~ Chapter 11: The secret of the closed room ~

[Syliar’s point of view]

That was a very pleasant... neighborhood, but not one in which I would let my beloved roam around unguarded and unprotected by my power. If he even so much as stepped out of my shadow, Michael would get jumped on by all sorts of hooligans. They would stab him, shoot him, hurt him in any way they could think of just for the simple fact that he was alive. I could not afford to let that happen. For that reason alone, I extended my presence a little further, making it known up to their very subconscious level that we were not a group with whom they wanted to mess with. It kept most of those rascals at bay, but others still dared to shoot a glare at us. As long as they didn’t act foolishly, I saw no reason in ending their pathetic little mortal lives.

Eventually, we reached the destination. The building looked lovely on the outside and the energy it emanated was superb, at least for me. As for regular humans, that was probably not the most welcoming spot in the city. All the graffiti and warning signs scattered on the front side, the broken windows, the barricade at the front door, all of those gave off an eerie feeling, which would make most humans simply avoid it. Least to say, there were quite a couple of ghosts hanging around here as well.

Before we entered this lovely building, I had to make sure these wandering souls were not going to bother my beloved. Technically speaking, they would not dare to approach me as long as I kept my presence around him, but just like it was with those demonic pests earlier, there was no way of telling how crazy they were.

“We’re here!” I announced.

I took a step forward and then raised my hand up. In that very moment, time slowed down for me. The spell I cast was a combined one. First of all, it was meant to get rid of the barricade stopping us from entering the building, secondly, it had to check the new residence if it was welcoming for Michael or not. I didn’t mind even if we landed in a heap of dead bodies, but he might have had second thoughts about it.

With time slowed down, I pulled out my soul’s hand from the host’s body and began to cast the combined magic spell on the building. The first part was rather easy, just remove a few nails here, break a lock there, stuff like that. For the second part, the conditions were simple, all the spell had to do was show me what sort of place I was about to walk into. I found it a bit odd that I didn’t do this from the get-go before making the journey all the way over here, but I didn’t let this thought bother me too much.

It didn’t take me that long to formulate this spell, and once I was done, I activated it without a single moment to spare. Right away, the spell symbols that I have drawn in the air began to glow with a dim yellow light and after reaching a certain intensity, they vanished. A moment later, I was shown through a vision the state of the building, the mess it was in, the destruction it suffered, the negative energies still floating around, and most importantly, the state of the room I was about to make my own.

It was located in the basement, and besides the garbage, a few rats, dirty clothes, and an old TV, I saw the rotting body of a woman in her twenties laying on the couch. With a single glance, I understood that at one point this was a hideout of some sort. The cause of her death was quite obvious, a Yanagi-ba knife to the heart. It was strange though because there were no signs of a kitchen anywhere near that place. At most, I could only see a heater and a rice cooker. Without a doubt, the criminal brought the knife with him and then did the foul deed.

For me, the body was a pleasant morbid decoration that livened up the room, but the aesthetic feel it brought might not have been of Michael’s taste. Considering the fact that he was a human, the chances were that he would puke or find it rather disturbing upon sight. In conclusion, I had to get rid of it somehow.

To do that, I cast another spell. I drew the symbols in the air with my demonic hand and then unleashed the angelion magic. In the following moment, the body would be surrounded by the spell and then crushed into a small cube right before being disintegrated into its composing atoms and scattered throughout the entire room.

The entire process would last no more than twenty seconds, meaning that by the time I would reach the door of that room, it will be already over.

Satisfied with those spells, I returned to the natural flow of time. In the very next moment, all the locks, chains, and wood planks nailed to the two doors in front of us fell down as though they were nothing more than a cheap decoration.

The metal doors opened, and I took a deep breath in.

“Ah! Nothing like dust and rust to make you feel like you’re back home! Add blood and guts, and it will be just perfect!” I said with a grin on my lips.

I had to admit, I was beginning to like the place. The feeling it gave off, the negative energy, the lost souls roaming about, they all made me feel quite giddy inside.

“Are we actually going to go in there?” he asked me with a cautious tone of voice.

“Of course! Come on!” I replied.

His question surprised me. It was quite obvious we were in the place I spoke about. Why else would I stop in front of an old haunted building?

The darkness inside welcomed us with open arms. I stepped forward, and Michael followed me. My host’s eyes were not good enough to see here, but my demonic vision made everything as clear as day. Unfortunately, I forgot about Michael. When I stopped to look around for a bit, he bumped into me.

“Ugh! Sorry!” he said.

I looked back at him and realized that unlike me, he could not even see where he was stepping.

“Oh? You can’t see... Alright, let me turn on the lights.” I said and then used another angelion spell to cast some light inside the darkness.

That one was quite simple. All it had to do was concentrate the scattered photons around us and then bounce them on the walls, allowing even mortal humans to see clearly. I did not even bother slowing down time for such a simple spell, I simply used my host’s hand to cast it.

“This way, I think.” I said after I was done.

As I kept making my way through the building, I followed the blue lines only I could see. They led me through a hallway stuffed with junk and garbage from the former residents. I took a left and then climbed down on a pair of old stairs until we reached a metal door.

This was the place. I stopped in front of it and lifted my right hand up. Instead of a spell, I simply sent my demonic energy forward and using it, I unlocked the door. My rank and millions of years of experience allowed me to easily manipulate my energy. Least to say, it was not something the mortals could easily handle, but it was something which worked even better than normal magic. For those of my rank and even lower, it was the cheat code of the Universe.

“Sensors?” asked Michael.

He was curious about the means I used to unlock the old door.

“Magic!” I replied.

For once, I did not try to lie and there was no need for me to do so either.

“Welcome to my humble crib!”

The door squeaked from the rust on its hinges as I pushed it open. The first thing my senses picked up was the rancid scent of death. I inhaled with great pleasure, just as a normal human would a bouquet of freshly picked flowers. The curious part was that I could feel my host body actually reacting with pleasure to it.

I stepped in and unequipped my two swords. I dropped them next to the couch and then stretched my hands. The place was a cleaning disaster, a nest of all sorts of bacteria and viruses, not that I cared though. Truth be told, I liked the idea.

Noticing the TV, I picked up the remote and pressed a button, but there was no reply from the big box. I raised an eyebrow and wondered if the batteries were out. Going to a nearby store felt like a drag, so I sent a jolt of demonic energy through the remote. It was powerful enough to get the electrons moving again through the circuits and as long as I maintained the process, I had no need for new batteries.

“Is there a vacuum cleaner around here?” Michael asked.

“Somewhere over there. Oh! This guy killed a kitten with his bare hands! I like him!” I said without taking my eyes off the TV.

I was watching the local news station, but peeking at Michael, who began his search for the vacuum, something naughty crossed my mind. I let a sly smile move up on the corners of my lips and decided to put my idea into motion.

Getting up from the couch, I unzipped the leather jacket. I realized then something peculiar about my host body. Despite having big breasts, she was not wearing a bra. Looking ahead, I saw the bathroom and another thought crossed my mind. My poor Michael was going to get a wonderful treat.

I unzipped the jacket all the way down and took it off, revealing my open bust.

“You mind if I clean this place?” he asked me.

He looked straight at my top. If he were to ask me to jiggle them a bit, I would not have minded, but that innocent look on his face was too good to be true! He was embarrassed and turned red as a tomato.

“Oh? Sure, go ahead. I’m taking a shower.” I said with a calm tone of voice.

After pulling down the leather pants, I was left only with a pair of purple, frilled, T-back panties. I pulled those off as well and threw my clothes aside, revealing my bare body to him.

He gulped, and I could not believe it. He did not know whether he should look away, apologize, or continue to stare. It amused me, but I did not want to burst into a loud laughter or try to rape him on the spot. Actually, I highly doubted I even could do that last part given our relationship as Soul Mates.

Michael continued to stare. Guess he found my host’s body attractive, so I continued the game. Without further ado, I walked over to the bathroom. I opened the door, but right before I stepped in, I looked back at him.

“Don’t peek, ecchi!” I said with a cute tone of voice and throwing a shy gaze his way.

I winked at him and then went inside. I closed the door behind me and leaned with my back against it.

It was hard not to burst into laughter, but I abstained and concentrated a bit on sensing his energies. His lust levels were up, and now I knew for a fact that, deep down, inside of him, he wanted me. That single thought was enough to make me want to waltz out and undress him, then push him down on the floor and then... I softly bit my lower lip. I had to abstain and not give in to my sexual desires, but then again was it so wrong to let myself prey to them?

“I should actually take a bath...” I thought and shook my head.


~ Chapter 12: Muffled screams ~


~ Chapter 10: The Demoness’ Lair ~