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~ Chapter 42: A friend’s advice ~
Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 42: A friend’s advice ~

When I closed the door after I stepped out of the Princess’ chamber, I felt as though all strength had left me, turning me into a weak husk, feeble and easy to shatter at the slightest touch. Even standing proved to be a difficult thing to do. My knees were weak, my hands were shaking, and my breath trembled, but as a knight, I wasn’t allowed to show such weakness, so I endured and put on a brave front, waiting there, in front of the door, trying to recover.

The Royal Knight of the Third Princess Elleyzabelle Sojourn Seyendraugher had to show to everyone that she was not someone who could be brought down so easily.

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~ Chapter 41: The letter that sealed their fate ~
Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 41: The letter that sealed their fate ~

As soon as Alkelios mentioned the possibility of a plot, I rushed out of the inn and headed to the Seyendraugher Palace. A dark thought formed in the back of my mind, and the only one who could help me disperse it was her Highness Elleyzabelle Sojourn Seyendraugher the Third Princess of the Albeyater Kingdom. There were far too many signs pointing in this direction, and I couldn’t help but worry for her safety.

Currently, grandfather’s army, the Brekkar Army was the ace up her sleeve, but with their General in a presumed critical condition for more than thirty years now, there was a high chance that his majesty, the King, would make a move to restore it to its former glory.

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~ Chapter 40: Drakaria ~
Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 40: Drakaria ~

Two days after we left the inn at the edge of the Great Chasm, we finally saw the giant walls of Drakaria.

This moment strongly reminded me of a Fantasy movie where the hero arrived at the top of the hill and in the far reaches saw the dazzling city which marked the end of his long journey. A few streaks of sunlight passed through the clouded sky, offering a beautiful touch, while the cold wind rustled our clothes. A single neigh escaped the tired Khosinni, and Kataryna stretched her back.

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~ Chapter 39: On our way to Drakaria ~
Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 39: On our way to Drakaria ~

I messed up...

No, I didn’t just mess up... I failed completely!

And I had no idea why in the first place. Looking back, there shouldn’t have been ANY reason why I couldn’t get it up? It was like my body simply rejected the very thought and idea of being together with Seryanna... or was this an excuse as well?

I couldn’t figure it out, I couldn’t understand why that happened... and no matter how hard I tried to think about it, there were less and less reasons on account of which I could have ended up in that situation. The more I tried to, the more I saw myself as nothing but a pathetic loser.

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~ Chapter 38: Heat ~
Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 38: Heat ~

Thanks to Alkelios, I was already feeling a lot better. My fever went down, and my coughing stopped. After just one night, I felt like I wasn’t sick anymore. I don’t know if he wished for me to be cured this fast or if he knew exactly what to do to help me, but I was already feeling in top shape and ready to head out. Yet, the man refused to let me leave the bed.

“I said I’m feeling fine.” I glared at him.

“Yes! Yes! We’ll leave tomorrow. After I am 100% sure you are!” he retorted while carefully working with some vials at his alchemy lab.

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~ Chapter 37: The cure to Dragon Flu ~
Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 37: The cure to Dragon Flu ~

The moment when I found myself walking around Toros with my sick girlfriend in search of a room to let her get some rest, my brain pressed ALL the panic buttons! It couldn’t have been just one or two... it had to be all of them!

Therefore, I was just walking like a robot with spinning eyes and trying my best to remain calm, but this in itself was nothing but a fleeting dream. Seryanna sneezed from time to time, but I could tell that many of the dragons here were afflicted with this condition. So far, no deaths occurred, or maybe it wasn’t something fatal to begin with.

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~ Chapter 36: Dragon Flu ~
Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 36: Dragon Flu ~

Reaching Toros would take us almost an entire day from dusk till dawn, with training time included when we stopped for a break. We encountered a few monsters such as a walking tree and a small pack of Dayuks, but we made quick work of them. There were no serious threats because I also wished for it. I mean, the training was killing me enough, I didn’t want to face a dangerous monster while I could barely hold a sword with both hands.

Once the big town was in sight, my first reaction to it was one of amazement. Forty or so dragons were patrolling the skies in their full dragon form. The outer walls were made out of a black stone and double the size of those in Andromeda, with countless soldiers patrolling them.

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~ Chapter 35: Can I sacrifice...? ~
Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 35: Can I sacrifice...? ~

Marook was an interesting city filled with all sorts of people and even a small lake within its enclosed walls. When we first arrived here, I had no idea something like this even existed. I got to find out about it the other day when we were out shopping for supplies. My brain thought it would be a good idea to slap Seryanna’s behind. Her punch to my face begged to differ... The view from the sky was quite nice though, and I learned that I could withstand superhuman level damage. I landed right in the middle of the lake, scaring a couple of birds and two lovers who were kissing in a boat.

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~ Chapter 34: The first quest ~
Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 34: The first quest ~

Today, we decided to accept a request from the Adventurers Guild. It was a simple one which required us to do a little bit of gathering of special flowers in the nearby forest. If by chance we encountered some monsters along the way, we were free to subjugate them and collect any of the parts that could be sold at the guild or which we believed we could use. Disposing of the remains was usually done by either our party’s mage or by piling up the bodies and then submitting a report to the guild on their location. Afterwards, a new request would appear on the board available to all adventurers with the required skill. Being on the Dragon Continent didn’t automatically mean that everyone here could breathe fire. It all depended on their respective element, although, when it came to spells, everyone could cast at least Beginner Rank ones.

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~ Chapter 33: Marook ~
Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 33: Marook ~

Thanks to the hellish training with my beautiful redhead dragoness, I began to wonder if I was heads over heels in love with her or I was slowly starting to turn into a masochist. The latter possibility frightened me...

Still, I wasn’t visibly improving. Without the help of my Luck and constantly wishing in my mind so I wouldn’t get hit by Kataryna’s dangerous attacks, it was incredibly hard to control my enormous strength and speed. Fine-tuned control actions were out of the question. From one point of view, I was nothing more than a rampaging monster unable to stop himself, but if I were to be able to use martial arts at my full speed and strength, then the results could end up being amazing.

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~ Chapter 32: The journey to Marook ~
Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 32: The journey to Marook ~

With Pertiko far behind us, we were once more on our way towards the capital of the Dragon Kingdom Albeyater, Drakaria. To reach it, we had to pass through the city of Marook and then reach Toros town, where we would cross the Great Chasm or whatever it was called.

To be fair, on the map, the city appeared to be at the distance of a stick throw, but things could be deceiving. It was more than a one Khosinni riding day away. When I heard this, I was thinking in Earth days, but on this planet, a day had 32 hours, meaning that we would arrive in Marook after two Earth days.

Confusing, I know...

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~ Chapter 31: The impossible promise ~
Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 31: The impossible promise ~

We returned to the surface without any trouble. Both Iolaus and Kleo were safe, although, I found out that the big Paladin ended up fainting somewhere along the way. My guess was that he probably saw a spider, screamed like a little girl, then slammed into a wall and it was lights out for him!

While I traveled through those dark and damp corridors, the monsters here allowed us to pass through and none of the traps activated even when we accidentally triggered them. The dungeon was apparently keeping its word, but once we were out of this place, I was 100% sure we would return to being enemies.

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~ Chapter 30: A battle between two heroes ~
Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 30: A battle between two heroes ~

“Please… please don’t hurt me, Iolaus…” I whimpered.

Just knowing and thinking that I was alone right now with this man brought shivers down my spine. Now of all times, I had no means of defending myself, no means of fighting back.

I was... helpless.

Iolaus was indeed a former lover of mine. I loved him and gave myself to him completely, but then he changed. From a kind and wonderful lover, he turned into a monster willing to hunt me down no matter what.

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~ Chapter 29: The final countdown ~
Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 29: The final countdown ~

“Hm, it appears there are some strange individuals coming our way. One is a Paladin and the other an Unawakened dragon, but he is quite strong.” said the man as he looked at a crystal ball the size of a human head floating in front of him.

From where I was sitting, I couldn’t see clearly the image reflected inside it, but I had a good guess about who he was talking about. The only two individuals who were next to me when I got sent here were Alkelios and Iolaus. If it was my sister’s lover, then he would certainly come over to save me, but the Paladin was probably aiming at severing his ties with me… for good.

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~ Chapter 28: Trapped ~
Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 28: Trapped ~

“Ugh… Heavy!” I groaned as I moved the metal plate off of my face.

“Ungh… Ow…” the Paladin groaned as he was pushed off.

Getting up, I looked around and massaged my shoulders a bit. My whole body was sore, I felt like that time when Seryanna slapped me into a tree. Of course, there was no sight of a tree anywhere around me. There was no sight of a field with angry undead or a village. I was in some sort of a tunnel, and the stench reminded me of old rotten food.

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~ Chapter 27: An unexpected turn of events ~
Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 27: An unexpected turn of events ~

The enemy we were facing was the unstoppable horde of the undead. Rotting zombies, skeleton warriors, Dullahans, Liches, undead beasts and other monsters, the whole lot of them were pouring out of the dungeon and marching towards Pertiko village. It was a real army of the undead. The only thing missing from it was a general of sorts, but maybe that one was the Necromancer staying deep inside the dungeon.

The ones defending the village were the Paladins and my group of four, consisting of a human, a dragon knight, a dragon necromancer, and a dragon thief… well, former thief.

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~ Chapter 26: Pertiko and the Paladins ~
Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 26: Pertiko and the Paladins ~

With the light of the sun grazing my skin, I opened my eyes and cast my gaze upon the sleeping human holding me in his arms. A smile appeared on my lips when I moved closer to him, and he tightened his embrace around me. If I had a tail, I would have wrapped it around him, but since I didn’t, I made do with playing with his hair.

Alkelios was sleeping peacefully, and I felt strangely relaxed and happy to wake up like this, in his arms. There was a small flutter in my heart, and I couldn’t stop smiling. This sort of feeling was a first for me, and I liked it! I wanted to wake up like this every day for the rest of my life!

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~ Chapter 25: A kiss under the rain ~
Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 25: A kiss under the rain ~

The door behind me was slammed shut, the key turned, locking it, and I dropped on my knees on the floor. Tears welled up in my eyes, the result of my emotions spilling out.

I was angry, frustrated, and mad at that idiotic human! Of all the things he could have said, those were the only words I didn’t wish to hear!

Why couldn’t he have said that he came all this way for me?! I shouted in my mind as I clenched my fists, nearly poking holes in my palms with my nails.

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~ Chapter 24: Catching up with Seryanna ~
Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 24: Catching up with Seryanna ~

Six days after I left Tomeron, I found myself sitting at a table at Turos’s Inn in Dertan. It was a town located to the far East in the Elmendyar Plains, right after crossing the Sparyx river.

Up until yesterday, the weather was on my side, but then it started to rain. It was a real downpour, and I even heard some people saying they barely managed to cross the river. Traveling through this sort of weather was still possible, but it would take longer, and most importantly, I would be forced to camp outside. Unfortunately, on the road from here to the village Pertiko there wasn’t even a traveler’s inn or cave where I could take shelter from the rain. I could run non-stop. I had the potions to help me do so, but I wasn’t in the mood to exert myself like this.

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~ Side Story: The journey of a random hero ~
Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, 100Luck Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Side Story: The journey of a random hero ~

Hear me now, mortals of this world! In thirty years from now, a warmongering species shall surround your planet and lay waste to your entire civilization!

That was the message of the self-proclaimed God-like entity when it first revealed itself to the population of Earth. The second time was when it literally kidnapped 10 million of us and brought us to some unknown place. I so screamed like a little girl when this happened, but I was fortunate for the fact that I couldn't temporarily control my body. Maybe this was a precaution installed by the God-like to avoid mass panic among us.

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