Latest Chapters

~ Chapter 8: A slight suspicion ~
Two weeks had passed since I discovered those suspicious ornaks and heard of the name Azur’Kar. I have had plenty of chances to explore around the ornak settlement, and as Yandrea’s husband, as long as these monsters were bound to her through a summon or a spell, I had nothing to worry about. According to my knowledge as a former teacher and expert on Dungeons, I knew that there was a definite difference between a spouse contract and a slave one. The latter was limited to both the area of action and interaction with the Dungeon’s traps and monsters, while the first was the equivalent of having the actual Dungeon Core there. A spouse could move with unlimited freedom and no trap or monster would act out against them unless the Dungeon himself or herself wanted to.

~ Lamenting Whine ~
Thanks to my sweet wife's gifts, I didn't need the help of the clunky automaton anymore. Just by simply walking past the ornaks and ellyarians here, I could understand what they were saying.
“Ragzor won the bet. My spear stabbed earth four steps behind his. I not happy. Grr!” one of the ornak guards said and shook his head left to right.

~ Light ~
Thanks to my sweet wife's gifts, I didn't need the help of the clunky automaton anymore. Just by simply walking past the ornaks and ellyarians here, I could understand what they were saying.
“Ragzor won the bet. My spear stabbed earth four steps behind his. I not happy. Grr!” one of the ornak guards said and shook his head left to right.

~ The swindled fear ~
Thanks to my sweet wife's gifts, I didn't need the help of the clunky automaton anymore. Just by simply walking past the ornaks and ellyarians here, I could understand what they were saying.
“Ragzor won the bet. My spear stabbed earth four steps behind his. I not happy. Grr!” one of the ornak guards said and shook his head left to right.

~ The rose’s thorn ~
Thanks to my sweet wife's gifts, I didn't need the help of the clunky automaton anymore. Just by simply walking past the ornaks and ellyarians here, I could understand what they were saying.
“Ragzor won the bet. My spear stabbed earth four steps behind his. I not happy. Grr!” one of the ornak guards said and shook his head left to right.

~ Chapter 7: Sneaking through an ornak town ~
Thanks to my sweet wife's gifts, I didn't need the help of the clunky automaton anymore. Just by simply walking past the ornaks and ellyarians here, I could understand what they were saying.
“Ragzor won the bet. My spear stabbed earth four steps behind his. I not happy. Grr!” one of the ornak guards said and shook his head left to right.

~ Chapter 6: The wind of change ~
The conversation with Yandrea made me realize that maybe she wasn't all that aware of what was happening on her Dungeon Territory, while at the same time, I understood that her upbringing wasn't entirely her fault. After all, she did manage to survive in a world where most people would try to crack her body and sell it as gems, while the lack of friends and people she could trust might have had a more severe impact on her than she let on.

~ Chapter 5: The Heroes ~
This was going to be the first time since teleporting to Yandrea's dungeon when I was going to see how the inhabitants of the surface world looked like. I was thinking of humans at first when I heard the word 'Adventurers' from the automaton, but thinking about it, this wouldn't have made any sense seeing how Yandrea reacted when she saw me. She quite literally behaved like I was some strange creature she quickly became fascinated with.

~ Chapter 4: The Temple of Heroes ~
By far, the most curious thing of them all were certainly the self-aware metal golems. These automatons were by far an intricate construct which would make even the most brilliant of human minds simply bow down and worship their creator, my wife, Yandrea.

~ Chapter 3: Meeting the locals ~
While climbing down on the golden pyramid’s steps, I looked around at the beauty of this place. There was a lush forest and some sort of buildings in the far distance, beyond the lake. The ceiling was covered with crystals shining brightly above this entire land, but among them, there was one that was brighter than the others. It took the place of the sun, and I wondered if not as time went by, its light would dim down to allow another to take its place.

~ Chapter 2: A new day in my wife's dungeon! ~
“Tuberculus! Wake up!”
The sweet voice of a woman tickled my ears. The first thought to cross my mind was that I couldn’t remember if I hired a new maid or if I landed in a brothel the night before. I honestly wanted to sleep, to heal and rest my old bones, but some strange force refused to let me do so.

~ Chapter 1: Rejuvenating the shriveled old prune ~
When I laid my eyes upon this creature for the first time, he looked like he was about to die. The poor thing was barely breathing and had a fuzzy face. Hair was growing all around his mouth, and it was very long. Oh, and it was bleeding quite badly too.

~ Prologue: In the arms of an angel ~
Before I begin to tell you my story, I suppose some sort of introduction is at hand.
My name is Tuberculus Firerage. I am what one may call me… a High Mage. To be noted, I am different from an Archmage. The latter is far more powerful version of a Mage who can do what a High Mage can do, but in every magic specialization…
Oh? Yes, I may have strayed a little bit from my story, but I promise you that it was all worth it!
What? Skip to the action? Sigh… People these days don’t have any respect for the elderly…