~ Chapter 22: The meddling archangel ~

[Syliar’s point of view]

The first thing I saw on the other side of the portal was a gigantic planet in the sky. From where I stood, it appeared to be at least four times bigger than Earth’s moon, but in reality, it was of an unimaginable size. Its very existence contradicted many laws of physics for the simple fact that it was big enough to span over a couple of thousands of galactic super clusters. That meant it had a surface spanning over countless billions of square light years, and every single part of it was inhabited by angelions, various plants and animals, and even some mortals who reached Ascended status. They lived in every possible type of biome which could exist in a normal Universe.

The incredible diversity of living organisms that could be found on the surface of this planet implied that both the gravity and atmosphere of this celestial body were not the same everywhere, but rather adjusted according to the necessities of each biome. In one place, there were 10G, in another 0.5G, and in another even 4000G, yet those variations did not destroy or break off the crust.

Indeed, this was a strange planet unlike any other that could be found within the celestial borders of my Kingdom, and there were hundreds of them in this unique Universe. Because of these worlds, there were no galaxies or anything else larger than them. As for the stars, there were a lot of them spread across the space between the planets, filling up the sky like a bright starry night, but none of them was powerful enough to produce the heat these gigantic planets theoretically required.

A single one of these worlds was enough to baffle the greatest minds of any Universe in my Kingdom for millions of years to come. The scientists on Michael’s former world, Earth, would not even know where to start with their research let alone figure out its inner workings.

One of the weirdest aspects of this Universe was also one that defied the very laws on which astronomical bodies relied upon for not only formation but also existence. Theoretically, the gravitational pulls between two of these Leviathan Planets should have been so powerful that it could rip stars apart, not have them orbit around them like some sort of bright nuclear moons. It should have crushed all life on the surface and even mess around with the laws of time and space. Atmosphere should have been impossible to form and if it could, the winds should have mixed it up until it was of uniform composition not have various densities and gases in it, making it perfectly breathable for all the species living in those areas.

The list went on and on; volcanos, storms, sea composition, tides, night and day, all of these things were present on a world which under normal circumstances should have even existed.

The one responsible for maintaining this delicate balance were none other than God. With the help of Divine Energy and ancient unknown Angelion magic, these planets were allowed to exist and even prosper.

The event of day and night was caused by the orbit of a planet around a star and its revolution around in its own axis. During the day, the light was shining over half of the world, while the other half was basked in its shadow. In the absence of a star to orbit around, ancient angelion magic formed a thin and dense layer of particles in the upper atmosphere of the planet, creating the effect of night by blocking out the light of the orbiting stars. During the day, the layer expanded, letting in all the light, while during the night, it contracted allowing just a little light to pass through.

Because there were areas on the surface of the planet which were closer to the stars, when you looked up from the ground at it, you had the impression that you were looking at the Sun or its equivalent. Similar magic was used in areas where there was a need for stronger winds or more powerful tides, it could even stop gases and liquids from mixing in together, thus, making it possible for this world to have different biomes one next to another.

Indeed, all of these were some mind-boggling curiosities, but alas, I did not cross through time, space, and spiritual dimensions for sightseeing. I was here to reunite with my Soul Mate, but first, I had to reach his Angelion Academy.

Looking back, I lifted my hand towards the sky above and focused on my angelion energy around the portal I created from Hell to this Universe. I clenched my fist, and in response, the portal was closed. Now, if I wanted to return to my Kingdom, I just had to open it again, but I was in no hurry to return.

With a smirk on my lips, I looked around. The biome I found myself in resembled Michael’s world, Earth, from around the same time period as well. There were several cities standing tall in the distance, showing off the earthling architecture of the concrete forest. There were even roads spread across the land like black snakes slithering on the ground. Mountains, hills, valleys, seas, and rivers all spanned around me, spreading as far as the borders of this biome. If one didn’t look at the sky, or simply ignored the lack of a sun or a moon, they would have believed they were on Earth.

This was not my first time visiting this Universe, this was why I knew so much about it, and rather than feeling amazed by it, I was experiencing a strange sense of nostalgia. As I took my first step forward, I began to remember my childhood and teenage days.

Like many other angelions, I was born outside of this Universe and moved in only when my parents considered that I was mature enough to attend the schools here. We chose a biome that was far different from this human one, but with similar tech development. My family moved into a big house in the city, where they also found jobs that matched their preferences. While they worked, I went to an angelion school where I spent my days studying to become the most powerful demoness I could be.

Of course, back then, I did not take a human angelion shape, but an alien one. Those extra hands and two tails were quite handy to have. The only problem was the acid rain of that biome, it was responsible for ruining a lot of my stuff, which could become quite annoying at times, but it was also very fun to use to annoy others. I just had to ‘accidentally’ let some of it inside the classroom and chaos would ensue.

“Good ol’ days...” I said with a smirk on my lips.

Spreading my demonic wings, I took off and flew up into the sky. Once I reached a decent altitude of three hundred meters or so, I began to search for the said Academy. For all angelions, these buildings appeared like beacons of light which we could find even during the darkest nights. It was a nifty way to make sure no one got lost on the surface of the planet.

When I found it, I realized it was not close at all, in fact, it was at least two thousand kilometers away from my current location. The speeds at which an angelion could move could be classified into Subsonic, Hypersonic, Slower Than Light, Faster Than Light, Slower Than Dark Energy Waves, and Faster Than Dark Energy Waves. If the distance they needed to traverse was far too great for their own personal capabilities, then they could take the local transportation means such as spaceships, portals, wormholes, buses, and others.

As a Type 7 angelion, I had no need of such things. I simply infused my body with angelion energy and controlled it so that it would allow any form of gas or fluid to flow around me undisturbed no matter the speed of displacement. Thus, after two flaps from my wings, I already reached a hypersonic speed of nearly 8 Mach. Thanks to my little trick, I did not even create a sonic boom behind me. What was there to make if I flew by unaffected by air friction?

In a matter of moments, I reached a speed of 28 Mach, in other words, 9.52 km/s (5.91 mi/s). This was already quite fast for this biome, any faster and I could end up flying past my objective. Besides, it did not hurt to do a little sightseeing.

As one would expect, on the ground and within the cities I had passed through, there were only angelions in humanoid forms similar to those of humans or creatures that could survive in this type of atmosphere. The species I took form when I was a teen could not breathe this air. It was quite peaceful to see demons and angels working side by side, but this was only possible because of the special spiritual constitution of this Universe. Good and Evil were seen as possible choices, but there was also the Ideal Path, which cared not for either of them and only aimed at creating the best out of what could be done with present resources. Well, this was oversimplifying the actual reason, but it was never a priority of mine to fully understand it anyway. I took from it only the little that I needed, everything else was instinct.

In a little under four minutes since I took flight, I reached the Academy grounds.

I could not wait to see my Soul Mate again!

Both my mind and heart raced at the idea of finally being reunited with him, especially when considered how long I had been searching for him. My fantasies went wild as I tried to imagine just how much he had changed both mentally and physically.

Just when I was feeling good, I suddenly felt a temporal ripple pass through me. I stopped in midair and looked around surprised. Time had come to a near halt, but it wasn’t me who triggered this event, there was no need to do so.

“Who did this? Show yourself!” I shouted.

There was no reply.

Clenching my fists, I thought about forcing my way out of the temporal bubble, but I stopped when I saw something far away heading towards me at near light speed.

Squinting my eyes, I looked in that direction and saw two beings flapping their wings as hard as they could. They were two angels.

When I saw them, the only thing crossing my mind was whether or not they were trying to interfere with my reunion with my Soul Mate. If they did, they would soon find out why even in THIS Universe angelions feared those with the title of Lord, King, or Queen!

“SISTER!” came a shout, and I blinked surprised.

It can’t be? Can it?! I thought and felt a knot in my stomach.

“SISTER SYLIAR!” shouted the angel again.

“Ugh... No way…” I realized who they were and quickly turned around to flee, but from behind me, I saw another entity heading towards me, but at a faster speed.

“WHY ARE YOU HERE?!” I shouted annoyed when I saw that pesky flying pigeon.

“Your mother was worried about you and so were your brothers.” replied archangel Metatron.

I cringed and looked back only to see the two angel twins bump into me, embracing me and holding me tight in their arms. It was disgusting!

The archangel giggled.

“Wait! Aryn! Tyon! I know you two are happy to see me, but you are strangling me! I’m supposed to be a powerful and intimidating demoness, for crying out loud!” I shouted, trying to free myself from them, but I had to admit, the two twerps leveled up in power since I last saw them.

“But sister, it’s been so long since we last saw you! Father said you were suffering greatly, and mother even wanted to come after you!” said Aryn as he rubbed his cheek against mine.

They were like two happy little puppies; the only difference was that I could easily kill off mortal pets but not these two.

“Yes! The moment father sensed you entering this Universe, he slowed down time for the three of us so we could come and grab you before you had the chance to run away again!” said Tyon as he looked up at me with a pair of big crystal-blue eyes.

“Isn’t that kidnapping?” I growled.

“Hm? Nope! Not when it comes to family.” replied Metatron with a big grin.

“You are enjoying this, aren’t you?” I glared back at him while I tried to push off the over-cuddling brothers.

“Yes, now let’s go back home.” he replied in a calm manner, not caring that he was hugging someone who ripped the souls out of mortal beings for a living.

“But, father... I need to meet Michael!” I told Metatron.

Yes… that flying pigeon of an annoyance as big as the Universe was in fact the abominable creature who had the guts to spawn me.

“The archangel?” asked Tyon.

“No, Michael was his human name, I don’t know his angelion name... I’m talking about my Soul Mate. Would you two knock it off already and let go of me?!” I growled at them.

“No, mother said that if we see you, we are to use any means necessary to bring you back home.” said Aryn.

“You know I’m a Demon Queen, right? I could force my way out!” I reminded them as I narrowed my eyes.

“Does that mean you will hit us?” he asked looking up at me with puppy-dog eyes.

“Ugh...” I groaned unable to answer.

Honestly, if we were in the demonic realms, I would have had no problem powering up and freeing myself from their embrace, but in this Universe, the laws of good and evil held the same values for all angelions no matter on what side of the duality they were on. Sometimes, it was really annoying to be in a Universe that worked on the higher concept of existence. If it wasn’t for that, our current family reunion would have ended with violence and bloodshed.

What? I AM a Demon Queen, and I DON’T like huggy hug hug moments...

“Grr! Fine! But I won’t stay long! I need to find my Soul Mate!” I growled.

“Of course, dear.” said Metatron as he patted me on the head.

I tried to bite off his hand, but the lucky angel pulled it back just in time.

“Just so you know though, I spoke with him earlier today and postponed your meeting for the evening.” said the archangel.

I glared at him, but as long as I knew I would still meet with my beloved, it didn’t matter.

In the end, I flew off together with all of them to my family’s house located somewhere in the far west.


~ Chapter 23: A happy family ~


~ Chapter 21: Invitation ~