~ Chapter 113: Shanteya and Keltaru ~

[Shanteya's point of view]

I didn't think that Illsy would suggest separating in this manner. It didn't make any sense to me because we could have just as simply drove to Nasat and bought the goods Tamara was looking for and then head to Argos to free Keltaru, Soleya and Neya. We could have also continued to Ilia and freed them there...

This separation didn't make any sense even from the point of saving time. We weren't in a hurry, and it wasn't like someone or something was chasing after us. If Illsy felt like it, at Ilia Port, he could turn a left and head to Dravis Port. It was all the same for us.

No, the reason for separating us like this had to be Keltaru and myself...

Although I noticed it, I never thought about asking if we were indeed family. I had long since lost any hope of ever meeting my parents again. Besides, what was I going to tell them?

Before I met Illsy I was trained as an assassin and used by men of all shapes and sizes. I was not a whore because I wasn't getting paid by them. That was the rule inside the Phantom Rage Guild: women had to allow any man to have their way with them. It was part of our training... After all, most women killed their targets in bed.

When it came to being embraced by those men or by my targets, none of them could make me take pleasure in the act we did. Everyone behaved like a wild animal. Most of them finished too fast and were terribly unskilled.

Ayuseya, Nanya, Tamara, and Zoreya were lucky they never got the chance to see how other men embraced a woman. This was something I told them as well and described in painful detail how unskilled my former partners were no matter if they were assassins or nobles who fell madly in love with me just to be killed the next day.

Illsy... Illsy wasn't like them. When he took me in his arms, I felt like a flower that was gently caressed by the summer breeze. When he kissed me, he pulled me in, he let me savor the taste and the feeling of simply melting in his arms. When he looked into my eyes, I saw my reflection in them not that of another woman, not a desire of bare lust, or a sense of domination; I saw love and the fiery desire to cherish me. When he whispered in my ear, I felt him touch my heart and soul.

Every moment with him was passionate, hot, emotional, and fulfilling. It wasn't about me bringing pleasure to him, but it was about pleasing each other equally.

In his arms, I felt treasured, loved, and appreciated... I felt how I believed every woman should feel in the arms of their lover, and this opinion of mine was shared with my sister-wives as well.

That was why, if I were to meet my parents now, I would just tell them that I had been saved by Illsy and only share with them my adventures together with him and my new family rather than remember the past of the Broken Doll.

“Mistress Ayuseya, I simply don't understand... How strong is that man Illsyore? Is it true that he is your husband? I apologize, but... I simply don't understand.” Keltaru shook his head as he said these words.

The boy must be really confused. Didn't we already tell him that he was our husband? I thought while keeping my eyes on the road.

Driving the MCV wasn't that hard. I just needed to pay attention to the holes and bumps in the road. The one riding next to me was of course Ayuseya, and the three were sitting in the back.

Looking at her, the draconian looked back at me, and we both blinked surprised.

Ayuseya giggled and then replied “Yes. He is the only man I love and cherish. The one husband for who I wouldn't hesitate to bring down even the entirety of Paramanium and Teslov.” she turned back and showed him a soft smile, but those last words of hers were as cold as ice.

There was confidence in her eyes, but it wasn't that of a foolish woman in love, but of an Over Supreme who was aware of her own limitations and the full might of her enemy.

“You would even betray Teslov for him?” Keltaru asked with a gulp.

“It's not a matter about betraying because I never was seen by that Kingdom as anything else than a disposable tool with the purpose of making babies. If it wasn't for Illsyore, I would have died a long time ago, and I would have never known what happiness is. Teslov offered me the chance to be a sacrifice for a family that never loved me, and Illsy offered me freedom, happiness, power, and a family that loved me.” she said with a smile and gently touched my hand.

I replied with a soft smile.

Keltaru was at a loss of words, but Neya was the one to ask “How can you be sure he didn't trick you?”

Ayuseya looked back at her and then replied “Why would he?”

“You are princess, are you not? That would bring him lots of riches and lands... and influence... and military power?” she tried to come up with some valid reason, but this woman was not an idiot, she understood the fragile position Ayuseya was in.

“There's nothing Teslov can give him that he doesn't have already. Besides, I have lived together with this man ever since we last saw each other at the Fellyore Academy. I can tell you for certain that he was never interested in me for my status or riches, only for me as a woman.” she told her in a calm tone of voice.

Indeed, to say that the Godlike Dungeon Lord Illsyore who could 'eat' entire islands was in need of a few coffers of gold was a bit ridiculous, however, this gave me an idea.

“Have you three met Savannah?” I asked them.

“Yes, of course.” Keltaru replied.

“She's a very smart human woman, and I saw how much she cherishes teaching others.” Neya nodded.

“And despite being born in Paramanium she doesn't discriminate between species.” Soleya said.

“Well, she was a slave Illsy bought from Kantor.” I told them.

“She was a slave?!” Keltaru was the most surprised.

“Not just an ordinary slave though. Her collar was enchanted differently than yours, and she was even branded with a tattoo that made her unable to use her knowledge or power. She was a slave more suited for brothels than as a schoolteacher.” Ayuseya explained.

“But I didn't see any collar or tattoo on her?” Soleya pointed out.

“That's because my husband removed them before we reached Polis. If she wants to leave our group, she is free to do so any time. Now, do you know how much she was bought for?” she asked.

“No... Erm... probably a few thousands gold coins.” Keltaru replied.

“At least 20000.” said Neya.

“I would think 15000?” said Soleya.

“She was auctioned off to Illsy at the price of three million gold coins.” I said.


They didn't say a word, but we could read the shock on their faces. Unlike my foolish husband who didn't see the difference between one gold coin and 10000, they knew it all too well. Their own prices as slaves didn't even reach that high, and the fact that they too had passed through the hands of many masters before they were bought by Ayuseya left them with a deep sense of meaning for money.

Hearing the fact that Illsy spent three million gold coins on only one slave and then freed her was enough to shatter their common sense and even the belief that he was a bad individual.

“T-Three million... such amount of money could buy him a city and he... he just used it for a stranger?” said Neya who couldn't understand how anyone could do something like this.

“That's why I said that Teslov can't give Illsy anything that he doesn't already have. If they give him money, he has enough to buy a kingdom. If they give him land, he will just make his own island. If they give him protection, he is far more powerful than all the forces on the three continents combined, but we would also join him in battle, so it would end up as a complete massacre for our enemies.” Ayuseya stated with a giggle at the end of her words.

“Isn't that just an exaggeration? And what was up with teacher Nanya? Why did she look like that?” Soleya asked as she held her hands on her head, trying hard to make sense of all of it.

I guess it's not a matter of understanding how this is possible, but rather accepting it as a possibility. When they lived among people telling them that Supremes were the absolute top, it was almost impossible for them to accept that something could be even more powerful. These three simply have trouble accepting the reality of Illsy... That is all there is to it... I thought and let out a small sigh as I kept an eye on them and one on the road.

Given my current state of pregnancy, I could have asked for Ayuseya to drive the MCV, but I wanted to drive it as well. The baby wasn't in any danger as long as I didn't stay at the wheel for too long or drove at a high speed through a very very bumpy terrain. In an hour or so, I was going to switch with Ayuseya.

“That's Nanya's true form. The one you saw at the Fellyore Magic Academy was nothing more than a sealed form.” I explained to her.

But haven't we already talked about this? I wondered.

“So what is she exactly?” asked Soleya.

“A half-dungeon half-demon.” I replied.

“A w-wha-wha... A what?!” Soleya blinked fast and pulled her head back.

“Fufufu! It's natural to be a little shocked when you hear this.” said Ayuseya.

“Then... when you said that Illsyore was a Dungeon Lord, you were saying the truth? I mean I saw him do some strange things, so I can believe he is one but... how?” Keltaru asked.

“Well, he simply transformed his Crystal Body, which was at Fellyore Academy, into the one you saw yourselves. He has that sort of power. Besides, he's not just a simple Dungeon Lord, he's a Godlike Dungeon Lord that was named by God of War Melkuth himself.” said Ayuseya, and I was getting the feeling she was enjoying the fact that she kept shattering their common sense to pieces.


They did not faint like the others did when they found out, but the three of them didn't say another word. They kept silent while trying to wrap their heads around what we had just revealed to them. For us, this was all non-important information. We were not revealing a secret or some sort of hidden information. Once Illsy made his academy, this sort of thing would become common knowledge there.

Then, one hour later, I stopped the car and let Ayuseya drive. She had to pull her seat back in order to fit in, but she was able to do it in the end. Instead of taking a seat in the front, I went in the back and sat in the chair opposite to Keltaru.

There was something I wanted to talk to him about and if I didn't do it now, I feared I might never get the chance to do so again.

About fifteen minutes in after Ayuseya took the wheel, I decided to go ahead and ask.

“Keltaru. Your family name is Dowesyl, am I correct?” I asked.

“Huh? Yes.” he nodded and looked at me with a puzzled expression on his face.

“Can you tell me about it?” I ask him.

“I can, but may I ask why is this important to you?” he tilted his head to the left confused.

“Have you heard what my full name is?” I asked him.

“No.” he shook his head.

I took a deep breath and then looking into in his eyes, I said “Shanteya Dowesyl Deus. But before marrying Illsyore, I was known only as Shanteya Dowesyl.”

“What?” he made big eyes when he heard me.

“What little I remember of my family was from when I was ten. I know they were a Viscount family in the Mondravia Kingdom on Sorone, and that my father's name was Nofram. Mother's was...” before I could say, Keltaru spoke.

“Elle'machere... They are the current Viscount and Viscountess, but I heard their daughter, my aunt, was killed when she was ten years old.” he said surprised.

“Is that how the story was told to you?” I asked and looked down at the floor.

Political matters were all complicated, but it was certainly true that the assassins might have made it look as though I had been killed by them in order to avoid my family sending rescue squads after me.

“My parents are Lorelay Dowesyl, who is Shanteya's younger sister, and Zevrad Dowesyl, who comes from a long line of Marquess. They are the current heirs of the Dowesyl household.” he explained.

“When I first met you, I sort of suspected that you were my younger brother, but I see... mother had managed to give birth to my younger sister. Lorelay... that's the name of the flower I used to love to make flower bouquets out of and give to mother on her birthday.” I said with a soft smile as I remembered those innocent times.

“Mother said her name was given because her now deceased sister loved those flowers... Grandmother even planted a whole garden of them in her memory, but... if you really are my aunt... if that's true then...” Keltaru said as he was being overwhelmed by emotions and tried hard not to let it show.

“Then?” I asked with a small smile.

“Where have you been all these years? Why didn't you contact your family...? Why?” he asked clenching his fists and glaring at me.

Letting out a sigh, I closed my eyes and then shook my head.

“I couldn't.” I told him.

I opened my eyes to look at him.

“What do you mean?” he asked knitting his brow.

Of course, you don't understand... I thought and then I began to explain “When I was ten, I was kidnapped and raped by an assassin from the Phantom Rage guild. He placed a curse on my body so that if I ever dared to return or contact my family again, they would be killed by the curse. I was then trained by them and sent out to kill for them far away on Allasn and Thorya continents until I arrived at Fellyore Academy, and Illsy saved me from that fate. It took me a lot longer to heal my heart and mind, but he was there, and I had my friends and new family to help me out.” I said and took a look at Ayuseya, who was driving while keeping her eyes on the road.

Keltaru didn't say anything, he just looked at me with his knitted brow and clenched fist. Maybe he was trying to understand what I went through, but I highly doubted he could even imagine half of it.

“Then do you know what happened... after you were kidnapped?” he asked.

“No.” I shook my head. “I really couldn't either... At that time, they made me unable to speak. I had a horrible wound on my neck. They also took away my ability to conceive, but Illsy fixed all of that.” I showed them a small smile.

“I see... Well, after you were presumed dead, from what mother told me... grandmother and grandfather fell in a heavy depression. During this time, a nearby Baron family took advantage of their state of weakness and stole some of our land and spread bad rumors about our family. My father's family helped grandfather with this problem and managed to prove to the people that the rumors were false. The stolen land, however, wasn't retrieved.” he explained.

“What about the King?” I asked.

Keltaru shook his head “They made an appeal, but the King revoked it stating that it was their responsibility to protect their lands and make sure they wouldn't be invaded by anyone. As punishment for this, the King gave even more of our land to the Baron family, claiming that if we would have been in a state of war, we would have lost more than just a piece of land.”

“That sounds a bit too harsh. Is it possible the King was manipulated from behind the scenes?” asked Ayuseya without taking her eyes off the road.

“Maybe, but even if they would have had a way to prove it was so and even if they did, what could they do about it? The King's words are absolute.” Keltaru said.

“What happened next?” I asked.

“They returned to the Dowesyl Estate and managed the land that they still possessed. Not long afterwards, mother was born. Then, when she was six, an assassin attacked the estate and nearly killed grandmother. The attacker was killed by grandfather, but grandmother was in a serious state. I was told that she didn't wake up for several days and then was forced to stay in bed for a few years in order to recover. What was worse was the fact that she lost her ability to conceive.” Keltaru said.

“Did they find out who the assassin was?” I asked.

“No...” he shook his head.

“No markings on him, anything?” I asked.

“He had a lot of scars, and I remember father telling me that he had a long cut on his left arm...”

“From the shoulder to the elbow?” I asked.

“Yes. How did you know?” he asked me surprised.

“That man was one of Phantom Rage's assassins. I believe his purpose wasn't to kill mother but to poison her and steal her ability to conceive. It's one of the services offered by this group to their customers. As for how I know him, he was the one who thought me how to use the dagger.” I explained.

“You never found out whom he attacked?” Keltaru asked.

“No. Missions are kept a secret. It's an iron rule for them, but the original contract should still be in the Guild Master's office. He keeps there even those from more than 1000 years ago.” I explained.

“Maybe we should pay him a visit then?” Ayuseya suggested.

“No... That would be a foolish thing to do. Besides, I don't want to have anything to do with their group. If I ever return there, it will be to obliterate them all.” I declared in cold blood.

After a long moment of silence and thinking to himself, Keltaru said with a soft smile on his lips “Then, I guess this really makes you, my aunt?”

He was finally beginning to accept it.

“Yes.” I nodded. “When the time is right, I will visit my parents again, and maybe I'll bring their grandchild along to meet them.” I said as I gently rubbed my swollen belly.

“That would be wonderful... I will tell them when I return.” he showed me a warm smile.

“This also means that the Dowesyl Family isn't a goner anymore.” Soleya said.

“What do you mean?” I asked knitting my brow.

“Well... do you know why Keltaru was sent to Teslov?” she asked.

“Ayuseya told me it was related to an old treaty before Teslov became a vassal state of Paramanium. From what I understand, every five years, the youngest child of a noble family from the Mondravia Kingdom is sent to serve as a servant for the Pleyades royal family in Teslov. In the past, they saw it as being held hostage in case Mondravia tried to rebel, but recently it's being seen as an opportunity to learn the skills one would need to support royalty and those who return are usually hired by the royal family there.” I said what I understood of this matter.

In other words, rather than a hostage situation, it was more along the lines of going to study abroad.

“Yes, that is correct. In Mondravia they choose who to go through a rotation system. That year was the Dowesyl family's turn, and since I was the only child in the family, I was the one sent to serve as Mistress Ayuseya's butler.” Keltaru explained.

“He worked very hard and if things would have proceeded normally, he would have been returned to Mondravia Kingdom three years ago.” Ayuseya said, but she didn't show any sign of guilt or remorse for how things turned out in the end.

Normally, one would be eager to point their finger at her and claim that if she never ran away from Dankyun, the fates of her servants would have turned out like this. All those who did this were nothing but ignorant fools who could not understand what a great woman the current Ayuseya was.

“I understand... Then what do you think happened to our family given the current situation?” I asked.

“The treaty is just a formality. The Council of Elders would not use it in order to pick a fight with Mondravia, so what happened was that they continued matters as though nothing happened. Regarding Keltaru, they probably sent a report claiming that he either died or was killed for treason and requested the next child to be sent as per usual. I believe they most likely declared him missing rather than dead. If it is the latter, there's a chance the Dowesyl family would ask for the body, so they wouldn't do it, but you never know with those old geezers.” explained Ayuseya.

“Does this mean that our family is in danger of becoming fallen nobles?” I asked.

“Yes.” Ayuseya replied with a calm nod “Unless Keltaru has a younger sibling even he is not aware of.” she pointed out.

“It's possible. I've been away from home a long time.” he nodded.

“In that case, it would be best if you don't waste too much time on this continent.” I pointed out.

“No, I want to try living as an adventurer and raise my rank. If I can't even do this for a year or so, then even if I return, they won't accept me. No, I'll be the one who will be ashamed of my uselessness...” Keltaru said with a sigh.

He is a man after all. He has his own pride, and he wants to have something to show upon his return... Becoming a slave can't be considered an achievement... I thought.

“But you'll at least bring them some good news.” I placed my hand on his shoulder and showed him a gentle smile “You'll tell them you met your aunt whom they thought to be dead, and you'll also let them know that I'm expecting a child this year.” I told him.

Keltaru looked into my eyes and nodded.

I didn't know how my family was going to react, but at the very least I knew that I was going to meet them sometime in the future.

While Ayuseya drove us towards Argos, I continued to talk with Keltaru. I had him tell me about his life in Mondravia and about my parents and younger sister. I didn't know if they wanted to know about me, but just in case, I wrote a few letters for them, which I hoped Keltaru would deliver for me.

Maybe in a few years, after my children were old enough not to need me around all the time, I would pay them a visit. Of course, there was also a matter if the Illsy's Magic Academy was finished as well. I wasn't in a hurry just yet.


[Tamara's point of view]

“We're finally here, nya~!” I said as I jumped in the bed.

I hoped it was cozy like Illsy’s, but I almost broke a tooth in the hard straw bedding.

“Bah! This is not nice!” I complained and raised my claws up, wanting to shred it in pieces.

“Wait a second! I'm not paying for that bed!” Nanya jumped and grabbed my hand.

“B-But it's hard... nya...” I complained flattening my ears and looking at her with a sad face.

Mortals always fall for the sad kitty tricky.

“Don't worry, I have some of Illsy's in my Inner Mind. We'll exchange the hard beds for those.” she told me with a smile.

“I love you!” I jumped in her arms and gave her a smooch on the lips.

Nanya was in her human disguise right now, but it didn't really work on me. If I wanted to, I could still see her true form. The demoness was far cuter and beautiful than this fake blue-eyed blonde noble woman she was portraying. Well, it was her disguise, so I didn't mind.

That night, I went to the inn's kitchen and joined old man Argos in cooking the meal for the guests. I had fun, and he looked funny when he laughed. The big mustache on his face left me wondering a couple of times about whether or not it was just a sleeping weasel or maybe a ferret?

The following day, Nanya and I visited the market. I bought EVERYTHING I could find. We literally emptied the stalls. We had enough money, and nothing rotted in Nanya's Inner Mind.

Afterwards, we headed to the slave merchants. Those nasty fellows wanted to buy me, but I hissed back and showed my claws. If they got close, I would turn them into minced meat!

Nanya bought from those guys eight new slaves. Four of them were children of slaves who never knew what it was like to be free. The other four were all adults over 20 years old, former adventurers who ended up selling themselves into slavery because of their gathered debts. I think two of them were love-struck by Nanya.

With our business done, we headed out of Nasat. I wasn't one who looked around at the architecture or who cared for the local history. All I wanted was to return to Illsy's side and eat some fish!

While Nanya was paying the fees at the gate for the two of us and the slaves, I noticed something at my feet. It was a small white paper.

This sort of thing isn't supposed to exist in this world... I thought as I noticed the rather high quality of the paper.

When I opened it, I read the following message: 'Bad kitty. You aren't supposed to be there.'

The message glowed in divine energy and sent a shiver down my spine.

You're not in the position to tell me what to do... I thought as I crumpled the paper in my hand and then erased it from existence.

“Tamara! Let's go!” Nanya called out.

“Coming, nya~!” I said with a smile as I ran after her.


~ Chapter 114: Farewells in Argos ~


~ Chapter 112: Separation ~