~ Chapter 5: Human nature or hidden life? ~

[Kardian’s point of view]

The whole absorption process took around 2 hours and 43 minutes, but when I opened my eyes, I felt as though I had just woken up from a good night’s sleep. My body felt strong, and I was not hungry either. It was a bit strange, but I accepted it as it was. These transformations and strange states I went through were far better than ending up as one of those things that wandered around mindlessly on the street.

“I’m awake now, Xerya. Anything new?” I asked as I clenched my right hand into a fist and checked to see if all of my joints were working properly.

“Affirmative. Your muscular structure has been reinforced by the new nanobots. My processing capacity has increased by 23.67%. A new neural network is being created with the help of the nanobots. When it will be completed, both your own reflexes and processing capacity will greatly increase. However, this is merely my own hypothesis. Your body as it was changed is slightly different from that of a regular human being and it is still unknown how your own DNA will change as a result of interfering with the nanobots in your system.” she explained.

“In other words, whatever we become in the future isn’t something that was pre-programmed in you, right?” I asked.

“Affirmative. The moment this unit accepted your proposal, the path of evolution has become unknown. Xerya will continue to run simulations over possible evolution paths in the future while her systems aren’t in use. For now, Xerya suggests that you acquire the core of the other Nano-Z that can be found on this floor.”

Possible evolution paths meant that from now on, I couldn’t probably dream of being a normal human anymore. Whether this would end up with me turning into a monster or not remained to be seen, but at the very least, I was alive. As long as I was alive, it was all that mattered. If Xerya didn’t accept my proposal of being friends, right now I would probably be just like... them. A corpse on the floor with my head split open by a survivor or a wandering Nano-Z who knew nothing besides trying to eat the flesh of other humans.

I felt sick just thinking about how close I was to turning into one of those things, so of course, I was thankful for Xerya choosing to spare me from such a fate. Even so, I could not lie and say that I was completely fine with the idea of evolving and becoming something else other than human. It was something so far out there that I didn’t even know where to begin to understand it. So yes, I was afraid, and I was uncertain about what the future had in store for me. I was terrified in a way, but... as long as I was alive, I had a chance to adapt. If I died, then that was it.

Letting out a sigh, I then looked around the room and asked “So, you said reinforced muscular structure... What exactly does this mean?”

“It means that you are now able to use your muscles past their biological limits. The nanobots are positioned around your joints and within your muscles, adding up to the total amount of force you can exert. Currently, there are three more stage of muscle development in plan, but they require more nanobots. Without them, you would need at least two years to reach the next stage.” Xerya replied.

“What about those DNA changes?” I asked.

“The DNA changes are made so that your body doesn’t reject the nanobots that gather and form more complex structures within you. It is a feature available only for the Premium User of the NanoHeal nanobots.” she replied.

“Premium?! There’s something like that?!” I asked in surprise.

“Yes. All the NanoHeal units have several Gene Correction programs which have already been applied to your body before you woke up.”

“What else do the Gene Corrections programs include?”

“They include the following: Increased Fertility Gene, Disease Prevention Genes, Gene Cancer Mutations Prevention, Physical Gene Correction, Age Reversion Gene, and various Artificial Gene Implantation Programs.”

“That’s... why have I never heard of something like this? I thought Gene Enhancement was still something that was being debated upon?”

“Xerya doesn’t know why the humans in charge of your laws decided this. According to the information left in the NanoHeal, it is supposed to be used on hosts identified as Premium or who have gained the Premium status over the years.”

“Premium status... probably the rich and famous? Important people... like politicians or scientists? I wouldn’t be surprised if they were the target users for those gene therapies, after all, it’s been rumored lately that those living up there were as eternal as the clouds...” I said as I remembered what some of the crazy people back on Earth kept complaining about, saying that immortality was already in the palm of the rich, but it was only the poor who didn’t have the right to it.

In my opinion, they were all complaints of those who didn’t find the solution to their own lives. It wasn’t as if the rich and famous had always been up there. Except for a few families with long histories, most of those who lived in the clouds were once individuals who struggled in the slums. They just found the way to reach up high, that was it. However, the fact that the two types of people didn’t really stand each other was a truth that remained since ancient times...

Anyway, the point right now wasn’t whether or not it was alright for the rich to monopolize the Premium Status of the NanoHeal nanobots but the fact that these gene corrections have been applied to my body already.

“Wait, does my enhanced strength come from those changes?” I asked.

“Affirmative. This includes correction to your inner organs, sensory organs and even brain functions.” Xerya replied.

“Sensory... you mean my eyes? Wait... earlier... I’m on the 16th floor yet I was able to clearly see what was on the street below.” I said as I looked back towards the balcony, and indeed, I felt as though I could focus better on the details, especially at what I could see through the windows of the other building.

It was amazing! I always knew my eyesight wasn’t the best, but this was the first time I realized that a good vision could make such a huge difference.

“I have to admit... that I get it now...” I said as I looked down at my own hands and then the details in the room I never noticed before or maybe I couldn’t because I was too scared?

“Get what?” Xerya asked.

“Why the kids at my school made such a big deal out of getting a Sight Enhancement Therapy...” I said and then shook my head “Should have done it sooner.”

“Why didn’t you?” she asked.

“Because I thought I didn’t need it... From my point of view, it was useless to cry over a few more details. It was a waste of money... but now, I can’t help but wonder... was it really like that?” I replied.

A moment later, Xerya said “Your logic for not acquiring the means through which you can improve yourself does not make sense to me. If you can evolve, you should.”

“Yeah... but humans are simple creatures, they fear change and fear the idea of becoming better when they don’t know what that better means.” I let out a small laugh.

I found it a bit silly now, after biting the apple of Eve to complain about the taste.

“If that is your reasoning... why did you ask to be my friend then?” Xerya asked.

The question took me by surprise, but the answer was simple “Because death is scarier than the unknown result of becoming friends with you.”

“Continued of one’s own existence at any cost is understandable. That logic stands.”

“It’s more than that... But, I guess you’ll learn in time. I’m going on this journey together with you, so whether I like it or not, I’m going to evolve and get better. I just hope that this will be in a good way...” I spoke the last part with an inaudible voice as I looked down at the dead bodies in the room.

I could have become one of them if not for Xerya... I should be thankful to her... I thought.

Before leaving this apartment, I looked around to see if I could find any blunt or sharp weapon I could use. I also picked up the gun. There were about 11 more bullets in it, but it had no silencer. It was going to be very dangerous to use it against that last Nano-Z. I planned on using it only in case of emergency.

“Hm, Xerya, do you know of any easier way to acquire the core from these things?” I asked as I pointed at the one I killed.

“Inquiry accepted. Beginning analysis and running simulations. At the moment, I have no solution.” she replied.

“Alright... you do that, and I’ll go see what this enhanced strength of ours can do.” I said and then picked up the bent metal bar that was once my clothes hanger.

With a bit of strength applied to it, I straightened it back to its original shape, something that was impossible for me to do before, or at the very least would have taken my breath out of me. Still, I wasn’t stupid enough to use this again after it was bent out of shape with just one swing. The bat near the bed, on the other hand, now that was something that I could be used to strike a home run with the head of the undead.

“I just need to wipe off the blood.” I said as I grabbed the sheet of the bed and used it as a wiper.

It didn’t need to be sparkly clean, just enough not to slip out of my hand when I swung it. After this, I looked around the room for any supplies. Almost everything had been looted or was spoiled. It was a shame, I really wanted to eat something even if my stomach didn’t seem to be asking for it. Before leaving this place, I didn’t forget to strap to my waist the knife and gun I picked up from the lady who killed herself.

“I’m all set!” I declared as I held onto the handle of the bat and then carefully stepped out of the room.

Just like before, the stench was insufferable, but this was probably due to my enhanced senses as well. With such drastic changes done to my body, I was feeling the brunt of it in the worst way possible, which was being engulfed in the exceptionally nauseating stench of death that permeated this entire world. Right now, trying to keep myself from puking was far more difficult than fighting a Nano-Z.

“It can’t get any worse than this...” I grumbled as I made my way around the bodies.

There was blood and guts everywhere, it was a challenge just to find an empty spot where I could place my foot. I shuddered every time I landed on a piece of flesh.

Eventually, I arrived at the end of the corridor.

“Around six meters to your right.” Xerya told me.

Turning my head, I saw the broken door of the apartment there. If I remembered right, Sabina Maruuc lived there. She was a blonde woman in her late forties with an ever-blooming smile on her face, and a gentle demeanor. Or at least, that was how she appeared before me. When I entered her apartment, however, I was met with an entire set of pictures of males strapped in black leather and walking on all fours while being dragged around by her in a leash.

“Well... this was unexpected.” I said as I looked at these BDSM play photos that had a different man in all of them, and some even three or four at the same time.

The image I had of my neighbor, Sabina, shattered into a billion pieces, and I honestly didn’t want to pick them up and put them back together. The sooner I tossed them into the garbage can, the better. While I did not mind the strange kinks that other people might have, I was fine as long as they didn’t involve me.

“And she looked like such a nice lady, too...” I pointed out and then, as I stepped into the living room, I saw an abundant collection of all sorts of sexual toys.

“Was the owner of this apartment a human involved in torture?” Xerya wondered.

“Good kids shouldn’t look at this stuff, just delete all this stuff from your memory. Actually, delete it from mine too if you can.” I suggested.

“...” she waited a moment and then asked “That was cynicism, wasn’t it?”

“Yes.” I replied.

The Nano-Z in the room turned out to be someone I didn’t know. It was an old man in his late seventies, with his lower jaw missing and a dagger in his left eye. Next to him were the bodies of three other men that were tied with their hands behind their back and a gag in their mouth. Unlike the fellows on the walls, these guys were fully clothed and killed execution style. Looking at them, I felt disgusted for another reason.

“The world went to hell, and people still found reasons to kill each other...” I said and then looked back at the Nano-Z.

Holding tight onto the bat, I lifted it up and then swung it hard at his head.




The head was split open like a watermelon and his brain was spread on the wall. With a lifeless slump, the body fell on the ground and remained motionless. I lowered the bat and looked at the one I killed. This time, I didn’t have the same reaction as before, maybe because this thing looked less like a human than the other one.

“The core isn’t with the body anymore.” Xerya told me.

“Where is it then?” I asked.

“One meter and 24 centimeters to your left.” she told me.

I turned around and then began to search. With her help, I was able to locate the core and then cleaned it up with the shirt of one of the executed men.

“Will you absorb the core now?” she asked.

“No. I’ll go back to my room first.” I replied as I shook my head.

I didn’t want to fall asleep among the bodies here, besides, I wanted to organize my stuff first before attempting to make my way out of this place.

Before I left Sabina’s place, though, I looked around to see if she was here as well, but I couldn’t find her body in any of the rooms. This place, like all the other apartments, was wiped clean of any and all supplies. The only things left behind were the furniture or items that were completely unnecessary for one’s survival. It was a bit unsettling to see how desperate the survivors were for any scraps they could find. Few resources meant a desire to monopolize what little was currently available in the cities, but since the factories were automated, it shouldn’t have been a problem with acquiring them as long as they didn’t somehow managed to destroy the supply chain.

In times of crisis, mankind’s most evil and disgusting nature popped up from deep within their shadow and revealed its nasty head to the world. Brother would turn against brother, sons against fathers and daughters against mothers, friends would be a thing of the past because as long as they could survive, they wouldn’t think twice to betray them. This wasn’t sophistry but history. Within all the colonies of the United Planets of Sol, the tragedy that happened on Planet 1 in City 17 could not be forgotten. Once they become completely isolated from the world because of a cumulus of events, with the supply chains broken and little to no food left in their deposit, the inhabitants soon turned to cannibalism among many other despicable ways of behaving. Morality and ethics were tossed out the window and they became simple brute animals that cared not for society or its laws. It took 14 years for the armies to reestablish contact with the city, but when they did, they discovered what Hell looked like.

Records from that time stated that the humans devolved in under two decades into tribal colonies that were organized within the city and preyed upon each other. They didn’t try to cultivate the land around the city or to create farms within it, but instead they all resulted to eating their fellow humans. The tribes were 18 in number, and there was even some sort of human farms where the weaker individuals were sent as cattle to be bred and killed later on. It was so disgusting, so morally wrong that it turned into an actual need to make systems that prevented such horrific events from happening again. Thus, in case a city ever got cut off from the rest of the planet, there were several ways for the locals to gain supplies and survive until the army managed to reach them. Besides, seeing how this planet was already infested with the lumbering undead, having a bunch of humans hunting each other down would have been too much.


~ Chapter 6: Exploring another floor ~


~ Chapter 4: My first nanocores ~