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~ Chapter 25: The last day of peace… ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 25: The last day of peace… ~

I woke up the following morning in the pleasant company of two lovely women; one was a draconian princess, and the other was an el’doraw former assassin. Their soft bosoms brought a happy grin to my face, reminding me once more of how much I enjoyed big breasts. Maybe that was why I ended up with an allegiance to that sort of god. If he was up there, then surely he was blessing me in that very moment.

Good morning, Master… whispered Shanteya.

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~ Chapter 24: New skills, new dungeons, and a sandwich! ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 24: New skills, new dungeons, and a sandwich! ~

Despite the troubling thoughts floating around in my mind when I went to bed, I did manage to get a good night's sleep. If I were to guess, it was most likely thanks to Shanteya’s soft, bouncy chest. Her embrace was soft, and her lips were delicious every morning I woke up by her side and every night I went to bed with her. Although I was married to Nanya and Ayuseya, I felt like my heart longed more for the el’doraw slave than either of the other two, but it might have been just because I spent more time together with her. I trusted her, and most importantly, she was completely loyal to me with or without the submission spell cast on her.

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~ Chapter 23: Inner turmoils ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 23: Inner turmoils ~

After Nanya and Ayuseya walked out of my room, I was left alone with Shanteya to think about what I had just done, besides the obvious fact of marrying a foreign princess and someone with the title of Mad Destroyer. That being said, I had the feeling I could select my own title as well, unfortunately, I had yet to discover where exactly in my Status the list with all of them was hidden. Maybe the title appeared depending on the number of people aware of that specific title? Either way, that wasn’t what troubled me at the moment, it was the whole Dankyun fiance thing.

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~ Chapter 22: Two rings to lock me in Hell… or Heaven? ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 22: Two rings to lock me in Hell… or Heaven? ~

There was a graveyard silence in my room as everyone looked at the black tattoo rings now decorating Nanya and Ayuseya’s left ring fingers. It didn’t take a genius to realize what they symbolized, but even the little gears inside my noggin were having a hard time turning around in an attempt to process the information. The reason was because all of this was so sudden and way too shocking for all of us.

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~ Side Story: What do you mean LAVA on the FIRST FLOOR?! ~ (Part 2)
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Side Story: What do you mean LAVA on the FIRST FLOOR?! ~ (Part 2)

Once I got rid of the last circle, I attacked the rats, and only after that did I go after my friends. I found Tuberculus groaning from a terrible burn to his face. Apparently, Rufus hit him at point blank with a fireball and singed his beard, mustache, and eyebrows. The poor bastard even managed to step into a fire trap and got the top of his head burned off as well. It was a bit funny to look at him, but it was no laughing matter. I picked him up and followed the trail of dead rats.

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~ Side Story: What do you mean LAVA on the FIRST FLOOR?! ~ (Part 1)
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Side Story: What do you mean LAVA on the FIRST FLOOR?! ~ (Part 1)

“Nyahaha! A dungeon! A dungeon after such a long time! Feels like the good ol’ days, doesn’t it?!” I laughed as I gave Tuberculus a pat on the back.

I was so excited to finally be able to explore an unknown dungeon after so may years that I didn’t care if it was one with 400 floors or just two! Illsy said it had only two, so we were expecting to finish it in two hours or so, maybe three if we looked around a bit more and made a complete map of the place.

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~ Side Story: A night of ‘terror’ at the Magic Academy! ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Side Story: A night of ‘terror’ at the Magic Academy! ~

Now that I remember, this small event actually took place not long after Illsy made Shanteya his slave.

I have to say though, when I first saw that el’doraw woman, my mind went straight to the size of her chest. She had a lovely bosom, but it irked me for some reason. Maybe it was because in my current form I was of a smaller size? Well, at that time, I pretended it didn’t bother me too much, but on the inside was another story. I raged for a few minutes.

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~ Chapter 21: Ayuseya’s fate and Illsyore’s madness ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 21: Ayuseya’s fate and Illsyore’s madness ~

While the teachers dispersed the students and Tuberculus led Keltaru to the infirmary, I followed Ayuseya and Nanya. They entered the main building and then went up the stairs until they reached my room. Upon opening the door, Shanteya offered the two a short bow and placed herself between them and my crystal body.

“Illsy. You are here, right?” Nanya asked.

“Yup!” I replied.

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~ Chapter 20: The duel with a Godlike petite teacher ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 20: The duel with a Godlike petite teacher ~

With a fast swipe, the sword cut through the air, aiming for Nanya’s neck. She didn’t even flinch, merely pulled her head back and let the dangerously sharp blade pass by without so much as even grazing her delicate skin. With a turn of his wrist, the el’doraw boy changed the course of his sword and brought it down on her again. It was a bit of a difficult move to do and even I could see the decrease in speed and power.

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~ Chapter 19: The consequences of my actions… ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 19: The consequences of my actions… ~

The Urkin was stripped of all noteworthy materials, including the eyes and brain, which was no bigger than a baby’s fist. Angius and Rufus received the report of the battle from me, while Nanya kept watch from far away. I made sure to leave out the small detail of her missing panties and what happened with me and Ayuseya that morning.

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~ Chapter 18: Of monsters and Nanya’s panties ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 18: Of monsters and Nanya’s panties ~

With the esteemed princess cured of her ridiculous curses, I released her outside of my Inner Mind. Just like Shanteya, she appeared right next to my Crystal Body. I had to say, she appeared to be quite surprised with the sudden change of décor from the beautiful gardens outside, to the darkness in which I lived and then to the typical study room, which once was the principal’s office.

“Are we inside your dungeon?” was the first thing she asked me.

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~ Chapter 17: Did I just enslave a royal princess? ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 17: Did I just enslave a royal princess? ~

Waking up in Shanteya’s soft bosom was the best! Holding her so close to me, hands wrapped around her, cuddling her like a soft body pillow was absolutely divine! Her round behind also felt nice every time my hands slipped a little lower than they should have. Although I knew she wouldn’t have minded if I let myself go with the flow, I restricted my perverted actions from going too far.

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~ Chapter 16: Nanya’s secret! ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 16: Nanya’s secret! ~

Shanteya helped Nanya take the unconscious men back to the academy’s infirmary. Using [Telekinezy], I picked Rufus up and followed close behind them. I was certain I wasn’t free of their future sermon, but taking care of the injuries of those three teachers took priority over anything else. As for what happened to my dungeon during those two days, I had to postpone it for the following days in order to find out.

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~ Chapter 15: The wrong definition of ‘Easy’ ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 15: The wrong definition of ‘Easy’ ~

That night, I slept like a baby. Shanteya may have been part of the reason, given how I used her Holy Mountains as a comfy pillow, but it was also because I built that dungeon floor. If it was the old me from before my reincarnation, I would have probably stepped away from the task and declared myself satisfied only with repairing the Magic Academy while complaining that I didn’t have a computer to play on.

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~ Chapter 14: Muhahaha! ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 14: Muhahaha! ~

I moved out of my body and flew up towards the endless blue sky. Using my perception, I could ‘feel’ the limits of my Dungeon Territory. It was almost 3 km in radius, meaning a circle with a diameter of 6 km and no limit towards the sky or the center of the planet. I stopped somewhere around an altitude of about 400 m above the academy. It was interesting to see the world from so high up, but without a body to feel the gentle caress of the wind, it was a bit odd, almost like watching a HD recording.

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~ Chapter 13: My first [Bond of Trust] ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 13: My first [Bond of Trust] ~

“Master… Will Master let me sleep with him? I… I want to sleep with Master tonight…” Shanteya said with flushed cheeks and looking with upturned eyes at my crystal body.

I gulped and looked at her, but I didn’t say a single word. The little gears in my head went to a full stop, and the little men taking care of my one single brain cell all wondered what in the name of all that’s holy just happened?

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~ Chapter 12: My questions and Nanya’s answers ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 12: My questions and Nanya’s answers ~

“Have you calmed down, Master?” asked my sweet Shanteya.

I was frustrated and a bit angry with what happened, but those feelings weren’t directed at Nanya or anyone else but me. I was the fool who didn’t think about trying to upgrade those skills. After all, I did upgrade [Wind Blow] to [Wind Scythe] and [Fireball] to [Seeker Fireball], but for some reason, it didn't even cross my mind that I could do the same thing with all of them. Or rather... I forgot about it.

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~ Chapter 11: The “easy” way to build a gazebo ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 11: The “easy” way to build a gazebo ~

Nanya’s words kept me up for a while, but eventually, I came to the conclusion that she was simply joking around. Unless Tuberculus was the ugliest old hag in the existence of all known Universes and Nanya was a trap, then there was no way for something like that to be possible.

The following day, I was woken up with a gentle knocking on my crystal body by Shanteya.

“Yawn! What’s up?” I asked with a half-asleep voice.

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~ Chapter 10: Illsyore’s report ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 10: Illsyore’s report ~

As the sun began to set over the horizon, it announced the ending of another day. The school was empty, minus a few teachers in the lounge, who were looking over some papers.

Fellyore Magic Academy was a big institution housing 435 students of various species. The number was impressing, but for me, the Godlike Dungeon Lord tasked to protect and repair this school meant just a lot more work for me to do. I had to say, some of them had as much self control over their own Magic Energy as a 7 years-old on a sugar rush at the toy store.

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~ Side Story: An embrace unlike any other ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Side Story: An embrace unlike any other ~

Our numbers were reduced from 40 to 25 as a result of encountering a pack of aggressive monsters of at least Master Rank and then stumbling into a knight escort. It was an unexpected misfortune, but there was no turning back now, we almost reached our target's location.

Among my comrades, I alone was the most injured, but I could still run, I could still fight, I could still kill if ordered to.

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