The Sylthorian

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~ Chapter 106: The auction in Kantor ~

[Illsyore's point of view]

Before we arrived in Kantor, Nanya, Ayuseya, and Shanteya suggested that I should not let our slaves out while we were inside the town. Their sheer number and the fact that we did not appear to have enough guards would instigate quite a lot of thieves, scoundrels, and greedy nobles to try and steal them from us or claim them as theirs. I argued against the idea, but they made it quite clear that while they were Over Supremes, we still lacked the visual number for the size of our convoy.

Given these circumstances, I came up with the idea of dressing up the male slaves as guards and having them stand at the doors and windows. They agreed and admitted that this would make their lives a whole lot easier.

It wasn't like we didn't have the firepower to level the town to the ground, we simply didn't want to gather THAT much attention on us. If a village suddenly disappeared, it might raise an eyebrow, but if a town or city did, the whole nation would turn into an uproar. That sort of thing was troublesome and made it far more difficult to acquire information. Not to mention the fact that it would bring about the hate and wrath of everyone who so much as showed us a kind smile so far.

Still, there was another, more serious reason why I didn't want us to go in guns blazing everywhere. I was going to create an Academy, a place for study, learning, and understanding. A place where conversation and logic persevered over brute strength. Therefore, what sort of message was I sending to my future students yearning to strive on this intellectual path if I went about blowing up every mule-face who so much as ticked me up by merely existing?

A bad one... A really really bad one...

The academy I strived to create in the hopes of changing this rotten world would end up becoming a failure. One thing was self-defense and another a sadistic and anarchic mass-murder rampage.

That being said... it took me half an hour to explain to the idiots who were guarding the Eastern gate of Kantor town that what I was driving was not some sort of unknown monster but actually a magical device. I did not want to explain how it worked, so I just said that it was the creation of a powerful Dungeon. Well, I wasn't lying at least.

Still, we caught quite the attention, and while I was arguing with the morons who made it quite difficult for me not to kill them and absorb their bodies as a Magic Energy supply, my wives were looking out for the slaves in the back cars.

As they foresaw, there were already quite a few pairs of eyes on them, but once they saw the slaves wearing soldier armors and glaring back, most of them looked away.

Once we were allowed to pass through the gates, a whole different world opened to us... a not so beautiful one. The whole town was filled with slave shops scattered left and right. Those who were put in front wore little to no clothes while showing off that they were healthy, young, and strong. There were many people checking them out as well, but what I found interesting was the fact that there were more human slaves than of other species. It was a 9 to 1 rate, which made it a bit ridiculous when I remembered how Paramanium advocated humane supremacy ideas.

Then again, maybe they think human slaves are better than those of other species? I thought as I slowly drove on the main street, following a carriage with a cargo of lettuce and tomatoes.

This place was... rancid, old, stagnant, sad. I do not think there was a better way to describe it. The air itself made you want to leave since they did not have a proper sewage system. I actually saw someone throw out a waste bucket and nearly landed on some poor bastard's head. My wives, except for Zoreya, were all holding their nose and trying hard not to think of where the stench was coming from.

The architecture made it even more troublesome as the streets bent and twisted complicated, maze-like patterns. It was almost as if the builders had no idea how to make a straight path. As for their style, they strongly reminded me of movie depictions of the 18th century London, with tall two-story buildings, stone paved roads, and countless chimneys releasing their trails of dark smoke up in the air. Up on the dark-colored slates, I could see young and old chimney boys covered head to toe in soot. They were carrying big brushes for scrubbing the insides of the chimneys.

If I lowered my eyes to the road in front of me, I could see several people scooping up manure from the street. They were gathering it in a carriage and then probably either disposing of it in some manner or using it to grow crops.

“This place is unsettling...” remarked Ayuseya.

“Is the stench bothering you that much?” I asked her.

“Yes, but that's not the reason why I find it unsettling.” she replied and slowly shook her head.

“Then?” I asked her.

“The number of slaves here it's... incredible.” she replied and looked out the window.

True, while in Port Rico and Krestan we barely bumped into one or two slave shops, from the moment we stepped in Kantor, all we've seen were slave shops. I was starting to doubt the fact that there were any normal houses or shops at all.

“This place is the den for countless slave traders. They sell the lives of sapient species like they would potatoes at a market. It's disgusting.” Nanya let out a growl as she spoke these words.

“Do you wish to free some, Illsy?” asked Shanteya.

I nodded.

“Sigh, I knew you would want to, but can we please not stop here for the night. I feel like I'll have a nightmare if I sleep next door to these people.” Ayuseya scoffed.

“Me too! I do not want to sleep here! My nose will fall off!” Tamara said while covering her nose with both hands and flattening her fluffy ears on her head.

“Alright, we won't sleep in town.” I told them with a smile.

Ayuseya showed me a smile of relief.

“So where are you going to buy those slaves from? If you check every shop here, we'll end up staying in Kantor for a year.” said Nanya with a raised eyebrow.

“Hm... Zoreya? What do you think?” I asked her.

“I want to sleep with you tonight...” she replied.

Straight to the important matters, huh? I thought and blushed.

“Ahem. Besides that.” I told her.

“Ah... Erm... How about an auction house? Those places are bound to have the best slaves put up for sale.” she nodded and smiled.

“An auction house? We're not in a Chinese novel, you know?” I raised an eyebrow.

“A what?” she tilted her head to the left.

“Forget it, but do you really think we will find one out here?” I asked.

“I don't know. But you could always ask.” Zoreya said and then shrugged.

“Alright.” I nodded. “Erm, about that first thing...” I said lifting a finger.

“I claimed you first, so it's my turn, of course!” she nodded.

“I didn't agree to that!” Nanya retorted.

“Well, it appeared to me as though you skipped yours.” she said.

“I DIDN'T! STUFF HAPPENED!” she shouted back.

“Rock, paper, scissors, magic punch, magic block?” Zoreya asked with a grin.

“I'll pulverize you!” Nanya growled.

A bit confused, I looked back at Ayuseya, who merely giggled in return. Shanteya showed me a smile through which I was to understand that she won't tell me.

Letting out a sigh, I stopped the car and got out before the magic punch landed in my face.

While those two were having a contest of some sort inside, I went around and asked the people around this side of town if there was an auction of some sorts happening here. Instead of speaking with ruffians, I spoke with the guards and more respectable looking fellas.

They told me they were three types of auctions happening in this town. One of them, the biggest, was organized by the town's governing lord and had 10 gold coins entrance fee. This one was taking place tonight. The second one was aimed at rich adventurers and would take place again in two weeks. I was late to this one by two days. The last one was aimed at the not-so-rich yet not-so-legal adventurers, basically mercenaries, thieves, assassins, individuals from those lines of work. It was hard to get in and no one knew where and when it would take place, however, everyone was 100% sure it did.

With the new obtained information, I returned to the car. There I found Ayuseya giggling and Nanya was sulking on her seat while drawing circles on the window. Zoreya had a triumphant look on her face, and Tamara was being petted by Shanteya.

“What happened here?” I asked.

“I won!” declared Zoreya.

“OK...” I said and shrugged.

After I got back inside, I told my wives what I found out.

“Sooo we're going to go raid the Town Lord's mansion?” asked Nanya raising an eyebrow.

“No. I'm going to go and participate like a normal customer and see what I can find. I'm thinking about the rest of our staff as well...” I replied.

“Indeed, a Magic Academy, if small, can be easily managed by us, but one that is the size of Fellyore or larger will require additional teachers and guards.” said Nanya who thought back at the time when she worked as a teacher there.

“Yes, that's exactly what I thought about.” I nodded.

“In that case, why don't I come with you? I do have some experience as a teacher, and I will definitely be able to spot those rare gems you won't.” she snickered.

“Sure, why not? Then is everyone alright with this?” I asked.

They replied with a nod, and I started the car's engine. We drove all the way to the Town Lord's mansion, although, I had to admit I made a few wrong turns and debated a couple of times whether or not I should just go through the houses themselves and rebuild them afterwards.

When we finally arrived at the gates, I parked the car in an alley and took out a bunch of golden items to show off my wealth. I wore a cape woven with gold and silver thread, which weighed as much as another person. I pair of gold-plated boots, with assorted pants and belt. A pair of wrist guards made from pure gold and encrusted with several gems.

Next to me was Nanya, who took on the guise of a green-eyed noble beauty. She wore an expensive looking dress and was covered from head to toe in expensive jewelry. If I didn't know any better, I would say I was looking at a woman who lived the high style and meddled only with those in the high society. Underneath the illusion, the demoness was wearing her battle-ready armor.

“You look ridiculous.” she told me.

“And you look lovely.” I replied with a smile.

“Let us proceed then, shall we, my dear?” she said in courteous tone of voice and with a small bow.

“Of course, my dear.” I said as I took her hand and made a graceful bow.

Those lessons in court manners and speech I received from Ayuseya proved to be quite useful for such an event. I was more interested in what we did afterwards, but I remembered everything she taught me, down to the last letter... and reward.

When we arrived at the gates, the guards stiffened and a man wearing a butler's suit approached us.

“Good evening. Are you here on invitation, recommendation, or is it your first-time attending Marquise Garanteux's auction event?” he asked in a rather polite tone of voice.

“Good evening. My name is Illsyore Deus and this lovely lady is my wife, Nanya Deus. As it so happens, we were passing through this town, and I remembered how some of my acquaintances offered words of praise to Marquise Garanteux's auction event. We decided that it would be a wise move to drop by this rumored auction and even leave with an item or two, so that I may brag to them.” I spoke like a stuck up noble who had nothing better to do than to waste money.

“I understand, then I shall take it as though you wish to participate in the auction and not just be a humble spectator, correct?” he asked as he took out a scroll.

“Why quite certainly!” I replied.

“In this case, you will need to provide a 100 Gold Coins participation fee, and since this is your first time, you will also need an item of some kind that is to be auctioned off for tonight. If you have none on your person, I suggest any of the fine jewelry the madam is wearing.” he replied.

“Hm, this is not exactly what I had heard. Mind explaining to us why do we need to pay this fee and even add an item to the list? While you do so, I'll be counting the 100 coins... Erm, can we go inside?” I asked.

“Of course, right this way.” the butler replied and then guided us to the guard’s room on the other side of the wall.

Because it was meant to welcome possible new participants, the room didn't give off the sweaty and dirty stench one would find in such a chamber. Instead, it was aired out and several guards stood at the entrance in case they needed to escort a fake participant back outside. There were no beds or bags of dirty clothes here, but there were several coffers lined up next to the wall and most likely filled to the brim with admission fee coins. In the middle of the room was a table with several chairs around it.

We took a seat and then I pulled out of my pocket the item I wished to auction off. It was an enchanted gold orb with several jewels encrusted within it. The enchant was [Coolness] and what it did was basically drop the air temperature around it to a preset value, which was currently at 22 degrees Celsius. Around the middle, an inscription written in the Shorayan language: 'May the coolness of autumn and spring bring prosperity to your hot summer days.'

“This is quite an interesting object. What is it used for?” he asked.

“Besides being a decoration? It lowers the temperature to make those summer days more bearable. Unfortunately, I do not know in what language the inscription in the middle is written in, but I have several of them. A relative brought them from the Allasn Continent.” I replied with a blunt lie and showed him a smug expression.

“The Marquise will decide the minimum bid for it. If you bid on anything, the price will be deducted from this.” nodded the butler as he continued to inspect it.

“How about you tell me now why the large fee and item?” I asked as I pulled out my coin purse and started counting.

“Certainly. It is a guarantee of good will towards the Marquise himself.” he explained.

“Nothing more? No economical or marketing strategy?” I asked.

“No.” he replied.

“Interesting.” I said and once I finished counting, I offered him the money.

“Very well. I will verify the amount now.” he said and then began to count them himself.

He finished faster than I did and after gathering all the coins, he placed them in one of the coffers lined up to the wall.

“Mister and misses Deus, please follow me to the participant lounge. You shall receive there a number, afterwards, you will be instructed on the rules of the auction. Do note that you must bid wisely because only 8 items are allowed to be taken by each bidder.” he explained.

The butler left the enchanted sphere in the hands of another butler who came at the sound of a bell. After a brief explanation, he was gone with my item, and we were guided to the mansion. There, we were welcomed into a grand ball room filled with all sort of individuals who were merely chatting among themselves. To me, it looked more like an opera house without the seats in the middle and several balconies to the left and right, from which one could freely observe the bidders and the items bidden upon.

As soon as we entered, we were explained all the rules, including how to bid and how we were to claim a won auction. At the same time, he warned us that once we bid and won our last item, we were to be escorted to the observer balconies. He also stated that once this auction was over and we won at least one item, the next time we participated, we wouldn't need to pay the fee or offer an item to be auctioned off. Of course, no rude behavior was allowed within this room, especially towards the Marquise himself.

Before the butler left us alone, he gave us our number, which was a black gem encrusted silver plaque connected to a gold handle. It was rather luxurious, but in Nanya's opinion it was just a means to tickle the egos of all those who participated in this auction.

We did not partake in this chit-chatter, but we did keep our ears peeled. There were several notable individuals, such as a Duke and a Viscount. One of them I believe I heard him introducing himself to some rich merchants as a general of the Paramanium Empire.

Then the auction started. It consisted of three parts. The first one was aimed at collectors of rare paintings and works of art. The second one was aimed at collectors of strange and unique items, such as my sphere, which got auctioned off for 2850 Gold Coins. The general was the one who won it. The last event was aimed at those looking for a new slave. This was the part in which I was most active, and Nanya's advice most helpful.

Because one of the rules stated that we had to keep the noise to a minimum, we didn't talk with each other that much, but whenever someone promising popped up on the stage, Nanya elbowed me in the ribs... Not the most pleasant of signs. If I had any doubt, she would explain in a whisper as to why we should acquire that individual.

I won seven auctions already and abstained from bidding on many of the slaves shown on the podium. Many of them were put up there just for their looks or battle power, just a few of them for the knowledge they held, showing that people did not really know how to appreciate wisdom. Then again, it was highly possible that these people feared the idea of having a slave who was smarter and more knowledgeable than they were.

Regarding the slaves I acquired, all of them were adults over 20 years old and with a background in various crafts. Two of them were a pair of boy and girl twin blacksmiths who were trained by one of the best in Paramanium. Their master bought them from a very young age with the intention of selling them latter for good money. They weren't the only ones who had been raised in this manner, it appeared to be a rather common practice among those who could afford it.

I also got two farmers, both sturdy-looking men with varying skills among which animal herding. It never occurred to me that I might need them, but now that I had them, not only could I have them teach others their skills but also get them to work and provide the Academy with nourishing foodstuff.

The other three were acquired because of their knowledge in various domains, but one of them, a woman of Asian descent, was the former chef in a renowned restaurant in the capital until she lost a competition and had to forsake her freedom. Her former owner cut off her hands at the wrist because he did not like her being better than him at cooking, but it was emphasized that she could still teach someone how to cook properly. The look on her face was that of someone who had lost her will to live, so not many were eager to bid for her. I got her the cheapest out of them all.

The other two were of African descent. One was a renowned alchemist who spent all of his money on ingredients for researching a new type of healing potions. He succeeded, but when he said he wanted to make it available for normal adventurers as well, the local Baron tricked him into revealing where he hid the potion's recipe and then had him tossed in jail for not paying his taxes. Although the Baron was later caught, the man's freedom wasn't restored.

He had a similar gaze in his eyes as the cook. The other one was a woman with long black hair. She was one of the best dancers in a traveling performers troupe. After they got robbed by bandits, she sold herself to a slave dealer in order to gain enough money to help them return home. It turned out that she was tricked and selling her was the get-go reason behind forming the troupe. With her talent and a bit of fame, she was surely to rise in price. They were among the observing audience at the time when I bought her.

She was the only one who, after hearing the announcer tell her tale, burst into tears. Unlike the others, there were many nobles who were trying to buy her, raising her price more and more. Their intent was clear as day, especially given how beautiful she was. The reason I bought her was because I really wanted to see her dance and also because I didn't like such a shameless betrayal from her so-called friends. Nanya, on the other hand, pointed out that she could also become a dance teacher at the Academy, since such skills were heavily valued in certain circles.

Regarding how much everyone cost, the prices went down like this:

Blacksmith brother: 12560 Gold Coins

Blacksmith sister: 36750 Gold Coins

First Farmer man: 7800 Gold Coins

Second Farmer man: 8200 Gold Coins

Cook: 2460 Gold Coins

Alchemist: 45800 Gold Coins

Dancer: 145820 Gold Coins

Total: 259390 Gold Coins.

That was enough money to maintain this entire town and for an entire year, but it wasn't that much to me. I managed to gather quite a lot from the Pirate King's coffers. This was nothing but a drop in the sea for me.

Although, what I found to be interesting was how rare those of Asian and African descent were. To this, Nanya offered me a bit of insight. Apparently most black human variants, as she called them, were located on the West half of the Sorone continent and were quite a few in Shoraya and north of Allasn Continent as well. Paramanium mostly had the white variant.

Apparently, the black folk also had a strange rumor surrounding them. They instinctively hated slavery, but only when it came to enslaving those with the same skin color as them. In their kingdoms, the white human variant was the one most likely to end up as a slave. There was also a saying about how keeping a black man as a slave would bring bad luck, while freeing them would bring good luck. A rumor that took life because black ambassadors tended to demand the freedom of black-skinned folk or even putting up as trade their own white slaves. That was why many superstitious nobles refused to enslave black people and even try to buy them so they could free them because they thought this would bring good luck.

As for the Asian woman, her variant of the species was extremely rare. By extremely, Nanya meant barely a few villages here and there, a ridiculously small minority when compared to the others. Nanya said that she heard rumors of an entire continent filled only with 'cultivators' but she could never find out what sort of plants they were cultivating or why they had such an inclination towards farming.

After buying the black dancer, I did not see anything interesting that caught my eye. Thus, we finally reach the end of the auction.

“Our last and finest specimen to be brought before you today is a slave who lived among royalty until recently!” the announcer called out.

We all perked up our ears and looked towards the stage. A woman around 28 years old stepped forward and onto the stage. Gold shackles kept her bound and powerful enchants maintained her in a vegetable-like state. A gold slave collar was placed around her neck and several enchanted tattoos on her left and right hand maintained her Magic Energy to almost null values. I was certainly surprised of the number of restraints she had on her.

“Savannah Azura was once a prominent teacher and bodyguard of the princes and princesses of the Paramanium Imperial Family. She had studied everything from foreign literature to history, mathematics and astrology. I will assure you gentlemen, there are very few things she does not know! Regarding her magic ability, she is a powerful sorceress of Supreme Rank. Or should I say, she was... The tattoos on her body are a curse put on there at the order of the Emperor. Right now, she is no stronger than a Master. BUT while her strength has diminished, her knowledge remained. She can still be ordered to teach someone her own Supreme Skill. She can also teach anyone almost anything!” the announcer said, describing her in a manner that was probably slightly exaggerated in order to make people bid more.

What I'm curious about is how she ended up as a slave. I thought.

“I have said that she was once a prominent teacher and bodyguard of the Paramanium Imperial Family, but many of you are probably wondering why she's in chains then? There is a simple reason for that, I'm afraid. While she is powerful and wise, the Emperor feared she would one day use her might to usurp him. To make sure such a thing would not happen, and none may try in the future, he brandished one of the many Forbidden Tattoos on her body, which constantly drains and depletes her Magic Energy, forcing her to be unable to cast her mightiest spells. The collar around her neck also ensures that she will never leave Paramanium, so those of you who wish to travel aboard cannot take her with you. Do keep this important detail in mind, beloved nobles and wealthy gentlemen! Those who wish to pull a secret about the Imperial Family from her cannot do so either as the collar around her neck is enchanted to keep her mouth shut about any such topics. But while all of these details might seem like an unpleasant drawback for most of you, I wish to remind you that Savannah Azura still remains an unparalleled beauty, a wise teacher with knowledge in all domains, and above all, she is a healthy woman who never experienced the touch of a man!” he declared.

When he said that last sentence, many nobles began to express their interest. Nanya let out a low growl in response, but no one seemed to have heard it. I could tell, however, that she was about to elbow me to the other side of the town, so I let her know through a nod that I will bid for her.

The competition thus began, and as the saying went, the first number made me cough up blood.

“120000 Gold Coins is the starting bid!” called out the announcer.

“140000!” someone called out and raised his number.

“145000!” another raised his number.


And it continued like this until the value reached 567500 gold coins, with many of the nobles gulping at the mere sound of the ridiculous amount of money. To put it in simpler terms, it was enough to maintain the capital city of Paramanium for several months and still be enough left to prepare a big festival for the people.

“600000!” I called out, raising my number up high.

“By the gods!” one of them said, and I believe a woman fainted somewhere up in the observer's balcony.

I found their reactions to be a bit... ridiculous if not maybe intentionally exaggerated to catch the onlooker's attention?

“Are you sure you wish to compete with me, sir...” the Duke said with a smirk on his lips.

“Illsyore Deus, at your service.” I made a polite bow in front of the high nobility.

“I never heard of you. My name is Duke Harbrind Vanova, do remember it. And I am currently inclined to believe this brash decision of yours might be fun. “650000!” he raised the bar.

“700000!” I raised it higher.

“With that much money, I could buy a mountain of pies!” one of the nobles made an odd yet completely agreeable and delicious comment.

“705000!” he added a bit more.

“Surely you don't wish to spend that many coins on a woman who has earned the hate of the Emperor, right? Especially one in your position.” I smirked then called out “750000!”

Duke Harbrind flinched.

“She's the sole reason I'm here at this auction. While she was the tutor of his Majesty's children, I could not touch her, but her cocky attitude made it awfully hard for me not to try to. Alas, I am a Duke loyal to the crown, so I would not dare hinder her work, but now... now is different. I will take this woman...” he said.

“750000 going once!” the announcer called out.

“... and make her into my personal toy. She's still a beauty after all... for now.” he sneered.

“750000 going twice!” the announcer called out again.

“765000!” called out the Duke.

“Really now? This is how you want to play it, huh?” I said and dropped my facade for a moment.

An evil smile most likely appeared on my lips because certainly no one was laughing around me.

“Three million.” I said and raised the number.

“What?” Duke Harbrind looked at me with big eyes and an opened mouth like a fish laying flat on the seashore.

“T-T-Three MILLION! Going once!” shouted the announcer.

“Well?” I sneered at the Duke.

“Going twice!”

The man gulped and raised the number. Everyone was looking at him, curious to see how much he was going to charge for this woman.

“Does the gentleman with the number 105 wishes to bid more?” asked the announcer.

The Duke clenched his jaw and with a glare tossed at me, he lowered his number.

“No, she's not worth it.” he spat.

I let out a sigh of relief.

“You are an idiot.” sighed Nanya and shook her head.

“What? Why?” I asked her.

“You could have just kept on raising the value until he actually gave up. What you did was pointless.” she explained raising an eyebrow.

“I know, but I wanted to show off.” I shrugged.

“By offering more money to the people who will use it to enslave more people?” she asked me.

“Erm... Now that you mention it, I didn't think about it that way.” I showed her a wry smile.

“Sigh... Nothing we can do about it now. Let's just get our slaves and leave this place. All of these fat nobles keep reminding me that I haven't sharpened my claws today.” she shrugged.

I nodded.

Well, it was time to take our slaves, get back to the car and leave as fast as we could from this place. Although, I felt like I wanted to do something very... dungeon-like to all of these arrogant nobles.

Should I? Maybe I shouldn't? Maybe I should... hm... Let's leave the town first. I thought as we walked towards the room where the exchange was going to take place.