~ Chapter 14: Out of love ~

[Syliar’s point of view]

By nature, a demon should be unable to feel or share love. By pure definition, he was meant only to cause havoc, destruction, pain, and suffering to everyone around him. A demon was supposed to be the pure manifestation of evil, yet here I was, feeling nothing but love towards my Soul Mate and unable to take any sort of heinous actions against him.

If he were a normal human, I would have already begun to torment him in the most cruel and unpleasant of ways. Naturally, one would think of some sort of physical pain, but honestly, only a low type of demon could dare to think of something like that. Although capable of inflicting the most horrendous of physical injuries, nothing could compare to the pain and suffering caused by the pain of one’s soul.

A cut or a bruise could heal in a matter of days, but a stab to the emotional heart could mark a human for his entire lifetime, constantly forcing him to feel that sharp pain in his chest until someone or some sort of event managed to heal it.

A true demon would poke around in his life, changing one little thing after another until all pieces fell together and crumbled the mind of the victim into a complete chaos and spiraling suffering. He would always keep him on the edge of insanity, ready to push him into the dark hole of suicide, but always leave a saving thread nearby, tempting him to give life another chance. The chaos, confusion, and mental suffering of the human victim were the demon’s nourishment and fuel for his own magic.

On the other hand, killing him would only bring a tiny bit of suffering and pain from the individual, although if placed correctly, his family and friends would prove to be a much more nourishing source.

As for my Soul Mate, such intentions and desires were dimmed down to the absolute minimum. Instead of thinking about how to torture him, I constantly wondered about how to make him happy. In all honesty, I acted no different than one of those goodie goodie angels.

That was why as soon as I left the bathroom and cast my gaze upon Michael, I felt my heart beating faster and the energy of love filling me up. Normally, it should have burned me, it should have harmed me, but there was no such effect, it felt natural just like it would for a regular human or maybe even an angel.

I could not act evil towards Michael even if I ardently desired it to be so.

But it did not feel so bad actually... Thinking about it, why should it? He was my Soul Mate and as dictated by the ancient laws, I was justified to feel that way, yet it seemed as though I wasn’t getting the same replies from him.

Every time I touched him, I felt a powerful flux of energy flowing through him and into me. Every time I looked at him, my heart skipped a beat, and I nearly lost myself in senseless blushes. If this was the absolute truth or a sin from me, I had no idea, and I cared not.

If God willed it to take away my Kingdom because I fell in love, then so be it! As long as I had him close to me, I cared not. For this, I was even willing to fight every demon and legion out there. I had to wonder though, was this the madness caused by love?

My behavior, my thoughts, my gentle caresses, and the sweet words I spoke to Michael in that moment didn’t seem to define me at all. It was like I was a whole other person, another entity who only carried the looks of the fierce Demon Queen Syliar Heartbreaker.

Was it even possible for me to feel and be such a being? I had to wonder, yet when my lips touched his, and we kissed, it felt like it didn’t matter at all.

We melted into each other’s arms. I felt as my body pressed onto his, I felt his body’s heat and heart beating at the same pace as mine. We resonated at so many levels that it even surprised one such as myself. I was a demon, yet our energies danced around together as if they had always been in such a delightful situation.

The moment when we parted lips was met with instant regret from my side. I never imagined a day would come when I would come to feel this way from a mere kiss. As a demon, I should have thought and desired him with intense lust, but my will to corrupt him had been shattered from the get-go by the very love I held in my heart for him. What need was there for me to lust when he and I could share such an incredible emotion?

This feeling amplified even more when instead of pushing me away upon discovering my true nature, he embraced me. I thought of scaring him off with my wings, but even then, he showed no fear. His heart and soul did not falter at the sight of my demonic self. Not even when I told him about what I did and how powerful I was, he did not flinch. While others would have fled, he accepted me in his embrace.

I told him then the truth about our relationship, about our bond as Soul Mates. For someone like me, who loved to taint any sort of information, revealing something like this was akin to applying torture on myself. Yet, he was the only soul in front of whom I could be completely honest, free, without feeling that dreaded feedback.

Afterwards, I spoke the three words a demon must never dare to mutter: “I love you.” They were a poison to us, a curse. Nonetheless, towards Michael, they felt like a gift and a blessing. They warmed my heart and from there my entire being. Truthfully speaking, the love I felt should have burned me, corroded my body, and shattered me into a billion pieces, but since it was for my Soul Mate, I was exempted from such laws. But I had to say that love thing felt good...

We took another step forward after we confessed to each other. It felt wonderful. I could not have ever imagined that I, a demon, could feel such things. By now, the fear of the uncertain future between us turned into nothing but a fictive product of my imagination. If I wasn’t the one suffering from it, I would have considered it a tasty treat, but like this, I preferred for it to simply be gone.

What was left for me was to explain what a fallen angel meant and the fact that he was one of them. The news appeared to confuse him, and I wasn’t surprised by it, after all, very few could claim to have gone through so many drastic life-changing situations. He took it well, at least from my point of view.

Still, I had to admit that his life was not a normal one. Being hated by his own parents, siblings and even random strangers to such an extent was something completely out of the ordinary for a world destined for a path of good. If it happened in the demonic realms, then what I would find odd would be his calm reactions. By now, a normal human would have either killed himself or committed himself to a path of heinous crimes. A pure human with a soul of light would have been offered at one point the possibility and chance to escape such madness and then continue to preach the words of his god. What happened to Michael, however, was something that belonged to the extreme. His life was filled with incredible hate, his heart remained pure, and no matter what he would have tried to do, he would have been unable to escape these vicious chains because of his fallen angel status. He was trapped in there, in a cell with walls of hate and windows of disgust.

Even so, the amount of physical and mental abuse he received until then was quite literally above all standards. The way things happened were beyond normal and any sort of logical thinking. It would have probably been explainable if his parents were rotten to the core and he lived in the slums of a pirate-ruled city somewhere in Africa, but they were in Tokyo, Japan.

Then it happened, Michael asked me the question all mortals asked when they found themselves knees deep in trouble. When logic failed, the only choice was to blame the only being capable of handling the entire existence, God. He was blaming the Big Guy for the trouble in his life.

Honestly, as a Demon Queen, I wanted to tell him ‘Yes’ and point him at ways he could show hate towards Him and even take revenge, but Michael was also my Soul Mate. Our bond was stronger than my greed to act like a vicious demented demon bent on tormenting all those who dared cross my path. That was why I opened my mouth ready to tell him ‘No’ and that the only being he should look at was the one who summoned all that bad luck into his life, meaning himself. Unfortunately, before I had the chance to give him a full explanation about the inner workings of the duality of good and evil, how God worked with the Universe, why some souls desired demonic help for their own evolution instead of that of the angels, something caught my attention.

There were a couple of souls who dared to enter my new lair. However, I found it a bit odd to be so. Normally, my presence would have forced them to keep clear of its premises, but those people just barged in like it was nothing.

“Go in!” a shout came from outside.

I perked my ears up and raised my wings, getting into a warning position like a great lion that was letting the sneaky hyena know that he could pay with his very life if he so much as dared to get any closer to his prey. I even hissed like an angry cat, but it did not work, they were protected somehow from my demonic influence.

“Take cover!” another shout came from outside and then I saw something rolling on the ground towards us.

It took me only a fraction of a second to realize what it was: a grenade.

Surprised by such a thing, I immediately covered Michael with my wings and lowered myself on top of him. I was expecting to feel and see the pieces of material as they were blasted towards me with the intent of harming me, but instead, I found myself dozed in Holy water heated at near boiling point.

With a powerful ring in my ears, I gritted my teeth and pulled my wings closer to Michael. The blast sent the boiling water scattered in a million drops throughout the entire room. What was splashed onto me sizzled from the contact with my flesh and began to make holes in my body as though it was some sort of corrosive substance.

I hissed again and ignored the pain.

Mortals dare to attack me and disturb me in my moment of peace? They will soon learn what a foolish mistake this was! I thought.

My muscles tensed and demonic energy spread through each and every cell of my host, unlocking her physical potential just like I did when I first took over and went on a killing spree.

“Those bastards!” I hissed.

Without further ado, I dashed forward, leaving my beloved behind. I knew that as long as I was their main target, they had no reasons to worry about him. Truth be told, I was ready to make sure of that.

As soon as I walked through the wide opened metal door, I saw two soldiers dressed in combat armor and pointing their Howa Type 89 Assault rifles at me. They did not hesitate and pulled the trigger. A hail of bullets flew at me, and each one could fly stray and hit my beloved Soul Mate. I couldn’t let such a thing happen, so I focused all of my demonic energy into a thick layer around my body and wings.

Like the hide of a Leviathan, the bullets failed to pass through and pierce me, however, I wouldn’t let myself just sit around and wait for them to run out of bullets. I dashed towards them while they still fired at me. I grabbed the barrel of the closest one and squeezed hard. Like a lump of clay, the metal gave in under the pressure and took the shape of the inside of my fist. Since the man didn’t let go of the trigger, the bullets exploded in his face, forcing him to drop his weapon. I reached out and grabbed him by his neck before he had a chance to flee. Demonic claws of darkness formed at my fingertips and like the sharp blades of a renowned chef, they cut through his flesh and arteries with surgical precision. Blood gushed out, spluttering over his companion.

The life of the first soldier would slip away from his grasp and into mine, but I did not stay to enjoy the show, I grabbed hold of the other’s weapon and pulled it out of his hands. He tried to oppose me, but his efforts did little against my demonic might.

“Foolish mortal!” I shouted as I grabbed him by his right hand and pulled hard towards me.

He stumbled forward. Since I had no use for his weapon, I cast it aside and then, with my free hand, I used my clawed fingers to slash at his throat. The cut was a bit too deep and perfect around the vertebrae, resulting in his clean decapitation. His mortal, tasty blood gushed out like a beautiful red fountain as his head fell somewhere behind me, rolling on the floor. I let myself be drenched in the life-giving, crimson liquid.

“Two down, a lot more to go.” I said, but in all due honesty, I never did bother myself to keep track of my kills.


~ Chapter 15: Annoyance ~


~ Chapter 13: Reconnect ~