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~ Chapter 8: Unexpected news ~
Web Novel, ES Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, ES Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 8: Unexpected news ~

However, the most puzzling question for them was regarding how their child found out such things. For the adults, these matters were common sense, but for the young four years old, it was something new and exciting. As far as the parents could remember, no such event happened when a practitioner proved to their child that he truly had no future in their world.

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~ Chapter 7: Father's advice ~
Web Novel, ES Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, ES Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 7: Father's advice ~

What was supposed to be a fun and interesting meeting turned out to be a roller coaster of emotions that strangled their hearts with barbed wire. Ryuciel's cold words raised a wall between them, one the boy didn't fully understand or know how to take down.

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~ Chapter 6: Dragon tears ~
Web Novel, ES Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, ES Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 6: Dragon tears ~

When Alutras heard that name, the one he was called by in his past life, the crickets in his skull stopped hopping and stumbled on their own feet. The expression of surprise and astonishment on his face told the charming Ryuciel that he wasn't expecting to hear it.

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~ Chapter 5: Meeting an old friend ~
Web Novel, ES Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, ES Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 5: Meeting an old friend ~

The city which name Alutras had already forgotten, or rather wasn't interested in remembering from the very beginning, was built around the Jade Healer's Palace. The tall, proud building was the biggest and tallest of all those in the city. No other construction was allowed to surpass its greatness. The Jade Healer, the symbol of this city, was supposed to be the closest to the Gods above, and as such, none other was allowed to surpass him no matter how rich or powerful they were.

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~ Chapter 4: A fake YAWN to say Good Night ~
Web Novel, ES Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, ES Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 4: A fake YAWN to say Good Night ~

The Festival of the Divine went on without a cinch. The five schools displayed their strength with riches and disciples. They either rejoiced in the idea of having many practitioners with a strength over a Silver One Pearl or were reminded of their place in the hierarchy of the strong.

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~ Chapter 3: The beauty of the Heavenly Arts ~
Web Novel, ES Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, ES Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 3: The beauty of the Heavenly Arts ~

That was the first night Alutras had trouble sleeping ever since he stopped pooping in his pants. He was excited to see the festival, to see the rumored martial artists who would represent their schools. More so, he was curious to see who the masters of those schools were and how powerful exactly they were. His old soul was stirring inside just by thinking about the possibility of using them in the future to test out his power against them.

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~ Chapter 2: A child's game ~
Web Novel, ES Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, ES Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 2: A child's game ~

Many other souls in Shengo’s shoes would have most likely seen this new life as a blissful opportunity to start anew, and so did he, but no one forgot to mention to him that small detail about the diaper changing business.

Of all the bodies, I had to drop in a poop making monster! the old soul cried inside while his mother changed his dirty diapers again.

“You are a little stinker, aren’t you?” she said with a forced smile.

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~ Chapter 1: The three constellations ~
Web Novel, ES Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, ES Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 1: The three constellations ~

The sun had barely shown its gentle smile from beyond the cliffs and sent its warm rays through the windows, inside the house of the Zerun family. There, the first cries of a newborn baby boy could be heard. His cries were strong and his grip mighty. The mother was overjoyed and the father brimming with happiness.

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~ Prologue: The Greatest Master ~
Web Novel, ES Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, ES Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Prologue: The Greatest Master ~

In the mountains of the Six Warlords: Drovu, Seiga, Tengo, Saya, Merycon, and Zawo, a single man stood tall and proud, facing the fierce winds that tried to whip his body. A broad, defiant smile was on his face as he looked up at the endless skies.

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~ Chapter 5: Teyun Village ~
Web Novel, FOE Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, FOE Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 5: Teyun Village ~

The bloody remains of the slaughtered Dayuk and the unlucky elf who fell as his prey marked this area with the scent of death. Turning a blind eye to the gore and hoping his stomach wouldn't start to act up, Anwen walked over to where the cut horn of the beast fell and picked it up.

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~ Chapter 4: For I am Anwen! ~
Web Novel, FOE Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, FOE Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 4: For I am Anwen! ~

“NOOO!” the girl’s scream was heard louder this time.

“Damn it! What’s going on?!” asked Knox both worried and angry.

Anwen couldn’t answer, but he feared the worst. Despite how strong Luca was, maybe he got overwhelmed by too many Dayuks.

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~ Chapter 3: A tragic hunt ~
Web Novel, FOE Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, FOE Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 3: A tragic hunt ~

Thick bushes and big, old trees were all the two elves could see wherever they looked. Their tracks could easily be lost among the tall, dense grass covering the ground. Above them, the sky could barely be spotted through a few holes in the lush crowns of leafs. Each step they took was as silent as a panther’s prowl, but the strong scent of the pouch hanging on Knox’s belt made it a bit tricky for them to hide their tracks.

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~ Chapter 2: Knox and the Mighty Chicken! ~
Web Novel, FOE Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, FOE Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 2: Knox and the Mighty Chicken! ~

The big difference between a city and the countryside, besides the ability to actually see the stars in the sky during nighttime, was the scent of clean, oxygenated air. The soft breeze was the first thing that caught Anwen’s attention. It carried the mixed scent of trees and grass. As he took a deep breath in and then exhaled softly, a shiver of delight traveled down his spine, awakening his senses. His body rejoiced in a feeling it had never had the chance of experiencing before. For a moment, Anwen actually forgot everything around him.

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~ Chapter 1: A crazy wish! ~
Web Novel, FOE Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, FOE Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 1: A crazy wish! ~

A long time ago, it was believed that the war between the el’doraws and the elves would last for an eternity.That was until the warriors of mankind joined this war during the First World War. Their swords cut open both el’doraw and elf, but neither nation succumbed to their might. The blood of all three species stained the battlefields until a red sea was formed between all three capitals. In the wake of such a terrible loss, the kingdoms laid down their weapons and agreed upon a truce.

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