~ Chapter 114: Farewells in Argos ~

[Ayuseya's point of view]

Keltaru, Neya, and Soleya received quite a shock when we told them that Illsy was a Godlike Dungeon Lord. Although it was a bit unpleasant, they still had trouble believing that I was his wife, or more like they could not accept it for some reason.

Honestly, I had expected a bit more from my former servants.

We stopped in what I believed to be a good spot and set up camp there. After we ate our fill, I cast a barrier around us and went to sleep. If anyone or anything got too close and touched it, I would be woken up. Of course, it also had the role of protecting us from attacks, but it wasn't as solid as Zoreya's barriers. Mine could still be broken by a Supreme, but anyone lower did not really have a chance.

The following day, I was the first to wake up. A little bunny got too close to the barrier and began to scratch it with its little paws. It was so cute, I decided to turn it into my breakfast.

After we ate, we got in the car and drove towards Argos. During this time, we talked about our journey on Sorone and how we got to meet Tamara and Zoreya. If I told them what we went through on the Boss Island, I felt like they would start wondering if we were no longer mortals but maybe some sort of demigods. After all, what else would they think if we told them we spent six years battling legendary monsters and then literally removed the entire island as if it was just a simple pebble tossed out into the sea?

At one point, Keltaru asked “Mistress Ayuseya, if Illsyore removed the curse on my aunt Shanteya, does this mean he removed the curse from which you were rumored to have died from?”

“How much do you know about the Pleyades family curse?” I asked him before I answered.

“Not much, just that it was a curse that ran only in your family, and it was impossible to dispel. Because of it, all the draconians born with it died young and weak.” he replied.

“It is indeed true that it is a curse that runs through the Pleyades family and those who carry it die at an incredibly young age, barely managing to reach 30 years old. The rumored weakness is there as well. All the cursed individuals are unable to cast magic or train their bodies.” I explained.

“Then the part about it being impossible to dispel?” he asked.

“For most priests and even Apostles, it would be impossible to dispel. The conditions to remove it are also ridiculous. The deaths at a young age are part of it. However, it is not impossible for a Godlike Dungeon Lord like Illsyore.” I told him.

“Then, is this the reason why you agreed to be his wife?” he asked.

I laughed “Don't be silly, I ended up his wife as a result of a silly 'not not' joke, but the reason Illsy wants me by his side has nothing to do with my bloodline or social status. I love him as a man, and he loves me as a woman. It's as simple as that.” I said with a smile.

“Keltaru, let it be. Her Highness is clearly in love with that man and as far as we've seen, he treats her far better than any draconian would have. Above all, he gave her the chance to be free of the chains the Council of Elders restrained her with.” Neya spoke up as she threw a sharp gaze at the el'doraw man, although I would prefer if they stopped thinking about me as the Pleyades Princess.

“She's right... Rather than this what I am wondering about right now is whether or not mistress is expecting a child as well?” Soleya asked as she looked at Shanteya's tummy.

“Unfortunately, I do not carry his child, but I do wonder who will be next? Hm?” I replied and showed Shanteya a small smile.

“I believe the question is 'when' rather than 'who'?” she giggled.

“That man plans to lay his hands on all of you? Well... powerful men do need to have an heir or two, but who is the legal wife?” Neya asked as she looked at Shanteya.

“Hm? Legal wife?” she asked tilting her head to the left.

“Yes, the woman who is recognized as wife number one? The woman whose children will be the heirs?” the draconian woman asked with a nod.

“Those things don't apply to us, my dear. Normally, a noble would have a legal wife and multiple concubines, but in our case, we are all sister-wives.” I explained.

“You used this term before, Mistress Ayuseya, but what does 'sister-wife' mean?” Keltaru asked.

“It means we are all equal in Illsyore's eyes. Neither of us takes the role of the first wife or the last wife, and we all hold equal rights to claim a part of his time and fortune.” I explained as simple as I could.

“We are like sisters who share the same husband in a manner of speaking?” Shanteya said.

“So, there are no heirs?” asked Neya confused.

“We don't need any.” I replied with a giggle.

I surprisingly found it rather hard to explain my relationship with Illsy and with his other wives. It wasn't something that was normally found in this world where it was normal to think about heirs and legal wives. That was why our words made these three knit their brows and show their confusion on their faces.

When I looked at myself together with Illsy, Shanteya, Nanya, Tamara, and Zoreya, I saw the ideal family of a husband with multiple wives. It was a relationship based on trust and love rather than the greed for money and the desire for a social status. What mattered in our family was how happy we were rather than how much we could gain, and I firmly believed it was the right type of attitude a family should have.

Unfortunately, the authority of nobility and the political power gained through it tended to corrupt this ideal and turn it into something akin to a competition between nobles in regard to who had the best trophy wives. Love and trust? For those fellows such things were a weakness, a waste of energy, or if the circumstances were right, then a useful weapon to use against their enemies. Political marriages were a must in all known kingdoms and if one was a Supreme born from a commoner family, then they tended to make a run for the most beautiful and wealthiest aristocrat they could find and marry her or him.

This being said, I could understand why Keltaru, Neya, and Soleya had trouble believing our words. Illsy being a ridiculously powerful and unique man was part of the reason, but it was also because we broke nearly all standard beliefs they had.

If this was a typical noble family, then we, the wives, would have plotted against each other and even went so far as thinking how to make Shanteya lose her pregnancy. Luckily, we weren't, and our concern was how to help her deliver safely.

When we reached the gates of Argos, we got out of the car to pay the fees, but because I was not human and none of us were, the guards took on a rather rude attitude suspecting us for having stolen the carriage and even thinking about confiscating it on those charges. This was clearly abuse of authority, but instead of letting this turn into a scene, I stored the MCV inside my Storage Crystal and then told the guards the following words:

“Only the owner can store this magic device. You who don't even know how to move it can't claim that we have stolen it now.” I told him.

“Then hand over the Storage Crystal!” one of the guards demanded.

“According to the Emperor's decree I cannot do so, after all, every citizen of this country or Teslov is allowed to have their own property and even hold a Storage Crystal. Taking it away would mean going against his Majesty's decree. Your act would then be considered by Paramanium's laws as an act of theft. Do you really wish to go down that road with me?” I asked as I showed them a cold smile.

“Tch!” he clicked his tongue and backed away.

“Jurra, just let them pass already. The line's getting bigger!” another guard called out to him.

“Tch! For non-humans to... this empire's laws need to change...” he mumbled to himself, but I didn't need super hearing to understand what he said.

I wonder who was the one who spread the foolish belief that humans are the most superior of all species? I thought as I paid the entry fee to the guards and entered the town.

Argos was a settlement that grew around one of the former fortresses of the elves. Because this town was too far away from the border of the Empire, the fortress itself was never considered a strategic military point. The number of soldiers stationed here was rather small and besides bandits and monsters, they really had nothing else to fight. The lord of the town had exclusive access to the fortress, turning it into his very own palace. Outside its walls were the mansions of nobles and rich merchants, while the commoners spread their houses all the way to the secondary wall that surrounded it.

The streets themselves were messy and lacked proper management, forcing us to watch where we stepped and pray to the heavens that our noses wouldn't rot by the time we left this place. Unlike the draconians, the humans didn't bother building underground sewage systems in all of their cities and town. Argos was one of those unfortunate places.

Then again, Fellyore Academy had probably one of the most excellent sewage systems I had ever seen, except for Illsy's. It made me wonder at times why didn't every settlement use Merions to maintain theirs. If the little monsters ever surpassed a certain number, they could be hunted down or used as target practice for the guards and beginner ranged attackers like archers and mages.

We made our way through the streets of Argos until we reached a slave merchant's shop. It wasn't the worst establishment in the town, but it wasn't the best either. Upon entering, however, the merchant immediately thought all of us were slaves and asked who our master was.

“I am not a slave and neither is she. The other three, however, are. We've come here to do business. Now I wonder who does all the talking in this shop, money or politics?” I asked in a calm tone of voice.

“My apologies, I listen only to the sound of jiggling coins, but please do understand, most of your kind are seen either only at the border with Teslov or with a collar around their necks.” the middle-aged man explained while showing me a smile lacking several teeth.

“According to the will of the Emperor, draconians and el'doraws have the right to move freely within the borders of this Empire unless they are accused of some crime or fall into debt.” I said.

“That is true, but nonetheless, the amount of free draconians and el'doraws pales in comparison to those enslaved.” he nodded to himself and then looked behind me “So, are you going to sell those three?”

“No.” I shook my head. “I'm here to pay for their freedom.” I replied.

“It will cost you though.” he pointed out.

“Not a problem.” I nodded.

Unlike Illsy' easy method of getting rid of the slavery collars, the standard method went first through writing three copies of a release document before actually getting rid of the collars. Each copy would have to hold the stamp of approval from the slave merchant. One remained with the original holder of the slave's contract, one was given to the Lord of the city or town where the release took place, and the last copy was sent to the capital for safekeeping.

The good part about this method was that the slave in question could not be enslaved again through illegal means. When a merchant sold a freed slave, he had to send a copy of the contract to the capital and when the illegality was discovered, the merchant would be the one enslaved for breaking the Empire's laws. Of course, this did not mean there weren't exceptions or black markets which thrived on the misery of others.

For each slave I freed, I had to pay five gold coins. It was a lot of money for most people, but for us, it was pocket change.

After paying, I asked the merchant if he knew of a draconian slave that went by the name Marcelle Ollera. I also told him that I was interested in purchasing her.

Although he did not have her among his current merchandise, he sent his two apprentices to the other slave shops in town to ask around for the whereabouts of this slave. While I waited, I decided to look through his wares and see if he had any that fit Illsy's requirements. Unfortunately, while there were some who looked promising, they were all either bent on revenge or too mentally disturbed to fit our needs. I even told them they could be given the chance for a better life if they gave up on their revenge, they refused.

Their hearts were painted in black, and their paths were set. They did not want to accept anything else other than the fire of revenge, which would end up burning them as well.

When the merchant's apprentices returned, they whispered to him what they found out.

“This slave you spoke of, I found her, but...” he said to me and then rubbed his fingers together. “It will cost you...” he showed us a smile.

“How much?” I asked squinting my eyes at him.

“On gold coin.” he said.

“Ayuseya, I've had enough of this. We can find her ourselves.” Shanteya told me as she got up from her seat.

“Greed has its limits.” I told the merchant, and I got up as well.

“You won't find her like this, you know?” he said.

“Oh? And why is that?” I asked.

“The merchant who owns her is an acquaintance of mine, a former apprentice. If I put in a good word, he will sell her to you, but otherwise, she's a slave reserved only for nobility. I heard she even has the skills of a top maid, which raises her value by a lot!” he pointed out.

I looked at him and then at Shanteya. I nodded.

“One gold coin.” she said as she tossed him the money.

“A pleasure doing business with you, madame!” he said with smirk as he picked up the coin and tossed it in his purse. “Now then, the slave who goes by the name Marcelle Ollera can be found in the possession of one Anthony Buckart. He's a slave merchant who learned his trade under my supervision, and you'll find him at his shop located two stores past the tailor at the end of this street. Tell him that Roygar Venadez sent you as a customer for his special wares. Do this and you should have no problems acquiring your merchandise.”

“I will.” I said and then we left his shop.

This man asked for a lot of money for that little bit of information. I could have chosen not to pay and instead threaten him with my power, but I preferred to avoid violence when it wasn't needed. Besides, like this I could complete my transaction in peace without getting in trouble with the guards or other suspicious individuals. They wouldn't have really caused me a problem, but they would have delayed me more than I would have liked. I had no reason to stay in this city more than I had to.

There was another reason I didn't want to cause trouble here, which was Keltaru. This merchant ultimately held the documents which proved he had gained his freedom, and there was also the matter of him staying in this city while he learned the basics of being an adventurer. This meant that if I made any new enemies here, then once I was gone, they were going to take their revenge on the el'doraw man.

Thus, we made our way peacefully to the shop owned by Anthony Buckart. When we entered, we were greeted by two slave women wearing maid outfits.

“Welcome to Mister Buckart's Slave Shop!” they said with a smile on their lips.

They were most likely ordered to give this introduction to any possible customer, but now I could see why the owner of this shop held Marcelle in high regard. She was a draconian who was thought the ins and outs of what it meant to serve royalty. If this individual had such peculiar tastes, then her being treated as special merchandise was highly likely.

“I've been sent by Roygar Venadez to see Mister Buckart's special wares.” I told the slave on my right.

“Of course, Madame! I'll go inform the Master right away!” she said cheerfully and then left for the back room.

I didn't need to wait long, a fat man of such a short stature that he barely reached my waist entered the room while holding a broad smile on his face.

“Ah! Customers! Welcome! I understand you wish to see my special wares?” he asked while rubbing his palms together.

“Yes. More specifically, I'm interested in one named Marcelle Ollera.” I told him.

“Ah! The draconian maid! A fine choice! She's well trained, and I personally witnessed her skill!” he said with a smile.

“You touched her?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

“Ah! No! No! Not in that way! I can assure you that the draconian maid was kept chaste while within my establishment, but I do not speak for any of her previous masters.” he nodded.

“I understand. Show her to me. If I am pleased, I may wish to buy more.” I told him.

“Ah, of course! Of course! Right this way!” he said and invited me to another room, but when Shanteya and the other three tried to follow me, he stopped them “Only the customer may pass through this door. But please, have a seat in the waiting room.” he pointed them to another door.

“It's alright.” I told them.

Shanteya nodded.

“If you feel threatened, you are free to use your full power to destroy this place.” I told her.

When the merchant heard my words, he went pale.

“But... I'm sure I have nothing to worry about in this gentleman's establishment, right?” I asked as I looked at the merchant from the corner of my eyes.

“Of course! Of course!” he said wiping off his sweat.

I doubted he planned to do anything fishy to us, but this little threat would serve merely as a warning. As long as he didn't make a foolish move, we were honest paying customers.

Buckart took me to a room with a luxurious chair in the middle. I took a seat and then waited for him to bring forth the slave in question.

“This is the draconian maid who goes by the name Marcelle Ollera!” the merchant introduced her.

Indeed, it was her. Those green scales, that blond hair, that petite body of just 2.04 meters tall, and those trembling eyes like those of a hare that got caught by a fox. It was Marcelle, the cute little maid who always did her job splendidly and served me to the best of her abilities. She had a sweet tooth and a passion for literature.

While standing there, she was looking down and trembling. Her hands and feet were bound by chains and a slave collar was attached to her neck. Unlike the other slaves I was presented so far, she wore a clean maid dress that was modified to expose her cleavage and thighs far more than needed.

This was clearly the preference of a man with certain tastes.

“I'll buy her.” I announced.

The moment she heard my words, Marcelle lifted her head up and looked into my eyes. She recognized me, and I showed her a kind smile.

Before she could say anything, tears gathered in her eyes and flowed down on her pink cheeks. Surprise and maybe happiness both surged through her body at the same time.

“Thank you, Madame.” Buckart bowed and then made a sign for his servant to take her away.

“I'm also looking for some other slaves that fit the following requirements...” I then told him Illsy's preferences: be them child or adult, they must be debt slaves and not individuals who sought revenge.

I interviewed all of those presented to me, and I picked four out of them all: one draconian woman with a missing eye from an infected injury; a young human mercenary who fell into debt after he was defeated by a bunch of bandits and lost all of his valuables; a slave's child whose parents were sold; and an elf woman who was recently sold by the brothel that owned her in order to pay up their debt.

After I signed the contracts and performed the ritual through which I became their masters, basically casting a certain spell which the merchant finished, we left the store together. Marcelle was worth 310 gold coins, while the other four 54 coins. It was a considerable amount of money for the local people, but pocket change for me.

“Shall we visit the last shops?” asked Shanteya as we were walking towards the gates.

“Yes. There's only one more anyway, and I want to see if we can purchase any more slaves before we depart for Ilia.” I replied.

“Your Highness... is that really you?” Marcelle asked in a trembling tone of voice.

I stopped and looked back at the poor draconian woman who was looking up at me with disbelieving eyes.

“Yes. It's me. You can ask your friends as well.” I told her with a soft smile and gently patted her head. “Now that I bought you, you don't have to worry about anything anymore. I'll release you from slavery and then you may choose to do as you wish with your life.”

“No...” she shook her head. “If your Highness bought me, then I wish to serve you!” she declared.

“I'm not a royal Princess anymore, Marcelle. I'm just a regular draconian, more or less. I'm married to wonderful man, and this here is Shanteya, my sister-wife.” I explained to her.

“With Dankyun?” she asked knitting her brow.

“Gods forbid, no! With Illsyore, the Godlike Dungeon Lord who took care of us at Fellyore Academy.” I told her with a smile.

“Hau?!” she made big eyes and let out a cute sound.

“Marcelle?” Kelataru poked her cheek.

“Y-Yes?!” she jolted and looked back at him.

“It's alright... We were surprised by that piece of info as well.” he told her with a wry smile.

“T-Then... it's true?! What about the curse and... and...” Marcelle said, but she stopped mid-sentence, her eyes were swimming.

She was a great maid, but terrible at following complicated subjects. In fact, one of the reasons I preferred her over others was because no matter what sort of matter I discussed with someone else, there was a very low chance of her understanding. Unless I explained it slowly, it was highly doubtful that she could repeat my words.

“Ah~ Marcelle is as cute as always!” Neya said and jumped on the petite draconian, hugging her and rubbing her cheeks against hers.

“Awawa~ Stop it, Neya~ It's embarrassing~” she complained.

“Well leaving the complicated matters aside, I am alive, the curse is gone, I'm married, and I have come all the way here to free you. We can do so right now. Afterwards, we'll go register Keltaru at the Adventurers Guild.” I said.

“I will follow your orders, your Highness!” Marcelle said with a nod and bright smile on her lips.

“Does this mean you don't wish to be freed?” Keltaru asked.

Looking back at him with big eyes, she tilted her head to the left and then replied “Does it matter as long as I still get to serve her Highness?”

“I-I guess not...” he replied with a wry smile.

“Then, let's proceed with plans as usual.” I declared.

I was a bit surprised that Marcelle would deny her own freedom, but I think it was mostly due to her clumsy nature. Either way, once we reached Ilia, Illsyore was certainly going to remove her collar just like everyone else.

Unfortunately, there were no slaves I could buy in the next shop. It was filled with muscled middle-aged men and women who all looked like they were trying to compete on who could beat a bear in a wrestling match faster. The owner was not very polite either, so we left and went directly to the Adventurers Guild.

Here, Keltaru registered himself and received a guild card just like mine alongside the explanation on how things worked. While the staff put him through the typical test of strength, we waited for him outside. Once he was done, he came to tell us the results.

“They accepted my strength to be at a Low Master Rank. Now all I have to do is get myself some armor and a weapon!” he said proudly.

“I have one for you.” said Shanteya and then took out one of Illsy's test armors.

It looked like a typical knight's heavy plate armor, but it was as light as a feather and as sturdy as a Leviathan's hide. In other words, this was a Supreme-worthy armor, and the sword she gave him was something that could boost his strength and speed as well as cut through steel like it was made from paper. Although we had far better weapons and armors, I still felt as if giving him this set was a bit overdoing it.

Maybe this is her way of showing her worry towards her nephew? I wondered.

“Thank you, aunty Shanteya! I'll treasure them!” Keltaru replied with a bright smile as he received them from her.

I think my sister-wife was quite happy to help her nephew, and while many human women would have frowned at being called an 'aunty', she carried a charming smile on her lips.

“I hope they will serve you well and protect you on your way back home.” she told him.

“I'm sure they will!” he replied.

“Is there any way to make you change your mind?” I asked with a soft smile.

“No.” he shook his head “But, Mistress Ayuseya, thank you for everything! For all of your help and kindness you have shown me! I will never forget it!” he said and then bowed at his waist in front of me.

A few tears gathered in the corners of his eyes and flowed down his cheeks and then fell on the ground.

“You can be proud of yourself, Keltaru. No matter what the Council of Elders declared, you can tell everyone that Princess Ayuseya Pleyades never regretted taking you up as her servant, and you have done an excellent job until the end. The same goes for everyone else here.” I told them with a smile.

“We are in your debt, your Highness!” they all said and bowed to me.

A few humans who saw the scene threw a curious gaze our way, but I ignored them. As long as there were no nobles among them, I didn't have to worry about needless trouble popping up.

“Rise. There is no need to bow before me anymore.” I told them.

They all got up and looked back me.

“Just like Keltaru, all of your all are free to choose the path you wish to go on. You may come with me and be part of the Magic Academy my husband will soon build, or you can go and travel wherever you wish. I will help you as much as I can with the expenses.” I told them.

“You are setting us free, your Highness?” Marcelle asked as she timidly raised her hand up.

“Yes. If you have anywhere you wish to go, I'll give you enough money to reach that place.” I told her.

“Then, I wish to stay with you, your Highness.” said Marcelle with a cute nod.

“Me too. I have nowhere to go for now.” Soleya said with a wry smile.

“If you are letting us go, then I wish to go see the world. I never got the chance to do so, and after those years being locked up as a slave, I came to realize just how precious my freedom is. I want to use it well... maybe I will find a good husband and settle down.” Neya said as she looked up at the sky.

“Then if you ever wish for a place to settle down, come and look for me. I'll make sure you will get a good home and a job to suit your skills.” I told her.

“Thank you, your Highness... No, Ayuseya. I'll make sure to drop by when I have the chance!” Neya nodded.

When she called me by my given name without any honorifics, I felt happy. Another chain from my past was smashed to pieces with this.

“You should visit Sorone or Allasn. They are far better than this crummy continent.” pointed out Keltaru.

“I will, thank you.” Neya nodded.

“Ah, before I forget, here's a letter a recommendation for you two. It's not much, but it should prove that you two were once my trusted servants and that I vouch for your abilities.” I said and then gave one to Keltaru and one to Neya.

“Thank you.” they said.

“Now, here's a bag of coins for you and one for you. Use them wisely in order to survive. Neya, I would suggest staying close to Keltaru until the two of you reach Sorone at least. Paramanium is regrettably not a safe place where a draconian woman like you can travel by herself.” I told them.

“I understand.” Neya said with a nod as she took the bag of coins from me.

“If she wants to travel with me, I will make sure to protect her.” Keltaru vouched as he took his bag of coins. The man's eyes then moved to Soleya who was standing next to Marcelle. “Stay safe.” he told her.

“You too...” she replied with a soft smile.

Was there something between these two? I know that at one point Keltaru kept blushing when he was near Soleya, but... Hm, could it be? I wondered.

“Keltaru, take this to my parents.” Shanteya told him as she handed him a small lock of her beautiful silver hair.

“This is...” he said as he took it.

“Proof that I am still alive.” she showed him a small smile.

“I will bring it to them! You can count on me, aunty!” he declared.

“Thank you.” she nodded.

After we said our goodbyes, we parted ways at the South gate of Argos. Neya and Keltaru traveled East, towards Dravis Port. On their way, they were going to work as adventurers and see the world as they wanted. Once they reached the port, they would take a boat to Sorone and from there continue their journey on their separate ways.

As for me, I pulled out the MCV from my Storage Crystal and traveled together with Shanteya, Marcelle, Soleya, and the other four slaves towards Ilia Port City, where we would reunite with Illsyore.


~ Chapter 115: Meeting an old friend ~


~ Chapter 113: Shanteya and Keltaru ~