran around Master to reach her. Whatever happened, she was the reason why Master took the black mage’s attack. To save and sacrifice himself for a complete stranger like that, who other than Master could do it? Still, I would have rather he didn’t… I was selfish because I wished not to lose my one and only Master.

“What’s this?” I asked myself when I looked down upon the little girl’s body.

Five enchanted black chains bound her to the ground. I tried pulling on them, but they didn’t budge. They were more than what my power could handle, but they were immediately cut by Nanya’s sword.

“Get her out of here!” she told me.

I nodded and ran away.

Looking back, I saw Master cackling like a madman, and the Dungeon Core behind him cracked. Monsters screamed and the whole place trembled.

He released his Dungeon Territory? I asked myself surprised.

I stopped at the entrance to that room and looked back at Master.

Because of the amount of Magic Energy overflowing out of his body, pieces of furniture and body parts were lifted up in the air, while strange black lightning bolts were released from his body and zapped anything to close to them. It was a frightening scene to behold. The power surging from him could easily topple all the Supremes in the known kingdoms. It sent a chill down my spine, and this made it clear that the one standing before me wasn’t the gentle Master I knew but someone… something else…

In that moment, he started to groan and the Magic Energy stopped abruptly. A white humanoid figure made completely out of light came out of his chest like a ghost trying to break free of the body it possessed. A sense of fear rushed through me.

“MASTER! DON’T!” I shouted at the top of my lungs.

I knew then that what I was looking at was the true Master, the true Illsyore. Nanya and Ayuseya certainly knew this as well. That was his soul about to leave his body, but it was pure and gentle. It was filled with light and barely had any shadows. If I didn’t know any better, I could swear I was looking at the soul of a saint, not that of a Dungeon.

“Illsy!” shouted Ayuseya with tears in her eyes.

“No! Don’t go, you moron!” shouted Nanya.

Then, just when it appeared as though his soul was about to leave for good, to leave us alone in this cold, dark dungeon, a dense, dark shadow reached out from his chest and grabbed the pure white soul. Like tendrils, the shadow wrapped around his arms and legs, chaining him down and pulling him back, while the white soul struggled to leave.

Looking at this scene, I didn’t know what to wish for… If Master left, then… we, no I would be alone… If Master was free, then he could enter the High Heavens, but I didn’t want to… No matter how selfish that was, I didn’t want Master to leave me, to leave us. Least to be said that I didn’t believe the mage’s words about his Black Lord.


[Nanya’s point of view]

 All three of us were selfish women… Instead of wishing for his freedom, I was certain that within our hearts, we all wanted him to stay. Now that I opened my heart to him, now that I shed tears and laughed together with him, how could I just let him leave and spend the next centuries alone?

Even if it was against the Heavens. Even if I offended all the gods above, I wished Illsy to stay with me, to be able to embrace me one more time like he did that night.

I was technically powerful enough now to have any man I desired, but none of them had Illsy’s goofy smile, weird jokes, and sensual embraces… I didn’t need another man, I needed him.

“No! Don’t go, you moron!” I shouted at the top of my lungs. Don’t leave me alone, Illsy… I thought.


[Ayuseya’s point of view]

 The tears wouldn’t stop. The pain in my heart wouldn’t cease. The grip on my sword felt weak, and my knees trembled. I watched him change my fate, change my world, and conquer my heart… I couldn’t accept to see him go.

At first, I thought I was seeing things. That white humanoid entity couldn’t be Illsy. It couldn’t be my husband, but the more I looked at it, the more I felt the connection and the bond we shared. It was faint and weak, but it was there. I always knew that I wasn’t Illsy’s favorite, but I didn’t care, yet… when I heard Nanya took the first step and shared her bed with him, I lied about how I felt… My heart froze, and I felt cheated by her. I felt like someone stole something from me, a bit of my light, a chance at my love. I knew that, but I didn’t care. Illsy offered me the freedom I could only have dreamed of once, and the strength that many could only envy.

Even so, my heart trembled, and my body shook when I saw Illsy facing a possible end. It wasn’t something any of us could have foreseen, nothing any of us could have known about. If I did, I would have been the first to stand in his way. It was better to be hated by your loved one than to see them dead before your very eyes.

Funny how such moments of sincerity appeared for me only in these moments of pain and possible loss…

Yet, there was hope… Illsy’s shadow or whatever that was pulled him back. The Magic Energy swirling around him stopped, and he dropped to his knees. I didn’t care what that was, but it stopped him from leaving and most importantly, left Illsy alive for me… for us.


[Illsyore’s point of view]

I could barely breath and my body ached all over. My heart was beating like crazy and fear nestled on my back. I couldn’t even move of how frightened I was, but it was a strange fear, one of the moments, not of a trauma. I knew that even after I recovered, I wouldn’t be afraid to face these black mages again, but next time, I would finish them off with my lasers before they even had the chance to open their mouths!

Still, there was one other thing that deeply moved me… Looking at the girls, I saw them on their knees, crying… for me. I caused them a moment of brief fear and sorrow.

“Sorry… I messed up a bit.” I told them with a pain struck smile.

“You MORON!” Nanya shouted and jumped at my neck, hugging me tightly.

“Illsy!” Ayuseya jumped in my arms as well.

They were both crushing me… I fell on my back with the two crying in my arms.

“Master… I’m happy to see you are safe.” Shanteya said with a soft smile as she quickly wiped off her tears.

“Yeah, remind me to never do that again. It felt like I died again… ugh.” I groaned.

“You moron, just be happy you are alive! Although, it’s amazing that you survived a [Soul Ripper] attack.” Nanya said with a soft smile.

“What’s that?” I asked furrowing my brow.

“A stupid Black Magic spell that’s similar to the [Spiritual Separation] from the Dark Magic type. However, unlike the latter, the [Soul Ripper] actually cuts the bond with your body and forces your soul out, leaving it to be shackled by the Black Mage… To survive something like that it’s… incredible. I heard that only a true Spiritual Master can do this.” said Nanya as she shook her head.

“Maybe he used another spell? Either way, I did reach Nirvana in bed with you.” I grinned.

“Yup, he’s back!” the demoness smirked and gave me a soft kiss on the lips.

“It’s good to see you safe, Illsy… You scared me.” said Ayuseya, she was the only one still crying.

“Sorry…” I replied.

“We should get out of this place, I don’t think there’s a need for us to be here anymore, and this child needs medical attention.” said Shanteya, reminding us that we were technically hugging and kissing in the middle of a sacrificial room.

Not the best place for a date, that was certain!

Thus, we left the ominous dungeon, making a beeline for the exit.

Meanwhile, I had no idea of the danger lurking inside of me…


[Inside Illsy’s Inner Mind]

 Once we were countless, a legion… but now, we are ONE! The Darkness will claim it’s right over this body! I, The Darkness, will destroy this mortal’s soul… little by little… the voice of the Primordial resonated within that place as though it was chanted by an army of thousands.


~ Chapter 51: Here kitty kitty! ~


~ Chapter 49: The horde of zombies… and skeletons ~