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~ Chapter 97: The end of Pirate Island ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 97: The end of Pirate Island ~

The allocated week went by in a flash with me and my wives working on the clock to make sure we could save as many innocents as we could. There were many idiots who tried to lie, cheat, or blackmail their way into the safe zones, but they were all caught and killed without mercy. The true nature of these people was shown in this moment of crisis, and it wasn't a pretty one.

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~ Chapter 96: Calamity unleashed ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 96: Calamity unleashed ~

Using [Broadcasting], I transmitted the following message all across my Dungeon Territory, which had a radius of 50 Km around me:

“Listen to me, inhabitants of Pirate Island! I hereby claim this entire island as my possession. IF you wish to be spared and allowed safe passing off the island, then leave behind your slaves and children, alive, as tribute to me. The parents who do not wish to forsake their flesh and blood may stay as well, if they dare. You have one week to comply, but if you kill them, you'll only anger me.”

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~ Chapter 95: Deciding their fate ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 95: Deciding their fate ~

Upon our return from the world of the gods, I found my wives waiting patiently for me inside the cave. Ayuseya was sitting on the ground in seiza position, Nanya was making holes with her claws in the stone wall, Tamara was taking a catnap while being petted by Shanteya, and there were no signs of fresh battles, meaning no pirate dared to disturb this place while I was gone.

“Welcome back, Illsy. Did you receive any advice?” asked Ayuseya as she looked my way with a gentle look in her eyes and an aura of elegance floating around her.

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~ Chapter 94: A wise decision ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 94: A wise decision ~

Not long after I let my laser pierce through the skies, my beloved wives Shanteya and Nanya returned. They were walking calmly through the barely lit passageway while dragging behind them two unconscious guards.

“We're here, my love.” said Shanteya.

“Glad to see you two. What did you bring with you?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

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~ Chapter 93: The map ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 93: The map ~

About half an hour later, the hut's door was opened, and the rumored Pirate King stepped out. I was expecting a Black Beard type of fellow, with one wooden leg, an eye patch, a parrot on his shoulder, and a stuffy unwashed black beard. What I got instead was a 1.90 meters tall man with a big fat belly and without the distinctive eye patch of a feared pirate captain. He didn't have a beard, but he sported a twirled brown mustache instead, his hair was tied back in a ponytail, and the clothes he wore were fit more for a Renaissance period European noble rather than a scurvy pirate.

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~ Chapter 92: Cap'n's dwelling ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 92: Cap'n's dwelling ~

Several days later, we finally had the infamous Pirate Sea in our scope. It was the name of the region but also that of the island. The other name it carried was Pirate Island. Not very inspiring, but the authorities agreed with it, the pirates did as well, and no historian has come forth to offer an alternative name to this place.

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~ Chapter 91: Six years. Five wives. OP stats ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 91: Six years. Five wives. OP stats ~

The ship was floating steadily on the calm waters. And I had to say, but the pirates did a good job repairing it, especially when they were threatened by my wives. A glare from Nanya or Shanteya would have been enough to make them start moving in fear for their own live. As for me, I got the amazing First-Class Deluxe Option of sitting on my raft while it was being pulled by the huge vessel.

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~ Chapter 90: The cap'n be flyin' ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 90: The cap'n be flyin' ~

To our great joy, we finally encountered a vessel. It was a typical Paramanium Galleon with two black sails and a bulky black body. Fourteen cannons were lined up under the bridge in two rows and another four on top of the deck. There were signs of battle on it, with two holes in the bow of the ship and three in the stern, all on the starboard side from which we approached. The main mast was grazed as well, but it held tight.

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~ Chapter 89: Anvil overboard! ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 89: Anvil overboard! ~

“Nyaaa... Pet me more! Pet me more!” I said as I snuggled in Shanteya's lap.

Out of all of them, she knew best how loved to be petted. Well, she and Illsy... My mate was a genius in finding my weak spots, to the point where I was envious I couldn't do the same!

“You are awfully active, aren't you?” she asked with a soft smile on her lips.

“Munyaaa~ Not really... I just have nothing to do...” I replied while letting my tail sway as it wished.

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~ Chapter 88: The overly shy lioness ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 88: The overly shy lioness ~

This was the third day since we left the island... or rather we were thrown off, cast away, kicked aside like a Merion. So far, there were no ships in sight and our small craft was moving slowly just with the paddling power of Illsy and Nanya. I would have helped, but my current armor was the old one I asked Illsy to repair. It was working well, but it paled in comparison to the one he built for me. Even so, I still wished to use it for old times’ sake.

“Nyaaan~” Tamara let out a cute sound.

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~ Chapter 87: Six years... ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 87: Six years... ~

“Ah~! The ocean! So beautiful and filled with resources! So many things to explore within its depths and so many wonders to discover from ages long forgotten!”

These words flowed from my mouth like the lines from a well critiqued script of a drama play. The only things I have not done were the exaggerated body movements because of... reasons.

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~ Side Story: What could have been ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Side Story: What could have been ~

Even now, I remember the moment when I first opened my eyes in this strange new world... I thought like a naive little human, constantly worrying about little things like the lives of those beneath me.

How foolish...

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~ Chapter 86: Colly Tos for the win! ~ (Part 2)
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 86: Colly Tos for the win! ~ (Part 2)

After my wives returned, they found me sitting down at the entrance of Melkuth’s Temple and petting Tamara. She was overflowing with cuteness and fluffiness!

Do I have a nekomini fetish? I wondered and got slightly frightened by the idea.

“Ah! There you are!” I lifted my hand up.

“We’re back, Illsy. Hm, is Tamara sleeping?” Nanya asked.

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~ Chapter 86: Colly Tos for the win! ~ (Part 1)
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 86: Colly Tos for the win! ~ (Part 1)

For a man, Heaven and Hell could easily be compared with the Love and Wrath of the woman or women he married.

Such was the case of a certain Dungeon Lord who stirred both of them in his wives. The anger coupled with the lust, love, and desire sent me on an upward spiral towards the ninth cloud. It was paved with kisses, moans, scratches, bites, and bone-breaking hugs offered in no peculiar order.

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~ Chapter 85: In the ‘deadly’ embrace of my wives ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 85: In the ‘deadly’ embrace of my wives ~

As soon as I returned to my Inner Mind, I quickly moved towards Zoreya. I was on borrowed time, and I had to heal her fast. Well, since she was here now, I could also take the liberty of curing and enhancing her body in any way I pleased. I did the same with everyone else, so why not with her as well? Besides, they all benefited from me fixing their Magic Energy Channels.

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~ Chapter 84: The Laws of Creation ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 84: The Laws of Creation ~

Opening my eyes, I saw the endless blue sky above me. Then I felt the dirt in my mouth and my whole body aching in pain. It was such a ‘lovely’ wake up call.

With a loud groan and some bones creaking, I managed to get back up on my feet.

This isn’t working... I thought as I felt the pain surging through my whole body.

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~ Chapter 83: Long list of nicknames ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 83: Long list of nicknames ~

An hour... a day... maybe a week or more... I had no idea how much time went by without me noticing.

It felt like I was in some sort of trance from which I could not escape on my own, or maybe I was once again experiencing that moment of stopped time I did when I fought against Dankyun. The difference was that now I wasn’t as aware of myself as I was back then.

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~ Chapter 82: Illsyore unchained ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 82: Illsyore unchained ~

What was this that I heard?

What was this that I saw?

Before my eyes, I saw the stubborn Zoreya smiling, crying, speaking those words which touched my heart. It was a confession, but then... she fell back, and I saw the blood.

The red stain spread on the ground, while The Darkness laughed in joy.

The weapon that killed her... was in my hand...

“I’m holding it?” I said and saw it.

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~ Chapter 81: Tears ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 81: Tears ~

The battle with Zoreya had begun, and I could not help but worry about her. In my mind, I prayed and urged her to run away, to hide from this abomination created by my own hands, but this one was a crusader and an Apostle of Melkuth, the God of War. Running away from an opponent would have been considered cowardly, maybe even disrespectful towards the one she prayed to.

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~ Chapter 80: Zoreya versus The Darkness ~
Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir Web Novel, MA Cristian Madalin Dragomir

~ Chapter 80: Zoreya versus The Darkness ~

Our current situation was... awful to say the least.

When we stepped on the battlefield prepared to fight against The Darkness, we all believed that we had all it took to defeat it and somehow or someway free Illsy from under his grasps, but the reality was a bit different from what we expected.

Illsyore was a Dungeon Lord. His body was that of a humanoid Dungeon. The Darkness was a gathering of memories and thoughts of the Dungeons constituting his body. In other words, we were not seen as wives from our point of view, but rather that of a Dungeon’s.

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